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SPECIAL LINES ! SPECIAL PRICES 1 FOR ILECTRIO OR GASLIGHT WEAR! NOW SHOWING" BY WARNOCK_& ADKIN. PUN JUM SILKS, in Fasoinating Gaslight Shades SHANGHAI SILKS, in Testod Evening;Colonrs BLACK SILK GRENADINES EVENING SHADES IN NUNS VEILING AND CREPON CHIFFONETTE, FKISETIE, SILK CREPON D'ETE THE MObT SKILLFUL DRESSMAKER IN NEW ZEALAND WITH EVENING MATERIALS. Grand Stook of GLOVES 150 pieoes of NOVEL LACES just opened OPERA WRAPS, FANS, &o. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR TWEED COSTUMES TO ORDER FOR COMING BITTER WEATHER:— TWEED AT DRESS MADE TO ORDER, OS OD yard Kindly reokon thiß np _p-J "1 QS £»D OS "I ~| D yard Please think how possible £9 O3O 3 AB OD yard Bear in mind, highest skill C*S\ RS AS <YD y*rd Dressmakers of great renown X?O *7S7 S f\P KS />D yard The most durable'Tweedever I?*> 1 0 s f£ D «2P" NOTE.— These TWEEDS will wear for two or three years. Unequalled opportnnit for securing a high quality Dresa at 30 per cent below value, WARNOCK~& ADKIN. R. HANNAH & CO., THE BOOT PALACE, LAMBTON QUAY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOOTS OF THE DAY, THE PALAOE G BOOTS. WE are alao opening up" 269 Trunks of SPECIAL BOOTS, SHOES, and EVENING SHOES, Ex lonio, comprising :— Gent's Porpoise Tan Boots, waterproof, 35s Ladies' and Girls' Slippers, 2s 6d, 3b 6d, 4s Gent'a Tan Walking Boots, from 18s Cd to 6d, 5s 6d 35s Hannah's Felt Slipperß, Is, Is 3d, la 6d Gent's real Ooze Calf Shoes, from 17s Gd to X Boots, waterproof 22s 6d Ladies' Tan Balmorals, 12s Od, 13s Gd Gent's Porpoise Boots (blaok), from 22s Gd Eadies' Beautiful Ooze Calf Balmorals Gent's Porpoise Shoes (blaok), from 12b Gd Ladies' nioe Tan Shoes, 7a Gd, 8a 6d, 9a 6dl Yonthß' Porpoise Boots Ladies' Real Ooze Calf Shoes Boyß' Porpoise Boots ' Ladies' Moroooo Shoes Gent's Beautiful Court Shoes, from 7s 6d Pinet's Button Boots, 20b] Gent's Lovely Dinner Shoea. new Bhape Pinet's Lace Boots, 20b Boys' and Youths' Dinner Shoes Pinet's Button Shoea Gent's Morooco Greoian Slippers Pinet'a Laoe Shoes Gent's Patent Leather Greoian Slippers Pinet's Evening Shoea Gent's Wool-lined Slippers Bostock'a Evening Shoes Gent'a Real Levant Slippers Bally's Evening Shoes, from 3s lid Hannah's G Shooting Boots, 8s lid, 9s Gd, Strakoßoh's Evening Shoes, from 4a lid 10s Gd, 12s Gd Ladies' Suede Evening Shoea Hannah'a Porpoise Shooters, 18s Gd, 20a, 22s Ladies' Real White Kid Shoes 6d Ladies' Real Bronze Evening Shoes Hannah's Watertighte, 8s lid, 9s 6d, 10a 6d, Ladiea' Real White Duck Walking Shoea 12b Cd Ladies' Real Buckskin Shoes Hannah'a G Bluohers, 5s 6d, 6a Gd, 7a Gd, 8s Ladies' Brown Canvas Shoos, from 3s lid 6d Ladiea' Blue Canvas Shoes, 4a Cd Hannah's G Kid Goloshed Bals, 10a Gd, 12s Ladies' Blaok Instep-strap Shoes Cd Ladiea' Slippers, 2a Gd, 3a Gd, 4a Gd, 5a Gd Hannah's G Cookham's, 16s 6d, 18b Gd, 20s Maids' and Girls' Canvaß Shoes Hannah's G Yonths' Boots, 4s lid, 5s lid, Maids' and Girls' Evening Shoes 6a lid Girls' Beautiful Buckskin Shoes, from 6 Hannah's G Boys' Boots, 4s Gd, 5s Gd, 6s 6d upwards Hannah's a Dairy Boots, 6s lid, 7s Gd, 8b 6d Children's Boots, from la, la 6d, 2s, 2b 6d Hannau-'s G Kangaroo Balmorals, 13b Gd, Children's Shoes, from la, la Gd, 2a, 2a 6d 14s Gd Everything New and Speoial in Boots and Hannah's G Calf Balmorals, 10s 6d, 12s 6d Shoes can be obtained at Hannah's Leglete, 8a 6d, 9s 6d R. HANNAH 4 CO.'B. We have held the box-seat of the ooacb in placing before the public for the past 21 years the best Boots and Shoes from the English and Continental markets. In fact, we oommand the Homo trade, and seoure those markets for two years before they are allowed to Bell to other smaller people. We are the largest manufacturers in New Zealand, and have just added to our Fsotory a Hand-sewn Department, under the management of the best fitter in New Zealand. Ladies' Boots, Shoes, Pumps, and Tennis Shoes, made to order. Gents' Hand-sewn Porpoise Boots and Shoea made to order. Polo Boots and Riding Boots a speciality. All Boots and Shoes guaranteed, and made out of best oak-tanned English and American leather. Wo manufacture 4000 pairs of the celebrated Palaoe G Boots every week. All kindß of Leather and Grindery on hand. The Trade supplied with Uppers. .