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The return of railway receipts and expenditure for the four weeks ending 9th November showß the former to have boon .£87,434 5a 4d, and the latter £55,902 9s 9d. In the corresponding period of the previous year the figuteß Wore £81,714 13s Id and £53,006 11b lid respectively. Of the revenue, the North Island lines contributed £31,799 14a 4d, as against £32,422 8s 6d, and the Middle Island lines £55,634 11s Od, as against £49,292 4s 7d. The North Island linos absorbed £21,211 12s Bd, as against £19,888 5s 7d, and the Middle I B land linos £34,690 17s Id, as against £33,118 6 s 4d. The proportion of expenses to revenue on the several lines, calculated on an annual average, for the respective periods of 18959t, was as follows :— North Island—Kawakawa, 79 93, 14G-70 ; Whangarei, B3-68,8778 ; Raihu. 64-32, 9761; Au0k1and, 74"04, 7492 ; Napior-Taranaki, 71*28, 69-55; Wellington, 70 94, 7598. Middle Island— Hurunui-Bluff, 67-54, 68-33; Greymouth - Brnnnor, 4982, 5316; Groymouth-Hokitika, 49-06, 5599; Westport, 43-18, 4964 ; Nelson, 9691, 9783; Pieton, 113 ia, 125 09; grand total, 68-29, 6963. On the Wellington seotion the reoeipts amounted to £5332 12s 9d, aa against £6000 8b lid ; tho number of passengers carried was 27,415, as against 29,549 ; tho fares amounted to £2185 17s Id, as against £2471 19s 6d.

Our reports of the prize-distribution at Wellington College and of the reunion of West Coasters will be found on the fourth page. In response to the invitation of the President of the Industrial Association to seotionowners in the neighbourhood of the Drillshed to give the use of their land for an Exhibition building, the following have made offers of a most generous nature : — Mrs Ling, Messrs. J. Sannders, Rutherford, and W. L. Hirst. His Excellency has directed that the grounds of Government House be thrown open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons dnrintr the absence of himself and family from Wellington. Tho first occasion will be Wednesday next. The return of gold from the trial parcel of rubble taken from the Karori district and treated at the Thames Sohool of Minea is considered to be satisfactory, and it is now proposed to oreot machinery on the ground The assay value of the gold is £2 17s 9d per ounoe. Mr. Ernest D. Hoben, who has beon upon tho staff of tho Evening Post for the last four years, has been offered and has aooepted a position on the staff of the Sydnoy Daily Telegraph. Ho will leave Wellington for bydnoy in the oourse of a few weeks. The freehold proporty in Mulgrave-stroet next to the Thistlo Inn— 4oft frontage by a depth of 62ft, with old dwellinghouse— was Sold by auction yesterday by Messrs. F. Sidey & Co. for £720, after vory keen competition. Wo understand this samo proporty chaugod hands during the boom noarly 20 years agq for £600. Tho tender of Mr. B. G. Knight has boen aooeptod for repairs to tho rigging of the barqno Woathersfield. Nearly three columns of auotion advertisements will be found on tho fourth page Thore are land sales by T. Kennedy MW donald and Co. (Limited), J. H. Bethnne and Co., and Freeman B. Jackson and Co • sales of unredeemed pledgos by \T F Shortt' Francis Sidoy and Co., and Laery and Co • the wool eale of tho Loan and Morcantilo Agonoy Co., and stock sales by Freoman X Jaokson and Co. and A. G. Tamo and Co. The following contracts have been let for supplies to the Union Steam Ship Company for the year ending 30th November, 1896:— Meat, Gear M**at Company ; milk H Borlley , bread, M'Ewen & Churobhill .'flab! IT. Fernandos. '

In the Midland Railway Arbitration Court yestorday afternoon, the following witnesses were examined aa to the reserves >.— Sir James Hector (re their geological features) ; John Higgins, engineer to the Grey County Council ; Herbert Cox, storekeeper and gold buyer, No Town ; J. Hargreaves, J.P. and miner, Ahaura; R. H. J. Reeves, exM.H.R. ; F. J. Glooson, carpenter, Greymouth j Denis Ryall, member of the Grey County Counoil ; T. G. Davison, miner, Harry Town ; J. Robertson, miner, No Town; Jeremiah M'Carthy, publican, Ho Town •, John Flynn and Frank Pitt, miners. Red Jackfa. At 'he olobo of yesterday's proceedings, Sir Robert Stout intimated that he expected the evidence for tho Crown to be concluded by Thursday next. Another batch of witnesses are on their way up from the Coast. On the Court resuming at 10 a.m. to-day, Sir Robert