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Slfe -w* LAST NINE I>AYS T.AST 14 DAYS THE LA^ T DAYS 1 SHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION COM- OF XJ^VCJ X X^H X^-C— . X£3 H PANY (Limitid) \r ßw IZEALAND SHIPPING it Tnl7 /v ATTkT-r^ o nm i T -rrr,) H BOYALMAr^^BTEAMBBs KIKKCALDIE & STAINS 0F THE GREAT WINTER SALE! FaßtPa o J.n«bS°^ai™b S . FOR LONDON. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! I r~. — T Via Monti Vidio, Tinibiffi, and j IX7 A"RXTCI (^ TT Mr ATI TT'T TV' Q WHICH TERMINATES OF ■ Htma, olCommuia'rjJ^S^u^^ Pltmowth. THERE IS ECONOMY IN KIRKCALDIE 4 STAINS' SALE PRICES. " -™- X*» -« V/ \J XV OU A. UXV X J3I O ■ .= _= >« M st^er. a c mm _ to *<,„ D .t.. EVERYONE In"thE COMMUNITY STEADY! ! SATURDAY, 17 TH AUGUST. I <touiio ■•• 7730 Aicuoy csepc. iy cj trmfwcrQ wcrArn K-y lonic ...4753 Kempson Dee. 18 _____ __ KNOWS THAT Ci i r Iri I H ' B^-^Bon. -ytwt. Bgj^B OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST PROCURABLE ! — fcALHj ! ■ ttSSI® ff&£M 8^ Tw e i : R nB LINOLEUMS PLOORCLOThI ' h Scai^t e Mo^e 4 Vide y o 8 instead of Rio de Tolnme of tr » de that a tt «° e « andou^customer. so much satisfaction. S hap P y toSfp^c «^h it ■ Janelr °- Cab«) Stkamks. The Company's Maa Steamers oaU at SALE OP MILLINERY. SALE OP DRESS GOODS. We want to point out ' GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER ! AT ■ I,,— .gtt-JM. aE2ZZttZBBr»a E2ZZttZBBr» « BK.SS LENGTHS -ERE IS NO NEED FOR ALARM. . ABOUT HALE .p, IOE ■ I 1. 6>iltag . D*P»rtur. ,___ _ EAIiANI) SHTpplNa AT HALF-PRICE * FrOm B/3 the Drßßa — ■ Mimari ... 3SS3 I«jv»ok« OOHPAHT Innrßj, ?S otrlw Bnm™T<i /r. j 7? °-?*/ 500 yards SO-inoh wide TITTI7 rtTTATTTV "— " ~~ _B MJiorl ...saOOMoHatt Auia«t nn H «fc m nl,nn»_-m_- ,^ l?stw S^S^ >6d, 9d, 1/- MELTON DEESS TWEEDS. XJ±_4 QTjAIiITX TTATmT TVmtITATn T»T7^ T»TT/^rT»TI-\T»TC3 1 H g*;;""-^ ggj- olUrfO ° lhonße ' gll * y< 10 °liaokMtkurs ) 1/3, 1/6 Sale P"P "° e> l/2_ y " d UN FLINCHING REDUCTIONS ! NUMEROUS ODD LENGTHS. IN ALL WIDTHS. FROM ITO 4 YARDS WIdH TSko'uJi'^MS Not! -K7 ESTERN AUSTRALIA-For through aITIJ rt^ lnrT l 300yard8 SIIK PLUS I' m,, n . «-, a Txir A t. O mxr-n Q * ,--, ALL QUALITIES. ■ temntir* iOtf Burton Deo. W fares (aU classes) to Albany, Perth, SALE OF JACKETS. From J/. per yard ALWAYS THE SAME. — — ■ Tho underaiimed are empowered to rant Soo'??^^*S 00 '??^^*, 0 :?^,.?, SSSSS,*.^ 1 ? 8 ' W ply ALL NEW STOCK.' Remnants of SILKS ? Hilf- ~~~~~ ■ passages from London to New Zealand, pay- COOK'S SHIPPING OFFICE, 52, Lambton- BL ACK JACKETS. 1 Reduced fiSnta of DRKSS FABRICS $ Pbici. And will be just as good next week as this. T?TTDT A IST A rmYYNT ' ■ -narwhich has been gu-anteedui the W . C U y Hain C aLTfr& c J. «ig — — EXPLANATION- THE -g^-p Q-p THE WEEKJ g£&^SSS^SBS: afeS^Wa&B. 111 " 01 gS-ST Md DOnblß -j SALE OP GIRLS' We now to U day. to- out Goods FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. SEES THE^CLOSE OF OTAGO TO LONDON. C ln^fv E Bro™ K ana S ' lB?nt?,l B ?nt?,« d 6/8' ULSTERS & JAOKETS. inouoh fob ivibtbodt. EACH DEPARTMENT HAS ITS TABLES OF STABTLING BARGAINS. I Sfe fi=sSS_= ::: BBS ats w ' j £ 100 amLs- ulsters and jackets _ THE GREAT WINTER SALE I VriBBAftIBISBIIABIT MEB. SS___-L iSP SJ S I^ L MIT, E^S M 8r cie in U th c . a ™ «ELS' ULSTERS and JACKETs!