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Article image

ABOUTA BOUT CA^- RBOIST^ S ; Auckland ~~ xobuxu, Eß s. QVR MO]S[THLY pricE-LT^T. •we must make the oity worthy of that pride, 1. The National Cash Register i« adipted GOIID MINES. fpEKDEES are invited, to olo«e noon of andifweßeeonrselveßasotheraseous.wewill for oredit as well as for caßb. transactions. . JL Wednesday, 21st Augu«t, for the nev^Je^^ .' from -, 1% / into Borne building with nobler associations, thing on oredit, or to pay something on w assay value. Blundell -Bros. (Evini no PotT), Willis. - I*>/is Burely an insult to tho ability and re- oount, or to reoeive money from you, or to Old PKOCBBB, 33 to 65 pet oent. only. street. WOVE 'WIRE MATTRFSSKS from "I rli « source of our architects to say that it is not merely get ohange (note, sovereign, oneque anT -n Tendera to be deDoeittd and rjlans and » " 10/ l) convertible into a University College, Ao )." The Natfonal takes care of all these SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD. * „„ . „ « nffln^ff PALLIASSES f rom Q/ ,when buildings all over tho world are con- transactions. It beats a live oashier. specifications seen at tho office of - stantly being auitably altered for tbe moot 3. A National will tell you the total num. Latest Market Quotations are advised to me . WM. C. CUATFIELD, IRON BEDSTEADS f rO m O*>'l£ diverse purposes. The Jedbnrgh Gaol, an ber of customers that have entered yonr shop by Spiciai. Tilkobam I>*ii.t. ArnViifrnt £,&i\\J immense Btrnotnre, has recently been con- during the day, also the number of oash ana . -aronrteot. WOOD BEDSTBaDS from -| C/ * verted into a grand musenm, and similar oredit customers, separate. Pamphlet on the Goldfields free. lkT^ l ~-~ : — .. , ~TZZ. v J.«J/" conversions are constantly taking plaoe. If 4. It will tell you what time yonr shop was " npENDERS are invited till noon of Thuri- COLONIAI BOFA3 from f»7 br one moment it conld be thought possible opened in the morning and closed at night. VICTOR M. BBAUND, i day, 15th Augjust, for the hreotion of om t|/. td oonvert this gaol into an asylum, where 5. I tell yon, gentlemen, when you're got Shabibeokib, Ac, Bueines. Premises m Viotona- Btreet, tor COLONIAL SOFA, CRETONNE CUSHION from light and spaoe, lofty ceilings and large will say, as others have: "It's the best •i a vb m- . TamMnnomv Messrs. D. Benjamin * Co. Plans and JlO/O windows, and acres of gronnd for woik investment I ever made." Colonial Bank Buildings, Lambton-quay, B pe o ifl oa tio n s may be .seen at the office of D. KITCHEN TABLES from £>/ and recreation removed from -B.U sound GEO. M. YEREX, Wellington. Benjamin * Co., w,th whom tendera are to Irom ft m and Bemblanoe of oity bustle, are abso- National Mutual Bindings. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. be lodged.. T »iwii"s tit-top KITCHEN TABLES, WITH DRAWER from -%•% I lutely essential to the modern treat- JfIJUJiO nisLAjr, M-L m ment of the insane, the flujrgestion so — /■ imi .ai>^7ijTn»TM» • - Arohiteot. LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH from per yard -| / unanimously approved on Friday night is jj- 4aLaS»J9 Exoellenoy CHEAP MAN UKJiO. mENDERS are invited till noon of Thura- ' 1/™ surely not unreasonable. An arohiteot who Appointment V» X day the 15th August, for the Ereotion BLANKETS, ENGLISH from per pair QjA. w i nt °71l ?e,? c ,, M ?"