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District Ordors, Hoad Offico, Wollington, 4th April. ON tho occasion of tho send-off of Seventh New Zealand Contingent for South Africa, on Saturday noxl, tho 6th inst. 1. Tho Horetaunga Mounted Rifles and Garrison Band will parade at Nowtown Park, at 2.30 p.m. and Escort tho Contingent to the Band Rotunda, Jeryois-quay. 2. Tho Permanent Militia will parado at Band Rotunda at 2.30 for purposo of keeping tho ground. 3. Tho Naval Artillery Brigade, tho D Battery N.Z. Regiment Artillery and all other Corps not ongaged in Easter manoouvrea will parado at Central Drillshed at 2.30 and 'march thence to Band Rotunda, to Escort tho Con- j tingont to tho Troopship Gulf of Taranto. Drill Order. STEWART NEWALL, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandiner District. SEND-OFF OF THE SEVENTH ' CONTINGENT. THE Contingent will leave Newtown Perk for tho steamer on SATURDAY NlfiXT, 'at half-past 2 o'clock. They will march to the Band Rotunda, Jervo-is-quay, by way of Vivian-street and Cubastreet. At the Rotunda they will be drawn up, and addresses of farewell will be delivered at half-past 3 o'clock by His Excellency tho Governor, tho Right Hon. tho Premier, and mysolf, after which thoy will embark on board the stoamer. Tho public aro invited to assemble on tho line of route and givo tho men a hearty eend-off. JOHN G. W. AITKEN, Mayor of Wellington. 4th April, 1901. AUCKLAND SECTION SEVENTH CONTINGENT. AUCKLANDERS resident in Wellington aro respectfully invited to attend a Meeting at 8 o'clock THIS EVENING, at the Olob Hotel, for tho purposo of arranging for a Smoke Concert to the Auckland boys of tire Seventh Contingent. (Signed) JOHN GRANT, Capt., N.Z. Volunteers. JOHN M'LEOD, Prov. C.S. Auckland Distriot, M.U., 1.0.0. F. WELLINGTON CKCY COUNCIL. MIRAMAR. /CITIZENS interested in the proposed vJ Purchase of the Miramar Estato by the City Corporation are informed that the Wollington Steam Ferry Company will run Steamers from Iho Ferry Wharf on FRIDAY and SATURDAY ai 10 a_m. and 2.15 p.m., 'and on MONDAY at 9.30 and 10.30 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Tho Council asks citizens to take advantage of these opportunities *to inspect the property. J. E. PAGE, Town Clerk. 4th April, 1901. ■WELLINGTON CITY COUNCDL. , DISTRICT ELECTORS' LIST, NOTICE is hereby civen that tho District Electors' List wjll bo Closod at 5 o'clock on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 10th instant, and will continue closed till after tho Election of Mayor and Councillors fixed for tho 241h instant. No applications for enrolment received after 5 o'clock^on tho 10th instant can bo dealt with tm the election is comploted. J. E. PAGE, Town Clerk. 4lh April, 1901. \ MUNICD?AL ELECTION. TO THE BURGESSES-T OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. T" ADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I bog to J inform you that it is my intention to offer myself for re-election as on« of your representatives in tho City Council at tho coming election, and respectfully solicit your vote and support. I remain, . Yours obediently, W. H. P. BARBER. MUNICIPAL ELECTION. TO THE BURGESSES OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. r ADIES AND GENTLEMEN.