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FINE SPOK'I'JNG GUJNS AND AMMUNITION. SPORTSMAN'S REQUISITES, CAMPING OUTFITS, &O. Large and Complete Stocks. Lowest Prices. GUNS— fainglM and Doublo-harrol Broechloaders and Hainmorlass, by the best English and American makers ; Martini-Houry action Single-barro) Shot Guns SPORTING RlFLKS— Winchester Repeating, Colts Repeating, Remington Repeating, and Saloon Kiflos, all luuclh ; Revolvers, in groat variety CAIITRIDOES— EIoy'x and American, for b.l. guns, all numbers and colours; Ballestite nnd Amberite Cartridgosj Martini and Snidor Riflo Cartridges; Carbine and Ifovolvor Cartridges SPORTING POVVDKK, SUot, Caps, Gun Cases and Covers, Cartridge and Game Bags, Powder Flasks, Shot Bolts, Reloading Implements, Decoy Ducks und Calls FOOTBALLS AND EOOTBALL MATERIAL. (Rngby and AHuoeiation.) E.W. MfiLLS&Co.,LSRETAIL SHOWROOMS! JERVOIS QUAY, VICTORIA AND HIJNTER STREETS, WELLINGTON. EXQUISITE IN FLAVOR. highly coticeiitrated, jjerfoct in solubility, -. henco the moat nouxiajiinff and easily digested. van Hou fen's , <s a perfect Imwager; ligrht ana flelftaltwf invigorating and euataining; easy to make, \^ -. • end cheaper in use tltwi any other* -..V"^ v •■ ■• ' v %\% \ Best & goes farthest. I '• ' ' ' „ ; i.Tiif

S RECI AL LIN KS i N DRESS AND SUjK WEAK. HIGH-CLASS GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. OUR DRI^SMAKJNG IS RECOGNISED AS SECOND TO NONE IN THE COLONY. GRAND SHOW OP NOVELTIES & SPECIAL LINES A.T WARNOCK_& ADKIN'S. OUR DRESS SC0 0 11C 1 1 . I 1 'J'WISEDS, in all tho Newest Designs, at 1b lid, 2s 6d, pw,.^ Id. y3y 3 3d, 3s Gil, 3s lid yard DEPARTMENT FRl '^' I',1 ', '^ .CHIfiVIOT SEROUS, in all shadqs, at 2s 3d, 2s lid, tqwiptt D , A 3 « 6d . 3« lid to 5s Cd yurd ... IS WitLL p LAIN CLOT is, in Now mno Rodt p awn Navy Brownt &0 f rom STOCKED xrm^.r','. 63 lld Vttrd ' WT'i'W ™VX. ... „v llUB|l!S ' Olllv ono of oac n, and all of tho latest material CIIOL'JIO BLACK ROQI'JS, nearly all Silk, ranging from 42s to 90s THE LATEST TnJ)w Hobo NOVFTTTVC! 'ANOTT and PLAIN VMI.VI-VrKIONS and VELVETS, in over 50 jNUVi^iii^ S' 111 ,'] o , B^ lllOso aro tbo correct things lor thia season-Is 9d, BOR THIS \ n . Ud. 8s :id yard «PAqft N• <* Ulj/V ''''' s >L'f. in Turquoise', Vioux Roso, Blaok, Navy, Sky, Pink, StAbON fc> , al, 3s Cd ynr.l WEAR. w^l'^-' n Spoo'ttl Khipniont direct from Japan, in Crea-m and Whito, at ls »d, Is lld, 2s, 3d yard PATTERNS OP NEW SEASON'S GOODS, SENT ON APPLICATION. ADDRESS- PEOMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS BY POST. THORNDdN HOUSE, WELLINGTON.