?* Cook - QSo^^4?eQ S o^^4? e toKia -SSLSBBCWe Governor. npHE Prioes of the Wellington Meat of a p on r.story Warehouse in Viotoria and .„„„„.„ nTl . lva . O '* adviaed that all that is required is that the «s£333?S&s^ J[ Export Company's Manureß havebeen willeston streets, for Messrs. Kempthorne, AMERICAN CHAIRS from *»/q three tiers of briokoeUs that surround the NOTICE OF REMOVAL. reduced, and are now as follows :- Prosser, & Co.'s New Zealand Drug Com- O/«J inßide of the walls should be removed, that ___ nanv limited) Plans and speoifioationß OOBIJICE POLES, Complbte ... ,„ , from £*/ one floor should be put in, making two -»- a iw p s T nnE T1 8 On Trucks at Ngahauranga, or f. o.b. JI^KiTo,.,, =*' thnir Warehouse Lambton- "/" stories instead of three, and that fba win- T * MJZ ."-nLnroio a™ * Wellington- ™V be Been at tha^r\V a« nouse.^amDron STUFPE D COUCHES, CRETONNE from rtt'/ dows should be enlarged. A front elevation g OJS £%gss^ GENERALCA^RIER, Bone Dust, No. 2 Quality... £l£p«t« *™ 7>7 > HISLOP Architect. Wlmow B ,™ „„ T . "01? oonld be built whenrequired years hence oubtobSouß*-QW«, Wmhkotok. Mixed Manure je3lo»perton ■■ WINDOW BLINDS, Compmtk from O/ consistent with a University building, and « /^V ,no m i ». m« o — ' **/" in harmony with the existing architecture. P.O. Box 108. Telephone No. 9. -— _„.„ w - te . FENDERB from q/ ft It is to be hoped that yon will lend the in- Furniture removed nith every oare and Orders arWressed to the Seor etary .Water- £ty^ flaenoe of your powerful pen in favour of a attention. ' 100-quay, WeUington, wUI reoeire prompt SPRING MATTRESSES, Good from i*7 lii ohange that will immeasurably improve Telegrams and letters to wait on iteamers attention. ..,,„.„„_._ Atf/O our oity and benefit the oause of higher and trains reoeire prompt attention. Samples, and copies of analyses, on ap- DOOR SLIP MATS from -t I education. Goods ami paroels forwarded to all parts plication. A/~ IW W & a'Chappl« °f the world, at cheap through rate.. XTEALTH IS EVERYTHING CARPET SQUARES, 3x 2* from 25/- '' ,„ ,„.., -tl TAPESTRY CARPET from per yard ()!£* — -»|--LEOD'S HYDROLEINE SOAP oan [Establishbd 1865.] \lll^i:Zll *™£S2SEL W— '■"• >~ WEAR BIENBAOTB FTJENITTJRI3 RM — , AT cfIEAP RATES have been appointed Agents for the Wholesale Agents. -j-, nnOPffTJ rf<SSJ?" COCKSHUTI' PLOUGH CO. (Limited). " *• VJVJWJTXJXV "S^^^^ M BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. The Ploughs and Cnltivators manufao- T HY WPLLTNGTON SOOIETY FOB THE Begs to announoe that he has one of the f^^^^^^^. M ___— tared by this Company have been eminently THE r^™TION OF CRUELTY TO MOST SELECT AND VARIED g jM®MlM®mffiL t ' successful in England and Sootland, and ANIMALS STOCKS 3 f^^^&^^^mk W <( '■& ITT fTA ~D jfe- C* KITQTTrk f "HT whilst they are as light as necessary strength ANIMALS. w r7I Ur ,j ji in -o-d 3 >«^^^^^i^^? H Oi-'O U JUXjAjX €85 C» H J oUU IjlVl. and durability will permit they are stayers j^ ig reqtteßte d that all communication, for S*Sl!*Ssttai 10l SAiE, fa^ Urg^ 2 '^BBBBBH^' « fffimffiffi?- feasssatsss ?