Stout asked for an adjournment till Monday, which would enable him to classify the evidence remaining, and, by eliminating unnecessary matter, shorten the proceedings considerably. He had a number of witnesses ready, but their evidenoe was merely corroborative, and if tb<s course ho proposed wera adopted he. hoped to close the case for the Crown on Tuesday evening. Mr. Blake said this course commended itself to him. He hdpßd the evidence would bo finished by Tuesday, and if so be would then grant an adjournment of a day to enable counsel to prepare their addresses. The Court then adjourned till Monday morning. Wellington will be represented in the champion race at the Lyttelton Regatta on. New Year's Day by the Maritana and the Rona. A valuable mare belonging to Mr. H. M. Hayward, Melrose, was found yesterday morning in a paddock, having been Bhot. The police have the matter in hand. Some larrikins have been repeatedly warned about trespassing with loaded guns, and shooting in the paddocks and on the adjoining Town Belt, and last week threatening language was used by a party of them. A man named William Warren appeared before Mr. Martin, S.M., this morning at the Mount Cook Police Station, charged with drunkenness. He denied the offence, and asserted that he had been assaulted by the constable, who bad knocked him down and given him the black eye which dißfigur ed his face. His Worship adjourned the case till Monday in order that both parties might produce witnesses. Mr. Jamea Jones., one of tne pioneers of the West Coast diggings, and lately proprietor of the Wharf Hotel, Grevmouth, died in his bed on Sunday last, evidently from apoplexy. A stylishly dressed young man named Chaa. Louis Becker applied to Mr. Martin, S.M., yesterday afternoon to "cancel an order made against him at Featherston, for payment to Jesßie Fenwiok for the support of an illegitimate ohild, on the ground that he had a letter from Ivor declaring that he was not the father. Mr. Hindmarsh, instructed by Mr. Wilford, appeared for him. In crossexamination by Mr. Toung, who appeared for Miss Fenwiok, be admit* ed tttafc lie had subsequently o.ignsd documents acknowledging th 9 pat&rnifcy and promising to pay for maintenance, and that ho had since Been in frequent correspondence ' with her. His letters being produced, Mr. Martin said that under the oiroumstanoes he would refuse to cancel the order. He dismissed the application, with £1 11s Gd costs. 1 he popularity of Mr. J. A. Tripe amongst tho pupils of Wellington College — from the staff of whioh he is resigning In order to enter the legal profession — Was shown yesterday by two presentations which were made to him at the prize-distribution ceremony. Master S. Gilmer, in making the first presentation, statod that all the boys were exceedingly sorry to piwt witty Mr. Tripe. On their behalf he asked him to accept p- fcllVHr cigarette-case And ft. set of, diQssittg-brnaho& as a token, of rospeo!;. The Prinoipal (Mr. J, P. Firth) handed to Mr: TripS a )iair of field-glasses, subscribed by the Shell Form, whioh had been under Mr. < Tripe's ohatge. Mr. Tripe made an affecting reply, and three ringing cheers were given for him. One of the persons charged at the Magistrate's Conrt this morning was an elderly man named George O'Connell, who was tiembling all over, and apparently in a bad state through liquor. He was charged with being a habitual drunkard, and wca ordered to stand down till Monday in bfder to enable him to recover . David J Whitley was fined 10b for his Beoond offence, in default to be imprisoned for 4$ hottrß. Httgh M'Kochnie, a fireman of the S.s Wetikato, pleaded Guilty to having assaulted an insignificant-looking Chinaman named Hong On, a grocer by trade. He went into On's store, and, a dispute having arisen, he knocked the Chinaman down and broke a window of his shop. For the assault M'Kechnie, was fined 40s or seven days' imprisonment in default, and for damaging the window was fined ss, and ordered to pay 12s, the ' value of the damage done, or in default to go to gaol for four days, tho sentences to be cumulative. James Beid, alias Burns, for picking the pocket of Hannah Kearney at an auction sale, and abstracting a pair of gloves valued at 3s 6d, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment The creditors of William M. Woodhead« timber merohant, met yesterday in the Official Assignee's office. The bankrupt submitted a statement Bhowing that in 1893 he entered into a partnership and opened a small timber-yard, trading as Woodhead and Macdonald, timber merchants.