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DRESSMAKnvu, TO SUIT THE TIMES ! A REDUCTION OP SIX SHILLINGS IN OUR CHARGES. WARNOCK~& ADKIN. IN reference to the above, we have deoided to maintain, and if possible inoreaso, the large business in making DRESSES which we have enjoyed for many years. At a time or striot economy, when every customer requires BEST VALUE FOR MONEY, WE TRY NO HALF MEASURES, BUT A REALLY GREAT REDUCTION' WE EMPLOY ONLY HIGH-CLASS DRESSMAKERS, AND OUR CHARGE HAS BEEN 18/6 NOW IT IS FOR MAKING, 12/6 ONLT - NEW TWEEDS, Plain, or in Exoellent Designs "J Costume to order, NEW SERGES and CHEVIOTS, in Navy, Block, and Rioh Colours) 05/O NEW CHOICE MOTTLED TWEEDS, Pure Wool ") Coatume to order, ESTAMENE SERGES, ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS }• Of» //» NEW COATING SEKGES, and NOVELTIES J O«7/O EVENING DRESSES, FANCY SILK NOVELTIES ■) Coatnme to order, EVENING VEILINGS or CREPONS {• A Chi EVENING NUNS CREPE and NOVELTIES ) 4l^/WARNOCK"& ADKIN. R. HANNAH & CO., THE BOOT PALACE, LAMBTON QUAY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOOTS OF THE DAY, THE PALACE G BOOTS. WE are also opening up 269 Trunks of SPECIAL BOOTS, SHOES, and EVENING SHOES, Ex lonic, comprising : — Gent's Porpoise Tan Bootß, waterproof, 35s Ladies' and Girls' Slippers, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s Gent's Tan Walking Boots, from 18s 6d to 6d, 5a 6d 35b Hannah's Felt Slippers, Is, la 3d, Is 6d Gent's real Ooze Calf Shoes, from 17s 6d to X Boots, waterproof 22s Bd Ladies' Tan Balmorals, 12s 6d, 13s 6d Gent's Porpoise Bootß (blaok), from 22s 6d Ladies' Beautiful Ooze Calf Balmorals Gent's Porpoise Shoes (blaok), from 12s 6d Ladies' nice Tan Shoes, 7s Gd, 8s 6d, 9s Gd Youths' Porpoise Boots Ladies' Real Ooze Calf Shoes Boys' Porpoise Boots Ladieß' Moroooo Shoea Gent's Beautiful Court Shoes, from 7s 6d Pinet's Button Boots, 20a Gent's Lovely Dinner Shoes, new shape Pinet's Lace Boots, 20s Boys' and Youths' Dinner Shoes Pinet's Button Shoes Gent's Morocco Grecian Slippers Pinet's Laoe Shoes Gent's Patent Leather Grecian Slippers Pinet's Evening Shoes Gent's Wool-lined Slippers Bostook's Evening Shoes Gent's Real Levant Slippers Rally's Evening Shoes, from 3s lid Hannah's G Shooting Boots, 8s lid, 9s Gd, StrakoEoh'a Evening Shoes, from 4s lid 10a Gd, 12b 6d Ladies' Snede Evening Shoes Hannah's Porpoise Shooters, 18b 6d, 20s, 22s Ladieß' Real White Kid- Shoes Cd Ladies' Real Bronze Evening Shoes Hannah's Watertights, 8a lid, 9a 6d, 10s Gd, Ladieß' Real WhUa Duok Walking Shoea 12b Gd Ladies' Real Buokskin Shoea Hannah's G Bluchers, 5a 6d, 6s Gd, 7s Gd, 8s Ladies' Brown Canvas Shois, from 3s lid Gd Ladieß' Blue Canvas Shoes, 4s Gd Hannah's G Kid Goloshed Bals, 10a Gd, 12s Ladies' Blaok Instep-strap Shoes 6d Ladies' Slippers, 2a 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d Hannah's G Cookham's, 16s Gd, 18s Gd, 20s Maids' and