— It in my i intention to again seek re eleotion, and would respectfully ask for a renewal of your confidence at the approaching election. FREDERIC TOWNSEND. TO THE BURGESSES OF THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. T ADIES and GENTLEMEN— I respect- •*-^ fully beg to offer you again my services as ono qf your representatives on the City Council. Should you deem mo worthy of your confidence, I shall endeavonr to the best of my ability to protect your interests and promote the welfare of the City. Faithfully yours, W. A. EVANS. MUNICIPAL ELECTION. TO THE CITIZENS OF WELLINGTON. LADIES and GENTLEMEN— I respectfully beg to announce that it is my intention to present myself ab the approaching Election as a Oandidato to represent you on tho City Council, when I hope to receive your confidence and support. I shall take an early opportunity of placing before you my views on Municipal questions. D., J. NATHAN. DANCING, DEPORTMENT, AND CALISTHENICS. Formerly under the Patronage of the Countess of Glasgow and Family. TIIHE Leading Schools, Convents, and I Elite of Wellington /are informed that' MISS PEARSON'S Classes, aro held in the Sydney-street Schoolroom,' batnrdays, at 10.30, Wednesdays at 4; Masonic Hall, Fridays, at 8 ; Spiller's Hall, Saturday, at 8. BOROUGH OF PETONE. IMPOUNDING NOTICE. IMPOUNDED at Petono Publio Pound on tho 2nd day of April, 1901, one bay Gelding, branded FS on off shoulder, three shoes off. Impounded by Ranger. If not claimed aud expenses paid, will bo sold on Thursday, tho 18th day of April, 1901, at 12 o'clock noon. THOMAS WEBB, Poundkoepor. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is Tiere'by given that tho partnership heretofore existing between John Jamos Taylor and Arthur Ramsay, carrying on businoss as Plumbers, otc, at No. AO, Courtenay-place, Wellington, has beon dissolved as from tho first day of April, 1901. All debts duo to tho lato firm aro payable to the, said Arthur Ramsay, who will carry on tho business on tho eamo premises in partnership with Robort James Ramsay, and will discharge tho Habilitates of the lato firm. Dated this 4th day of April, 1901. J. J. TAYLOR. A. RAMSAY, j. R. J. RAMSJPY. l " "" EXPRESS. ' \\T ANTED to Purohaso, one or two * v Light Expresses, must be in good condition, and cheap. Address Delivery, Evening Poßt office. - WANTED, Manager for small Country Store, Nolßon district; one that can givo bond proferred. State age and salary required. Address, with tostimls, to X.Y.Z., Evening Mail, Nelson.

WELLINGTON LAWN TENNIS AS. : SOCIATION. SECOND ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. To bo played on Thorndon Courts on SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. 6th, Blh, and 10th April. Admission, 1b or 2s 6d for Season CECIL F. ADAMS, Hon. Seoretary. FOLLOWING ARE THE VARIOUS HANDICAPS :- Mon's Handicap Singlos (eighty points).— First Round— A. O. M'licilar, rec. 30, byo; F. F. Grady, rec. 55, byo; G. Robison, reo. 25, bye ; Alex. Young, rec. 35, bye ; N. D. Bunting, rec 35, byej W. Devcnish, rec. 35, ; C. Rout, rec. 45 ; 0. Lindsay, rco. 40; E. Y. Rodward, rec. 35; J. E/ Thwaites, rec. 45; W. H. Toohill, rec. 35 ; V. Cachemailo, roc. 45; T. R. Lawson, roc. 40; H. A. Bunny, rec. 35 ; F. D. Thompson, rec. 35 ; A. Wilding, rec. 20; W. Brunton, rec. 50; H. P. Jj\ Blundoll, rec. 45 ; A. Howard, rec. 30 ; Arthur Young, roc. 15 ; G. li\ Symthe, rec. 15 ; L. Cohen, rec. 45 ; O. H. Druce, rec. 22 ; !<'. Laishloy, scr ; W. F. Sloman, rec. 25 ; I. A. West, rec. 50; C. Downes, reo. 47; R. Vincent, rec. 35; W. T. Thompson rec. 30; H. P. Richmond, roc. 38; C. A. Griffiths, rec. 40; E. L. Broad, rec. 35; C. F. Adams, rec. 10 ; C. Louisson, rec. 35; F. M. B. Fisher, scr; J. Garland, rec. 55 ; S. R. Kennedy, rec. 20 ; M. Bell, rec. 30; A. D. Thomson, rec. 18; E. Marriner, rec. 32 ; F. P. Wilson, rec. 35 ; J. H. Williams, rec. 15 ; R. Beere, rec. 28 ; M. E. Denniston, reo. 35; A. W. Brailsford, rec. 45 ; J. T. Amies, reo. 28 ; J. Smith, rec. 25 ; H. A. Keeling, rec. 40 ; G. A. Hurley, reo. 40; J. Taylor, rec. 35, bye ; J. C. Burns, reo. 18, bye ; W. D. Stewart, rec. 35, bye; S. Salek, rec. 35, bye ; L. Watkin3, rec. 35, byo. Men's Handicap Doubles (eighty poinU| — First round— J. Lindsay and A. W. Brailsford, rec. 40, bye ; T. R. Lawson and J. Garland, .rec. 50, bye ; F. F. Grady ,and A. Haylock, rec. 55, bye ; 3*'. Laishley and W. F. Sloman,, scr, bye ; S. Salek and W. Brunlon, roc. 40 ; H. A. Bunny and N. D. Bunting, rec. 30; J. Smith and Alex. Young, rec. 30; S. K. Kennedy an.l G. F. Smythe, reo. 5 ; W. D. Stev.