^ Tkti partnership ultimately proved unsatisfactory, and Macdonald withdraw, taking with him a considerable amount of ready capital. Bankrupt had been ill five months of the present year, and business had fallen off, partly through capital being locked up in outstanding acconnts. In September he made an offer of 15s in the .£l, whioh was generally aooepted. Pressure was, however, brought to bear, and he was foroed to file. Under examination on oath, the debtor accounted for lpsses to the extent of JEB69. The meeting authorised tho Assignee to take proceedings to recover £32 3s 3d, paid to Stratford and Blair on Bth November, claiming it to be a fraudulent preference. The balance of the furniture, amounting to £6 Ida over the '(statutory allowanoe, was granted to bankrupt. The weekly meeting of the Women's Demooratio Union took place last evening in the Psychological Room, GhUznee-street, Mrs. Tasker (President) in the ohair. One new member was elected. There was an animated discussion in regard to the Workers' Politioal Leagne rules. The Union's delegates were instructed to take steps to ro-open the question of the last paragraph of clause 6, which runs— " Provided also that the Leagun shall have the right to rejeot anyone or the whole of the nominees sent in by tho various unions or organisations, and ohoose such candidates as it shall in its wisdom deem more suitable." It was resolved, " I hat the action of the Lioei sing Renek in granting tho trausfor of the Waverloy Hotel to Now town against the voico of the people is undemocratic." It was arranged that the anniversary celebration should take place in February. As the steam tender Mana was coming into the cross berth botween Nob 3 and 5 berths yesterday afternoon, sho struck the corner of the wharf and rebounded into the steamer Huia, which lay alongside No. 5 berth. The Huia was 'truck with considerable force on the starboard quarter, and a hole largo enough for a man to crawl into was driven iuto her. Two of the plates and frames aro damaged, while the fender ohook was also cut clean in two. Tho port fender ohook was also smasned by the force with whioh the Huia was driven against the wharf. The vessel will be placed on the Patent Slip, where ropairß will bo carried out by D. Robertson & Co. The damage to the Mana is very trivial. The second of the series of Newton-Over-bye concerts, whioh took place at the Alhainbra Hall laat night, was not largely attended. Nevertheless the hard-working pair carried out their programme, and personally contributed six of the items, Mr. Newton giving two piano bolos and two songß, and Herr Overbye two violin studies, including Mr. Alfred Hill's " Scotoh Sonata." Another of Mr Hill's compositions, the fine song, "My Fairest Child," was prettily sung by Miss Marion Sampson, who gave a second item lator on in the eveniug, and received a recall. The other singers were Mrs. Frederick Pernn, whose numbers included Mr. Sydney Hobon'a " Aye Maria," and Miss Nellie Gage, whose rather ploasing contralto voice was hoard in a duet with Miss Sampson and iv two songs, with especial effect in Junckor'a " I was Dreaming." Mr. Harry Hall rooited an American sketch, and sang some oomic sougs. Miss Wheoler playod the accompaniments A Bpeoial general meeting of the Wellington Rowing Club was held last night. Mr. W.Ross, Captain, oooupied the c' -ur. There was a Jargo attendance. It was deaided that the club should be registered undor the Unclassified Sooioties Registration Aot, 1895. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. I. Hyams for a photograph of his late brother, Mr. H. Hyams, a former Secretary of the club. It was announced that tho debit balance at the bank was tho lowest that had been since the additions were made to the shod, also that .