%^-«s^: b I for llghtneSSOf draught, Solid finish, and all- a .tr«flr " OUT mottO 18, THt. Haiti Vt iilVCiltl- J>. II _^^&^ S. «ala«a^a^a < a«a«a ß aaaE-^a«a«a»aMa^ai^a^a^iMa^a^Eß====^l=^a«a^a^a™a^a^ia^a^Bl = B^a.llsi^ round utility.' j s JAMESON THING, and our seleotiong are altogether vffisi)LJSL,^frßy % THE x IHre Tiles, The following testimonial, from one of the ' ' jr on 'gBOg B0 too numerous to partioularise. We keep in pq N^W? s 'ffli3B*Sc^*: O nw 1 A — -_ A 1 ik.. v.wi»v. largest implement manufacturers in Scot- stock everything suitable to this olimate— fc NIL \^«^fW '.' |J- Jtl! ' 1 f\ p t^S^. g I Dire-bnoks, land, addß its own tribnte to the general ~~ needful, useful, or ornamental— from the Bf ' w riTtifV Jiti t v *LTXyi coal OHM I Fire-clay, excellence of the plough:- HhWArl'S "WHISKY. herb root to the regal orchid. w VAiiiiJii __ ~f^KmS^SSSim ii E— >-U— „. Maybole, Ayrshire, 18th Maroh, 1895. UUU UnU n - tLai ° " m ' FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES of all CO. _^^^WHm^m^^»^iJi/S^^ c'e ' H.Cockßhutt,Esq, ,- ~ kinds, by the single plant, dozen, or hundred. WATE H PKOOFS. (Limited), P^^^^^^^^^^Sw »• *, m SeoretaryCockshutt Plough Co, Ltd -*«-ONEY TO LEND H EDGE AND SHELTER PLANTS.- Mannkbs-st t^&^B^ W^^^^^^^^^^^. Firewood (cv JS^^&XZZ&K M OK AU the bestaud h^est varieties. _ Mil nWibjC^^l^Ti O'S^^firA^-SMSia BIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITY. Flowering Plants Th.t W.» F-m, Ton Tak INO Coalbrook- HgHnnpUl ~. at the largest competition ever held in Scot- UP To of eTery aeaoripUon. c Newcastle, ? fl¥T^^^^f GASQUOINE land, viz., that under the auspioes of the THREE-FIFTHS OF VALUE vvuu. Wdfltnnrt WKBwWLa,aMk*> 'dmMfslWltSunPl^UiimAWnfßalleT] Dumfriesshire and Kirkcudbrigbtahire IHBIiMUInS un valuo Full deaoriptive and priced Skd and Plant -Carliff WBSmßlß^kmM^W^^SS^^WSm Local Mana-ei Ploughing Association on Saturday, the 16th ih bums op Catalogues posted free to all Blaok Ball _j?spCr^!nr_]ri l^ni[COffia»i«LUßMSr^LzTL^ Maroh, 1895, at Kigghead Farm, Rauks, near _- _ ft 4?lftftnft appUoants. HOSIERS and ' W^ l A\afrfai^B»S>r''""ff^S^^ i^^^^~-^ Ta ' e P ho1 "' m lumfriea. Your plough beat ploughs by all SbIUU TO ibIU,UUU, HOblJiila, Grevmouth S^Bli^S^P^^ uJv^^T^-^TJ^* the leading makers, inoluding Bansome, ....... -. ,i i^_ _.i... „« Over thirty yearß' experience plaoes ua in JL. jagHJX*"^^*^ y, JT < 2~r.S- ; " P 'O- Bo>: W 1 - Sims & Jefferies (Ipswich), J. &T. Howard At the following exoepfaonaUy low rates ot ft foreßOßt poß iti O n to give advice on all HATTERS, v " 1 —~£3 * - _ (Bedford), E. &H. Boberts (Stoney Strat- mtereßt, viz. : Hortionltural matters, whioh will be freely THE WrOSTPORT COAL COMPANY ford), the "Oliver," and others. Hansome Under jeiOOO 5* Per Cent, given to all enquirers. DRAPERS, i " X< (Limimd). wmrAl nvnTV mi-POn took third prize. Under but not less XT UMBER CYOLfc DtPOJ We have received considerable orders by than 41000 5} Per Cent. p COOPER, and COALBROOKDALE COAL. •"- this morning's post, and are just about .£3OOO, and np to .£IO,OOO 5 Per Cent. •*" J * 40, Willis-stbbm, Wblwnoton. oleared out of the 1160 ploughs reoeived from SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, «Tm?FKTi'Ti'PERS nnHE pnbUo are cautioned against inferior a ■you, and we anxiously await the arrival of pprp O r forms of application apply to the Gov- No. SO, MANNERS-STREET, No. 30, &iUKJ<.ri.J!ii!.i-r.j*o X Coal being gold as Coalbrookdale. This /fe=a~^ — - the 150 ordered on the 27th ulto. ernment Insurance Commissioner, Welling- oelebrated Household Coal oan be had of the /^"^ aa=a «r Yours, truly, ton, or to any of the Branch Offices or Postal MTn?awßTTr<? TOWPR HTJTT following Coal Merchants :— x^rtTT^A. 7/\^—^ Alex. Jack & Son. a senoies of the BIJOU NURSEEIES, liOWiB null, T.