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QPEHA__ HOU B H . jjg^. |J K^nj^m^ B^UB^im MAY, TUESDAY, *st p MAY. 18 95. I/^^Sffl^^TS IWA NT E JD_ IH• WK. Under the Mana^emenWf Mostyn and LYTTEI< TON AND DUNEDIN SALE. VALUABLE Buii^ESS PBEMISES, wwaXdo^re^^^'toX: SSS £59 10S * . QUALITY and PBICE right. to titottt i nromA vi to NifiHT ■ Mababoa ... I Fri I May 17 1 7 p.m. Tabanaki-stbiit. viUe, ? sre Mr. W. B. Edwards, 11, Feather-TO-NIGHT! (FRIDAY) TO-NIGHT! Penqoih . ... | Mon I May 20 1 4 p.m. EX MANAPOUBI AND MABABOA. n , ston-street City. - fTIO • MOBBOW (SATUBDAYI 20 years' experience of what you Mquirt ™,t™ ,, nlinr> . Z77n-r^r „„,„,„„ Taitapuna* ... I Wed I May 22 1 4 p.m. . -Tt/TESSBS. HAECOUET & CO. have T OST, sable ColUe Dog Pup, with white A myjaaun AI U^AI] enable us to offer you the very THE MOStYN-DALZEIL DBAMATIC Ft0 BA ... I Wed I May 22 | 5 pm. rTEOEGE THOMAS & CO. will sell at JH reoeived instructions to sell by pub- Jj makings. Eewarf on retarninff to the D.I.C. will show the complete best value. COMPANY, »To Lyttelton omy VT the Fruit Market— lio auotion, at their rooms, Lambton-quay, w. H. Field, Solicitor, Everton-terrace "mpioi* __ In the Beautiful Comedy-Drama, No oargo reoeived after 3 p.m. 0 1 P7 oases splendid Melbourne dessert on Tuesday, 21st May, at 2.30 p.m.— Botanical-road. furnishinga for a Five-roomed Cot- E. HANNAH ft CO 'S "^Tml^l^Slm^^ 0^ ' tt%ft£g&ttSi * M^^&»SJSS£« ITa^ohl^n^^elnttg «"* supplied by the Company for CASH BOOT MABKET, & C roX LEB .. Zsi&£tfS k °""»— -' % IMa y lß,llp.m. " E. oranges, *c, *o. J^ -JJJjJIhB-^ W«H^ Ifart <»*» the ftboye ftm ount. 28. Cuba.t^t. &g*%Xte I Sew^a^nee HOBAltt AND "JgoTOM YIA~ At Custo M hous,.o.uat, SS^ISTSitaSS &°SSK T OST on the l3th inst., between Albert — GOOD BOOTS * SHOES FOE WINTEB. Charles Worth Charles Blake SOUTH TBUSSED FOWLS, Thbbb-boombd Cottage, let to a -*^ Hotel and ManawatuEaJway Station, The Warehouse remains open on Bov«' utid aww ZZOT .„* -f,™,,, RM,nnl »& hy -: .- MisfNgham ... , Thur , May 23 ,4 p^ 3/fl PEE PAIB. — «— _ «^ Saturdays until 9.30 ,1 SsS^fSS^ 1^ Miriam Waldrcn Miss V. Clayton NAPIER. GTSBORNB AND AUCKLAND '. The above offers a good opportunity to Apply Evening Post. Men^ W wear Bahnorals at 8s 6d Nurse Hallett Miss G wen Dallas Manapoubi ... I Sat | May 18 I 4 p.m. TUESDAY, 21at MAY, those desiring business premises in one of T7IOUND, Startling Beduotions in Dress Men's stout NaUed Shooters at 8s 6d „ , And AT7BTBAWA«t I Wed I May 22 I 5 p.m. At 1.30 sharp. * he ,moßt, moBt ™Pidly developing streets in Wei- J? Goods and Dressmaking. Nioe Winter \ Ladies' neat Laoe or Button ' Boots, at 7« Cd Chuckey MiasDoraMostyn Mababoa ... I Sat | May 25 | 2 p.m. lm g toll / „,»., , * Dress Materials, 4s lid, 6s lid, lls 9d, and rwiRFMTNTIOns RPnTTPTTON -- .„ . •Calls East Coast 'bays AWTinw qatu nif otppbtop nmraP i'or further details, apply to 17s 6d ; Costumes made, oompfete, for 255, HP HUNDEEDS OF CHEAP LINES ! . During the piooo Mies Eaynham will amg fCalls Tairanga on return from Auokland. AUCTION SALE OF SUPERIOE HOUSE- HAECOUET * CO., 29s 6d, 355. 40s. Our Dressmaking charges "■- »« PBTfipq — - —"A World Between" and "The Letter " attpttt Avm HOLD FDENITURE AT THE EESI- Auctioneers. reduced to 8s 6d and 10s 6d. In this depart- iX * fiSIUJIS Note AddressSong." Mr. H. Meymott will introduce for biajwjix vj-aii.uojvixa.Hx> DENCE CAROLINE-STREET OPS' 'Z, T, ment we challenge comparison with any .„ x> ttammaw *fn >q the first time-" The Irish Jubilee" and Manapotoi | Sat I May 18 | 4 p.m. ROYBTTRUW STrXt TUESDAY 21st MAY, 1895, other house in New Zealand. Our customers AT fl . .ir ,TnV v i St.* "Crom-a-Boo." Miss Dora Mostyn will sing Mababoa ...|Sat. |May2s|2p.m EOXBUEUH-STBEET. At2.3op.m. are always perfeotly fitted and pleased. TrTT T IT _, ar\-KTia CASH BOOT MABKET, —"A Street Boy's Life" and the oomio HVnTJiTV T>rRFOT ™ , „ ZTZ.^. ■„.„* .