£ls had beon cleared by tho recent social gathering. Tho club then wont into committ'e in order to consider a mattor concerning tho testimonial recently presented to Mr. A. S. Pateraon, and tho press representatives withdrew. The after proceedings lasted until nearly lam, and wero, we understand, of a lively oharaotor. A snooeasful entertainment was given in the Mitohejltown School last evening in aid of the prizi fund. The ohildren, under Misses M'Kenzie (head-mistress), Floniing, and Weston, contributed several items very c oditably. Mr. Rawnsloy and Master G. '( hompson gave recitations, Mr. K. H. Mabin sang two songs, and Bertha Olansen and Chas M'Laugblin took part in a dialogue. A dance followed. A sooial gathering of members of the Petone Industrial and Provident Co-operative Society was held last ovoning. Mr. K. J. Jonkins, President of the Sooiety, on behalf of the committee and members, presented oaoh of the past officers— viz., Mr. J. H. Sherwin, late President; Mr. F. Burnley, late Seoretary; and Mr. J. Gaynor, late Treasurer — with a handsomely framed photographic group of preaout and past officers. Mr. bherwin, in roturning thanks, pointed out that though tho sooioty commenoed barely five years ago with a capital of about .890, this had inoroased to over .£IOOO. Owing to special arrangements having been made with tho Union Steam Ship Company to delay tho departure) of the Talune, tho B rough- Bouoioault Comedy Company will bo able to play the two nights at tho Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday next, previously annonnood, as they pass through Wellington en route to Sydney. Oscar Wilde's faroioal oomody 11 Tho Importance of Being Earnest," which has just beon played with vory groat success in Cbriatchurch, will bo produced here for tho first time. Although tho titlo would lead pooplo to expoot v serious play, tho piece is quite tho opposite. It is pure farce, and, as might bo expected from this clovor company, all tho fun is brought out, and two and a inlf hours' wholesome fun is provided. For Thursday night " Dandy Dick" is announced, ' ami everyone remembers how acceptable it was on a former visit.

Mr. Eitchie, Seoretary for Agrioulture. has gone up to the Taranaki district to-day, He is expected back on Tuesday. A publio meeting was held last niftht in Connection with the Kew Zealand Workers' Union, at which various aooial and political questions were diaoussod, and it was deoided to hold another public meeting next Friday evening in the Trnro Hall, Manner*street. Two, enterprising boy?, named Krneat (aged 9) and William (6) Delaney, left their home in Bolleston-street to go to school on Wednesday morning, and were not heard of till yesterday, when they were arrested at the Upper Hutt by Constable M'Kinnon, to whom they stated that they intended to go to work on a station in the Wairarapa. The Superintendent of the Mount View Asylum desires to thank Kelly's string band for playing the tnusio for the patients' dance on Tuesday. At a meeting of cyclists held at Petone last evening, Mr. B. C. Kirk presiding, it was decided to form the nucleus of a dub and canvass for members. Mr. J. H. Vinoent was appointed Secretary pro iem, Mrs. Jessie Fulton, 56, Cambridgeterrace, asks us to notify that she will be glad to receive and acknowledge any suitable Christmas gifts, that voe.y ba Bent to her for families in need of help. At to-night's indignation meeting at the Opera House in connection -with the Newtown license question, some very plain speaking is promised. The Wellington Beed Band will give an open-air concert on the Basin Beserve fa> morrow afternoon, in aid of the Unemployed Relief Fund, An attractive programme is advertised. Tho publio meeting at New town on Tuesday next to consider the establishment of a Boys' Institute will take place in the State Sohool. The Mayor (Mr. C. M. Luke) will preside, and addresses will be given by Messrs. J. Duthie, M.H.8., andC. Hulke, amongst others. The Women's Sooial a»d folitißil League recognises evidently that It must be in evidence if it is to influence publio opihion. On Monday ovening, we observe, a pijblio meeting will be held under the auSpices of tho League at No. 6, Exchange Buildings, when Mr G. H. Yerex will reply to the recent paper by the Seoretary of the League on "1 he Drink Question." Besidents of Upper Ifutt and the surrounding district are reminded by advertisement of the bazaar to be held in the Criterion Hall next week. By permission of the Colonial Seoretary, some Valuable articles of art needlework, Ac, will be disposed of by rante. Arrangements are well in hand for the Boys' Institute Christmas camp at Porirna. Additional donations have bten rso&ivSd as follows : -Mrs. Eb.odßs, £l ; Mr. E. Wilberfossi biscuits; N.Z. Candle Company, box of candles; Mr. Cbveney, groceries; Mr. W. Allan, a sheep ; Wardell Bros. & Co., rics, raisins, an 4 jani. The Garrison Band will play at the Hospital on unday, 