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Another Ministerial crisis in Paris, whore the Kopublio seoma to have boon, whatever Hb sains, prolific in two evils— organised plnndor of thf» State, and a quick succession to power and place of a legion of political raediooritioß. Astute Bismarck forosaw this long ago, and so becatno friendly to a form of government that must woaken tho great adversary of his oountry. But with (ho latest French Ministerial crisis conies news of the discovery of a Royalist oonspiraoy against tho Kopnblio at Brnssrls, and this is cause for deeper concorn, though the oharaoter and capacity of tho young Comto de Pari<, the recognised head of the Frenoh Royalist Parly, pro not of a kind to inspiro either tho devotion cf his followers or tho fear of his opponents. As to tho effoot of the discovered plot, it may make for a short period of strong and effective government ! by consolidating ci-tain of the Republican sections, whioh are now divided by Party and Imperial officers have been sent to govern Rhodesia, whioh should go far to allay the unqniet of Boor burghora ; and Sir R. Clavko has undertaken the dofence of Dr. Jameßon, from which it would seem that tho trial of tho Drotor IB not to be bttrked. That Austria and Tt<}.ly have joined in desiring the recognition of tho royalty of Ferdinand givos promiso of a quiet settlement, after many imqniet years, of the fuluro of Bulgaria, and it will bo well that it bo removed at last from tho long array of dangers that hedge tho Turkish Question. Tho war spirit of tho Old Country does not abate, for it is cabled that tho War Depart. Bient is inundated with roquosts to aocopt the Fervico3 of row corps, and tho Govornmonfc is doing all within its power to promote tho movement. Tho spirit of its ancestry still lives in tho "nation of shopkeepers." From the Fatthor East the Corean situation begins to loom ominously. An Anti-Japaneso Qo7ornment has boon formed thorn, it is bolioved that Ruaeia is contemplating a protectorate over that country, and tho Mikado of Japan has auspondod oil Stato business that the situation may bo exclusively diseased. This has an ngly look, and tho outcome may easily oonoern us very nearly. From timo to timo during tho past twenty years many old colonials have found thoir way to tho rich pasture lands of tho Argentine, whoro great Bums of British capital aro invosted For some timo past there has boon muoh unrost at tho attitude of Chili towards tho Argentino, whioh it wan freoly predicted would end in 'armod conflict. Many of our kith and kin have boon deoplv conoerned in the issue. Wo have, therefore, more than a passing interest in tho nows today that tho two Republics have settled thoir boundary dißputo, so that the danger of warfaro may bo said to have passed away. Tho Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain gives another instance of his porspicaoity in officially stating that there ia no intention on tho part of tho Imperial Government to to 'grant any concessions to a Chartered Company for settlement noar Port Darwin, in tho Northorn Territory of South Australia. Herein, we think we discern the first Bign that thn Pooretary for the Colonies has made of his appreciation of tho groat flignifioanoo of tho colour lino to the adjoining Continent. A Chartered Company could only exploit tho Northern Territory of our neighbours with tho aid of coloured labour, and against that the Domooraoy of Australia would use as one man. When tho Transvaal difficulty arose wo pointed out that English oapitalißta who wero investing in African gold stocks would bo disposed to divert soraa of their investments tbonco to Now Zealand, in part because of tho assured security to raining investmontß in a, British colony ; and it is now known that this ia what is aotually taking plaoo at tho present timo. Signs of fc, too, aro to bo found in tho z-ooent flotation in London of largo oompanios designed to acquire mining properties in these oolonies. Such a onp was announced yesterday, in the Australasian Gold Trust Company with a °?Pital of iJSOO.OOO. somo substantial part of whioh ehould find its way into mining properties in New Zealand. Badnewn from New Australia, whoro tho last of. all tho long triala of the Sooialintio stato under froe and unhampered conditions | seems doomed to defeat and disaetov. Yot at i the samo time tho samo motbods aro boing advanood by sorao mombora of a oonforonoo now fitting in Sydney for settlement of tho local unemployed problem, which ia growing more diffioult ot eolution and oontrol from day to day, while concurrently whole bodies of men are coming out on strike to join the mulutudo who ate in anoh.diro distress.

