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"" leil for No>» Zealand Mtia Time. fn»» Moon »•• «• «. |Tte or ::: ::: :•" >« SEES! I o-»AT-ia.lO am ; 1.5 pm lo MOBRovv-lJ. w am j i.« pm «s „'m° rroW ~ U ' BOm 29a am ' MtB ' * h 16m ?? 7 ~ Huui> MB > Dowell. from nii"v tt »v a 7a 7 of tho South, ss, 121 tons, muvity, from Fojton !rom""i5 I ? aj - Ila «V"'i. ss. 401 tons, Hull. Wi»l!..i? " a . ml 1 " loton - faasoiiKora : Cftbm— SJil! "'W-I-J-, JusiMon. Yon Koi-bouburff, D.iviea, Sink. SSIS Sl M , eßdu "' 08 Tbompbon aud U children, «»S -? i???' Uul *""»«». Mooiound eliild.Anrtoisou 7a, v ohildroll ' U| d "urso, Mos«rn Honking. Neon i»L Rl tJ l> ,, Prous<sl Ue3t " Kiohaidaoii, Uonjainiu, «oye», KjUv, Booth. Uoliiug, Murdbull, Harris. ?'•»!'• Mowfti, Hi,yli«, llarliiicsß, Kiehnrdaon, Jo U(JBi EUwa«l«, lir.m.l, Stow ton, Kov gtawuU nncl ehUd. Musioia Fisher, Phillips W ; January 28-Wiiiimi, «a, a9l ton», Hordttrmn, r-i"i . WW 1 8t 0o ' 18t 1XU(1 N«l«on. Pasnouirors • — uun- Mißsos Hoyocok, (2), Deuuoliy, Corii«|iiiß, SaviißO, KiolinnUoii. ftl'Qiatb. BobarttSS"!! Uoak »'Br. Korottl (2), Andtaws. Oiohs. Uumi, \V«ek4i«. Y.uiiijr, Auuutf, MmdamesFox, WivU, Kvott, Youuif, Kiiby, Simpson nud luruut, Jturotti, Taylor wnl boy. Sn«d4ou mid 3 olnldron, «o*»r» Kov i-'ox, Fluid, So<it.t,, Kirby, *ol«jy, Wobb. Ho royd, iilwlnir, Wi«o, oiuipsou, Jonca, Collmun, E>f»flotou, Eftjvo, Fowster, Tuy. ior(2l. Oaboiuo, K<mn«dy, Howard, Sbammhan, Junnro ; 19 Kloara^o. Jnuiitti-.v iW— Bot»nuiliaiia,B& > SOi tous, Muiiiiiiik. iron, i.yttolton. Paasoiitwru: Cabin — Misses lioiOffot. SiuytUo, Qmlmm, A>luma. I'araoiis, ,'l'iiyJor, JuliDntou, Jtnnaiu (2), S«vanl, Kivuu, Guuna■<vn.jr. Moiuub«r>r. Purixb, Doolinin, Bruwu, Sharp (S). Wustuway, Ke>l{«-rn, llylnml, ItliliKi'tmm, M'Lareu, Mohdnm«<» Tike, BobUrUon. Fwhor C 2). OhiMim)), Joyoo and !t uliildrun, Pollock, Jobnaton, JUrsihaU nud Infaiii., Miat-d uud cliild, Fouler, SunciK, 1/yutiky nud «hil<l, K»vg Gantinway, WnK laco, Uiiwm, Slory. Fuwlor, uud "J childion, Johntituii, Keclfoin, jkluoi'o, Diorno, Cnlouol i'ortoi, Monsrn I'iko. ll<>bert»on. Fishor (8), Slonm t, Rtfsg, KoldiiK, Purlwr, TOiddUjmtus, Hrijfbou. Fuirweutnoi', Oiabnm, Suißlotou, Maihlmil, Lyiwky, !A'U ill vary, .KubuH, Unwin (S), Youiij(. Skcno, Atovifan,>cnt)tor, Moionov, Ukhsutt. Smullio. IHulJlp^, Mo ore. Mmrp. Mlnok, JlolnioH, Johnston, Divi', Koltnnborg-. Oamblo, Kornp, M'Clnvorly, WhlVco (2). Fowler (-), Fiti, 31urgau, Soaty. Tuowiitou, Howard', Cooper i '25 ■focrnKO. Juauury 23 — Herald, ss, 3C5 tons, Crisp, from Auckland and Napier Jauuoij 23— Wlmkntuno, hb, 5715 tons, Sllbll, from 'limaru UKI'AR-I'UKBS January 'JT—Opaiivn, aa. 70 toco, Clark, for Blenbtuuj . Juutiury 23 — AuiJo Hill, kchoonoc, for Eaipara KXFSOTHD AKUIVAU3 Kntiu, SB. from Napior awl Kaat Ooust, 28th Aareio, »•, from fuUiii, '28t.1i Oimivti. us, (rom WlenUeiui, 'JBtb J?«u-ooib. mi, from Giey mouth, 28(3i Slm-mbird, BH, from Wnugamii, aHU Vokabu, as, from Otiiicdin, -'Sell Muiioroii, ho, from Motuolcii, 29th Mium, us, from l'utou, liOlli Klltawrt, its, front, Wnstpoit. 20lh Wa»orl6y, *», from NolMon 'Jt'tb TiiHiniin, Hit, from Nolaou uml Atotiwlta, 291h Uorliinu, us, troin South, 29th ' Zenliuiihu. as, from Dunoilin and Lytteltou. 991h 'i'dkitpiiiiu, «■, from OnoliiniK'i »dd Nor" i'i>noiitli, 2ULh ■ , VVukulu, 8«, from J/ytteUon, Kidkoi'-.a, and Cheviot, UOtK Tultino, 8>«, from AaoUnud, 01-oorno and Napior, UOUi a Ainntrua, ««, from l.jttel*O»i. U'Ui roiigutn, m, from N«h«*V v ind Plcl^m, 29th CoruiUiio, ft», ffoi*r-ljjttuiioii, '''Otb . AVarnmf'i; ;»-•'. from Melbourno via Hobart and Bowtb.JWai Kor^yn, hi, (rom South, 3lati Tuniwtn-a, at', froiff-UiuiOdln and Lyttolton, 31st Ulnpgurlku, uk, hum VYeAt Const aud Nelson, Cut ' • Koplti, m, from rated. 