- PleM9 kee P oalm -^ WON>T F^ YOU « AT I iva ___ Bnnsxi— c ... ... aoootons sou n.p. vs<TT7i<"r ■MiYTTT'DTi'a 1 n Sale Prioe. K/fi *" _■ SYDNEY TO LONDON r_ PARIS. B """"" - "»» toM MOh^ VELVET MIXTURES ) £ Bale, 5/6 WARIVTOnK # A DKHVT I The above magnificent steamers, whioh GOLF and TRIMMED CAPES 59 GIRLS' ULSTERS AND JACKETS, " . " -fILXV'X^I V/V^XV. (V 21.X/XVXJ3( . HPTn ATJA TTr^TTCJT? ■ Stoameraof 6000 tona, nnder postal oon- have all been specially built for tie New wi>r AM a,duoedl/' in the # Sale Prioe. 7 /g „,_,_, _, A . „_, - X -Hi AxiU HU U OHi. ■ . tract with the Frenoh Government calling Zealand trade, and make an average passage W" * . .. . „ . '' EMPIRE TEA COMPANY. nr^^i? ~i -.t-t * ' "■ »tMiLBOtrBint,ADiLAiDi,Ai.BANT,MAHi, of 46 days, will be despatched at regular in- a limited number of the following The above are assorted m all sizes. T> TT A IVTIVr ATT Jfe 1 C^CI I Adkn, Stjiz, and Pobt Said, will bo dis- tervals. Steamers aro fitted throughout earments — -"* -*-*--J»---' -- ~ xIIXX (W V/V/.^ ■ patohod monthly as follows;- : ith EI^CTRIC LIGHT, and •ooommode. TEA and DRESSING GOWNS, Gibls' Macintoshes "| Reduced W4 G TURNBULL 400 HP TT TT, T4^\n r FT>AT.A»n'I? ■ ~ E^ l^T SSS^^S«?«- folf3 ?§ aI< OAT%w a l«l i MACINTOSHES* and JERSEYS, Flannii. Db.ssino Jackets 4/ W. 4G. TUKNBULL 4 CO., JLl±Jhl}%JKjl.lrJ\.ljA.\^jfai ■ Stensnihip. Cma'ander. q^U m^IL. STEWARDESS is oarned. BALOONPAS- OPERA AND FUR-LINED CLOCKS Childbin's Pelisses . */ n n T . -»«"T>m/-\TkT r\TT Air H . d^L ____!_• SAGE MONEY. Je3s, OTAGO TO LON- CAPES and DOLMANS, Childbkn'b Twied Tonics f in the ProprietoM.. 79, LAMBTON QUAY. ■ Arm.Bdiic ... A Poyaenot July » JuljrSl °ON* m . , . at. m„. _* At Halp-Pbici. Ladies' Undjbci,Othikq r» OPENING UP OF Cll TTO A /^< TT^ O /»D T»T?"R TTt H AuftnOien- ...ODidier Aug. 27 Aug. 81 Through Tiokets issued from Wellington ___ Childben's Undebclothing J » urjiJNi«« ur uir SAU SA CjtJUo » - O "•" -Li-t>. ■ ViUeaeUCSot»tLFai«chi -ept.27 Oct.l to London at £Sl 10s. niTTJ AT? Tk UTjaa nr»rkTkO ClT> RTTVTBn "RrinTCi A XTT\ GTTr«T7d WiIUWXIVIiJW v H Polyne»ien ...LBonma Oct.!i7 Kot.i p or ftoier pwtionlarß, apply to the SAJj-Ej UJb .DnJ&SO liUUDS. LADIES' CORSETS (Langohamp'B), ©X XVIJ^I V*" J3V/V/ X O i1.J3l JLF OxxUJDiO. ■ Passoneers booked to Bombay, Riunion. Managers, 300 NOVELTY ROBE LENGTHS, Formerly, 4/9 Sale Price, 2/1 1 - — . ■ M^UBmuTand East Coast oVAibioa. TURNBULL, MARTIN 4 CO., .At Halp-Pbice. i5/J -- L X»QA AAA WOB ' ra NEW AND PASHIONABIE BOOTS AND SHOES TO ■ Rates of Passage to London — Fibst Australian Mutual Provident Buildings, 600 yards 42-inoh LADIES' CORSETS (Yatisi), *OU,UUU SELECT FROM. ■ Saloon, £60 to JB7O, including Table Wines. Prinoes-street. Dnnedin. ALL WOOL CHEVIOT TWEEDS, Formerly, 1 1/6 Sale Prioe, *J jQ LADIES' DEPARTMENT. GENT'S DEPARTMENT. /-MTB CHRISTCHUJttCH BACON-CORING BUSINESS is increasing so rapidly, aucfll Liberal Concessions to Fimffies: RrrtmN , nTTTW at-ptpa p« moo . y, v Ah.r Sale Price, 1/g yard 4 trunks Ladies' American Button Boots, 2000 pairs Gent's K Boots /\ua i,u«iSH-_ui™H uawa »,uni*« ouwb Mß v v,, ~-_ Ticbitb, available for oor 12 monthi, at U OTJTH AFRICA..- P" 8^ 68 by Aber- X/O from 16a 6d 1000 pairs Gent's Pliant X Boots ■ _S^SbSEG£ IT SALE ENBB OH JItoBDAY. ATTGUBT 17. ZB^ITT^Z —~'—»~>>-«»»*—'~—A and givo them every asaUtanoe in landing " ' ' _- _. 