The way in whiob~tho~bnßinocs of tho colony is ndministorod is becoming a perfect soandal. Tho Colonial Treasurer has not, outside the timo ho was attending tho Houbo, been in Wellington to attend to his oflioul work a week at a timo, and altogother, wo suppose, noc three weokß for tho past 12 months Hin tmo ho was absent from the colony for ejnmc 1 month", but cinoo tli'i HoußoroHO hn h\» uornly bocn pnsaing suid ro-jiasemg botwci-ii JhintMin mid Invorcargill in epoeia! tail way oarriagOß. Tho other Ministers, also, haye ijot boon paying

much attention to their official work, and bhe fo called overworked Ministers have delayed for two months appointing- anyone to the Colonial Soopetarychip, and for six creeks to the position of Minister of Justice. And this is the result of a so-called Liberal Administration ! The colony is exceedingly patient that purs up with tuoh & Btate of things. We doubt if any other colony would. Tho general meetiDg of inohibers of the Industrial Inhibition held last evening, fully reported ill another column, to make preliminary preparations for the Wellington Exhibilion, was in many, but not in all, respects satisfactory. Thr&.tho President adduced excellent -eisens for his profereuoo for tho Towtt Hall cite, but we are quite oenfident that hia cstiinata of^.ooat of the required Btructnro must be largely exceeded ovon for what would be but a baro barn. Now, thoso aoenstomed to Exhibition work on anything liko a lari?e scale know £nll woll that considerable expenditure is neceseaty for indispensable adjuncts and extras, aa annexes, fitling3. decorations, &c , quito apart fcora those that exhibifcora may fairly ba aaked to provido Then wo oonfoss to disappointment a(i reading of but UO guarantors at .£5 eft,oh, and no mention of any committee being: appointed to ennvnss the oity in systematic fnsHion. W r o avid tit first, and repeat, i hat the 'Premier should hava niado jt a condition-precedent to tho gtant of XaOO ihat a similar sum should bo first subscribed, and wo must now Bay : with the rtrongest desire to assist tho project, thxtvit ia not oreditablo to tljo°c concerned tha*. at kaifc ho mac*', has not already been raised. On tbs fourth pago we publish a report of last night's meeting in reference to the propoßed Wellington Exhibition, also an interesting Spectator article On Mr. Chamberlain's Inter-imperial Trade project, and mining, cricket, and rifle-shooting news. Tho DepattuiOTit of Agrioultnve has in the press illustrated leaflets oil hop diseases and tomato diseased, by Mr, T. W. Ktrk, F.L.S. The Surveyov-Oennral will shortly proceed to Tokaanu, Lake l'aupo, to urrah»e with, tho natives for lnying oft a township there under tho Na'ivo Totasliips Act of last session. Mr. B. M. Smith, M.H.R., who is going to England to advanco Taranaki ironsand intoro3ts, was to have loft New Kymontb. for Wellington to-day. Last wool season there were complaints loud and doep from shipping agents and owners of vessols us to tho highly blameworthy neglcot of up-tsouhtry Battlers in fowardiug their wool in ah imperfectly-dried state. In daily oases wool whfoh had been stored in the wharf sheds for porno time was not known to bo damp till after it had been placed in the vessel's hold, and then the discovery was on!y made through it heating— notably m tho ca=e of some which had been aaappod by the Gothio Had euoh an outbreak been deferred till tho -vessel got to sea v, ith her large complement of passengers, tho consequences would havo been most serious. The matter was foroibly brought under the notice of up-country prodncors by the Underwritere' Ansooiation, with tho result that tlita season there are fewer oomplaintslhan last year. Still, howevor, sbme instancas bave been noted where country settlers dump the wool down at a flag station, taking not the slightest pains to protect it feem the weather ; while others frequently exhibit ignorance or carelessneeß m their modus of stacking and