«.Taj Ti. w /x\S\ ///K\V >/^*Tn>Sv ,ja&stts?as.---Mr« HiBOSOI , >——.*—. SfiSE" \£SF lIILSIiP ' BUCKE'SE HARVESTER CO. Government Insurance Comn isßioner. . A. Dawson JT.J.K, Powell ,if — =»=-^»»^^^=» Riohard Dnignan W. T. Queroe . A. J. M'Tavish.] [W. E. RbdbtoK*. M. FitzGerafd W. Rees The Fastest Mile ever ridden m Austrah LETTERS-PATENT FOR INVENTIONS. npHE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIAL Mre'tt" SaLTta^^r^^^oTSJ A FROM A WELL-KNO^VN CITI- A. J. M'TAVISH & CO., Grey Valley Coal Co. Thompsori Bros. 8 l-saeo, on a HUMBER. MR. WM. REEVE HASELDEN, ZEN'S WIFE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF:- (Eimited) and Co. -. Wooloombe-street, ACCOUNTANTS, Holm* Co. Job Watts Eabt Tub Patmints, Small Deposii rjEGISTEEED PATENT AGENT 20th Aprii, 1895. At R'wKeVe. J L Young Balance in 12 Month lt Patmsntb. X ' lJ MR WM. C. FITZGERALD, T AND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL 111 •/% /• T.Marshall ' ' 12 Months' Gtjabantee. 24, Feathkrbton-stbirt, Wellington, n™™i««» Ph. m i<.f -*-* «r, ™,^ mIVI fl /I A A hi UA n . _! I Consulting Chemist. AGENTS, «»■■ The Colonial Laboratory reports .„ „ ... . „,"" Pf,"M"T? l-APTY Dear Sir-You wiU be pleased to hear AuuTTnaTnTiQ the evaporative power of this coal (the re.U All Requisites in Stock. UUjyiJi--b.AKLI that my utHe Q . rl haa got rid of nQ jßßaj BBa VALUATORS AND ARBITRATORS, rf uu , lftSr| NFLUENZA test of value) is far superior to aU other Repairs a Speoialit] fJIO C. PITH'S SALE. tha v utwUhyonr 33 , Wklwnoton . BRONCHm9 SORE THROAT &^*tt'£S£?S!££Sft INGLiIIrOS SALE NOW ON. Chooolate Worm Tablets. COLD on the CHEST water j and aro well-known to be superior to iMbi-ia JJKUa., __._ ;; vt> vw n -or m Yours truly, „.,•„ ' any of the low level ooals in the Westport Willis-stebet, Wbllinotoh. -y^T ANT E_J) KNOWN. Mm l pp 0 R SALE, WHOOPING COUGH »una district. W. Gregg & Co.'s Esseneo of Coffee is _. ,„. T „ • ON DEFERRED PAYMENT TERMS- ASTHMA & ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTTOHB BROOKDALE," rriao, Is ba per box, post fro« , , foal unequaUed for Purity, Strength, and HALL-STREET— A comfortable six-roomed The pure vegetable remedies vaede to 0 Company have registered "COAL- Eh "V —^V ? Flavour. Please ask your Grocer for it, LOANS AND MOETGAGES Dwellinghouse, on one floor, two bay up by Mother Mary Joseph Aubert WilL BROOKDALE "as a Trade Mark, and wiU St- 3M „. „ wabo aiw mumoauno. windows ; every convenience. Seotion, if properly adrnirustered, faithfully per- take prooeedinw aeainßt any person using RS§ >irM^A >MC«M|/^» o and take no other. DVANCES arrayed on Freehold and 84ft Oln x 100 ft. >J|, form aU fa c^ ed the °» me «*^t SEKffiK " " g|i jgg^^^|g gf G IRLS' COLLEGE, M "£ SALISBURY-AVENUE-Five-roomed Cot- KJ %%E%2g*Z T™ ""^ J™^^ Bbo^amstbeet n»ttte^d B to ralTradß - proteobon:Bal!l ' xsT' & °' Seotion of Ittnd warns the public' that (—( — . BBOTJOBAM-BTBEBT. A. A. BARNETT, about 62x50. none nre genuine without the /ocsimite BEST TT-NrnTTJTTTW Vacancies for Boarders. »»««• ™ d *%s*&£&*. Olk«OMMmMh«««a House olh- stature on both ends of card- 0 