22nd inst., in aid of the Hospital funds. The Masterton Amateur Operatio Sooiety has asked Madame Cope to take the part of Germaine in the production of " Leo Cloches de Comeville " on Boxing Night. The fortnightly of the Irish National Federation will be held on Monday evening. A sacred conoert is to ( be hpld i« the Wellington Working Men s Clnb to-morrow evening. Tho nowiy-fortned Knox ChoraUSocioty, under the,; cbndhotbrßhJp of Mr. A? el Newton, is to give a conoert at the Lower Hutt on Wednesday. Tenders are invited for the leasing of the refreshment rooms at Day's Bay. In addition to the numerous other properties to be sold by J. H. Betbnue A Co. at their rooms, FeatUeraton attest, on Tuesday next, at 2.30 p.m., the same firm will also sell, on account of Mr. Edgar Eberle, who is leaving Wellington, that valuable leasehold property in Bonlcott-Bt«4t known as "Edgeelifte," together Mtli tub largb family residence "rented tneredn ; also, three desirable frefclloia residential properties situated in Abel Smith, Rcrans, and Regent-streets, details 61 which -will be fdund in our advertising coining. On Thursday nest, at, 3 p.m,., tlis Arm will fcoltixn unreserved gale dt their '•o^m3 al a specially selected coiidgniuent comprising over 200 lots beautiful Maori and South Sea Island curios. A number of oil paintings by the Australian artist, Mr. E. W. Christmas, will be sold by auction on Friday next by Harcourt & Co. Mr. Chnstmns is a well-kuown exhibitor at the Art Societies of Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, and his pictures of incidents aud' scenery in Australia and New Zealand will doubt'ess attract much competition. The Australian press notices speak highly ot his pictures, Mr. P. Gain lms instructed Harcourt & Co. to dispose' of his' household effects at the residence, Upper Taranaki-street. on Monday next, at 1.30 p.m. The lots include a rosewood Iliano by Feacliev, and aro mote fully detailed iv the advertisement elsewhere, Wtlraodk & Adkin attribute their silcfesS of laid to their big attraction, vi*., £SO,OOO worth of the newest and cheapest goods in this country. An advertisement appears elsewhere giving particulars of some special lines for the present festive season. The sale of Mr. E. J. Beid's household furniture is fixed for Thursday, the lDth December. George Thomas £ Oct. conduct tile sale. For ChKstmaß and New Year the atteriticm ft all lidliday.makeira and dtKetS ia-direoted to the cheap! sale otboStS and shoes dt 6G, Willis-street, vi tl<» aesigu-id estate of J. W. Tike. The goods, which are all new, are notified as being sold 20 per cent, below cost price. The order of services at St.'-Peter's Church for to-morrow is advertised. The Bey. Haslcett Smith, M.A., will preach in the evening. ■ • At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chnroh, Terrace, to-morrow, the services will be conducted by the Bey. C. S. Ogg in the morning, and in the evening by Bey. Mr. MacDougall. At the Wesleyan Churches to-morrow, services will be conducted ns follow :— Wesley Church, Taranaki-street, 11, BeY, J. t. Nott, M.A.j 6.30, Bey. W.rßnttmber, Molesworth-street, 11, Bey. W. Baumber ; 6.30, Mr. VareOe. Trinity Church, Newtown, 11, Bey. J. Wardj 6:30, BeV. J. T. Nott, At the Terrace Congregational Church, tomorrow, the services will he conducted by the Bey. J. Beed Glosson. At the Courtenay- place Church the services will be conducted by the Key. B. T. HaUowes in the schoolroom, as the church building is being renovated. The services in the Primitive Methodist Church, Webb -street, to-morrow, will be conducted by Bey. J, Dumbell and Bey. J. Guy. The preachers for the other Primitive Methodist churches are advertised. The serriees in Soiirle'ction with the Baptist Church, Vivian - street, to-morrow, will be conducted by the Bey. C. Dallaston iv the morning and by Mr. B. S. Gray in the evening. The Forward Movement services for to-morrow are advertised. In the Forward Movement Hall, at 6.30 p.m., W. A. Evans, will conduct the service. Subject— l' : Has Christianity Failed P " At the Church of Christ, Dixon-strect, tomorrow evening, Mr. T. M. Turner will preach, i A special meeting of the Salvation Army will be held at the Skating Kink to-morrow. A service will be held iv the Gospel Hall, Herbert street, to-morrow evening at 7. A meeting of the Wellington Ethical Society will be held at the Itechabite Hall, Manners-street, tomorrow eveniug.