covMing tho wool at Bucu places A. review by Misa Lee of tho Bills directly relating, to women which were discussod d%nng the last sitting of Parliament occupied tho greater part rf last evening's meeting of the Women's Institute. A disoussiou followed, end a vote of thanks was passed to Misa lee. It was announced that tho discussion of tho CD. Act will be r«feuinod at the next tneotiDg, which will be open to women only. A prohibition order was issued this morning by Mr. Wavdoll, SM,,. against Mrs. isaoellfi Johnson,. who ia 71 years of ago, to havo effect, m tho o;ty and suburbs for 12 wontbe. T7hile tho oase was being heard, a joung man present in the Court, named 'lhomaß Coard, handed a lettor to the Magistrate, in whioh he stated that Mrs. Johnson was too old ana infirm to bo able to appear m person at the Court. Mr. Wardoll oxprosod a very strong opinion of the impertinence of tho writer of the letter in interfering in a private mattor. Tho Minister of Agrionllnre has nndor consideration the suggestion for the formation of a travelling exhibition of the colony's agricultural products. Tho matter has reooived tho favourable attontion of Cabinot Mr Duncan, Inspector of Machinery at Dunedin, has received (ho appointment of Chief Ingpcotor of Machinery ; and Mr H. Wetherilt, formerly Torpedo Fngincer, who has been acting as a temporary Inspector, has been placed on tho permanent staff. Mr. Harriett, who has been purser of the Mawbera, is to be transferred to tho Island service, and leaves for Fiji by tbo Oreti. Mr. Mabin is exchanging vessels with him. A. saorod concert will be given in the Primitive Mothodibt Churoh, Sydney-street, this evening. Thero will be npw&rda of *?0 singers in tbo chornsea. By Mr. H. S. Wardell, S.M., this morning, a habitual drnnkard named Henry M'Oormack was sout to prison for 28 days. On tho return of the Hinornoa to Wellington, (.'tvptoin Fairchild will start on his trip to England to bring out the oablo steamer now being built for the Government. Tiio Wellington United Furniture Trade Society has decided to register nndor " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894." Messrs. D. P. Fisher and H. Warner are to bo nominated by the society for seats on the Conciliation Bo<ird. Yesterday a youth named Malcolm M't'allum, of Kaiwarra, was admitted to the Hospital Buffering from a nasty wound on hia left knee iuflioted by himsplf white ongagod cutting up a Bhecp. A young man named H. Talbot, of Harriett-street, was also received into the Hospital, suffering from concussion oE tho brain. His condition ia said to be ecrious Another on'_ i taining performance was givon by Ihe hypnotio subjects of Mr. Kennedy in the Exchange Hall last night. Indisposition on Mr Kennedy's part will prevont him directing a performance this ovoning. , A man who was liberated from the Taupo look-up tho other day complained that the plaoo was alive with vermin. Tho looal conatiblo explained that it was very little used, being man out-of-the-way place. Pica had aocesß to it, and tho Government would not effeot ropairs. George Fleet, who was thrown from his dray near tho Petono woollen mills yosterday aftetnofn, nnd eustnincd a fraoturo of the right leg, has been removed to the Hospital. A West Coast paper statos that a singular point of law cropped up at Greymouth the other day, when a local firm sued a man for £7, for {*OodB supplied. Do fondant admitted tho <aobc,,but as the plaintiffs could not produoe v detailod stitemont, owing to their books havinor boon dogtroyod by fire, they wero non-suited Mr. B. Dawson, formerly Trafllo Manager of tho Wellington section of Now Zealand railways, who acoepted an appointment in the West Australiau .Railway Service eomo monthf) ago, is miug rapidly in his profession. Ho was made Trafflo Managor and Piermnster at Fromantle at the beginning of the^ year, nnd has charge of a largo staff, which is kept going night and day- to cope with the traffic to and from the