-rt and L. Wafckins, reo. 35 ; J. Taylor and C. Louisson, rco. 40 ; J. H. Wil I; ams and H. Denniston, roc. 25 ; C. Rout and L. Cohen, rec. 35 ; 0. H. Bruce and H. A. Keeling, rec. 20; F' D. Thompson and H. P. Richmond, rec. 20 ; J. C. Burns and R. Boero, rec. 10; F. M. B. Fisher and F. P. Wilson, rec. 5 ; G. Robßon and E. L. Broad, rec. 26; A. Wilding and M. E. Denniston, rec. 25; F. A. Wet and W. A. Toohill, roc. 50, bye; W. T. Thomson and M. Bell, rec. 30, bye ; C. F. Adams and W. Devenish, rec. 10, byo ; A. How- , ard and R. Vincent, rec. 30, bye ; A. D. Thomson and A. Young, rec. 5, byo. Ladies' Handicap Singles (fifty points). — First round — Miss Kelly, roo. 35, bye ; Miss R. Stuart, rec. 25, bye; Miss Harman, rec. 18, bye; Miss Grant, roc. '10, byo ; Miss G. Morrah, rec. 20, byo ; Mrs. F. F. Brady, rec. 23; Miss M. Simpson, rec. 23 ; Mrs. Payne, scr ; Miss Pcrcival, rec. 23 ; Miss Van Staveron, rco. 20 ; Miss Payno, roc. 15 ; Miss Cave, scr ; Mrs. Baxter, roc. 18 ; Mrs. Longton, rec. 23 ; Mrs. R. A. Holmes, rec. 15 ; Miss A. Robinson, rec. 25 ; Miss E. Williams, rec. 10; Miss M. C. Ross, roc. 28, byo; Miss Nowcombc, rec. 15,' bye ; Miss Lock, rec. 20, byo ; Mis 3 Hurloy, rec. 30, byo ; Miss V. Marchant, rec. 15, bye. Ladies' Handicap Doubles (fitly points). — First round — Mrs. Grady and Miss A. Robison, roc. 25, byo ; Mrs. Marchbanks and Miss Gore, scr ; Misses Stuart and Newcombo, rec. 20 ; Mrs. Baxter and Miss Harman, rec. lG ; Misses ' Simpson and Macintosh, rec. 30 ; Miss Grant and Miss E. Ross, rco. 15 ; Misses N. and F. Marchant, rec. 5 ; Misses L. Van Stavoren and M. O. Ross, reo. 20 ; Misses Lock and Cave, rec. 10; Mrs. Holmes and Miss Barron, rec. 18 ; Mrs. Payno and Miss Payne, scr ; Mrs. Longton and Miss Koch, rec. 25,byo; Misses G. Morrah and M. Simpson, rec. 20, byo. Combined Handicap Doubles (fifty points).— First round— F. M. B. Fishor and Miss Grant, scr, byo ; J. G. Burns and Miss L. Van Staveron, reo. 15, byo ; E. L. Broad and Miss F. Marchant, rec. 25, byo ; R. Beere and Mrs. Longton, reo. 23 ; Ale*. Younor and Miss Macintosh, reo. 30; J. h. Williams and Mrs. Marchbanks, rec. 8; F. P. Wilson and Miss M. C. Ross, roe. 28; G. F. Smytho and Mrs. Holmes, rec. 10 ; G. Robison and Miss" Marchant, rec. 12; A. W. Brsilsfoixl and Miss Shaw, rec 35 ; J. Lindsay and Miss Robinson, rec. 30 ; F. F. Grady and Mrs Grady, reo. 35 ; M. Bell and Miss Cave, reel 20 ; A. Howard and Miss E. Williams, rec. 20; F. A. West and Miss L. Clark, roc. 35 ; A. D. Thomson and Miss Nowcombe, ree. 15 ; T. R. Hickson and Miss H. Hickson, roc. 35 ; J. Smith and Miss E. Ross, rec. 25 ; W. Dovenish and Miss G. Morrah, rec. 28 ; S. R. Kennedy and Miss Harman, roo. 18; M. G. Denniston and Miss Porcoval, rec. 25 ; A. Wilding and Mrs Baxter, rec. 25, byo; A. Young and Miss Simpson, rec. 23, byo : W. F. 1 Sloman and Miss Gore, rec. 15, bvo : W. D. Stewart and Miss Kooh, reo. 30, bye. 'ELLINGTON HORTICULTURAL AND FLORISTS' SOCIETY. GRAND AUTUMN SHOW OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS, AUTUMN FLOWERS, FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES. SKATING RINK, 25th and 26th APRIL. Tho Committee invite contributions to bo allotted for Special Prizes as under: — Tablo Decoration — Tablo 6ft x 3ft, any flowers and foliage to be used, 'to be judged by the public. An announcement re special prizes will be mado through the columns of the local papers. Best Decorated Bicycle, Chrysanthemums only, any foliage— lst prize, 255; 2nd prize, 15s ; 3rd prize, 10s. Entrance fee, Is. To be judged by the public. * Best Decorated Go-cart, Chrysanthemums only, any foliage — Ist priae, 10s; 2nd, ss. Best Decorated Basket — Special prize. Best Floral Device — Special prize. Ladies' Spray Competition — Special prize for Best Three Sprays for Personal Decoration, any flowers and foliage. , Gontlemen's Buttonholes — Three Best Buttonholes, any flowers and foliage, to bo arranged on cardboard. Entry forms and full information can be obtained from all Florists and also from the Secretary, JAS. B. SPEED, 51, Lambton-quay. NOTICE TO MAKE RETURNS OF LAND UNDER "THE LAND AND INCOME ASSESSMi',.