£BO 000 worth of stook to aoleot from. Note the Addresa — R. HANNAH & CO., THE BOOT PALACE, 79, LAMBTON QUAY. THE G- BOOT. R. HANNAH & CO., THE OASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET, Make the G- Brand Boot. Support lobal industry. Teat the G Boot. Six different Shapes and Fittings. NOTE LEADING LINES ! THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED t Men's G Brand Half Watertights, 8s lid I Youths' G Brand Stout Sohool Boots, Ito 5, Men's G Brand Full Watertighte. 8s lid I 6b Gd Men's G Brand Light Balmorals, 9s 6d I Boya' G Brand ditto, 10 to 13, 4s lid Hen's G Brand Pegged Bals, nails, 10a 6d | Visit HANNAH'S CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, Cuba-Btreet, for every desonption of Boots and Shoea. Orders by poßt promptly attended to. R. HANNAH & CO., THE CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET.

NOW IS THE TIME TO INTBODUCE THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT! Reduoing your Gas Bill 5Q P«r o«n*i and giving THREE TIMES MORE LIGHT, Without heat or vitiation of the air. 0 BURNER Consnmos 3S. feet per hour, and gives f7Q candle power. Owing to the LARGE SALES in Australasia ' we are now in a position to offer the Burners at a considerably ' REDUCED PRICE. Prices have been Reduoed as followß :— "C" BURNER, with Mantle and Mica ''Chimney, from ... 27/3 TO 22/3 Extra Mantles, from ... QjQ T0 2/6 SIX REASONS WHY EVERY GAS-CONSUMER SHOULD ADOPT THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT:— 1. It Baves half the gas bill. 2. It gives treble the light, 3. It can be attaohed to existing gas-fittings. 4. The light is olear, steady, and brilliant. 5. It does away with tho impurities of gas. 6. It is pleasant, simple, and economical. Extracts from a few of the many testimonials from patrons of thiß system :— Univeraity of Sydney :— " We estimate the saving of Gas, from the adoption of Incandeaoent Burners, at about g0 P er oent *" Bonrko . street Congregational Ohuroh, Sydney :— " There were Burners used previously, and now, by using the Inoanaeaoent Lights, we only require X 3. St. Andrew's Cathedral, Syd l ! 6 ? ! "~" G . M consumption per Sunday eve n in ? service reduced from 2000 *° 300 three times the light." St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney-"0 " consumption reduoed from 122,000 feOt to 000 feot por nartor ' and bettßr light and no heat." To large oonaumers the saving represents so muoh that the initial oost of Burners beoomea a mere bagateUe in oompanaon, while even email oonsumers will find the oost returned to them in a very short time, with all the advantages of ar greatly-inoreased and more pleasing light. Full particulars oan be obtained from , JOHN DUTHIE & CO., Ld, Sole Agents fob THE AUSTRALASIAN INCANDESCENT GAS-LIGHT COMPANY, LIMITED, London and Stdniy. H. ESTALL'S DYE WORKS. rTAHE public will find our prioes considerI ably. lower than any other firm. We import our drugs and dyewares from London, Glasgow, Manchester, and Hnddersfiold, and use only thoae reoommended by aoientiflo authorities. As we alao reoeive the latest works and journals of the' trade, <we are able to adopt the moat approved modes of dyeing and oleaning. We'poaitively guarantee our Solonra to bo fast, and not to rub' or wash off." By importing and umng a patent drying maobine, we can fairly ,'olaim to turn out work ohoapor andfluibfer than any firm in town. ;,iXl'~i ' FEATHERS- DYED, CLEANED, , AND ' """ ' * * .DRESSED. " , * Ours is the only firm whioh oan boast of having a thorough Expert Feather Dresser. Ouroplourß'are perfeot, and the ourl does not leave the featherafter' wearing Week. Ladies, if you want your Feathers to last and look nioe and fashionable, oall at No. 30, COURTENAY-PLAOE.