Girls' Canvas Bhoes Hannah's G Youtha' Boots, 4s lid, 5b lid, Maids' and Girls' Evening Shoes 6s lid Girls' Beautiful Buokßkin Bhoeß, from 6 Hannah's G Boys' Boots, 43 6d, 5s Gd, 6s Gd upwards Hannah's G Dairy Boots, 6s lid, 7s Gd, 8a Gd Children's Boots, from Is, 1b 6d, 2s, 2s 6d Hannah's G Kangaroo Balmorals, 13s Gd, Children's Shoes, from Is, Is Gd, 2s, 2b 6d 14s Gd . Everything New and Speoial in Boots and Hannah's G Calf Balmorals, 10s Gd, 12s 6d Shoes oan be obtained at Hannah's Leglets, 8s Gd, 9s Gd R. HANNAH & CO.'S. We have held the box-seat of the coach in placing before the publio for the post 21 years the best Boots and Shoes from the English and Continental markets. In fact, we command the Homo trade, and seonre those markets for two years before they aie allowed to sell to other smaller people. We are tho largest manufacturers in New Zealand, and have just added to our Faotory a Hand-sewn Department, nnder the management of the best fitter in New Zealand. Ladies' Boots, Shoes, Pumps, and Tennis Shoea, mode to order. Gents' Hand-sewn Porpoise Bootß and Shoes made to order. Polo Boots and Riding Boots a speoiality. All Boots and Shoes guaranteed,, and mode out of best oak-tanned English and Amerioan leather. We manufacture 4000 pairs of the celebrated Palace G Boots every week. All kinds of Leather and Grindery on hand. The Trade snpplied with Uppers. .£BO,OOO worth of Btook to select from. Note the Address— R. HANNAH & CO., THE BOOT PALACE, 79, LAMBTON QUAY. THE Q- BOOT. R. IAINAH & CO., THE OASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET, Make tho G Brand Boot. Support local industry. Teat the G Boot. Six different Shapes and Fittings. NOTE LEADING LINES ! THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED ! Men's G Brand Half Watertights, 8a lid I Youths' G Brand Stout Sohool Boots, Ito 5, Men's G Brand Full Watertights. 8s lid 6a 6d Men's G Brand Light Balmorals, 9a Gd I Boys' G Brand ditto, 10 to 13, 4a lid Men's G Brand Pegged Bals. nails. 10b Gd | Visit HANNAH'S CASH BOOT MARKET, 28, Cuba-street, for every deaoription of Boots and Shoes. Orders by post promptly attended to. R. HANNAH & CO., THE OASH BOOT MARKET, 28, CUBA-STREET. WE have been appointed Asrenta for T3IRNBAUM'S "PEAR TREE" the celebrated Gunmaker WILLIAM _f> CASHMORE, and have now received a . WATERPROOFS Shipment of hia p-rjjyci PTTN"? Are made in light and heavy textures nd Comprising— are Bewn throughout. Double-barrel Breeoh-loaders, hammerlesa, ■ Anson & Deeley'a aotion, Damaaous TATVTIT.S PT7.TTTTP, twist barrels, 12 gauge, modified and full JAJKLiiB rJiiXi.XXU, ohoke, np to 30 guineas SPECIALITY SHOP, D.8.8.L. Guns, Anson & Deeley's aotion, io and extended rib hammers out of line of Cuba-btbket, * sight, 12 gauge, modified and full choke, _, . , . . „, u_ , . up to 15 guineas Has 3™* completed the Purchase of some A Paper Target, showing the results of trial