31nt 'jo A nun. ss, from Auckland, Guborno, »nd Nftpicr, Uud Mwuttwai. us. from Syili'.oy, 3rd Kotolti, »«, from Now Plyuaouth aud Onohnnga Brd Sl»r of Ireland, frtim Hupl.jrnnd TVaiifrantil, 3rd Wtukuxe, us. froiu Duuoditi aud Ljtteltou, -Ith OC<3!IM-f(Ol»P StwtlllOl'B— Nairmbirc. toft Kow York Slut Novomber, via Cn])»toivii und Auoklnud s duo aboitb 20th Star of Now Zealand, left London OtU Docombor Tia Austrnllnu porU ttud Auckiaudj duo about 10th February , , . tiotbic, left Plymouth 20tb Docombor via Cnpotown iunl Hubart { duo about lit February jvjiiniro, left Now TCoxk :Wrd Doeoinbar ria Auslitvilan ports und Auttkland; duo abont 13th Slaroh , 'X'nmkiirti, loft London l«t Jatinnry via Capotown, Hobart, and Aucklrfn.J, duo about the lVtb I'cbruary, Uoiphic, left London sth December via Auckland ; duo about 3rd Februurr lonic, loft Plymouth am 16th January, via Capetown mid Hobart t duo about tho 3rd March Star of Vieturia, loft lioodou 22ud JOecembur Via Svdnoy and Auclclaiid ; duo about sth Atarah Indriifbirl, left London lOtb Januitry, via Ausirnliau porU uad AuokUud; duo about. Zstb March Sailimr Ships— TbornHobanlc, loft Philadelphia 2nd July (at Sydney undersoftitr repalr») > luYururiu, io't (jlasuow 10th September via Port Cbainieru (nt Poi t ClmiaierMt Holsou, left oUi>««w 3'ht Octobor llyon, left Livorpcol 3rd November BuntfricKhire, loft Liverpool Btu December Amstordam, left New York 2-tth December Aniflo-Noruind, left ljivurpool lut Jiuiuary I'KOJBCaitD B«PAHTDR»eI llotonmliaim, ««, for l.yttoiton, 28th Kauibueca. Kb, for lilcnboiJn. 'Xlh Horaid. m, for E.ißt Coiut Buys, 28th Unuini of Ui« SiiuMi. nh. for Voitou, 2t)lh Manuka, 6fl, toe Mclbourno, Hobart, and South, JBtb kiiliii, ft>, for Napier and Eo«t Coiut, 28th Storinbird, s». for vVnnijtaiiui, 20th Hntu, ss, for Wnngiumi, 20th Haroroa, v, for Lyttolton, i!9th l>enguiu. «m. tor Pictou au.l Nelson, 2flth Opawn, ss. for lllonlinim. S9tb Wuntiron, htt, for Alotnuka, 29th. Mnmi?'ss, for Putua, afllti # ' 'roMtitaii, an, for Nelnon umi Jlotuoko, 29th a^olaiidiiv. s«, forSyduoy vinNupior, Qlaborno, «nd Auckland. a*b . , „.. Corlmin, a», for JNelHon and Now Plymouth, 28tn Talune, w, for ihiuodln and Lytteltou, "\V*voritj»,»»,for Nelson and west Coast, 29th Aoreru, m, for taiea aud Opunako, 20th "Whak«tano, m, for Pictou, *<3Hu KHipttn, 8», for liyitelton. 30tb HiiuulH, iw, for Pictou nud N«lson, 80th "Wiiirtul, (w, for Nolhou and Wust Coast, 30th Warrimoo, s*. for Sydney, 30th Fiikoha, ■*, for TJw«*a, BUt, k», tor KulUuurn, Chovlot, and Lyttol'rnfeuptiiia, ss. for Netaon, New Plymouth, and Onobnngn, 31 m ' , lto«jnya, »*, for Wcstport and Greymoutb, Ist Torftwurn, **, for Naplp*, Guborno, and Aucklaiid. l»t KttniU, s», for Wftitarn, wt To Anou, va t for Lyttultou and Dnnodln, 2nd Mtt|iuuriku, ««, for Nolhou aud West Coaat, 2nd liHlraluma, w, for OlHborue, 2nd BotolU, ss, for Now Plymouth and Onohunga, fed Corimhio, b», for London, 4th Wnikare, ms/tor Syduojr, via Naplor, Oißboriio, Onouun«u, iux Muiiowau si), (or Alolbourno via ' South and Hobart, ith

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 4

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PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 4

PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 23, 28 January 1904, Page 4