„„ Carter & Co., 77, Willis-street. Don't mis- JtLUMJi & BUJN S. 28, Cuba-btbmt. song "Lost Her Way, Poor Girl." B ™* EYDIB . ECT EORGE THOMAS & CO. have reoeived DWELLING-HOUSE, HOLLAND. take the entrance. '- MONDAY n¥7t 20H, MAY Hauboto ... I Mon I May 20 1 2 p.m. instructions from W. Turnbnll, Esq., STBEET. LADy Aft^ MONDAY NEXT, 20th MAY, NELSONDLRECT to Bell by auotion at bis residence, Caroline- ,»™ a uo nAnmnßT * m k«» ™ ■&■ Apartments, with board; near JlSma&GFe*. **"%> MAH«,AP P A... I Sun |Mayl9l3p.n^- atreet on Tuesday 2Ut May, at 1.30 sharp- M"SSk SS WftSKS Brougha|-street preferred. Addriss^ BACON! BACON w.Vpi ji Walhdl ...I Mon (May 20 I The whole of his valuable household auction, at their rooms, Lambton-qnay, on Evening Post. Perfection in Quality at Prices hitherto *gSssg«* Watch Poland Paper, Wa^x SSft^ SSSS" ""^AffiSMSKtS-^ B^nT/ S^ SoT d W^^" WELLINGTONS^ HOSPITAL. PRIOES-Dbkss Cibcwc, 2s j Entibe PICTON AND ITC^ON F w H AYBITTLE, of 30ft to HOLLAND-STREET by Evening Post. B> Tons ot Extba Choic* to Sbmct fbom . PPTTPATTONqTiTi h« r^iv.d for the §aSk&. ad " A " XLT °™ nW ' 1 " PIT ' SSSSL :::ISon Mt?l2! mldnlßht Ancti °— l» - jaMBMgBaSB T,OS ANGELOS, 78 Wellington Tef In Side.. Eolls and Cuts. A?%Sffl^&?EttS£ Box plan Holliday's. Day sale Aldons', Penguin ... i Wed May 22 1 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 22nd MAY, DWELLING - HOUSE ereoted JKi race -- Vttoanoies for two <> r *l««e institution. Salary, per year. ,Dntie« ESEZteL&F*'- tObaOOOnißt - NEWPLYMOUTHANDONEHUNGA At3o'clock. «~ _ vSS^g^lM^ Board and Eesi. HAMS! HAMS! nPE E A HOUSE. SSEFIISff IBS|l££ THOMAS' HALL. For term, and cond^ons o^aale agply to V^aUo^rdonl^for gentlemen. in the World-Mild. Lean, &££. & if U SUNDAY NIGHT 19th MAY 'Calls Nelson. FINE AETS ~FINE ARTS ! . Auctioneers. -w rA c ANOIES be obtain ed for person. Well-Flavoured. H. Eraser, E.g., OU-^M» At a nnarter'naßtß BLENHEIM * T V undergoing medioal or surgioal treat- Every Ham Guaranteed Perfection. House Steward. Farewell to the Favourites, Waihi |JM | May 17 | 4p.m. Unique Auction Sale of TO INVESTORS. ment ; terms moderate. 84. Brougham- Hundreds to Select from-Engliah .Irish, Education Board POLLARD'S GEEYMOUTH AND HOKITIKA VIA MB. J. M. NAIEN'S COLLECTION OF WE haye appl^ ong for of -fa"^, south end. and Colonial.) Wellin^7l4&Kiß9s. LILIPUTIAN OPERA COMPANY. NELSON PICTURES AND SKETCHES. V> following sums on first-olass free. FUENITUEE SALESMAN AN Assistant Teaoher is required at the GEAND SACEED CONCERT! Wainui ... I Wed | May 22 1 swnoav wriin^ im v v hold aeourities as under- * -,«»«,«. -^*- Petone School. Salary, JEBO. By the full strength of the Company. WESTPOET. GREY AND HOKITIKA G favlUd instrucHonsTom 6 j" at 6 per cent, on country pro- T o 7" TBAI TEA! Applications should be received at this 30 SELECTED NUMBERS. VIA PICTON AND NELSON VkJ™™* SSi: P«ty rpHE D.I.C. require a Junior Salesman fc «■»». ° ffice by th ° 25th mßtan A DORSET Sacred Songs, Solos, Jubilees, &o. Gbafton ... | Fri | May 17 I midnight at Thomas' Hall, on Wednesday, 22nd May, at 6 ncr cent, on business pre- j*~ Fnrnit _, c Deoartment ' Seoretary- " At E MARIA," Mawheba ... I Mon I May 20 I at 3 o'olook sharp- raises in town tor j-urmiure Direot from the Gardens on the Hapatnle — For voice and violin, o-mpoaed by Sydney GEEYMOUTH AND HOKITIKA The whole of his artistic and complete at 6i per cent, on first-olaas oity Apply to THE MANAGES. Estate, Ceylon. FUENITUEE. . Hoben. rf^lT^ Pr^ — Tm^~2T7l Collection of pictures and sketches, business premisea Customers Buying from us Save aU I^ANTED to Puiohaae, Houses of PunuNew Quartette-" Children's Voices » Hbbald l lTues | May 21! I i oil d wotor col our ? including 41800 at 6J per cent, on retaU shop and = Mid En's ProfiS. J» 11 * 1*?1 *? °,r,, r , "r^J^l^d°v" Violin Solo 'Cello Solo WESTPORT DIRECT his well-known works " Changing landinoity wwTTT\r/iTnw TWT>TJAr>i? . JJ 0"'0 "' tot <»«*• ,*- pply to * rMUSIB H lae yt ADMISSIbN^REE?- Cobi^a ... | Tues | May 21 | ~ tore ?," " Teas and Clond '" J610.000 at 6 per cent, on magnificent WELLINGTON- TEEBACE. And „ A Mcch Sup.biob Abtici... Cuba-street North. A colleotion will Be made to defray expenses. JONQA AND SAMOA FROM AUCKLAND Aoon sheep run, valued at .£21,000 * MOST desirable Family Residence -is This Tea is worth la per lb more. W ANTED KNOWN. ■ '■ — ;r r — . -m- ■■ 3 =I7T? Thn relink (.nlinpHnT, will Vm nn vinw on i 64000 at 6 per oent. on good town .