2000 ™ DE s DRESS MATERIAL, Wabii and Durable, 4/11, 5/11 per Dresß, AT 0. SMITH'S, Tho Cash Draper, Cuba-street. r. 1 600 PAIE BLANKETS, To be Sold Cheap, Single Bed, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11 Double Bed, 10/9, 12/9, 15.9 AT C. SMITH'S, The Cash Draper, Cnba-atreet. 500 BOTS> OVERCOATS, At Reduced Pbices, 12/6 for 4/11 AT C. SMITH'S. The Cash Draper, Cnba-Btreet. OK./A MEN'S MACKINTOSHES, i2OU To bb Sold Cheap, 25/-, 27/6, 30/-, ! AT O. SMITH'S, The Cash Draper, Cnba-atreet. Oi^rvr. boys' knicker suits, Jmd\J\J\J To bb Sold Cheap, 3/11 to 12/6, C. SMITH'S, The Cash Draper, Cuba-street. Ci-iArh LADIES' CORSETS. O" \J\J At Reduced Pbices, 4/11 Reduoed to 2/11 AT C. SMITH'S, The Cash Draper, Cnba-Btreet. . SADIES' JACKETS AND GOLF CAPES, To bb Sold Very Cheap, AT C. SMITH'S, The Cash Draper, Cnba-atreet. rpO SUIT HARD TIMES. Disston'a 26in Hand Sawa, No. 7, sa ; No. 76,5a6d;N0.D8,6a Dißston's Compass Saws, 12m, la 3d ; 14in, 1b 6d j 16in, la 9d ; 18in, 2s Carpenter's Square Hiokory Malleta, 1« eaoh Metal Bat Traps, Is eaoh ] E to fc Tin Mouse Traps, 6d eaoh J **°* ™ 888 Hartshorn's Spring Blind Rollera, lin, 9d eaoh ; liin, 1b eaoh Matbieson's Best Smooth Planes, 2m, 3s 3d ; 2Jin, 3a Cd ; 2iin, 3s Od Mathieson's Beat Jaok Planes, 2in, 4s 3d; 21in, 4s 6d ; 2iin, 4s 9d Mathieaon's Beat Trying Planes, 22 x 2Jin, 5s 9d Mosley's Best Smooth Planes, 2iin, 4s 6d ; 2|in, 4s 9d Mosley's Beat Jaok Planes, 2iin, 5b 9d Moaley's Best Trying Planes, 2iin, 7a 6d Bailey's Iron Smooth Planes, No. 2,6s 6d; No. 3, 7s 6d ; No 4, 8s 6d j No. 4J, 10s 6d Bsiloy'B Iron Jaok Planes, No. 5, 10s 6d Bailey's Iron Trying Planes, No. 6, 12s 6d Bailey's Iron Jointer Plnneß, No. 8, 15b Carpenter's lined Tool Baskets, 36in long, 2s 6d eaoh Oakey's Best Gla3spaper, 9d quire, or 6d dozen sheets i Carpenters' Tenoils, 6d doi Cheney's Claw Hammers, No. 7, 2 a; No. 5, Sharp B 'B Axe Pattern Hatoheta, 2s 6d each Benoh Oil Cans, 3d eaoh Chalk Lines, 60ft, 3d eaoh Marking Gaugea, 3d eaoh Amerioan Braces, from Is 6d eaon Amerioan Ratchet Braoes, 4a Gd and 7s 6d Boker'a Qimblet Bita, 5 for la, or 2a doe Twist Drills for metal or wood, from 4d eaoh Bengali Razors, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4e eaoh Altona Razora, 4a each Butler's Keen Razors, 7a 6d, reduoed to 6a Butler'a Keen Stropa, 3s, reduoed to 2s 6d J. M'LEAN, Jttn., IRONMONGER, 28, WILLIS-STBEET. JUST FANCY MOTHER. /^IBIiS' NICE TWO-STRAP SHOES, .. .Onlt 3/6. ' IiADIES' DO., 4/3. AT PEAROE'S BOOT ARCADE, CUB^-STBEET.

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 134, 8 June 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 134, 8 June 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 134, 8 June 1895, Page 1