<T ACT, 1900." Land and Income Tax Department, Wellington, 28th March, 1901. NOTICE is > heroby given that, in pursuance of tho above Art and the regulations mado thereunder, every person and company being tlio owner of land in New Zealand, or boing tho holder or owner of any mortgage or mortgagos of land in New Zealand within tho meaning of tho said Act, is heroby required to duly mako and furnish to mo, in tho proscribed form, returns of such land and mortgages as at 12 o'clock noon on the 31st day of March 4nstant. And, furthor, notice is hereby given that suoh returns in all cases- be delivered at, or forwarded to, tho office of tho Commissioner of Taxes, in tho Government Buildings, at Wollington, on or before tho Ist day of May, 1901. JOHN M'GOWAN, Commissioner of Taxos. Note.— Forms of return may bo obtained at any Postal Money-order Offico. HOUSE. WANTED, about Eight Rooms, in city or suburbs, all conveniences, water lyiew preferred,* jGIOO to 'iUSO cash down, fbalance by monthly instalments. Particulars Ito Purchaser, Box 85, P. 0., Wellington.

rpEATB E ROYAL. Lossoo and Manager ... Mr. P. R. Dix. General Manager ... Mr. V. W. Duval. DIX'S GAIETY COMPANY. TO-NIGHT ! TO-NIGHT ! POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT OF MR. JOHN COLEMAN Last Night ME. FRANK CLARK Last Night MISS LOTTIE LORN-E Last Night MR. JOE COWAN Last Niyht THE GONZALES Last Night OI JVJS LENTON , Last Night 808 HALL Last Night ALF. HAYDEN Last Night LILLY CLARK Last Night/ Last Night of tho whole of our Present Company. Only one moro night of the present, pro^ gramme. The last ohanco of seeing the " Great Scarecrow Dance." ' ; Last chance of seeing "' Kirkcaldio's ' Dummioß." SATURDAY JNEXT, tho 6th April, an' Entirely New Company in an Entirely New Bill. . ? Pi-ices, 2s, Is, and Gd. Box Plan at Holliday's. Telephone, 1546. • PETONE BOR~OUGH COUNCIL. NOTICE OF POLL~ FOR SPECIAL' LOAN FOR IMPROVEMENTS OF THE STREETS OF THE 808,OUGH. ,; I HEREBY give notico that a poll, of tho Ratepayers and Freeholders of, tho Borough of Petono will be taken on Saturday, the "l3th day of April in-, stant, on tho proposal oi the Borough CounciKto raise a Special Loan of £7000 for tho purposo of forming and metalling tho public streets of tho Borough, forming and kerbing footpaths thereto, and for the acquisition of land for forming new streets, and for purposes incidental thereto, particulars of which have been duly advertised. There will be three polling "booths at tho following places: — Borough Council Office, Jackson-street, Presbyterian fcJchoolroom, ■ Britan-nia-street ; Oddtellows' Hall, Petone-avonue. Tlig Poll will open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and close at 7 o'clock in the evening. R. CLEMENT KEEtK, Mayor. Petono, 4th April, 1901. PETONE BOROUGH COUNCIL. NOTICE OF POLL FOR SPECIAL LOAN FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND AND EREOTION TMEKEON OF TOWN HALL AND PUBLIC LD3RARY. I HEREBY givo Notico that a Poll of tho Ratepayers and Freeholders of tho Borough of Petono will bo taken on Saturday, the 13th day ot April instant, on the proposal of the Borough Council to raiso a special loan of £2000 for the acquisition of land and erection thereon of I own Hall and Public Library, and for purposes incidental thereto, particulars of