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"Up the Wanganui River" is the title of a chatty description of a holiday trip enjoyed by a member of our staff which will be published in the Supplement to be issued with to-morrow's Post. Of special interest just now is the question of? the future of the British Army, and upon this subject we reprint in full a deeply interesting article from the Spectator. The influence of the volunteer movement upon our future policy is dealt with, and' military men and civilians alike should give the article their attention. There will also appear a wide range of general reading, including short stories, a review of Mr. A. H. Adams's new book of verse (" Maoriland "), notes for ladies, and poetry. In the cricket column "Pavilion" comments upon the recent Otago-Welling-ton match, " Orpheus " has some interesting musical and dramatic notes, and the other regular columns contain the latest information upon their various subjects. The Public Library in Wellington was well patronised last year, no fewer than 6j0,000 visits having been paid to it during the 12 monuis euding 31st December. During the year about 1000 volumes were added to the reference and lending departments. The Inspector of New Zealand produce in London (Mr. H. C. Cameron) has again taken the editor of the Fruitgrower, a London publication, severely to task for making incorrect statements in regard to the distribution at Home of fruit from this colony. Mr. Cameron assures New Zealand producers of fruitthat he is doing his very best to protect their interests in Great Britain, and he warns them not to readilyaccept statements appearing in the Home papers without enquiring into their accuracy. A case of models of 130 varieties of fruit, including apples, pears, and stone fruits has been fitted up in the laboratory of the Government Biologist (Mr. T. W. Kirk). The models have been splendidly made, and are duplicates of those in use by the Victorian Department of Agriculture. The object of such a collection is to have imitations of all varieties of fruit, so that comparisons can be made and the correct nomenclature obtained of fruit grown here. Some excitement was occasioned in a public thoroughfare in Te Aro yesterday afternoon by the extraordinary behaviour of a woman who was running about barefooted, flourishing a knife. The unfortunate woman, it appears, is of somewhat weak intellect, and she was restored to her friends before anything more serious had occurred. The usual monthly meeting of the Lancashire Society was hold at the Trocadero last night. The financial statement showed the Society to be in a flourishing condition, this being due to the Secretary, whose resignation on his leaving Wellington was accepted with regret. It was resolved that a letter be written to him expressing appreciation of his efforts, and wishing him success. The future management of .the Society was left in the hands of the Committee till next meeting, when a successoi will be appointed. The invitation from the Yorkshire Society to join them in their picnic at Ross's Gardens on Anniversary Day was read, and it was resolved as far as possible to take advantage of the kind offer. Mr. John Ward, one of the candidates for the membership of the Hutt River Board, will address the electors at a public meeting in the Lower Hutt Oddfellows' Hall on Monday next. All ask for "My Favourite" Table Jellies. Pure fruit flavours, easy to make, perfect reaults.-'-AdvU