goldfields. A correspondent writes making tho aßsortion that owing to the delay in Bonding in the "copy" for the noxfc issue of tho "Transactions of the Now Zealand Institute," which has been lying at tho Museum for months past, a numbor'of oompositors have been discharged from the Governmont' Printing Offioe, there boing nothing else for them to do. Tho 440 yds Club Championship of the Star Boating Club, hold ovor from last Saturday's sports, was dooidod early yesterday evening The wator was porfeot for swimming, and W. D. Home won an interesting race by about 10yds, G. Hutohinson boing second, and S. Hume third. Thero wero six competitors. Mr. Huntley Eliott, Undor-Secretary for Minos, has boen appointed S'ooretaryof ilia Department of Industries and Commerco, and will in futuro attend to tho duties of both offices. Tho oreditors of W. F. Smart, tea-mer-ohant, met yesterday aftornoon. Mr. Tripp appeared for Nelson, Moate & Co., who wore oreditors. On oath the bankrupt stated that af tor his last bankruptcy, tbrao years ago, he got employment from Lattey, Livermore and Co. aB manager, and on their winding up the business, about a year ago, he was pOßßOased of bftwoon JB3O and .£4O. Ho sot up business for himself in Cuba-street. His avejage takings wore £20 to .£25 per week j and his profits varied from 10 to 25 per cent. A month ago he had a fire, at wbich his books were burned. He Vas undor-insured to the extent of .£l6O. At his former bankruptcy ho paid 3s 8d in the J3. The meeting was adjourned till Wednesday, 2Cth inst., at 2.30 p m. Tho Government intends to airain shift the railway station from Sentry Hill to tbo old site, aooording to the Inglewood Hooord which says:— "Aftor all this oxpon»e bungling, engineering, &c, tboy find it most inconvenient on tho present grade to do the shunting, &o. Why was not this found out in the first plaoe P But that is just like ovorything connected with railway management in Taranaki, and tho sooner tho whole box-and-dioo of tho officials are dismissed aud oompetent men put in their plaoe tho Kottor it will bo for tho progross of tho distriot." The Kapai- Vermont OoldrainingCompany, of Kuaotnuu, will next weok pay a diridond of three penco por share. Tho Australian mails brought to tho Bluff by tho Mararoa this morning will oorae to hand by tbo Takapuna on Thursday. A oapsizo of an express-load of ohildron driven by a lad, who had taken aomo five po.VB and girk oat for a drivo, resultod in a little daughter of Mr. K. C. Farr, of Con-Btable-etreot, having both her collar-bones broken. Tho express was being drivon down tho road to Kilbirnie last Friday evening, whon it went over tho bank. Tho little girl jb now progressing favourably. Out of tbo 16G patients in tho Hospital at tho present tirno, 17 are under treatment for typhoid foyer. The Chairman of (he Trustees Btated at this morning's meeting that thero were twioe aB many typhoid patients at this timo of the year two years aco as thoro woro now. Tho Bey. H. Van Stnvoren Baid thoro was no doubt that typhoid was not so rifo in Wellington as it nscd to bo. Mr. A. T. Suokling- Baron, managing ducotor of the Now Zealand Kleotrioal b'yn. diartto, is about to pay a bueinoss visit to England. I

_ Wellington is probably the moat up-to-date city in th© colony as regards firo appliance", owinpr, perhaps, iv a groat tue&nure to the faofc tb at it baa an np-to-dafce man in charge in Captain Konisloy, who is likewise an inventor. Some of his latest improvement* Were exhibited in operation yesterday afternoon lo Conhoillor Earns (Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committeo of tho City Council), Mr. W. FerguEon (Engineer and Secretary to the Wellington Harbour Board), and Mr. R. M. Simpson (Chairman of the Fire Underwritcra' Association) — among them an appliance for instantly producing a largo spray of water instead of the ordinary jot. This consists of a cheap and light affair wade in the oolouy, which can