wMch have boen duly advertised. There will bo three Polling Booths at the following, placos:— Borough Council Office, Jackson-street ; the Presbyterian Schoolroom, Bri-tannia-street ; tho Oddfellows' Hall, Potono-avenue. Tho Poll will" be open at 9 o'clock in Iho morning and close at 7 o'clock in tho evening. r: clement kirk, Mayor. __Petono, 4th April, 1901. PETONE BOROUGH COUNCH7 NOTICE OF POLL FOR SPECIAL LOAN FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS JACKSON'S BATHS. I HEREBY givo notico that a Poll of tho Ratepayers alid Freeholders of tho Borough of Petono will bo taken on Saturday, tho 13th day ol April instant, on t tho proposal of tho Borough Council to raiso a special loan of £1500 for tho purchase or acquisition of the property known as Jackson'R Bathß, and for tho oroction of additional buildings and appliances thcrofor, aud for purposes incidental thereto, particulars of which havo been duly advr-rtised. There will be three Polling Booths at tho following placos: — Borough Council Oflice, Jackson-street : tho Presbyterian Schoolroom, Bri-tannia-streot ; tho Oddfellows' Hall, Petono-avonuo. Tho Poll will bo open at 9 o'clock in the morning and close at 7 o'clock in tho evening. R. CLEMENT KIRK, Mayor. Petone, 4th April, 1901. f 1 PETONE BOROUGH COUNCIL. NOTICE OF POLL FOR SPECIAL LOAN FOR EXTENDING AND ENLARGING THE BOROUGH GASWORKS. I HEREBY givo Notico that a Poll of tho Ratepayers and Freeholders of tho Borough of Petono will be taken on Saturday, the 13th day or April instant, on tho proposal of tho Borough Council to raiso a special loan of £2000 for tho' purposo of extending and enlarging tho Borough Gasworks and mains thereof, and for purposes incidental thereto, particulars of which havo boen duly advertised. There will bo three Polling Booths at tho following placos: — Borough Council Office, Jackson-street ; the Presbyterian Schoolroom, Bri-tannia-street ; the Oddfellows' Hall, Petone-avenue. Tho Poll will 'be open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and close at 7 o'clock in tho v evening. , . R. CLEMENT KIRK, Mayor. - Petone, 4th April, 1901. PETONE BOROUGH COUNCDL. NOTICE OF POLL FOR , SPECIAL LOAN FOR PROVIDING^ ADDITIONS TO AND EXTENSIONS OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF THE BOROUGH. I HEREBY givo Notice that a Poll of j the Ratepayers and Freeholders of tho Borough of Petono will bo taken on Saturday, tho* 13th day of April instant, on tho proposal of the Borough Council to raise a special loan of £2500 for tho purposo of providing additions to and extensions of tho system of drainage of tho Borough, and for purposes incidontal thereto, particulars of ! which havo been, duly advertised. There will be throe Polling- Booths at' tho following places: — Borough Council Office, Jackson-street ; tho Presbyterian Schoolroom, Bri- , tannia-streot ; the Oddfellows' Hall, Potone-avenue. Tho Poll \vill be open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and close at 7 o'clock in tho evening. R. CLEMENT IHRK, Mayor. _, Petone, 4th April, 1901. PETONE BOROUGH COUNCDL. NOTICE OF POLL~ FOR SPECIAL LOAN FOR WATERWORKS. I HEREBY give Notico lhat a Poll of tho Ratepayers and Freeholders of tho Borough of Petono will bo taken on Saturday, tho 13th day ol April instant, on tho proposal of tho Borough Council to raiso a special loan of £23,500 for providing a watersupply, and for purposes incidental theroto, particulars of which havo been duly advertised. There will bo three Polling Booths at tho following places : — Borough Council Offico, Jackson-slreofc ; Iho Presbyterian Schoolroom, Brit-annia-street ; tho Oddfellows' Hall, Potono-avouue Tho Poll will be open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and close at 7 o'clock in the evening. R. CLEMENT IORK, Mayor. Potone, 4th April, 1901.