4 trunks Bostook's Walking Boots, from 12s Shoes to ud a market for them in Wellington. I and passing their luggage through the Cub. -RTO-fIT. ATSTT) Tfff TTTTRTY- mlf T? XT A T AT»r\X I\T f\ f\ f TT7 TW By AffH Fiorilenov 6d 600 pairs PoUard's Balmorals, perfect- up a mancei xor memm no bu, h 5K^-^«- W «- toI -* ENGLA O^ THE KAIAPOI WOOLLEN^JM^ .la*^^^^ 1000 fi &ent.sTanßalmorals I 0011^^ 1166 -BOTAI. MAIL EXPRESS SERVICE M ATVTTT "P A rTTT"RTTVTa TO LTD. ' ™»g$ Ladieß> T »" ETen^ ShoM > from gJ_s__?.^l^s__-_^ «ST-__l_S I-**" WE GUARANTEE THEM TO BE MADE FROM NOTHING BUT ■ Special advantages offered to pawengeri Tms Pabsinoib Rotoi to England JIIAII U T iI.V; 1 U lili^l W \j\J.>, m TTTTLEJOHN & SON 500 pairs Ladies' Suede Evening Shoei Cove 4 West's Glaoe Kid Shoes * ■ la— ng through tiokets from New Zealand. Is undoubtedly the W . _ailOiX/u\JJI« ot/o\J±t, 10) ooo pairs Children's Shoos, trom Is Hannah's G Frenoh Calf Balmorals, 18a Od, ntf A TISJ 171?-n -prYRTT For further partiou—M, apply to j A. &A. ROUTE. fTIHIS COMPANY'S GOODS are household words throughout the Colony, nd have WATCHMAKERS, 9000 pairs Children's Boots, from Is 3d, It 6d, unequalled for comfort and wear UJiAJ-JN-X! XiXt JTUJS;X_. ■^- fJ?mtCO -'- U - L NEVER BEEN BEATEN FOB VALTTE AND J»"»™ ""> oraoliKS ' »Mg— _-v<_- —. ... rff"™^.^! I^PSfAS« KS_STK& rf Jr_hSS_; MNIBH ».-»»«.«. K!£S^o^aSX. ll ul?uu I ?u B-g^w—w*. »«.»«.* -»«,!. -ne. twice WE «lt. .__ x mv cm. oountry in the world. xl IBUI Jnst opened up, , 30.C00 pairs Girls' and Women's Norwegian 200 pairs Soafe's Waterproof Studded Sole 'SJESiT A° «..'. P»4. w^»- ■"'«* *■ «~to :- KAIArOI DRESS TWEEDS, KAIAPOI BLANKETS Sterling Silver Afternoon Tea Sets Sugar 6 d 10,000 pairs lanvaa Sh 38 s, from 333 3 lid, 4s IST A»»>> I? ■ ¥ !» l> <k T k tf, S|| S aid, g ß ri ndisi,M'alt.,Gib^tar,Plymouth.- _„. Comm . nder . Ug. ,A^e' W*ab K.PAPOI FLANNKLS 32_Sa_£_«^^ H^ \V Ah, , - -_i *. J- 1 » KOO. & V U.. !•_»-,- TTTrrTT^ KAIAFOI CLOxHING, K.AIAPOI COATINGS , Rings, and Mugs, all in cases The favourite G Boots are in great demand 3d I clt-mcr, Ii« Oomnuniltr. £? Tt Ito? iuS£.\ HS°m.°T™rd H?t'«) Cte^a C^ "* ' Fob Mkn And Bots KAIAPOI SUITINGS Also, 2000 G Coppcrtoes, Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid 2000 pairs Carpet SUppers, 2s. 2s 3d, 2s Gd I Dr ™' i bon»e. Momowai M Ortr Oct. 28 1 N..t. a Kov. 21 KAIAPOI KNITTED HOSIERY, KAIAPOI FINGERINGS E.P. Afternoon Teaspoons, Fish Carvers, 1000 G Indestruotible Sohool Boots, from 5s 2000 pairs Men's good B.S. Leather Slippers, 61 WELLINGTON. I , _____ a-nwYTAT Tj-oTv-rrn-CT-i niwa O' Evebt Desobipt'ion KAIAPOI SHIRTINGS and other useful articles, in oases 0d 3s lid ■ ' ■ ______ _____ _____ SPEOIAIi KEDUOED FAitEH . . «.«.-* 100 ° G Patent-face Balmorals, from 5s 6d 6 trunks nice Patent Pomps, cheap ■ HhnalayjiJsgsAWAaunson Aug. 5 Aug. 10 FROM SYDNEY OR AUCKLAND TO so " *°- *>• *°- *°- *°- All the above are specially selected, and Ladies'; Glaco and Pat.nt ; Pumps all sizes 4 trunks Gent> Tan and Ooze Calf Shoes I Orjiri. M7OE Btaw»rt Aue 19 An? 24 ENGLAND: unifnhln fnr Wnrlrlincr and Birtlwinv Gifta 900 Ladies Faustitohed Balmorals, from 12s 6 trunks Beehive Balmorals ■ Ba^tte4OT*f:Hirrta B^2 B^7 Saloon (single] ) £66 to Je67 9s 2d KEPT BY ALL LEADING DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS IN THE COLONY. suitable for Wodoingand Uirthday Uitts. 6d 2000 pairs Youths' G Shooting Boots, Cs At l itiiUa... 1 705OlB«v« Sept IB Septa Special Retubn ... ________«___________________,., Inspection invited. 1000 Ladies' G Wallabi Sewn Shoeß, from lid s£S?* ••'S?S!*rTn'2ri» Set S Oct 19 Stiibaoi (single) ... -331 19s 7d ===============^^ inspeonon invnea. 