£*- shortly to be Let, containing nine *~ p R « > ° loL B ,^. E ATB E • -Tsast^arai* ißi^™ Tl - ' X aTfl »"■ oom ' r ■"■■ """' " sassaßaswaaa a WTTM1 r: anN a <snPTA- tnt trnwnnp nw AUCKLAND Qy ' p. W. HAYBITTLE, E6ply to wardrobes, souUery, containing three wash- HUMii & HUJN, you to call on Htjmbbt. No imported J. W P01" "7.,., TAaPO, about Thursday, 23rd May Anoti™*^ HAECOUET ft CO., 0^ THE LAEGEST TEA WINE AND rubbish, no sales, no discount, but .oUd (Who is leaving Wellington) Passengers booked to West Australian ports. SATURDAY, 18th MAY, Fmanoial Agents. house and run. , _ PROVTHTOW TO?ATi?tn tw k'ww Vlllne - HULBEET, Actual Maker, GoWsn jar-"---^ f ° E _ s 4 * •• d£JSSSSMat rao ™ ION 2E^S SINKEW -..»-~^ THIS (FBIDA7) EVENING, EXCURSION SOUTH SEA ISLANDS „„ ,.™ ■^f^'Zl' w Arthur-street... 4 rooms 18 xBO .£260 Its own grounds, which are tastefully laid Bjimffi Wmr..™™. TO FABMiRS. ( mhM i, ' Oy a^, from Auckland, about Uth July 15 15 &£» 1" != S^ SSS Sower^ "^ *~ "* Jl™N W^^'JaSn^^SSffi Sib Eobebt Stout, K.C.M.G., will preside. SHORTEST EOUTE TO AUCKLAND . „ „„ ~~ , . .. Martin-street .. 4 rooms 32x74 Being only three minuteB 1 walk from the WJijjiilH»lU«. wages no objeot if comfortable home. ParFriends are asked to excuse the unavoidably VIA ONEHUNGA. A G. TAINE & CO. have reoeived m- Bluoher-avenue 35x104 88 oity, it offers exceptional advantages to any tioulars from Mr. Wm. C. FitzGerald, ConBhort notice. — ~ . -c*-* atructions to sell at their yards, Coromandel-streot ... 34 x9O 85 business or professional gentleman desirous suiting Chemist. Tjanoine- at 10 o'clock QTEAMEES loave NEW PLY. Hams-street, on above date— Coromandel-streot ... 35x104 79 of enjoying the benefits of a oountry house „ . .. jjanoingaiiuooiocK. JsMM^& MOUTH as under (weather -it -draught and harness horses, ex Owen-street 29x90 73 in town. Ekpibk Labohb Exohanob Tiokets and other information to be ob- -*&*?^ permitting)— . JO Talune, from Sydney Owen-street 32x90 80 Further particulars may be had from - (^? e P? ed J',£ o / I '^?? ey ? troo i; tamed of Tak-apttita I Fri IMavl7l3r>m '— Johnaonville . 8 rooms 65aorea 1250 m. W u n vvrTawßATn Eatabuahed 1885. Telephone 414. 8.J.L8 GROVE, Hon. g.o. I*£™£ X . lues May 21 l.^p.m. A trial consignment, and to be sold '^^ BEO oklyN °cSting ffist. WANTED, a good General Servant,^ Tickets may be also obtained at the door. Takapttna*! I Satur May 25 | 10a.m. entirely without reserve. B KOOKLYN. VV town^ small famUy, 12s ; references. • GBiFTON* Tues May 28 9.45 p.m. Cleveland^street ... 60x163 90 ttoTELS FOE LEASE. Edwards & M'Beath, No. 1, Grey^eet. OPENING OF •Conneots with the train trom South. SATURDAY, 18th MAY, ~~ Jaokson-atreet W*\% H %%/ ANTED, an aotive young Woman, as „„"„ .„" „,„, xrwTO . JPassengersoanembarkatWelUnetonthe At 1 o'olock. UJ llr 2- r0^ d X J« « ** cook, oountry hotel ; 20a ; sharp. 8'- *sss&&'B&2- H ™ saaaggatt-*"*- -™». ™. MII o N . |i£i£=t = g:g § —■^.^ rsaas^i^g?., ™ J.TS BUHi.iT, «. TOLTTTEtIONT OLTTTEtION "»>™™»»- W/sv^SS-"" •"■""-■ , a «o«™ixH ZLAtSSZS: M " ia -; 19th May, by His Grace Archbishop Redwood, Mababoa ... I Friday |17th:May 20 oarcasea mutton, in lots to suit pur- Cresoent-road 1« ,£? iXX Or> WARD * CO. (Ltd.), *»T ANTED, a Partner with some capital, at 11a.m. PaNOniN* ... Monday 20th May chasers M*f£™l°« w l\m }m Brewers, Ohriatohnroh. 1 ftOffc "to work a considerable area of cleared Ajammn •ToLytteltononly. Without reserve. Ma^da-vale ... ... g SJx3OB 100 WAREHOUSE: -1-OW M^Beath^oTCey-gt. """' "* Felix O'Neill MM- fc TO NAPIEEGISBORNE AUCKLAND, BATUBDAT^jMI MAT. Parade . 340 x 260 125 ■ d SIXTEEN HUNDRED PAIRS W ANTED, a Lady Dancer, alao Soprano, 41%,M0r4 1 %, M0r^ n WiUiam Beech akd SYDNEY. ai i_ooiooic. MONEY TO LEND. J for le ase a two-atory brick Warehouae O OF BLANKETS W able to play aocompaniments, for ?ho°mSLtt £ e °Donn B er eoh "^ ~ ' i^*' '"* "^ F^S^^ & C °' BAKEE BROS. I "^3fi^^^^^\lS^£?% JotT "-"-» ™C " SMITH ' SSS^^g&ffSSg- ""* FARES (Singlx) : p . _ tton T?»0B SALE, one Light Roadster Safety will be let as a whole or Bub-divided. The Cash Draper, Cuba-street. «T»7ANTED Re-engagement as Head Speoial Train will leaveManawatn Station I" 100 "- St S 0r ottB?o ttß ?- Furniture and sundries r aecond story is about to be added, and in- W Dressmaker, in town or oountry : at 10 a.m., pioking up passengers at Crofton T.. „ n i n" n nin Bioyole ; makers, Buckingham 4 Adama j tending tenants may have the opportunity The Blanketa having arrived good testimonials from North and South and Kbandallah. Lyttelton 010 0 0 5 0 of making suggestions as to the arrange- rather late will now be sold at lalanda. Edwards and M'Beath, No. i, In order to prevent a crush admission will Dunedin 100 010 0 4SLUvH almost new ; a bargain. Also, one new menta. rather late, wiU now be sold at Gre y. Btr eet. be by ticket only, whioh can be obtained of ? a ? l ,f'" 2}2 2 °. , i JiSgß&iß&i SAMUEL CARROLL, such unheard-of prices aa Five i^r ANTED % General Servant, for Mr. 