easily bo screwed on to the branch, and by simply moving a lever the point of a cone is mado to press on to tbo column of wator, producing a spray which will cover a widor aroa, and carry some 15tt further, than an American invention to tho same end, whioh is also a much heavier and more cumbersome affair. Iho opinion of thoie v/bo witnessed yesterday's eiDsrimSnts with bolh appliances was tht*t tho local article was the superior. The visitors were also Bhown Captain. Krmsley's new coupling, so constructed as to effectually prevent the pressure of water from loosening tbo joint, even though the junction is not properly completed, nnd ensuring more expeditious connections. Afterwards they inspected and a linked the ingenuity of tho now telephone system by which the rations branch fire stations in tho city are brought into easy conunbnio&tion with each other. Constable Blick, for some years in charge of tho 'Ihorndon Station, has been transferred to Ak&roa. . Mr. Gordon, Government Inspector of Minos,, is to visit the goldmining claims on tho Karori Reservoir Kosorve to-morrow, regarding which he ia to make a report. A groat improvement in tho health of Mr. J. 0, Martin, S.M., is reported ky hiß mediflal advisor,, Dr. Martin. It will necessarily bo Bdme time, however, before ho is able to return to hi 3 duties. The Otago Eduoation Board b&a discovered that roost of the. applications made to it lor repairs to school bnildicgs arc ncdesaitatod by tho heaping up of soil round the basis of the bui'dings, and it is reported by the Board's officers that hundreds of pounds have been wasted annually through this practice, which has resulted in the rotting of the plates and the bottom woik of the schools. The Boacd has accordingly instructed its architect to see that in future tho earth is kopt clear from tho base of the buildings anrl that sufficient ventilation is allowed bstween tho frrouhd and tho floors of the schools. Ajb the weekly meeting of the Women's Social and Political League, held last evening, Mrs. A B. Mason, Vice- President, ocoupied the chnir. Mrs. W. A. Evans read a paper on " Women's Part in Politics." Mr 3. Kvans urged that, now women had tbe franchise, they should endeavour to not the men who had the best moral character into Parliamont, and not depend co much on those mon who wefe ready to promise everything they were asked, and whose promises turned out to be like pioornst. She also thought that the members of the Leaguo, as women, should vote for Prohibition, and ebo considered that wombn were, not ready for Parliaihont. A djsaussion followed, in which Mdsdameß Collins, Harvey, Herbert, Dobie, Mason, Moore, Dransfield, bohooh, Anderson, cud Wilson took part, all agreeing with Mrs. Evana' paper osoept as to the liquor qutstiom regarding which tho Leaguo goes in £w moderation as distinguished from Prohibition. Mrs. Evaus was aooorded a hearty vote of tbanka. Noxt waek Mr. Hustwiek will deliver a lecture on "Pood Adulteration," tbo meeting being open to the public A largo English mail is coming ovpr from Australia by the Elauroto, due herw on Thnraday morning. Footballers will b«. glad to learn that the Athletic Park Company's fine groutd at Vewtown will bo.. available for tnatohos daring tho coming B9*acn. Tho New Zealand Unirorsity Senate will hold its annual session at noon on Wednesday, tho 2Cth inst., in the Legislative Council Chambers. The Hospitnl aulhoritieH acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a quantity of fruit and vegetables from the Rev. Otho Eitzgeralcl, of St. Thomas' Chnrch, Newtown, in connection with the •thanksgiving soryiuea. Sitting in his civil jurisdiction this morning, Mr. H S. AVardell, S.M , entered np judgments for pontiffs by default in the following oasos : —A. Q. Tamo & Co. v. A. E. Furnesa, .£23 6s 4d j citme v. W. Watts, .