2000 pairs Boys' G Shooting Boots, 5s ___________________________________________«^ BSt^tt^aTs'iniS^ Oct Is Not a Stiibaoi (Wellington o-c-M-TTTXT-n, • 600 pairs Ladies' G Kangaroo Balmorals, lid. f __---- = -«- i _- = - = - 3== _ == -=__-= ! =^^ ~S-_7»-i _2_f--ks— GENUINE . x TOED TOT w "ffil*"^^^* I^*o-7%^ BABBEB'S gaMOK -TAKING SALE. Second Satoon £T0 _____^_ P »„.---. «^^, . „,,„-. KUHSE PIAKOS week. All kinds of Leather and Grindery in stock. Telephone No. 226 To effeot this he wiU start a Passale^o) P^s-fromEngland NOBTHEEN BTEAMsmP COMPANT PEAROE'S BRolw^D 4 SONS' PIANOS B^S^VE^S^ - , SLAUGHTER SALE **SB?SteSr%» to the Ct^— ) BROADWOOD 4 SONS PIANOS .^^ to , d _ abble « w hooj buy where they ca. SATURDA^ 27t h JULY, 8 .™ f Wellington. «Sa_S_.rrHE B.S. GAIELOCH l«*v« UU X A - 11 UA JJ '«c selUng at 28, WiUU-street. ERARD PIANOS «ui_- in R. HANNAH & CO., By" ILJOL -«~H««W When every line ,n his shop wiU be offered JOHNSTON 4 CO., { W 2nwmui JL Waitara and New Plymouth OUBA-STREET THE BOOT PALACE. 79. LAMBTON QUAY. WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE AND Appointment ?58§llp3S the . tt ;f; ft * Spo pial Pnw «. Or THOS. COOK 4 SON. WeSSgtal. for (Chung- ao uX' '* TTTE Tn?TJABL"R SCHWECHTEN PIANOS FACTORY, 05, LAMBTON QUAY. PP toHis s^»^ Governor. Am. Idea of r_m Abandonbd. oixoumstanoei permitting) :— xjj.jj xujjjjxx».ij_*aj ___________ OBfc<»X->rf?i3 DRESS DEPARTMENT " AUGUST. B^r_4_^toX t _^wHS«Vi' 6 IRONMONGER COLLARD 4 COLLARD PIANOS Q THE^ |^ HANNAH & 00., G BOOT. CAUTION. Colonial and Fronch-Tweed Dresse's, former EVENING POST Z Z :U loS__: m *°s£j%L i iJ& „ " Id All oods of BESTIALITY ONLY and And other Pianos by Distinguished Makers. GASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET. — Blacnnd^Navy^Ser'gosffomer price 25,, JOB PRINTING DEPABT-SS == = _JS OTST ™« "ZI'SZSSr" BWOTvSw— ■ Js S«^^_^i?*SiiJ__^--'^ MENT. 50E SEADT MONET ! WMNGBBtT NOW ON VIEW 6toßooml . -,-m-^ —i» s>tertl""''5 >tertl ""'' J to3 ' SS^«XJ?=--?ff A '"" " '" Pol paitioulaii apply to undersigned. It is needless for me to print price-lists, • maker in the world, Men's heavy Watertights, at 9s 6d Women's ditto ditto, all sizes, at 4s 3d facility for Cleaning, Dyeing, and Finishing JACKET AND MACINTOSH DEPAETHAVING reoently imported from the LEVIN 4 CO., Agents. as my stock is well known as the largest and POTTS IRONS. Men's pegged ditto, at 10s 6d Women's fine Laoe Shoes, at 4s lid all kinds of Goodß in a manner most suited MENT. _____„_________________________, best in the city. I have just opened s c t / 3 v ON Men's pegged Balmorals, nails, at 10s 6d Women's Leather Laoe Shoes, at 5a lid to the various materials. Ladies' Jackets, worth from 15s 9d to 50s, rr__:__:r_c v^m t*>™. 80 oases NE w goods > oa_^.g £ a HL a H », x-.™^------. is^sssr" 8 -^ ;s^:^;:r:r ssssassss* -ssss_-™-1 and „„„„ o . Boys' stout nailed Lace-ups, 10 to 13, 4s Women's fine Leather Balmorals, high-leg, dossessed by any other firm in the colony. All the above are the season's goods. TIONS in TYPE and PRINTING MATE- HERE IS A CHANCE TO BUY DBA- T -._.„ _ n _ WT .„„.„ DOVER EGG-BEATERS, MUSIC. Songs and lid; Ito3, 5a lid; 4 and 5, 6s 6d 7s lid and 8s 6d The best dyes only are used, and goods MILLINERY, Ham-Pbioes PERY CHEAP. I MEAN TO SELL THEM CHEAP. 6detoh Pianoforte Pieces. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. are carefully treated by experienced work. E ; o hly.feimuied Hate, Is to 7s 6d RIAL, we are prepared to undertake all „„„.