'whittaker, Stationer, Lambton-quay; G lH^ e 012 6 010 0 &nS®s< double - barrelled Fowling Pieoe ; maker, 42, Lambton Quay. Shillings and Elevenpence (5/11) W hotel:' »oC savant ke^t 15s. or Measra O'Neil, Moore, and Morgan, Au°wana lUU VWV . ». tttvtk MATJAWATn per pair and Ten Shillings and Edwards A M'Beath, No. 1, Grey-street. j0lU " 0nTl119 - Eurn Tickets at proportionately reduced A/TESSRS. FRANCIS SIDEY A ,OO. have \^,r^^ MANAWATU. Sixpence (10 /6) per pair. Double y^ ANTED Servants to Know our Fee i. SAILORS' EEST. AVAILABLE SIX MONTHS «*>^FssSSXߣS2i T ° WATCHMAKE _£! & A SMALL CO UN T RY STOBE. Beds. _ will £££&&£%%&& - " Th TZ S^^S^K^fK F^us^'do^aU^r^g T° ffi'S^ .^JS"^ 1600 W ANTED-The Enable leiJ^yW. T HE Concert announced for This Even- SSS^lM^'HSi^ PAIRS OF ""kETS. ' n^ JZtTe^A^Z 2= in'gisPOSTPONEDluntilThisDayWeek, SION^MS^ COMPANY OF SSBMSSffi^ G BMTTTT ia^^B^JTSa-S nroJ n»tnH I ninnl« mßnnTn ftl ia wi.nth B r NEW ZEALAND (Limiwd). Twoironbedateads.oneohestof drawers, Apply, by letter, to Watchmaker, Evening lana Agent, 18, quay. O. SMITH, comply with the rules before they can obowing to the molemenoy of the weather. one wardrobe, one toUet glass, one p 08 t office. TO JEWELLKRS, TOBACCONISTS, oaott n^DUD tain iiiormation regarding situations adverTTTTNTTrNrn XI UDDART, PARKER & GO'S table, ten chairs, one fender, one CHEMISTS, C ROGERS, OR OASH VK.Aif £, it, Used in the window. Hours— lo a.m. t» iiUJNiuxi*. Large and Powerful Steam- olook, three door slip., oiloloth, TEOTTING STALLION. FRUITERERS. Cuba-btbkt 12.30 p.m., 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed »n ships— TASMANIA . 2252 Tons Register eight ornaments, and four piotures. [TIOR SALE, King Harold, by Era (cham- Saturdays. 208, Upper Willis-street. THE Meet advertised by the Hunt Club ANGLIAN 2159 Tons Register The name of the oflScor exeouting the writ p pionof Australia), dam Countess (imp.). rW\O LET, Shop, with large room upstairs. VST ANTED Laundry! Housemaid, gentlefor Tawa Flat to-morrow has been Will sail as under, at greatly re duoed fares is Henry Gordon. ...... King Harold is three years last foaling, X The beßt position on Lambton-qnay. VV man's house, town; Children's Nurse, POSTPONED. The oountry in some parts and freights. The name of the solicitor for the plaintiff broken to Baddle and harness, and very quiet; Rent low. Apply to to " g g e e Registry Charlotte-street, is under water owing to the heavy rain. — Tn TV _-,- rTnivr AM - T^TTwii-nTKr — is A. Devore, of Queen-street, Auckland splendid temper ; never been trained ; easy E. HANNAH * CO., _ . ' „-,-,,- — " p <,—,, — , „. ±y, a x^..f J. F. MDLLS, TO LYTTELTON AND DUNEDIN. whoße W . B . Edwards, of Feather- terms to suit buyers. G. W. Smart, Pawn- *" Lambton-quay. W ANTED, a Boy, to learn the boot tt«« <sno Tasmania Tuesday I May 21 13 p.m. ston-street, WeUington. broker, Manners-Btreet. N.B.— Money to J_l *» trade ; one with Blight experience H °°- bOC - Anglian Friday May 31 131 3 p.m. o .^tt P t,a V ™h. m .v lend on household furniture, pianos, oattle, LET, good aeven-roomed House, with preferred. Apply 195, Upper Wilhs-street. BOBOUGH OF ONSLOW. ]*£«* *%%* J™ «" (1^ **"**&&& -beep, horses, traps. Money to lend on any- 1 outbuUdings, vinery, &c., W^ol^inX^zfaKto^nSce No oargo reoeived after 2 o'clook. „,„„«, n,V~ r OJ iliOE SALE a firat-olass Butchery Busi- at Tawa Flat, with or without 25 aores. and a remarkably good line (exclusive territory AT the request of a number of Ratepayers TO NAPIER, GISBORNE, AUCKLAND, HORSES, ex Talune, trom bydney. Jj negß , doing good steady faade ; good oloae to Eailway Station. given). Apply 65, Upper Ingeatre-atreet. of the Borough, I hereby oall a Meet- and SYDNEY (transhipping to Melbourne * ~ -ritattv anon sr>P.TH investment. Apply to J. C. Bishop, P.O. Addlv OW. TANNER, "ISTANTED, *a smart Lad as Groom. ing of all persons interested in the formation and aU prinoipal Australian Ports, at very 1£) KJiALLX * uu " b\jb.xb. Bpl 5Q «4>P n Solicitor VV Apply, between 8 and 9 this evening ofanewroadtoKhanW^.andttenceon low fares);- At Our Yards, Harria-street. aT-01l BALE, six-roomed House, four fire- Lambton-quay at Smith ' 8 Ktable8 ' Molesworth.street. toJohnsonvjUe, tobeheldattheKaiwarra TABMAmA Mond . MaJ . 