K. HANNAH & CO. HAVE OPENED UP A MAGNIFICENT VABIJETY OP BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE WINTER SEASON. FOOTWEAR OF PECULIAR 1 INTEREST AND VALUE. MARVELS IN QUALITY AND PRICE. GENTS' PATENT LEATHER BOOTS aro going to bo tho most fashionablo thia year Wo havo tho Very Finost Assortment, T>oth in Button and Laoe. Gonts' Waterproof "X" Boots, 25a, 27s 6d, Ladioa' Glnco Kid Boots and Shoes, 10s _ Ms 6d. 12s 6d, 17s 6d vents PHont "X" Boots, 32s 6d Ladios* Damp-proof Boots and Shooß, 9b Keith's Amorican "Walk Over" BooU, 6tl > lls 6d > Ub 6(i 10a 6d, 21s Ladies' Goloshes, all shapes and sizes, Ilnnnah's Porpoiso Hido Boots, 22s 6d 2s 6d. 3a 6d, 4s 6d nannah'a Chromo Boots, 12s 6d, 14s 6d LaC J-° 8 ' B w U ' 9S q^' lOs H' , Covo and West's English Boots and ***«•'**«!© Warm Slippers, 3s 6d, 3s Shoos, 16» 6d. 25s T „ . t> j 0,. , „j « Gents' Amorican Box Calf Boots, 18s 6d, Ladl . c l Bedrooni Shppors, la, ls lid, 2b 22s 6d Gontß' Amorican Glaco Kid Boola, 16s 6d, ?' a( |i cs ! £ al . h , ls 3d ' 1b 6d 13, 5,j «u«w, «» uu, £, nt iio» Quilted Slippers, very unique, 3s GonU 1 Crnckproof Boots," 18s 6d, 21s TnrA v v }}&~ «3i « o t,A r a^ t la tt i » nr v i-n . n , «n , , liHOios jLvoning bhoos, 2s od, 5b od, 7» 6d Hannah s Woltod Boots, 21s, 22s 6d Ladies' Patent Leather Evening Shoes, 4s Ilannah's Shootors, 8s lid, 10s 6d, 13s 6d lid, 5s lid, 7s 6d Hannah's Bluchor'a, 4s 6d, 7s 6d, 8« 6d Ladi 77 ° 8 s 6 C J lac^ J{ d Ev en>nff Shoes, 5b 6d, Ilannah's Watertights, 9s 6d, 10» 6d, 13s Ladies' 1 'and 2-bar Evening Shoes 4s lid. „6d ' 6s 6d, 8s 6d ■' ' ' Hannah s Groonhide Shootors, 14s 6d, 16a Girls' Evoning Shoes, 3s lid, 4s 6d tt i» n ,-j m- » „ Ladies' Old Gold Evoning Shoes, 5s lid, Hannah's Greenluda Tights, 14s 6d, 16i 8s 6d. 10s 6d " °- • ' nH r> • j «. , Ladioa' Satin Evoning Shoos, 7b 6d, 9a Gont» Evening and Dreis Shoos, 6s 6d, 6d, 11« 6d 0^ SJf&k. 800... » 6d, 25., P - SIS * VC """ Shbo1 ' 10 ' *"' M ' 27" 6d ( Ladies' Gaiton, Is 6d, 2i, 2s 6d, 3s o«^ Wo to H aT »nounco to Players of tho gamo of Polo that wo havo somo Extra Speoial POLO BOOTS and HUNTING BOOTS, which wore n.ado .by a notod^English Maker who makes for His Majosty King ttdward VII. » JA"*! nl attention givou to ordors— a porfoet Bt gnarantood- Wo. mako all kinds or BUOIS and SHOES, ana our repairing work is roaognisod as tho best in town. In onr Factory wo manufacture 2000 pairs of Boots and Shoos overy week. Wo havo a eplondidlotof AMERICAN SOLE LEATHER, whioli liaa juat oome to hand. i S T Ol^.A R . ont * ,"* Now z °i la nd for tho famous COBRA POLISH and Cadot Dressing, also J. Diokuieon s Iron and Woodon Lasts. n. Hannah & co.; THE BOOT PALACE, 79, LAMBTON-QTJAY, AND THE CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON.