-„.„_—„__._-__ nTTT?IMT?V»a TT ATWTVTT?TJa Noti Addbbbs-R. HANNAH 4 CO.'S CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET men. Children's Hats and Tarns, worth from 3s lid • THIS AND NEXT WEEK ONLY, NOW IS YOUR TTMTi' (JJ±XuN Jb I O HAMMlilto, ______ 1 --^ — . to 8s 6d, now 1b la lid 2s lid aeioriptions of GENERAL JOB PRINT- x Bhall offer the who i e balanoe of my winter filU; No. 7, 2s j No. 5, 2s 3d MUSIC FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS- q^ oolleotßdan a delivered free of charge. Children's Coats, Fawn, Grey, Cream, worth ING, at LOWEST REMUNERATIVE • NOMIN ALICES GOoTbOOT* TABLE MANGLES, A LARGE STOCK. AEIENIAL TKi HAET, _ xJ^Co^A:^^^^ PRICES consistent with First-class Work- Heavy Linn p,^^, Coloured Vel . the MTKf^S rSl32B6deaOll ~" Mannebb-stbeet. Particulars and prices in catalogue post 66, manship. __ ffi&&US£uZ __ EI<JHT PMCE EnlSe, tinned, No. 5, 7s each THE , ,"7 _ , « DRESSMAKING. I_dlT__S Kid Gloves, worth 4s 6d, now Business Card,, Circulars To^.^BUnkS" 1 IK Tabfe '__-_' GENUINE REDUCTIONS, OILCANS, DRESDEN PIANO CO., R^buTTelfii lib fti-_?B.Bd _ To prevent mistakes and disappointment xJe^clshmere Gloves, worth Is, now6d Billheads, Memo. Form. Napkins. Men's Shirts, Moles. Braces! Fboh 15 to 50 Peb C« T . Car P enters'_bench. 3d each L.HB.O^nAT, We^xnoton. S^**-"'^ XTAVING cn B ag«d a thorough customers should address £*£ Cashmero.Hoae, worth !«^ow Is Statements, Invoioes SIMPLY 'SLAUGHTERED — As I make no bad debts, loan sell at ' Rice, 51b Is XX —jr ■haT3TIT7'R 6- fin -Is lid Grand value T*««r and Nntfl H«aflincn, " cut, n n in™,™ o n,nTrt. m nr ««. prices where others will starve if they sell M.J.BROOKES, Barley, 2d per lb, 12lb Is 9a good Dressmaker from the South, W. UAIi/JsJili «X KjKJ., A Speoial Line of Peione Tweeds for Boys, Letter and Note Headings Ladies' Underclothing Reduced SALE COMMENCES THUHSDAY, 18th, J t aMne Md give oredit . *■ Manager. Flag Pickles (assorted) B|d bottle • worth 333 3 63, now Is lid per yard Cnstoms and Shipping Forms Hosiery and Gloves Very CheaD at AndatDunedin Large bottles Sauce, 6d who will commence her duties on STEAM DYEES AJ«D CLEANERS, Boys' Suits at exact Coat Price *" m.™»«i..^t™w b « b . E^-ns^CroohetCotton ldreS llOiddoz T M«Ti"RA"N' TiTN . Ana ai uunaain. Tomato Sauce, three bottles Is Kemember-SATUBDAY. And remem. . Mercantile and Law Printing on c^°™ n ' Embroidery, Id PEAB-CE'S * • L( - ti - a - W » J » N -» the 14th August, I beg to thank the 4S. Ctt34>-scbw. ber that when I quote cheap prices it is for Auctioneers', Seed.and other Catalogues yard, lOJd doz. IRONMONGER. * AT -„,., reliable goods. _=^±_£=: ffifepSr —- — ._, BEPAmB , WtLLIAM OAMPBELL-S, T o „..-» „ -.«.„ " I £Zss^~ and General Theatrical and Show AS |I MUST HAVE ROOM I SHALL T? O E SALE. Ask your Grocer for T^AVTD PRYDE, having had 21 years' ORIENTAL TEA MART, bestowed on me in the past, and beg Fbom London. "»«-» SPARE NOTHING. * __ B^OROET'S BIBOUITS, wXtoh e 2SisirkKri^, d i. O &ugh?^ 21 Mannebb'-stbeet 21 to soUoit a continuance of the same — JONES & ASHDOWN Ball Programmes and Invitations CALL EARLY CALL ALL CALL "^ k a -^ «. qualified to Repair your Watoh or Clook. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Visiting C-ds OFTEN. ' PIANOS! FOxTrlGg' Prices to suit the tjmes.^ Telephone, 443. in the future. Every care and at- 2 orates Can. 4 White's Hoppers and Have secured a consignment of Prospectuses and Balance-sheets TTYIT If T TATTkBT?!?