The Committee of the Wellington Commrcial Travellers and Warehousemen's Association in the report to be presented at the annual meeting of tho Association on the 2nd prox., states that the past year has proved a record one in the history of the Association, and it is felt that the prospect of starting the new century with the building entirely free from debt is within measurable distance of being realised. The credit balances are — General account, ti'A'Ail 19s lOd; relief iund, £727 Os 9d. Total, £'6005 Os 7d. This is an increase of £770 5s 8d from last year, and practically the whole of this surplus was as usual deposited with the Ulub Coinpuny, and applied by them to the liquidation of the remaining debenture*, and a portion of the mortgage to the A.M.P. Society. The only debt on the building now is the £1050 due to that society. The present membership lis as follows : — Association member*, 251; club members (town), 115; do. (country), 23. Total, 389, an increase of 31 lor the year. The Committee regrets the death of Messrs. (i. Davis*, T. H. Pytt-Jackson, and A. D. Somerville. There is a growing disposition on. the part of hotel proprietors to act on suggestions made by the Association for tile comfort of members, and the Association is indebted to the railway and steamship companies' officials for meeting the wishes of the Committee in several matters. During the year 115 new volumes were added to the library. Of tho old volumes 100 were withdrawn and presented to the Boys' Institute; and the Old Men's Home. The warship Tauranga sailed from Auckland at 10 o'cloc- this morning for Wellington. The Star of Wellington Lodge, 1.0.G-.T., held its meeting in the Truro Hall last evening, Bro. Li. Webb in the chair. One candidate was initiated. Several members from other parts of the colony were present during the evening. A guessing competition was held and was won by Bro. Greig of the Star of Newtown Lodge. Members are reminded that the district lodge will be held on the evening of next meeting. An enjoyable evening was spent bythe inmates of Porirua Asylum on Tuesday when the annual Christmas tree entertainment was held. Songs were contributed by Mrs. M'Duff Boyd and Messrs. Forsyth and Swindells; Mrs. Spiller and Miss Swindells were the accompanists. Special praise was given to Mrs. Schoch for assistance and to Misses Bradey (3) and to Messrs. Bradey, of Pahautanui, who provided all the dance music. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Mcc, who have been touring in Europe for some months, will reach Sydney in a fortnight's time, and are expected to be back in Wellington at the beginning of next month. The many friends of Mr. Mcc will be glad to hear that the trip has greatly improved his health. The Sailors' Rest wore a gala appearance last evening when Sergt. Dumaresq, farrier, Sergt. M'Kinney, Corporal A. H. Jones, Privates Brown, Windsor, M'Tavish, and Bugler Murray, v member.s of New Zealand's Second Contingent, gave a concert to the sailors in port. The large audience heartily applauded the various vocal and instrumental items on the programme. The singing of the National Anthem, and cheers for om Contingent closed a most pleasant evening. The bunting for the decorations was kindly lent by the Union Steam Ship Company. Mr. W. R. Haselden, S.M., presided at this morning's sitting of the Magistrate's Court. Four men were punished for 5 drunkenness. James Hobbs, .alias Holmes, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment for damaging windows to the value of £3 10s, the property of Walter King, and for refusing to quit the Metropolitan Hotel when requested to do so was fined £1 or seveji days' imprisonment, the sentences to be concurrent. A youth named James Airs, for discharging a firearm in the city without permissiou was fined ss, with 11s costs. He had shot at a rabbit in Berhampore, within the city boundary. John Brown was ordered to forfeit two pay, and pay 7s costs, for absenting himself without leave from the Ochtertyre. Two remanded cases were dealt with by Messrs. E. Arnold and R. Levoi, Justices. J£ate Mulville was further remanded till Monday on charges of insobriety and obscenity, to give her an opportunity of leaving for Melbourne. In the charge against Christopher Anderson of stealing a gold nugget valued au £1 belonging to some person unknown, Inspector Pender stated that efforts to find the owner had been unavailing so far, and he could not ask for a further remand. Anderson was accordingly discharged. The funds available for use by the Trustees of the Home for the Aged Needy are not in a flourishing condition, and subscriptions would be welcomed. The object is such a deserving one that the appeal should meet with ready response from the public. The directors of the Wellington Building and Investment Company have declared an interim dividend of four per cent, for the half-year ending 31st December. The yacht Greyhound, which was dismasted in a squall in Queen Charlotte Sound on Tuesday, was placed on the deck of the Rotorua at Picton last riight and arrived in Wellington this morning. There is only one best in butter, that is Black Swan Butter, made daily in Wellington, it is not imported ; ask your grocer for it* — Advt. Most people know that Kirkcaldie anc Stains' boot department caters for ladies girls, men, or boys. The assortment, the prices, the value is all that can be desired. — Advt. Griffin's Cocoa is nourishing for weak people. Being absolutely pure, it gives health and strength to all who use it.— • Advt. *If a man by this business should arise. He must either "bust" or advertise. Raleigh bicycles advertise themselves.— Advt. Try C. Smith's first — you will find a supply of presents both useful and ornamental suitable for everyone. There are bonnets and hats beautiful and artistio just received from French milliners. . Any amount of hats for the children. Leghorn, straw, and fancy laoe, also grannie bonnets, sun hats, and a host of untrimmed straw and picnio hats, being sold at Is. Then there are sunshades — such a selection — from the Is one for the child to those for ladies from 2s 6d to 255. Print, drill, and brown holland oobtumea for holiday wear. Jackets and capea for young ladies ; mantles and mantlettes for middle-aged and elderly ladies. Blouses to- suit everyone, Is to 355. Lace ties, silk ties, silk fronts, kid gloves, purses, perfumes, and a coupon given with each cash purchase of 10s. Ouo word to the men and boys — Don't forget O. Smith's clothing shop. — Advt. Special bargains in boots and shoes will be offered to the boot-purchasing publio to-morrow by Mr. A. Lindsay at Cubastreet and Lambton-quay. People who enjoy a lovely drive and a cheap one, together with a half-day in the country amid the pleasantest and most healthful surroundings possible, will note an advertisement in another column as to the holiday brake arrangements in connection with the Karori Pleasure Gardens, than which there are few pleasanter picnio resorts within easy reach of town. Mr. Joh. E. Lindberg, the Cheap Draper. Cuba-street, announces speciallyreduced prices, with holiday bonus, for tomorrqtf*

Tho Dresden Piano Company announces John Broadwood and Sons' and Rich. Lipp and Sohu's pianos — two famous makers. At The New Houso this evening an electrio light display will be made, when lace curtains, figured blouse muslin, collars, cuffs, and men's tenniß shirts will bo ehown. Tho excursion steamer Duchess will run to Day's Bay to-morrow and Sunday mornings and afternoons at the usual hours. Messrs. Haigh and Morrah will sell at 2 o'clock to-morrow, at thoir horse bazaar, harness horsos, hacks, traps, also a largo supply of sacks chaff. Messrs. Wilkina and Field draw attention to a price-list of tools, which they maintain are of the best quality and at the lowest price. The now torm for the Nelson Boy8 $ and Girls' Colleges will commence on 2nd February. The attractions of tho two institutions are set forth in another column. Messrs. George and George, cash drapers, Cuba-street, call attention to a special purchase of manufacturers' samples, which they offer to the publio at London prices. Visitors to Newtowu Park are notified that they can be supplied with a quart of good tea, for 6d by taking their own billies to A. Thomson's, Mansfield-street. Messrs. R. Hannah and Co. in their advertisement in our Wanted column claim that the manvifacturo of boots and shoes carried on by them is one of the most important industries of Wellington. Besides holding very large stocks of thoir own manufacture they also claim to have the largest stock of imported boots and | shoes of the latest designs, which .they advertise for dale at low it prices. Messrs. Francis Sidey and Co. draw special attention to the sale of the exchampion yacht lona, also a splendid stock o£ useful every-day family 2mea of drapery and clothing, furniture, etc There is no reserve. " Messrs. F H. Wood and Sons publish a summary of their sales for the week ending 13th instant. They include two ' important clearing station stock sales, in each case th© station having been sold without the stock; also a Bale of farm property and furniture at their Carterton rooms, besides tho regular weekly stock sales at their Taratahi-Carterton and Greytown yards.

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Evening Post, Volume LIX, Issue 4, 5 January 1900, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LIX, Issue 4, 5 January 1900, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Evening Post, Volume LIX, Issue 4, 5 January 1900, Page 4