Q ALBROOKDALE COAL ' l * _ U — ■ I^«*TT*4 /t . | /I Delivered from ship's side by the cartload. T>f\T\n.T?T>a> T|/r R. M. G. HERING, BA. (Oxon.) takes SOUTH-ROAD — Three-roomed Cottage, iff if W"llKf IJ REDUCED PRICES JtUUtf JSKH SL2t££n^ a Z2^ I/MVOK LOAN AND Seohon ' 47 xm ' Ar>ly\|lfU ,«-<^ an-o-™n»™). BALB , SALE j SS'Sd^^uS^^SS^toS' DI8OOU:.T BANK. ROLLESTON- STREET -Three -roomed f * ST't/to *™**x*>> 20/- P ~ Ton - ~ Nictht olasßea for boy B and young men. Cottage and soullery. Land, 20 x 101. Stomaoh, Strengthens tbe Herves, removes _ QoD __ OT^ OKI P« T«« W^^'feAi'l^Sri Avooa House, Buckle-street, close to Basin «.„„,__ irnß Price, tna causes of Headache, eto. Invaluable ffr Best Screened ... £fy\- Per Ton. «H /^R^';"^ I^hPtlM*. y" Haßervo - j EsrABusHLED wit. WAIl ™ w QTRVFT Tk™™m.j pp n t restoring vigour and strength after attacks .J. XvKm^^wlSKmS DANCING] MntJT H TgTof^od T se7t. ? on r oTanr%r^ l^/- Per Ton. L^«^ T O||^ PBlteP Bl te^ E DSD S a p» H!IT £W *" £-osooo.dvanood0 s ooo.dvanood at moderate «, nM to be ftadea whllrfage (1b per MH^^gliK Bouloott-Btreet. ' Bhort ADELATDE-ROAD-Two Cottages, of four . ton) andcartage. ElisiWH^lil^ D^&lSdKe^M -— . - (no mortgage cost. gES^= S 3 fW^^^^ on Saturday Afternoon, commencing at 2.30. .. ... .... „. , ..„ . A . JJIOO. THE COLONY withm the reaoh of aU. , 'J B^H&m ' T^NS -^B^*V Adult Class on Monday Eveningß. Minuets ■ nMM « billß-of-Udmg, 4c., 40. Send yonr order dea i w men . htf^^^^M ' \ffM§mS^Ti taught Private lossons given if required. nmTnron ewTrnwo " tioned in above advertisement, who deUvers rN^^WSS 1 -J^yiim^^k. •" Address— Kalnlu Houso. Wiiliß-Btreet. Bir-ia Dibcounved Dailt. BUILDING SECTIONS. ;^ at these prioes, with cartage added. rnt jgf Newtown— An aore of land, with two street "j 1 ""^^^ WM. SCOTT, BMlrar^^^^^lilsr S MASS4.GT? OFFICHB „. Panama-atreot, Wellington frontages, and adjoining Town Belt. Agent. jJ«B KO. luSSTfJIzSI Jlffil ■ jyrß. hernTann both, &ddre.— thTmanager Adewfrroad-icti'on^of 89 a^Bß^^^ft | WESTPORT - CARDIFF iffwM^H^XJs MASSAGE SPECIALIST, BrittomLtstreet^SeTtion^ x 132. ■ ' C 2t^ f Appdnted to te^^ Sanatorium and ]^f EW fc A MPBMIYcR^ST° MPANT Glsnooe-street- Seotion 33 x 130. jDEST AND CLEANEST COAL IN m/ a \^Wmimffi!J!s& !M! /^\ B Government Rotorua. Wellington, Dunedin, Christohuroh, Auok- Gknooß-'treot-Seotion 3s x 94. « YRES' BALSAM OF HOREHOUND ' CAN BE CONSULTED FBEE land.lnveroargill, and Gore, with Agenoies South-road— Seotion, 47 x 100. -*■*- AND ANISEED FOR STEAM it is unsurpassed, being all > «|ffiS*^S'Kxirss»V^ifflipL Pmm-11 „nt;i i v n i nn i, „„„ j *. T>i ■ throughout tho Colony' and Abroad. _„ . _ .. „, . NEVER FAILS pure coal, free from sulphur and other im- ncf IBiitlK^^v^sTx/l^^nllmilSß PBIVATK ADA D 8E ,3-OCC IDSN TAL HOTEL. SSR^SK' SWft-. J" „ „ ft Ot«^jJO—A™ 0«™. Z^^^t^ S> |-cl fl ~ ~Jj 1 1£ Is ll MA<SQirTTC!Ti'"T^Tj T. T ,tp- plete in the'Colonr. The pnoes of the above allotments range lebtimonxal. tains leas ash than any other coal, aa shown Men b Drawers 4s 6d for 3s 11 MAhShUb.h, iOK liAVlbia. Goods and Paroebj Colleoted and Forwarded from 10a to X 4 per foot, and oan be sold Mb. Atbeb— Dear Sir— l have used your by the Museum Analyst :— Men's Singlets 4s 6d for 3s 11 Mr. Roth's book on " Massage," Ac, can to any aldress, at lowest through rates on eM7 terms; small deposit, balanoe by Balsam of Horehonnd and Aniseed in my Coalbrookdaln *l K1 srVi Men's Drawers 1 5s 6d for 4a 3 be bad at any'B or at his roomß No trouble to Consignors or Consignees weekly instalments. family for many years, and have always i/uaiu™u»uo« » uIMU Men's Mole Trousers ... 