27 3 m- _'_ t| placeß in Masterton, with half-acre of liamDton quay. OTTATTFNGE All ANTED, good woman Cook, country HaU on MONDAY EVENING, the 20th Anglian Thursday June 6 3 p.m. mOWNSEND * PAUL have reoeived in- ground, fronting two streets; oonserva- OFFICES, SAMPLE ROOMS, *o. \ CHALLENGE. \V hotel ; Generals, 12e, 15s ; Governess, instant, at /.au. - *ripA-R,THY Tasmania Thursday June 20 3 p.m. i struotions from Mr. M'Leau, who has tory. buggy-shed, stable, orohard, Ao. ; five rj^n LET Booms suitable for above, in musician. Mrs. Penott, 15, Willia-atreet. m> „' Anglian Thursday July 4 1 3 p.m. arrived from Sydney, to soil as above, a minutes" walk from post office and railway ± new briok bwldings: insurance at That I g-*TANTED 400 gallon Tanks State ir- i«i,M»iiA<! y No oargo received after 2 o'olook. splendid lot of station; price, loaah^aUvuoe on 11 ,. 8^ foftf and well Ughted; first ThAT X ' W^S^to Box lS?,^G.P.a?Weilington! Ka.warra. 15th May. 1855. Return tiokets available for six months. "1 X horses fit for tram, 'bus, cab, t?rma Applj r.t B. A. NichoUs , Queen- floor Unfan Stjm BUp Company's Build- A LEXANDEE BOBEET.SON, r I^o a Lady He p Apply perTHE COMMERCIAL AGENCY Wellington Offioe-Queen'a Chambers. XO butehera, bakers, grocers, &o. street, Maaterton. ing, corner Customhouse-quay. nvro WAreufWPWT W^ . n 3lv M«G H Wavifs Kjirori /Liicited^ JOHN MUREELL. Resident Manager. Q first-olass hacks, for buggies, dog- mjiOß SALE (a bargain), genuine Anmti Apply DYEE, NAIEN-STELET, T y eonally, Mrs, (i. a. Uavies, (WKITEDJ. s fi cart or eaddl6i and JH v . oUn of c a,,,,,! putit y of tone. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY , , {to «*T ANTED to Rent, a four-ropmed Cot,M « ««. I?AEES FROM WELLINGTON; i superior horse, fit for warehouse- Addreaa Violin, Evening Poßt. OF NEW ZEALAND (Ltd.) Am the only Dyer in the Colony who, after yy tage, with atable attached; rent rpHE Annual General Meefang of Share- |i ___ X man's van -m-<f>R cirp . V«. rm of S2aor B sof good QTTrI , - rTTI . serving a regular apprenticeship, moderate. Address J.P., Evening Post. ffiaSSSs* 4 " 1 ™ CL It! W A-ssMrtwi I*—1 *— S^fe^s'? kS«; »-»*sssS5 k - fa " W^-^asftrartt °""SBs^ ||£ .ijss sj? i rag^y— S^g^^^^ aas^sfiLSrsgi w^S^-^a G? C) 4itcWoiid ".'. 10 0 012 6 I ole"™ 1 S 6 . BJB J ,, y BB e o {™f * ' TTU)R SALE, first-olaas Produce and Auo- g, w. Smart, Pawnbroker, Manners-street, leading Dyeworks in Perth and Paisley, commission. Apply, with references, to £<T Syd,iey ... 210 0 15 0 I b!v°^nTmare bV^Ltlock * tion Business in WeUington i.satisfac- N.8.-Cash buyer of anything. Scotland ; and I can do Dyeing, Cleaning, Fox & Bigg. 17, Featherston-street, City. ™»» 5, „.. «. ,c. 1& :: : IKS [ S | | r^JL'-J... SSlSfcH^ pTte^* 1,-tsr-SSKrK W"S;SAfa£ T^ THE Regular Monthly Meeting of the Bet b-j Tickets fob Six Months. oft t . tek at our offi wmla . -f^ OR SALIO 7 . roome d House, off Cuba- "^ VT three roomed House with soul- n B and D"» BiD 8 a speoiality. Dyeing and V\T ANTED, ». Boy. b Apply Jenneas above Lodge will be held in the Masonic . The publio is respectfully reminded that it j" . M Brough, at the yards. -T street, 30 x 87, price ; 6-roomed HP O ,„„ V« ?°' rßnter Bnte »tSet For^erms Cleaning of every deacripKon done. Goods JJ. bb ' w '"" Bcre "- ■ — Hal), Bouloott-street, THIS UVKNING is entirely owing to the running of our sttest, or oy jar. jjrougn, ai xne y» as. House, off Cuba-street. 30 x 87, price -■- i 6^! 4^ ' B Crioinli fourth house left "at mv agents promptly attended to. W^™ 1 Sitaation as lady help where (Friday, 17th May), at 8 o'olook sharp. steamers that the present low rates of fares AYe start punctually at 2 o'olock. 5-roomed Houae, off Tory-street, price : %>-'.Ws*. ?' £ jr^S f\ n^jtaMuiSmi Send Post ** servant is kept, or companion to an Vipitors cordially invited. aud freights are being charged ; a continu- -fnWTWPNn A PATTT 165 acres, Eltbam, price per acre ; 1446 Daniel-street, off Mem-street. Goods oalled for and delivered. Send Post old . country preferred ; good referBy command of the WM. anoe.of the same oan best be secured by a XUV/aBbNU a «£•£. aoreß Waitotara, 27s per acre. Dwan Bros., fT\O LET, a four-roomed House, oomer of Card, or Telephone 918, to enoes. Address X., Evening Post. y ±S O pffi°™» m( r,^ Auctioneers. wmia . Btreet . 