/! Wholesale Agents, 57, Manners-street, tentiqn will be given to seoure a ,TraPlr, TraP lr w n t-._a;i SEASONABLE TWEEDS n,. oi JU_L. Ji. JjliN UJBJliJitf, Meroer-striet. Opposite the Opera House. — ™ 100 drums Hubbuck's Linseed Oil . , Calico blreamers Wbono Sure of Ctjba-stbeet. PTAT^OH I PTAT^OH I ■ • perfect fit, combined with reason- 180 kees Hubbuok's Gennine White Lead l^rana .uesigns; Books, Pamphlets, Prioe-lists -- ri__WUß. ri_.-lUDI 100 kegs Hubbuck's Red Lead at Artioles of Association Paroels Delivered Free. TIT ANI E D KNOWN. FREDERICK JONES &CO CLEARING SALE. able prices. 120 kegs Hubbuck's Patent Dryers 331. Per Cent, off original cost. FormsofForSale-ndToLet ! have just opened u P a shipment of the ™ ~ F^W^^o'u^ I ™ ) ' - OUR SPRING GOODS are now "° Tag and Luggage Labels rpREMENDOUS REDUCTION oelebrated EMMERICH PIANOS, hand- YOU CAN GET THE BEST VALUE LxwbtonOtilt n^IHE whole of the First-class Furniture .. a ■ O_w,Tin_- turn A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Rules, By-l,w a ,Pence.Cards 1 .„ ...... . . FOR YOUR MONEY Lambton Quat. (JIHB whole of the First class being opened up, and we ask our 2 oM es Concentrated Sizes, in Ub and Jib FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, *o- *o- ■ 40. IN PRICES some in appearance, brass pin-plate, over- — or(jans ftnd Bedding at prcßßnt in stock wUI be onalomerß to oal i and Aspect them packet, ' TO PTTROH ASF BTTITS — AT strung, trichord,ironframe,andnew P atent ORESPIN 4 CO.'S CO-OPERATIVE MUSICI offered at greatly reduced prices for the and avoid disappointmenfc J \ t , ♦ - ENEBAI'SSC^TERS HIJME & SONIS - — — .areallysplendidinstrument, STORE, C^ba-stbi-t. Pxa NO S a¥"d ORGANS pre Bent month . 1 SfiT From these Tweeds at M> - orillianttone,andeasy touch. j^c—^gj.- -.^K ___S«_C- -Ipurohased for cash at a figurecon- P^ to not. my Address- -^SSKS-** FOR CASH^LY T HS OHOP yOR pBESENTS, ««»« ""» J cToT^ V6ryloWPrioe ' SsSbSS? 1 ta^rr^urie^mt^ -^ -low cost, lam enabled to s.U at H . STONE, SSSl^£*.^_l.«- — .„<, aAV,, 1 b W .-tJLJ_, °'^ _ 500 b.xe. Pure Ceylon Tea.,. l ßs 6d per do^eU to' get prices which wiU compare favourably with JONES & ASHDOWN. WAtIh^?aS?jSlER Traßo 'Sts«"Jd O C^™ — — takeninpartpaymen, MtfA-T" L^b^o^nTn _H5 MS tS L I EY MANUFACTURER. ! = SSSK'SSL. Bolte and WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. in bides, iious ana outs. Cheese, prime quality, 5d and 6d charge of the Mnsio Department, and he G. LINLEY, Nnts ■ NEWGOODS. NEWGOOpS! — ~ Prim^tKbSdde^ and b^no^ef 0 " *" B6OUn "* *** Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, and Undertaker, Cuba-btbikt. 89 bdls and 2 casks Lloyd 4 Lloyd Gal Choice Jewellery, including Wedding, En- HAMS! HAMS W Tr gPTT.T.-R-R, Canterbury Ham (guaranteed) per lb,6Jd noveraes. vamsed Pipe and Fittings ANTED KNOWN. f_s3^S»Sf*£^_ H^ ten.e -n. « •«. w Brilil-BiJi, * .»» Spioiai, Tebms to thi Pbofission. 63, Manners-street. 1 case V.ughan's Rim Looks W Bangles, Brooohes, Pins, Studs, SUver The Finest Hams in the Wona— Mild, Lean, AT 6 oases Tavlor 4 Wilson's Rover Mangleß Knc!&^^^ -aWeU-Flavoured- THE "HALL,". BOULCOTT- STREET. ORESPIN'S CO-OPERATIVE STORES, O«S»J!£_AWSSar 1 cask Salter's Sad Irons That a really firat-class Gent's Boot, made to Presentation Mirble and Chiming Clocks Every Ham Guaranteed Perfeobon. OuBA-STBt^ quurements being attended to with prompti- _ 1 case and 33 bdls Dennett's Double measure, at 21s, is superior to those Kel Fo^rs° Pc " GIMM8 ' SPootMleß *■* Hradr6dß to I **' "** NOTE PARTICULARLY '. -, „ B AMES,W ANTEDKN ° WN ' , B T_S___ usually sold at 30, Cutlery, SUver and F-leotro-pUted Novelties ' mHATOSMTTH'qRAT.