VERY CHARMING A.UTUMN MILLINERY. SHOW TTb T(H SHOW ROOMS. U,JL.\J* ROOMS. The Luxurious Display in Artistic Millinery, adapted from tho latest creations by PARISIAN. ARTISTE, is recognised by the publio with muoh admiration. NOVELTY FRENCH TOQUES NOVELTY TRIMMED HATS NOVELTY CHILDREN'S MILLINERYNOVELTY MILLrNERY DECORATIONS FASHION Th TV^ FASHION STORES' JL/*JL.V/« STORES. SELLING OFF. RELINQUISHING BUSINESS. A S we have to give up possession of our Premises shortly, and the whole of our Stook must be Sold, Now is the chance to Purchase Ironmongery. WILKINS & FIELD, . MANNERS-STREET. WniiLINGTON. ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE! BOOT AND SHOE SALE. PRIOR TO STOCK-TAKING. DURING THE PRESENT MONTH. ___ « GENUINE REDUCTIONS. IN ALL LINES. CASH ONLY. EDWARDS & EMBURY, 98, Mannebs-street, J 5. RIDDIPOBD-STBBET. DEFIANCE BUTTER. A TABLE LUXURY. Made- from Selectod Cream. THE CHOICEST OF THE CHOICE. The Pride of the Dairy. PURE, FRESH, AND PALATABLE, Sold by all Grocers. DEFIANCE BUTTER IS THE BEST. ABOUT VAPOUR BATHS. A LTHOUGH you may havo hot and -£jL cold baths in your house, there / is no reason, why you should not have ono of our Folding Vapour Baths. Tho ono does not trespass on tho work of the other. Thoy different, and fulfil a different office. One washes off what is on tho outside, and tho other opens tho pores and eliminates from the system everything objectionable. Haiyo you a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Liver or Kidney Troubles? A Vapour Bath Cabinet is what you want. Oura is tho best Kin tho market. Agents wanted. THE YEREX AND JONES COMPANY, ' Victoria-street. "TO! ANTED KNOWN. RICHARDSON BROS., of 115, Upper Cuba-streot (opposite tho Army Home), are selling — > White and Gold China Cups .and Saucers from 2s 6d half-dozen ; Common Cups and Sauoors, 2s 3£d dozen Tumblers, from Is 4d half-dozen N Full Sets Ware, from 9s 6d Half-Sets Ware, from 7s lOd Dinner Sets, 19s 6d Austrian Chairs, from 4s 6<L Kitchen Chairs, from 3s 6a Flax Mattresses, from 7s 6d Kapoc Beds, from 14s 6d Pillows, from 2s 1 2-roller Manglo, 50s Ladies' and Gents' Bikes cheap Blankets, Quilts, Hearthrugs, Doormats, Kitchen Utensils — in fact, everything in house-furnishing lines — at bargain TJricea v We give Government Discount Stamps. Open till 8 to-night. Close 6 other evenings, Friday and Saturday excopted. SATURDAY, CtU APRIL. In a Deceased Estate, 10 Rolls Linoleum. TRUNK AND CONTENTS, SMALL . LIBRARY OF RELIGIOUS WORKS. Household Furniture and Effeots. Also, Good 7-inch Centre Lathe, in perfeot order. SIDEY & CO. sell as above in auction rooms, at 2 p.m. PAI. JIRSHIP NOTICE. WE havo ploasure in intimating that wo have, as from tho Ist instant, received into partnership Mr. J. Heaton Barker, late of Nelson. Tho business will be carried on as usual under the style of THE YEBEX AND JONE& 00. TO BUILDERS. ffIENDERS will bo rccoived up to noon -■- of Thursday, tho 18th inst., for tho ereotion of an Hotol, Billiard Saloon, Shops, and Livery Stables at Huntervillo. Plans and Specifications at Messrs. Dwan Bros., Willis-street. J. J. KEEFE, Architect. I ROBERT ALLAN CAMERON, ' Bachelor of Modicino and Surgery, 1901, "of the University of Edinburgh, now residing in Wellington, hereby givo notico that I intend applying on the sixth of May next to have my name placed on tho Medical Register for tho Colony of Now Zealand; and that I havo deposited tho ovidenco of my qualification in tho offico of the Registrar-General. (Sgd.) ROBERT ALLAN CAMERON, Dated at Wellington, 4th April, 1901.


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Evening Post, Volume LXI, Issue 79, 4 April 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXI, Issue 79, 4 April 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXI, Issue 79, 4 April 1901, Page 6