DANCING , SEASON, 1902 PIRE-ALAUMS. • "«,...„ , Ladies' White Kid Court Shoes, from 5a 6d mHE MAY OATWAT FIRE-ALARM Ladies' Whito Kid 1-bar Shoes, from 6s lld A Ladies' White Satin 1-bar Shoes, from 4s lld Gives almost instant alarm of a fire out- Ladies' Whito Satin Court Shoes, from 4s 114 break< ■ to^Mfii? wditin * j*"-* ?™r* «*7 »r e^ **:* n Ladies Satin Shoes, in all shades, from 2s lla For particulars and prioss apply to Blaok, Tan, and Bronze Shoes, of every de- • TURNBULL AND JONES, »cription, from ls lld to 21a Electrical Engineers, ' .T. T t Willis-street, Wellington. PEAROE'S A 4ft ~98 BOO T ARCADE, S3, CUBA-STREET. By Special JBft|^»sPL Earl and •— — — — Appointment (rf3PsSaBSYVS> Countess of ' SHOOTING SEASON. TAILOU-MADE DRESSES. rp E Season forTh'ooting N..tivo and TI7B aro now Snaking DRESSES, SKIETS Imported Game in the Wollington District \r and COVEBT COATS at onr Old Prioe '~ jt B a wm Open on lst MAT and Clos " on 8< Coats and Skirts, from ... 5 5 6 ___ ' Covert Coats, from ... Sl3 6 JULY. , Skirts, from 110 0 • . _ _ -.__ For Net Cash Only. *-• LOWE, NODINE*& CO., Honorary Secretary 90, WELLINGTON-TERRACE. Wellington AcoUmatisation Sooiety. Telephone No. Vf. P.O. Box 168 „,, . „ , QAO T J. CURTIS AND CO., Limwbd. 7th Aprd, 1908. ♦J • Agencies at overy possible town in tha r . _ . colonies, and all principal ports throughout L» tho world. Experienced Furniture Removers and Puokers, General Carriers, Customhouse Agents, Forwarding and Shipping Agents, AIiEX. J. RAND, Luggage delivered from trains or steamers and throughout the oity. T>UILDER AND CONTJ&ACTQE, Our STORAGE ACCOMMODATION Jt> UNDERTAKER, is unlimited, where furniture and goods of , a _. _ _ .._ ,__ w n . w»i-_w »i-_ cj«n<-i, aU descriptions can be stored at cheap l 6 i WATMIoo-AvasOT, Wellington Soath. current rates. ««» Oflices — Corner Oustomhouse-quay and ■ Brandon-street. Estimates furnished. mHE COLONIAL CARRYING CO. . I Funeral* focnUliecl to salt all'olaaaas at Obit-rbiit, moderate cuargei. Furniture Paoked and Removed by «ar*fol and oompetonb men, ■ Tffiapcone ... ... ... ... 741. Low Rate of Charges. J FLYGER & CO., |^URNITUREOAREFULLYREM6VED ' 1 -*- Jn Large Vans. ' ' * -~— ~~~ A large assortment of Funeral Furnishings SPLENDID STORAGE. ACCOMMODA nowiTstook. ■ ' TION, Funerals arranged at reasonable prioes. Iv Briok Building. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Apply j Telephone 1073. , 12 Feathefston-street. TTvYERS AND CLEAifERS W. & H. FLY. ** ' MAIL CONTRACTORS A GENERAL By A\W Hi To the ' CARRIICRS, Mastbutok. Speoial JmAWw^ Earl All orders striotly attended to- Appoint- o3£Pv!Bpi»¥ °^ ' Agont N.Z. Express Co. ' ment J^P^vlS l^^ RanfurJy. ERVOUSNESS, Weakness, and Do- tavthp * m tpondonoy Cured.-This can bo done noc _X f t lljOK * ™'< . ' by a very simple means.— A Vegetable Ro- 225. Lamb ton-quay, Wellington. mody. It cured mo after all else failed. _ __._ „_._„„ . „ ' TT" Sond a solf-addrossed envelope and I wiU T .D.T STARCH is sold mojp rWily give you full information. Address-A. *f. . tn«n. any other bi-dause the pubho MINER, G.P.0.. Sydney. Wlll h&ve lfc -