-p «J» 1 oase Cold Onisels for Wedding Presents — fJIHAT C. SMITHS SALE JOHN DUTHIE & CO., TAILOR, LAST WEEK 19 oases Jb N son * Nicholson's Varnishes ._ Loalller is j^ ngin prico Jewellery of every description made on the „... _„. . IS NOW ON -_-i-_— _-i -r -_-^.-_-» »-».« 4 oases Mander's Varnishes """' I "™ t Ira^ B premises. Watoh, Clock, and Jewellery TiiA ' rjiA ' - W' IW } I. I 1 |fl R ,'S LIMirED, <Late Cutter to Jones 4 Ashdown). OT ,„» k s wire NaUa assorted rapidly, but my best Hand-sewn Boots aro mga^Sg- *»•«-. t? J WALSH TOO" WTN^ PPT^« 'IRONMONGERS Of large Home and Colonial experience, CRESPIN'S GREAT BOOT SALE. _ sfci ll 10a NOTE PARTICULARLY & ° mt --SEftfi "' "^ k WILLIS-STREET, "' WINTE R_ PRICES. IRQN M a^ flANTS> beg. to steteth^he has started STEWART & CO, THAT CAC A SMITH'S SALE Customer Bu^g from us Save all JJJX £*S&**** 1b *>* OCOABIONAX BIIITEB No. 36, WILLIS-STREET, S^_^r¥^H« WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS, T!MBER 1 IS NOW ON. an, oit A M^OH s'ibzob Abt.o,,. POTB *_£SB_B GOODS 1 ffvfe^ 8 ° f "^ A few doors above the Empire Hotel. KfflSS«£ AND GLASS MERCHANTS, WARD'S RECEPTION — This Tea is worth Is per lb more. At less than half the usual wholesale J-f PIECES, n* GENOA and PLUSH, T__*M gd^IMB L^ -Itt B__ _ ghildr ensS^^J|g^.*»*^_a Wellington. WAS nothing te oompare with C. LTelSphoni, 343J price, are now selling for cash- 4 -317 and J519 Each. Harriwn Bros'^ind Howso?i^XYLONITE AU ordarfl raoei I? P 0 " 1?*1 ?* ond °* rafnl Gents' Nice Goloshel Bals., 12s 6d for 10s . " .irWnwnv -pEDSTARSTOBE, 200 Ladies' Jaokets, 5s od. 7s 6d, 12s 6d, ISs IVORY TABITcutLERY^ Thta atten&on. Bostook's Crupp Gol. Bals., 18s 6d for 16a — SALE NOW ON. -•-*' „_- i _ - 6d, 18s, to 47s 6d; all worth double the DININGROOM HTTITEB is nndonbtedlv the best nn-litv Ontloi^ Our Wear-warranted Shooters, for 8b 6d rPTTP, T{T7.ATj WATTST?.TAYTON & ERSONE, HUME & SON, m=B W B)O a. hllsed , ISsSd, to q __££^^fi'Si W . ESSSSHS Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. Our Reg^^g^Ma TIGHT l^SSffS^SiMffiW (Pbopb«tob, P. RBIMER) TAKOPST TPA WTNP AKn 265 ; worth from 20s to 50s , Each. . . lowerthanthose charged by less reliable Youths' NaUed Shooters, 6a lid l-AT-H. 14.inch Best ?oiis£ed Morocco latent BO<ni SlC£ MM PRO^NDESERSr^EW KaMef ,9 •P^{_S£ ™» li^^'S^_BS? 111 "*" - WAP. NOOK'S SOAP S^ B »SffiS?^^ THJ best W*Sw* A *. Ci^ cgu ffgj avel^g =aS_-& Dt^EDIN^D STAR ALE, , ZEALAND,- l^XW^ - " ,~ ' - ;' ; ■ _?* _S£S&.°-_ W ' Prl ° 98 -• bfst^aUTs^^to^M BB^__Ss-S_3?kx0 OT.0 T. G3AN D 65,W t LL M - B TBE.T. g= 68 ' h^ 08 ■ 7™22LS?^'. iri ''SSS^ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SOAP andtoe^tes.g^ uSe^s% WELLINGTON. J^r^^K^s.^^i .^2ll^ls^ »j " CUBA-STREET. aSMfffli"— " "" «S^ ft Sp^.ThineWin,. S^^J^tt gSSSIi , U,, WARNOOK'S SOAP 3sto4 a inthe^al,other g oodsat P^Be^B,-.. G REAT EALL IN PRICE 6 SSo y-ead,m^y -ead,m^ Clothing. -JSSS-. 1 0 0 00^^ «OH E fi O P P^^M<3 _^!!!!_!!!!i_ oT .ebsT4 b T - "-^.d,- • . ■ • 'wn^-^mM" warnocics soap' 23 - c "™ h fet-aWsjft-ft X^BITANNIA HOTEL, jr*?^-^^^^^* —" . ™*™S*££g %SSBV%t&£UB& W-A-RWrOOXS SOAP. Next^oHous^ = fl^l^ JtS» split leather, O T»TJ A VTTVT n PTTTM^PfI . BEVELLED, MIBEOK, "' BEDSTEADS iaStumDftenoh Half ™ i -o- « t,i i«i j nun,.