The festive season, which is rapidly approaching, is preceded in most households by a period of active preparation. It is generally discovered about this timo that numeroa articles are absolutely necessary to make the house presentable for the Merry Christmas time. New curtains for the windows, a new oarpet for one of the rooms, or new floorcloth for the hall or passage, are found to bo indispensable Tho present is therefore a favourable opportunity for direoting the attention of intending pnrohasers to the Furnishing Department at Te Aro House. There has just been reoeived in this department a fresh, consignment of Brnssels carpets, oonsiating of 76 pieces of the very newest and most charming designs. The Btook of floorcloths and linoleums has also been largely added to for the Christmas trade, all widths and every quality being shown at the lowest prices in town. A delightfully inexpensive floor covering just opened out is a very fine Japanese matting, in various widths, both in white and in quaint Japanese patterns. Those are only a few of the many attractive linos now being displayed in the Furnishing Department at Te Aro House. Although all these goods are offered at prices which are surprisingly low, a further inducement ib offered to visit the establishment. Every oash purohaser of 10s worth or upwards during the month of Dooomber will 'rocoive on the amount of the purohase a handsome gift, varying in value according to the amount spent, on an average of 2s in the £. The gifts are now displayed iv most wonderful variety, and may be scon by everyone calling a*, the Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, Te Aro House.— Advt. To the Editor —Sir— ln oase some of your many readers should fail to see our advertisement re tho great display of Japaueso goods which we are now making, we wish to oall spocial attention to those goods. This is a special shipment, and reflects verygreat credit on th- good taste and judgment of onr buyer '1 ho artistic workmanship on some of the eamplej is of tuoh excellence that he remarks in his letter tb«y will bear inspection under the microhoopo. Howevor, we will leave tho publio to judge of the merits of this and every other portion of our stock. Evory facility will be afforded visitors who wish to inspeot our st >ck, and no ono will be prossed to purohaso.— Wilkins and Field.— Advt. One of the groatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectually expolls worms and gives health in a marvellous manner to tho little one.— Advt. AnbntthbEclipsk —Local Industries. — Tho groat revival of interest in this important question marks a new era in the City of Wellington, and Mossrs. Luke & Co. (Limited) aro taking the tide at the flood, having greatly reduced their prioes for their Ranges. They have also greatly increased and improved their plant for finishing their goods, and challenge competition. Inspection invited. Sbow-roomß, Manners-Btreet, Wellington.— Advt. Christmas cards, New Tear cards. A largo, varied, and chasto supply, at the New Zealand Bible, Traot, and Book Sooiety, G2a, Willis-street Open each ovening during Docomber from 7 to 9.30 p.m.— Advt.

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 143, 14 December 1895, Page 2

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RAILWAY RETURNS. Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 143, 14 December 1895, Page 2

RAILWAY RETURNS. Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 143, 14 December 1895, Page 2