£l2 8s Gd ; HallenPtein Bros. v. T. Hill, i 3 43 7d ; T. and W. Young <r. J. Aitkon, £39 163 2d ; Mrs. M. Dodds v. R. Jillett, £21 Its ; Nees & Sons v. H. Adsett & -'on, £49 17s Pd; Wilkins & Field v. W. H. Franks, £53 19a; R. J. Kells v. A. Milanti, 17s 7d i Laory <fc Co. v. K. J>Searl, .£23 Oa 9d ; W. & G. Turnbull v. Mrs. B. Brenton, £5 12s lid; T). Asher and Co v. W. T. Sherwood, £1 17 a sd; Wilkins and Field v. J. J. Murray, .£3 13s 4d ; Commerciul Agency v. D. Grinton, .£3 Is 8d ; Annio Pholan v. J. Hall, £1 7s Gd ; Wellington Loan Co. v- J. J. Ashton, J67 8s 7d ; Agnes Symona v. S. Wood, .£l2 15s ; TO. P. Bunny v. A. Phillips, £2 9a 6d. 'Judgment summonses—Cook and Gray v. T. O'Neil, order made for the defendant to pay £3 15s forthwith, or in default to undergo 10 days' imprisonment ; Oakley, Rickards and Chapman v. W Davidson, defendant ordered to pay £1 88 forthwith, or go to gaol for five days ; To Aro Loan Co. v. W. H. Swaitf, defendant ordered to pay .£l3 7s 6d forthwith. The following wore the tenders received in tho undermentioned contracts in connection with tho Wellington Government Buildings for 189(5 :— Window cleaning — A.Drake, .£ls9 (accepted) ; C. Reid, J8169 18s iR. Hall, .£180 ; W. Madeley, £iW Chimnoysw?eping -H. Smith, XBO (accepted) ; J. Webb, .£B9; T P. Willason, JC9O. Removal of rubbish -T. Co^tello, JBl6 3s (accepted)— tho only tender received. Tho Hospital Trustees met thia morning. Thero woro present— Messrs. F. H. Frasar (Chairman), C E. Willoston, Q. Allen, L. L. Harris, J. Collins, and Rev. H. Van 'Stavoren A letter from Mr. G. Bastin. asking for permission to lease a section in Salamauoa-road, was roferrod to the solicitor (Mr. W. H. Quiok). The Chairman reportod that tho Trustees' account was overdrawn by ifisBs. was decided that the Medical Superintendent should prepare a report on the cares of the 39 patients who have been in the Hospital for more than three months, and who are stated by various medioal mon to bo curable. Mr. Denton was appointed as acting-dispenser while Mr. Hope is taking his annual holidays. The Chief Jastiao this morning in Cbambors granted an order for the service ont of the colony of a writ on Mr. F. M. Ollivier, now in Fngland, in respect of a claim of £'t5'2C 13s 4<l, for oalls due on Bank of Now Zealand Bhares. Horr iurbriggen, tho Alpino gnido who was in tho oolony la9t year with M. E. A. Fitzgerald and did some notable work in scaling the New Zealand Alps, has jnst returned to the colony with another European traveller ol grrent mountaineering' experience— Signor Bonaalino, of tho Italian Alpino Club. With Mr. Kineey, of Christohurch, they iutend entering upon an oxtended tour this Reason. Znrbriggcn said that if ho had been able to say positively that tho Now Zealand Government in takintr over the Hermitage had arranged that climbing paraphernalia, stores, <fee, could be obtained there, he would have been able to bring a largo English and Continental party of tourists with him. The membors of the Scatonn Road Board paid aviait of inspeolion to Wats Peninsula yesterday afternoon, and deoidod to considerably improve tho road_ leading to the township of Soatoun, by widening and reducing the grado of tbo road ; also to employ labour npon the road leading over tho hill to tho Pilot Station, so as to put tho road into thorough repair before the winter sots in. Tho roads across tho Peninsula were found to be in first-rate condition. Goorgo Thomas aua Co. will soil to-morrow, fruit. Laory and Co. (Limited) will sell to-morrow fruit. A. G. Tamo nnrl Co. hold nn nlisiluto silo of property, na advertised, on Thursday, at 12 o'clock, nt tlioir rooms. Allotments in Falinerston North, Woodvillc, Wadenlown, Aro-streor, JobnEonville, and 01 ncres in tho Hutt district, will bo offi'rod. Tlio flrtn also (ulTCrtiso the wookly salo of furniture. &c, on Friday, at 1.80 o'clock, and inlimato thut they nro vow recotvlug ontrio 1 ). Mo-srs. Tftiue nni Co. wIU hold sains at Maunkau ou the 27tl> instant, Fabantamii on 3rd March, aiifl Upper Hutfc on 10th March. I'or those tUoy invito outrics.