8b 6d for 6s 11 gratiß. Fullest information at LooalOffioe, _ found it an exoellent remedy for the throat Westport-Cardiff ... 0"62 "b , Rheuma«sm. gouTlumb.go, sciatica. J™? 4 ?™' MONEY TO LEND. gl.-*-*-**^. a cover H. J. RODGERS & CO., hyßteria, B pinal diseases, neuralgia, dyspepl The Firm'B Motto- Yours, faithfully, for H^UsPHoSS ai?™™rinr b. MANNERS-STREET, sia, flatulenoe, constipation, insomnia, Saktt. Eoonomt PBOMrriTDDB." Several sums for investment, in sumß of A. Mildbnhall. JLY* t—ttt ZT\,vt " to aU Ntwi fl . tt^SS^JSSSttS from apwards, at lowest current rate. lO^une 1895. jgjg. "£XJ£% do^ot^V . " 22SS&J& th 9 ° ffeOtB ' T6lephOne96 °- ".^bton-auay. of interest. AYRE^I^ Ch^st, fr?£*JT&^j£?&'l? MrTßoTHha^had a very wide experience TT EN R Y~~B ODLE V Apply Cvb M t., R.ddJord-.t., and Molesworth-.t. dust, dirt or sulphur fumej ; almost as o\ean THE tStt*ttd&&£t H dayman A.^TAVisHaco, o END rr B HOBTT> S . =£«?=»» ONLY WHOLESOME SaSStS "- ' —2 e be had from ship's.side from any coal BACON. andPhysiciansoftheworld Special Deliveries! of Black Swan Butter, T0 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. Vl°T °B J A FOUNDRY tfiZ^S^*™*™***** __ - __ He ia recommended by following :— Direot from the Faotory. V ___ Unscrkh.™ Ofta MILD CURE. Sir George M'Leod, Knight, M.D., LL.D., . unbcbeened U3 * mnnrl>A fnr Regiuß Professor of Surgery University PRINTING MACHINERY. EDWARD SEAGAR. Best Sobmn«d 25s tttw TO^nntr wluTTii'T of Glasgow, and Surgeon in ordinary toTANDINGExTAINTIT— „ r «« c in TH * 1 LONDON MARKET. the Queen, in Kcotlaud J^ANIiIMG, JixIAINUI- _ _ Enoiheeb, Isoh ant. Bbabb Foundm, Small 17 S „„,»,«»■ Sir Anaiony^ollhig^BrownUss, KXi.M.G., New Season's Gasfittings rpHE Proprietors of the Evening Post Boilbbmaksr, anx^ Gknebai. Smith. H. E. HARGREAVES, * bk^SeSS^S^S^a Galvaniaed Cylinder. Webb S£aS*lsS uZ££h£ EBtiniate. given foTaU description., of wellingtonTgenl-" Chrißt< * iroh ' the University of Melbourne. „„ - . _ FOR SALE at VERY LOW PRICES— Builder.' and Contractors' Ironwork. SAMUEL BROWN. |ffgreEga«fe, Sir Donald Matbeaon, X.0.8. l\ .«. uaraen llose ___ IrcWnsGaar^iW And many of the beet physioians and sur- g« ltlirv Henuiaite. Ax * n 2 Dawbon'b Foub-medbb Whabt- VICTORIA AND MANNERS BTREET, nr\\T* !fiß;a«w3l^ S^SAfcttSSft »»*«*»•«—■*•••.••• D AL,PBINT T MAOHIN,B; Wtan*™.. COALS. WeeatofeteatilntßW e e atofe te atilntB e nnd ° oeßßtul print, at the rate of 6000 per hour T> B D UOTIo¥" I N PEIOE. wSSkBSI ea men o pa_en_s nn crt em. ISAMUEL DANKS 4 SON, 1 Dawbon's Two-medeb Whabtoal. A T Dnnedin Winter Show, WARDELL •**' NEWOASTIF »*»» WWffißpß **"* Mr. Roth will only be in Wellington until „ - Pbintino Machine; print. 3000 J\. SriiiTmriiwniT'P vSXXHbUU November, when he returns to Kotorua, and 10. Branbom-btbeet. perhonr BROS, again oarried off First Prize for WESTPORT-CARDIFF l^flffi anyone wißhing to take advantage of his "^ At th« K^nnnrl PrinM m^ wi.