1 Allen. and Grainger streets. Apply A. EOBEETSON, W ANTED, a ladylike Girl to assist in a TE ARO WARD. F^t^HarW Offiofs Wellington TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, -.Bth MAY, t^p gAT.ia i S mmn f...- wniv frnm P nH f. on the premises. Dyer and Cleaner, Nairn-street. VV reception room. Apply, by letter _ brontmg Harbour Umees, Wellington. At 1 o'olook. mnnj „ £ Office, a new four-roomed Cottage, rpO LET, superior Reaidenoe, eight 2 _^___ CI n _ only, to Kinsey, Photographer, LambtonELECTION OF COUNCILLOE. «». T 9P L Sv«t,SS OL ,? „ T .°P. LS - with every modern convenience ; lovely X rooms, Upper Hanaon-street; large -FREDERICK JONES & CO. quay^_ jii^xiua "2«u -|«T F.SHORTTwiU sell at his rooms, o£ oit y and harbour ; price ; easy garden, tennis ground, *o. ; now in oooupa- A ~'"^"^- .„ AWn mtj^o V»T ANTED to Sell, a good Building Site In the matter of " The Municipal Cor- wjiOß KAIKOUEAAND LYTTELTON. V . 57, WiUis-street, terms can be arrangedif desired-^25 depo- tion of Mr. A. 8. Chapman. Forparfaculars P^VAKBH&iraE Wat Wadestown, fronting BJgentporations Aot, 1886," and of " The |^ UiS COAST. Axes, hammers, moulding and other planea, B ; t balanoe by mon thly payments. Also a apply on premises, or T. K. Maodonald * JT WAREHOUSE, * • 0 Aj B Keen Regulation of Local Elections Act, *" via aho coa^t. B moothers, glaziers' diamonds, grindstone, H 0 ' n6e containing seven rooms; bath, cup- Co., Limited. Lambton Qua t. Exchange Chambers, Grey-streit, Welling1876." ThesaWAKATU shears, . pinoers. mortise gauge augera, boards, wardrobe, copper built in, tuba, Ao.j rTU) LET, 2 Houses of 10 and 4 rooms ton. A N Extraordinary Vacancy having oc- On TUESDAY^stMay, at 6 p.m. ®SS^^K^JSa,W JL"&frt *5gS« W OEGANS W ANTED an aotive ?£*£* - WwiconrfoiUorforTeAro^VaTd and EABLY lur • ] Boois to-morrow night. T^OE SALE by Tender, to close 23rd cold water, modem out offices and con- May be had on the and Co/ IherebvaStthA vmi -RrPNTTFTIvf ' instant, 11* Aorea Land, more or less. yen and garden. Apply Mrs. Tol- "EQUITABLE HIRE SYSTEM." tM r AMT ED Brioklayera to tender for Lrs-a?r y eet, P rthe "place, and MONDAY, FOE BLENHEIM. SATURDAY, 18th MAY, ing raas, and new six-roomed House -water hurst. Grant-road. J iT"a™tam ta. tdnn W ESdin?aßXiingWaU; labour the 20th day of MAY, 1895, before noon, as The BB NE PTUNE, At 9a m. sharp. l«d° n . °ow, oalf , and cart she^, workshop ET t Keivarnt a Beven .roomed Th« Equitable Hire System _ta»_^^ and mll terial, 135, Tinakori-road. Tenders rdalo£r da lo£e heN ° mm ' ltiono£Candidateß OnSATUEDIY%a^y:at7 P .m. — 6 / H^^Wjb^«fll«T. *-• Apply P^U d°o T.^' gft close on 18th 3 p.m fo Drd?htWda r f May 1895. Foi^XT^N. I/g£ eU "* fe?^ tlv uion^e^tt containing P>^L. F. W. JONES, so w^l and W^e^rkf^nu^ »"S ; Beturning^^LXlroWard. The ss QUEEN TFtHE SOUTH, -ExMararoa, ffiggttr~' vfnient. ST«K SS^lM^ D^ent'M »y young —a. , — ■ — hiAi&lii. fm k oaß eß D.E. orangos — atreet; . will make every effort to secure the latest \\i Groom and Gardener, milking and 1 ipi. t,^. ™«««^«a =*«. m ».= »sii io.™ • " „ /BL*JBL- 2& r¥X> LET, a convenient aeven-roomed and beßt novelties. nseful work. Address English, Evening , The above-mentioned steamers wiU leave Also, JlaßEKfffe I Dw^llinghouse in Marjoribanks-atreet. _ Post. . 'TO THE BATEPAYEES OF THE CITY to Nelson apples, pears, quinoes, walnuts, $%W[gL Apply to Jolnaton & Co., Eeatheraton- Spxoial T.BMB tothi Pbof«8 B ion. WANTED| m g^ , », houael OF WELLINGTON. For freight or pa^pplgto J.-JJ,. -ter, onions, |^gg> JEMWiKSWaSSff JL^«2««SaK LAT.TP.S »^ fIPWTTTi'MVN-I have NOBTHEBN STllaM SHIP COMPANY MONDAY, 20th MAY, ™™™> a T-. t a w ILffOTELS FOE SALE. gn de care. A.8.C., Evening Poat. ADIES .and GENTLEMEN — 1 have (Limiotbd). ,io «« .« , fTIENDEB3 are invited on or before tl „„ • " \\T ANTED, work, as Gardener, by the the honour to announoe that lam a _ OR OPn NAKE WAITAEA AND At 230 o ofook. Friday, 2tth instant, for Supply of g otel on Manawatu Eailway doing >->j ANTE ebUBY BACON AND HAMS W day or permanently. Highest refer- - candidate for the Seat on the WeUington eUJi OO^UNGA. wnTt<?FHnTT) irmNITIIRE AND Uniforms for Twelve Messengers (one or week . rent, week ; pnoe, J550 enoes given. F.S., Evening Post. ! Harbour Board rendered vacant by the .