A host important transaction has jast boen completed, which is certain to oanao widespread satisfaction among tho rqeidonts of tho oity mid the surrounding districts. We refer to tho purchase by Mossra James Smith & Co. of tho entiro Wellington etook of Mesßrs. H. Olney & Co., wholcßalo warehousemen. This purohaso will bo mado tho ocaasion of a sale on v gigantic Bcalo at the Wholesale Family Drapery Warchouso, Te Aro Houeo. It ia unnecessary in say that the stock was purchased a groat bargain ; and oqually needless to Btato that tho publip will bo given tho.benoCt. Every artiole will bo offered oror the counter at mnoh less than theußual I wholonalo prioe. Mantles, millinery, uudorolothing, hoßiery, haberdashery, and fnnoy poods may now be obtained at prices which will nanse people to look back with gratitude on tho great salo of Olnoy'n stock at the Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, To Aro Houbb. To enhance the attractions, the whole of tho ordinary stock of drapery and olothing has been subjected to rigorous roduotion, preparatory to the annual stocktaking. No one Bhonld miss the opportunity of scouring oheap drosses, Manchester or furnishing goods, or men's and hoys' clothing and mercery, at this all-round roduotion sale' at the Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouso, Te Aro House.— Advt. Tii<! Tools and Cutlery Dopartmonts at Willcins & Fiold's groat olearing ealo aro having a morry time. From morning till dosing timo these two departments aro kopt continually eoing, affording a proof what oxcollont valuo must bo given. Moohauioa will find it tp tlieic advantage to oomo and see our iaook of tools. In ovory department frosh linos aro being bronght forward day by day and marked and sold at prices whioli ftivo great satisfaction to purchasers. See our advertisement in auothor oolnmn for speoial linos. — Alvt. 0. A. Livingstone, Plattsvillo, says— "I havo rauoh pleasuro in reoommending tho Canadian Healing Oil, from having usod it myßolf and having fold it for some timo. In my own oaso I will say for it that it is tho boat preparation I havo ovor tried for rheumatism." — A dvt. * Scoullur and Cliinlinlm nuiiounoo (wo weeks' oxtontinu of tliolr llrsh iinunal anxli s:ilo, ou noaouutof th« ui<iiuiUScdhiicccs<i aitaiuedinitup to tbo present. A public mooting in favour of Scripturo lobsohh in tho Stuto fnlwo'a will bo hold at tho Opora Uouroou the V7th lu«.tnut. Pork bausngos, Gd pot lb, tnado from grain-fed pork j order early. Wardoll Bros, and Qo., 51, .Willifl^teeetj-rApTTt-. ,-, ?< y '

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Evening Post, Volume LI, Issue 41, 18 February 1896, Page 2

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CABLED TOPICS. Evening Post, Volume LI, Issue 41, 18 February 1896, Page 2

CABLED TOPICS. Evening Post, Volume LI, Issue 41, 18 February 1896, Page 2