-r) K hn» VSBSNBBBb treatment should make arrangements as soon . These Machines are in good working HAMS, against aU-oomers. At tne «<Kiuoea J^noes advertued above. ifilMWr *FflL£fiS^&&^ fl. L I N L E T order, and are only being disposed of a. Vmm . ft CHA| F as his ability in this special form of treat- V*. they are not fast enough to oope with the - . ' J £ .. OArS .WHOLE AND CBUtHED iTT^^l^L mentiareoognisod. UNDERTAKER, rapidly increasing circulation of the Even- ' p BRA.N "^flU^tfijtg; 63, MANNEBS-8T8.,;. m^ be obtained at the W^t^^^^^ W rates. ZZl^^. EGZEMA ""•«»"""=: Private Bcsideuce- Evening Post office. Suitable for Horseß and all Description, of SAMUEL BROWN, onATiANTEED FARM AND DAlßYl^fer^T.i"". I^^.: 1:^1 :^ •n*»c*»~e%£^ <*•***,« coal and produce importer. GUABANTBE J E dtork ringworms, chilblains, cc,, use ' artioles carefully seleoted, and whioh, when Offloe Telephone, 88. OULLWICK'S SKIN OINTMENT Typewriters may come, and N A^™v™if AMn COMPAHT t aa^«^^ ia &F* t £ Vl^* Oe i Eaoh Hak and Side IB Branded aur> Rinnn TfIBICTe worti-icut* TvnawritarH may rro "*^ OF NEW ZEALAND. for Stook that has yet been mtroauoed, and -ji/r/-»T»l7i'Dl'Yl*Tr Propr.f.Mffloh.lKJJ^.^rtaS Typewriters may go, FIRE AND MARINE. one that is specially adapted for Young THE MOREPORK. %^^&^&J22±3s3 The YOST goeson for ever. CA«TAL^fnlIy eubaoribed) ... London Dairy ghow year T3LAOK BALL COAL PURE MOReToRK LARD,' -— — rpHENo.4isthclatestintheproce.sion, S^'anMst qSit^milkw^on X BRIGHT AND CLEAR anb GIVES In Bladders and lib packets. J - D - TUSTIN ' and ha. no equal. y&^^XSt^SS^ £ (the properV of W Coates) which A CHEERFUL FIRE. Sold by aU GrocerZiork Butcher., and PAPERHANGEB, GLAZIEB, PAINTER, • *™*«™? «■ • "«**« of interest to twStdS&ta p, ,7T w Storekeeper.. DECORATOR, & c. &0., & 0., W CRABTREE * SONS. *** »*>*» SftttSl& £& fiS JSSi *"" "" W *-«"—*" mv m n'^ttSSf&S&rZ W i™»««»u* WeUmfeton -ANDR E w onmng^ Sd tt on^^rr^U^e^tn PMM - 14/6^Hal,Ton OHEIBTOHUBOH MEAT CO. work in oonnecHon with the trade. All ; manager. aftv-eight other prizes given atthi Show, pßlo]tp Blo]t ... 27/- ToN ROtE PROPEIETOES work entrusted to me wiU be under rayown Makers of small' Componnd Steam Eneine. : thirty-eight were won by etook fed on the **tl~ BOUi exurts.i.i!ii.<jss-a. supervision. None but genuine material for Dairy Faotoriea— the most ioonoi T. l^^ 0011 AND. LONDON AND Waterloo Round Cakes. Doueli Bobiihid, used, and satisfaction guaranteed. Corre- mioal engines made -U GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. July 3, 1880.— I have the pleasure of "°, "*" ' TVTa T A TUTYRRQfVNr * HO spondenoe solicited. Estimates furnished. Wrought lrolSpUt Pullies, Shafting, i lEbtablibhed 1836. handing Jou tfie re.ult a careful analysU DELIVERED INTO COAL BINS. J. AJNDJittSUJN & L>V., So connection with any other firm. Note Flax Maohinery and Fitting, always in .took InTn.l<<rl>nnrl"n sum* on* of-oneof your Waterloo Round Cakes, whioh — — Old Ctjstomhotjbe-btheet, Wbllinqton, """-Y**™. — --^ . J»££.=lSp iSslt'£iiSa.aS —^aT-S^,™ '—•'-* . man - Prices on application. THE I TJNUMITEB I IJABILITY OF A va l ne of lhese cakes. During the la B t five n-^ mrr-nvrpii JBBBU) OPlSrn IT m awnwivr/H « pS \ aSSJfi^i rSP^M^J' i a ynara I have made many analysis of sample. U. W. 'lUilJNJilt, s gEND IT TO SVOTLTTB. CITY FOUNDRY, r^, a .