**-> mHEFavouritTste«ner HOUSEHOLD FUENITURE AND a » B^ HoteVPalmetston North; trade, X4O; (T . H. Gbmn's Cub. oni.t). ' 1X taMTBD, Situation as Groom and . death of Mr. James Petheriok, and beg to Q»k T^ RANIEE?"* IWFbOlb. Vended incK^^mplTo" cloth, to be H otefwell£gton ; rent, ; trade, JB60 : — W Gardener by .a „ soUoit the favour of your votes. Will make a monthly trip to above-named Without Eeserve. addressed to cash required, JJSOO. This is a spWdid MEAGHEB * CO., ences. Addresa Groom, Evening Post. - J°™>^ ~ — „ . , . CHIEF MESSENGER. opportunity of scouring a really good WT(7 A NTED to Sell, a small, steady CarryAll my interests being centred in this in . EARLY . TAEBY& CO. (Limitbd) have reoeived CH House of l^presentatives. hotel. „_„. . Pboduom Mbbohantb, VV ingßußineßsinoneof themostrisinii „ City where I have reaided for the laat2o tCS«oTimßtß^eßpeniuttiiim JU instructions from a gentleman who is 16thMavl8 95 DWAN BEOS., Wellington. towns of New Zealand; the business is sound :a Oity, where l nave resided for the laat LEVIN A CO.. Agents. leaving the oity to soli at their warehouse, lotn May,>a. __ . Panama-street. and good. For further particulars apply years, you maydepend that, if elected I ww E ST COAST STEAMEES 44. Willis-street, on Monday, 20th May, at PLYMOUTH HABBOUR BOARD. The ''Illustrated London News,' in re- Evening Poat. , rtSSISS. 11 * 1^* 1 "" TncTo7l~ TE aM -^^did-suitffetr- CONTRACT FOR^FARRYING STONE AUTUMN AND_WINTER, 1895. .»»»«£ 52£ W^^S^S ,g lam, f^A^S^-SKSSI JsSia£rt^3 C w A iT T i N R G SI0S& IMPORTANT NOTICE ! grMYfei^nt^rt/. le . Yours obediently, ; ts®SSSsE**O**. GEEYMOUTH "g&fiJSSZ A LTERNATIVE"enders will be re- — -pAMILY HEEALD PABT: |V B> 9°4 wY^sfe TefephonS' HAEOLDBEAUCHAMP. jMffi^^™- -era. to^tware, portable copper, «g^ P. COHEN, WhEEALD^ 6, Price r. '^iHf 1 !^ Ibandaomedin^oom suite new <*.£»«; «" stene C^" ° L ° THIBE ' TAlt ° E ' gSSS^feftr^^ igcu^ag' "* HABBOUBBOABD ELECTION. pg^ffi 6n SATUE- SSSK^ n « "^ OUT^TEE, C^ea, Eiddles & c. W^fsoi n wSte«^; „ DAY at noon Black and gold and plain overmantels, * uu w™J nniTrr^nir »nd oaatinestone uu«"ii"i fa coloured wrapper, pnoe SaBO 2d- Tapioca, 2d; Barley, 2d; Slbs „TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CITY Porfreightor Eaasweapply to &0 , 40 . N °^ 2 ye f the Breakwater the 92, Now read^ m g tho J* life.'la; Spli^Peaa', 2d,'or 121bs for ri.»d; S OF WELLINGTON. W - *G ' TURNBULL & CO., __ aTsfstanoe of prisoners Has much pleasure in announcing that he « QNTHLY MAGAZINE OF FICTION Kerosene, 10s 6d per case; Tomato and " Agßntß - Without reserve. The use of S\e Board'a permanent wav, haß just reoeived his first shipment of M. (No. 120), consisting of Worcester Sauoe. three bottles for Is : three tt T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN-When I FOB NAPIEE VIA OASTLEPOINT AND VRY .co (L _- > W illis-street engine, and plant will be available. Condi. n " 3 B OYS' and YOUTHS' SUITS. A COMPLETE NOVEL, tins Jam for la, 40. Order. diM XJ last addressed you it was to return COAST T AEJIx « OU. U/td.j «», wiius-Braees, „ ■ •, -^ { tender may be inßpeoted lu ' HH i aulß '. * , "*._T „ . A. Entitled and goods delivered free at these pnoe. »y - thanks to those who had voted for me at ™ JU have on hand for private sale :- it the^oard™ Omoe7 or at thS Evening Post Overcoats, Maointoahes, Shirts, Hats, ftV| B sr OF ALL." „ , H. Pritohard. Grocer, Ac, Courtonay-plaoe. the last election, and although defeated I .STt^ rTIHE s.a. KAHU. 50°. eaoks prime Canterbury Derwents « ffi Q | ™ a o ;eg gn J, pUed to intending ten- Ti eB , Braces, Jerseys, Lamb's Wool • JD By the Author of "Sisters," An w TANTE D to Sell, Dongla. Gas Hot accepted your judgment with equanimity ± I On TUESDAY J»» » •• Canterbury chaff derers on applioation. Pants and Singlets, Cardigan Unfortunate Affair, *o. .., VV Water Heaters, the most eoonomioal and a determination to again offer my ser- ZsfT~~' .