-. 16 other Popular Songs j bypost, Is 4d .._ oTTTTVTTyOT? T l7 A nTTW wi* 0 stationery, penholder, and blotting WiLLis-STBiiT REMEMBER- gPitAIIJNG JT UM.if 8 J32 10s Eaoh.i „ ■ tosttr Itolia? Pale Yellow, Blue Mottled. Golden Crown, "Whisper and I Shall Hear" Waltz, 2s ANTI-CHINESE LEAGUJS book, patent portable ink md light boxes, (Underentxrelyj^managementO ' 10, 11, 12, 13, reducedfrom 7s 6d to 4s lid. FOR FEUIT TREES. '•"•"■' 'UNOLE^-tS „' ; ', %.^REN'B , COTS, Woven Wire Mat- , . ' HbJi^w^U-). " KrfoomWrWlttz, 2s ' ' — oaCpincu^onf tt^m^bo^fi^S MR. ROBERT REID Only 100 pairs to sell at this price. KNAPSACK! , .. ■ and, . LAWN MOWERS-Ohampion. ElceUior. •' Brown Windsor, Fancy Soaps. Pfanos TtmiD jbom 7s 6d TT strikes me that we shall have to |^ft p^ n^ scis^r^orv nafl toimmer^ (Fo^nin. y^ Steward of the Wellington BOTOHTTHEM - Ap , All Pump, fitted ; ''. ; '. ( J 5£M' < Wj ' " "SftST-S » tot » n -• t T^ Working Men's Club), SELLING THEM CHEAP ! uvlAij j. with Burf a Patent IN ALL WIDTHS, SPECIALLY ; ,^s^^ ■~ ' ' P■ . - FOX&RIGG, P ost,ls4d. 1 " *' ' TJNCLE ASSYRIAN if ♦„« T_- i^?^l_^__S 11 _uta-_ Desires to announce that hew now Licensee __ AGITATOR j . '• - REDUCED ■•'- ' „ Digging rßorder.-Wtedipg, and Potato The best variety of Sheet and Book Musio jL f^Zt * %S3-to Sto "l 3 fuin^ lof the above well-known hotel. BEIN^TIME, AQUARIUS TKIUNE JETS. -- <.< Tols.'ls^di'l^ed^s.'andSsyard. ' - l< ■ Forta^ »" ; wt ,__ f "' „, , WHOLESALE AGENTS, in Wellington. 5000 assorted Songs and P.F. LEAGUE. Tho'sUver'Tops Wb7 riofiytfltS^-E A fuU mpply ofTe Finest Brand of A. LINDSAY'S, " OAEKETS '',■ "* 'AGENTS;' •'• „ Miboeb-stbeet, Wellington. Rm 5 J^^^Wt-Z^J?" As a check tojurther invasion. _^__-ro.-:___£r_!g monogram of Liquor in stock. The patronage of the pub- Cbba-stb-it and Lambton-otat. A. 4. T. BURT, and all AUSTRALASIAnTnCANDESCENT Opposite Opera Hous.. x beg to annonnoß tha t I have opened my two <» <*«» Slttherf™ 1 -^' Uo is confidently requested. MANNiBS-gTBEiT Willinqton, DRAPERY FURNISHINGS -. GAS-XIGHT, ';? XT PRITCHARD begs to call the atten- ■ old Dining Rooms m a oT^owr^brammte -nd 7tempmg inmali MULTIFORM. M-nufaoturers .nd Importers of DEDUCED FROM Which gives treble the Ught at half th^ icojt tl. tion of the public to the faot that he NOTICE rrTTP-TTTHn ta goWonttuT bag?^complete. STAPLES' XXXX BEER ALWAYS ON MUJjl __ *" CRE AME RY^SUPPLIE S. ° ? NOTICE. nrt JSSSS,I..a SSffA-fe ""- " QHOW PRINTING, with it. endless -3200 WOBTH OFJANCY GOODS, Complete Equipments' for Butter ' ', H. FIELD JiH B, JOM 'DTOBm^CK^ &^ STORE, New^ond^t.Lo^o.. Siety of Posters, Streamers, Hangers, and oWette' Stories -nd_Privato Dairi M . ; MANNERS-STREET ONLY ;, -^Lis' and vfc^O^tA STREET^'. fr gSj^^f^gft, permission wiU be proseou PEBSIaTIOL^Ire" MADE ON Dodgers, and Window Cards, in plain or Cr^oollTand^ard'skins. 11881 ' 111 ""' Estimates Furnished on^ PP Hc-tton 'to ' "'-,-,.-_ Vibtv' 5 ] '^ " SS ig^Ved-^^TRITOHABD; GO WITH THE CROWD THE PREMISES, DON'T FORGET, _^_n ta and«,lours,print^onat^tiv. T^r&^ Pi r^^^^^ WO 'o^SwFiiim . H ' \ ° £gj£ _^' te A ? flaw «* *"•■ °" A ** >fc "T° °' SM _L TH ' S B -"'' I" view_of_the public. C SMITH'S SALE &$ to^-ke^^^fctoc^ * 'sAL R io-WON. • T,y it ne^hing day. gBNO IT TO SHOBlT'fl. A SALE NOW ON. GEO. BODLEY. IS NOW ON.

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Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume L, Issue 38, 13 August 1895, Page 1