^> eoial^ Ao t of tte New Zealand yonr dice, aen t to me by oonsumers, and Agent, HHw — — Eva-btbeet Wbllinqtok LepßUture, the Company is in a pomtion to vathout a single exception, I have found all Waterloo-quay (opposite Railway Wharf .) . M^^^S Iff B A U S TRALIANMUTUALPROVIDENT oo^. -J& sameexoellent.uaUty fi P . O . 80l xf/. telephone No. 936. | J^H««f | MONfY™END. rpAKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPER- S^S»SS .SS'JS&^S^iSJffi w~7c^D^ l fWil 3 This Sooiety haa Money to Lend on First- X MINT CURE PEPPEE * &»uranoe. always from the same kind of feeding mate- W. J. GAUDIN, « *£^BBtt3Bt/7 g class Freehoia City and Country Seonritie., !■„„ n« . r- LEVIN & CO.. Agenta. ria u o f the beat quality, and emplo> them /^OAL, WOOD, * PRODUCE £ £ atsi per oent. YOB LOVCma AND COLDS. ■ re^jiß NORTH BRITISH AND MER in the same proportions. The more exten- X.' DEALER. . " iLjbfJ-Jff^^^^, 3 Apply direct to the Sooiety. Sold by all Grooers. 1. 6 d and 2a 6d bottle. JL OANTILE INSURANCE .ively tho Waterloo Cake wiU beopme Ghuznxeetbmt. <B f/^U yBU jißlpjg£f\\ S EDWARD W. LOWE. • •• • COMPANY, known, the more it wUI be appreciated by __ v a^^oS^fflK^Al - W Resident Secretary. -w^ -r,-^- -~.~ ZZ Londok and Edinbtjboh. f^ ererad&tton6 A J °i I ? to n *;-ir«., n »-» J° SALU-Coalb, V?f9k~ffi/ATkJ ll L. QEWAR'B WHISKY "j^fa^tMUjgat* —* L^X SSSSBm yT^tV' " npAKE WOOD'S GREAT PEPPER- . SrtJR^AY. BOBPIBTS * Co!, Present Pnoe, £7 155. per ton. Free on Newoastle FobcShb^Colds BTOP AND REFLECT "&s£% be made payable to W.Cham. (A*^sffiSl Reduced Rate.) MOTHEE Aould oril at B Sold by al, Grocers. 1. 6 d and" 6d bottle THAT°"BMJ TH'S S A L B B*Wa£& cMIy Su?fc^^° £^LTm& "" °*> „£?£*. M the Comply) Abcad.. 90. Will.s-sxb.kt. ■„-__■ ___ „„„„„„ IS NOW ON. < ol f 3 Oa^a?'^4oo 000 — — Nuta,Ooke, and Charcoal Over fifty Perambulator, to olioow from SENT IT TO SHORTT-^ : With Universal TATlqnm _„ „ . , Bt Dry Firewood,. U length. Go.^., and double seated, in great WMIED _ TO fl , MEMOBIAMM EMOBIAM CARDS, in great varied " - W^^' W -" "— *' B " M MQ j£fi3i -iety! Bicycle and Rocking Her.,., .1 W of T »fL* S?2lS"prilt^. <letor il > s° n - 11 *- „ lowest current rates. Pobk SAUaAOis, 6d perjlb. Clover »nd Bye Havy gj,,, Baiket Fnrnlture m*d. in oavns ana &i83898a& - — - WARDELL BROS. . CO., ' SSSSS£ZT^ M&tSI^S^S^S^iSS^SSSi ORDERS to withdraw TSBOlUaoa COMPANY 51, WiUU-rtreet. Priin.^jnterbury and Blenheim j^^. r^ different kind, of MatDelivery Books, Day Bill.. Forma of To Let \J \ from the 'oolmmw. of the EVENING BrtAlUhed 18te Reoonstruoted 1879. Order. Prompay DeUvered. tretie. made and kept m .took. F n orm?Me^t^^tlh^ed n |o B a . 5* 1 ™ "' ■"•° o0 ' 00 °- PACE CARDS PROGBAMMBS ™*™ T i 2?1 £""* SL*" ihow Carda, Pamphlets, Programme., Viait- they cannot be taken out until ike following Emnr Deaarintion of Firo Marine aru -" -*» Season, also PrUe List* and ITJMBO BBAND BAKINCr POWDBB M y<"» want a Rano or Orgam, go W ng Cards (Wies* and genffemen'.)' Hand day. Advertisements .ent in without th. gSSStee ffiskf effected It tte Bohednle. for Agrioultural, HorUoultnral, J __ . ARNOLD'S and make jour owr arrangeJill., Businesa Cards. Pro.peotu»eß, Balanoe nniuber of insertions written thereon will be LowirtEate! effooteo, at me oQua Booiettegf printed , t c Evening . "™» v Sheet*. ept in until orde ed ont. uowmsmwi. LEVIN * CO., Agenti. ort offloe, on the most rea.onable termt. PTJBF.ST AND BEST. w

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 4