„. fh . - hn _. nnrtl _„ tha _ Mfl 10 22 » " nSons The lowest or any tender not neoesaanly Tmntaits Soota fto W. Stevens (Ltd.), London, and aU bat J.heater invented ; will heat a hot bath vioes to you. I regret exceedingly the WUHetve for the above ports, woatner and 100 „ „ Onwni aooepted Jaokets, boolcs, «0., Booksellers. JSfonooetmy Can be seen fixed at our preciroumstanoes that hive necessitated my oiroumstanoes permitting. 800 „ „^ Bhort oats . By order. For the ooming season, which is one of th» pABTKni-BRmP iSim Thomas Baljgain aeeking election at your hands, but JOHNSTON k CO.. Agent.. 200 „ »**£?■* By order. CEENNELL| togest and best I have ever imported. PAETNEBSHIP B.nd'Co.l Wted, Sole Agents. I SSRSSKTiStfI^^ WELLINGTON STEAM PACKET gT. pfr* ""^ to SSC^Bo-d. ,fc , WAm 7^ Bl . theß6atima A GOOD openizig in large town. Jtoa- "^^ Known-Damaged (Hlvafeasioual and buaineaa experience may prove " COMPANY. 200 „ bran My B took of HABD HATS is the Best and J\. watu,foranenergetiomanwithwe2oo lY^^fj TcoKugated Iron 7«. 7, andß N- to be advantageous to you and the business •— - . |^ " fcedbarley TENDERS FOE FOEMING .FOOTPATH. Cheapest in Wellington. to buy half-share in gotog manufaoturfag £eatleDKthß at Isßaj Islld,and2* re- '^rKfiteSSi-, H dtsp°a& n |sßuXrrwea^,s B uXrrwea^, SLS bu^MVeekly. _" Just fano,-50 do.en, from 3. lid each. ftnd to d o the travelling rand^ com- gfc, a^ "^^■SEtf'td'Sf : . "-■ggaaßfc. -»■ -—S£?-» EEaasKaas ,—==!„.-, =ssbSr3k^' • yjussiß**. . »■ Sfiaa 1 TO »ji— *»ssßkSs«sh— SESS&w-ajM-- .w^srausfss: " /^O^PS^ik Building (next door) Bank of Australasia. A train leaves Wellington and Manawatu Ereotion of a two-storied Briok Warehouse, nnalified, who must supply testimonials or Organs. - *«e«&iWtAtfß> ~~ Eailway Station at 10.40 a.m., returning in Viotoria-street. Notx— ■ dinlomai to that effeot, or copies of same. oh I— From w «xr» SB V iBaBEL? *<" continuation of Uhipp*no AdvertUe- from Johnsonvffle at 12.20 and 2.30 p.m. WM. OBICHTON,; Tn making an appointment previou. ex- - F * J 'tw^ .^U,..t Ma9%fife£ m mt*«*fir t tt>ao: FBEEMAN E. JACKSON, _ . . Architect. F. COHEN, pc^ e nXtel staUa^aoity-wiu be deemed M>nners^r..t. Jj^ggr^ ========== ____ J^ Auctioneer. No. 12, Grey-street. Cash Clothhb, Tailob, and Outoitmb, an extra recommendation ,^ : " :^ - fIMSmB. ' T° LET tho PnbUo *-* thatweoho1 ' CHESTERFIELD GUANO, T ° B^ >^ ■ t w X3^£&~*sl*»&P Ranted known. IH, CO UBTEoS"=:^B,A.O.F. letge anyone to produce Tea equal to the 5s P« Ton. T^S.Srd J»r X^r! CT«*«««*-«lml). , _ rpHE Officer. andTrethren of the above "Matohless" Brand. It i. ahead of all. ' Ship's ride. Wdlingtou. "-*—*-* «- Sir BLQOKEB , S ppjß, COOO A. "" **£&* •■ ' Tou can get the BEBT VALUE in . . 1 Court are requested to meet at the ~ ~ Plans, *0., at out offloe.. GRATEFUL, OOMFOBTING, Dunedin , 26th April, 1895. -\ g-BOOEEIES AND PBOVISIONB r grsrssipsiiussft w"w "° ILtB -°-' tc< '- Wia " te " t - BBB B BT• i. A » * B * olb^, F^BEiLP. * iSffl o K i>, °_^ _«fern™ v^ _ M , 3OK BEOB , t „<,> OTOC _, . J. T. WBBBBE, P.D.C.E., OEESONS having aooess to old oprres- Pending appointment of Wellington agent mBNDEBS are invited up -to noon "of 4hem now try Blooker's Dutoh Coooa. _It is Dixon, Featherston. and Mnrphyirtfett. '. » ■■ ' -- ' - " ' S' o "**^^ ■■* pondenoswilldo weU to look it up, ' «r»hwATiT atjp * nA«T«rft -i Thursday, 23rd May, for the Ereotion more grateful, oomforting, refrething, and ;. — «, nATV<J flmT PBPPBB N.8.-Cuitomet. waited on daily foiorden, mm mmmm mbm m^^fa andsend any tued Postage Stamps they find .MAOFABLANB * OABpNO, of t™ p.noe and Gate, at St. Peter's goes further than any other Coooa in the rpAKB WOOD'S GBEA.A nsrvai* GBAVEL. „ toLaurensoi 8r0... bJI 123, -tfP.O.; who - . Anokland. %% h ™* KJnd B pecm»tionstobe^es w?r!d. Absolutely uiequaUed in deUeaoy 1" MINT CUBE . and goodl ddiveted fa«. "^ A NY' Quantity to be had in town for tha wUI give good prices for 'desirable stamps. -■ '— ■ attheoftloeof offlaTOur. -„.««" Fob Cooobs and Cold.. A. carting away. Apply to E.Huffam, They also give 8d per do« for present OBND IT TO BSOBTI'^ GLEBE, FITZGEBALD * EIOHMONP, W. *G. TUBNBULL * CO., ©rooers. Is fld and 2s 6d bottle. Boat Builder, Jervois-quay. Letter Card. (used). O Arohftepts, - Agenw. oom oj «* w v

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 116, 17 May 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 116, 17 May 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 116, 17 May 1895, Page 3