W&S X^i^ REVLUC. SOLE AGENTS, W. LITTLE JOHN and V/K->^y W^'-^ SON. fZ^J^L*^ ViLi->r^> WM. ORABTREE AND SONS, PAYMKNT If Mrr t WHiPHTt? m*«>Joßv£t)£»S you aro WEAK, NERvMILLWRIGHTS, SfW^M® OUS. DESPONDENT, or ENGINEERS AND BOILERMAKERS. Plftftl^M DEBILITATED, don't — l3iAffl!w ™W»i(?ifti misß tl'is opportunity to . Makers of ovory description of Brickmnk- c \ Y l li i U p l | !.S Y^ ing Machinery, Crushing Rollera, Brick vp v< n« rvwj iTs.'i'in v phv , J Proses, Sanitary Drnin-plpo Maoh.nos and U > 'f^V ?rmK?S Dma nnd T MnnliiAnrw WJIiAIvNI'So in the BACK. KlDNlil anci Uies ami Laundry Machinery. BLADDER troublos, VA KICOCISLE, and * m. t T.nn.Tn.n«m .„_ r./^»-..r, all o.\ I iiioTits of a kindred nature. tTV??«n f^vSS?ftSS?? T AND SON'S I Address -GERM AN ELECTRIC BELT HYDRO LXTRAOIORS. AGWNCY. G3. Eliaabeth-stroet. Sydney. BOTli SEXES— Write fo»- Frbr Books, of vital intorost about yoursolves ; post WANTED to Sell, While Paper. Apdy froo. Write Charles Gorlaoh, 800, ColUn*ai> Evonimr Post offico. itroet, Melbourne

IS i ;TS IS II ill OC^l3 H A II f$ 11 1 T BC^ ft 1 1 Bl C The coughs, bronchitis , HAS THE LAEGEST SALE OF ANY OHEST MEDIOINE IN AUSTRALIA. Tlioso wlio liavo taken tbis medicine aro amazed at its wonderful influonoo. Sufferers from any form of Bronobitis, Cougb, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in tlie Cbost, o*)>erionco dtligbtful nnd imnieiliato rcliof, and to tbos« who aro subieot to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Curo. It is most oomfovting in allaying irritation in the throat, nnd jf' v »>R strongth to tho voice, mid it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to heoome chronic, nor Consumption to ft develop. Consumption ha.l never been known to oxlst whoro " Coughs" havo boon properly treated with this modioine. No houso should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, dose is generally sufficient, and » ooinploto euro is certain. BEWARE OF COUGHS: " I havo used ono bottlo of your Bronchitis Cure with groat benefit to myself, as the " I used your Bronchitis Curo for throe of my family, and it cured eaoh of them in ftt>m smothering completely left mo.— (Mrs.) JOHN 11AHILLY, Gleninaggio, Victoria." one to throe doses,— P. F. MULLINS, Cowie's Creek, Viotoria." " I havo found your Bronchitis Cure a splondld medicine.*— JOHN MADDEN, Skipton, " Your Bronchitis Cuve relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four Victoria." . doses, and have tome of the uiedioine yet; bnt lam Bending for another bottle, in ease I shouli want it.— D. M'DONALD, Trinkey, via Quirindi, N.S.W." " I liavo flniahod (no Bronchitis Curo you flout, and am amazed at what it has done in "Your Bronchitis Curo is a wonderful medicine.— A. B. SIMMONS, No 7, BenneyIho timo Tho dilßoulty of bioathmg has all gone.— J. lIAHUINGTON, Bingegong, street, Paddington, Sydney." Motun'luh, N.S.W." — " My wife is 82 years old, and I am 79. and I am glad to inform you that yonr "My colvl. luvil ni it \viv«. disappeared aftor two doses. — 0. J. CURIUM, Solicitor, Rronobiiis Curo lias dhne us both a wonderful deal of good, it having quiokly cored us Violori.i (.'li.uni)oi«, Quovu-stroct, .Moliioimo." both.— lt. BAbSETT, Strath Creek, via Broadfovd, Viotorm." PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. €*. HEARSTS, Cliemiat, ae<slong', Victoria. b^d 2aC pos&^Lwa^W^^ Agents— SRBABLAKS & COMPANY, Limited., 'Wellington and Auckland.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1902, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1902, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1902, Page 3