SPECIAL CHEAP LINES, 2£&X£fi£i &£&££. whioh - v ba -a? ratea ** w panics eaoh gun Speedt Clearance. We have also a few Guns by W. W. SPECIAL LINE DRESS GOODS. Greener with all the latest improve- Di aßona i Serges, all shades, 10s 6d the dress monta Pretty Speokled Tweed, 3a lid, 5b lid, 8s lid, 11b 9d the dreas Our Stock of SPECIAL LINE FELT HATS. CARTRIDGES AND GtTN FITTINGS Ladies' Felt Hate, worth from 3s lid to 8s lid, from la to Is lid eaoh Is Unequalled. Children's Plush Toques, worth 3s lid, for Is Gd eaoh T\'«PPf>TTr>N TNVTTFn SPECIAL LINE KID GLOVES. INbPECTION INVITED. Kid d&rk Is Hid pair, all sizes •m-jjjJU^g £ EIELD Children's Kid Gloves, 4-button, 1b lid pair, MANNERS-STREET. Children's Fur-lined, also Ladies', in great variety " ~~ SPECIAL LINE OF JACKETS AND MACKINTOSHES. __ _ »._.-«,•-, -^.t.^ „ ~~. Ladies' Maolrintoaheß, three oapea, lls 9d, H. J. RODGERS & CO., 13a9d,178 6d, and 19a 6d each Ladies' Jackets, double breast, 10s 9d, 12s FIHE WHOLESALE CARPEI 9d, 17s 6d, and 2ls eaoh I. SPECIAL LINE FEATHER BOAS. LINOLEUM, AND LINEN Feather Boas, a rare bargain, 2s lid, 4a lid, and 8b lid eaoh WAREHO USE, Fur Boas, a rare bargain, 5s lid, 8s lid, 10s ' 9d eaoh Next Winder's, Manners-street. 'Special Petone Flannels, BJd per yd ; Speoial Silk Flnshes, Is 11 id, all shades ; Speoial DAMAGED DAMAGED! DAMAGED x g^ 2& ££ _— tains, Is Hid pair ; Speoial Ladies' Urn*t- i /io™.™,i A. a RAtnr-ta <M brellaß, Is 6d and la lid eaoh ; Speoial B Si; damafed Zt Od for 2s lid Velveteens, all shades, Is per yard" DiXo&Sea::: &1&&S1S .^ rrir -^^^^^ s^^ M Linoleum, damaged ... Is lid for 1. 6 d »«&»!«;,_! hold the Prettieat and Best Stock of Children's Coats, Pelisses, DAMAGED 1 Hats, and Tarns, I oan safely say, of any DAMAGED LINOLEUMS ! house iD the oolon y12 x 9 room covered"^ ... • 18s Od JAMES PETTIE, 12 x 9 room oovered for ... JJI 3s Od DRAPER, - Cuba-street 12 xl 2 room oovered for ... jeilosßd 12 x 9 room covered for ... £1 7a Od •*, M Ijfc 12 xl 2 room oovered for ... i!ll6sod By darfiiKNSk Exoellenoy 12 x 9 room covered for ... £1 15s Od Appointment the 12 xl 2 room oovered for ... J8 6s 8d to His vEssTFWSLJk Governor. 12 x 9 room covered for ... JB2 2s 0 fcgg^i£^sgr3» 12x12, best made ... ... 42 16s 0 LITTLE.TOHN & SON, All slightly damaged. WATCHMAKERS, TEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS, One Shilling fer Yard Cheaper than cJ 85, Lambton-quay ant Shop in Wellington. EX RUAHINE, A Urge paroel of SPECTACLE FRAMES niMAnvT, nATTPnwej and LENSES, and olbo Material for the DAMAGED CALICOES. manufacture of Speotaoles and Folders, in pieces, about Half-prioe. Damage will gold, steel, and niokelled-steel, including— w..i, ™f a™ lnn<rth ont Best English made Niokelled-steel Frames, wash out. Any length ont. at^. ght ( ordinary ) Bi a e s, and ourl or riding Bides; Steel Pantasoopio (reading) Frames; Compound Cylindrical Lenses; rHORNHILL'S 10 Guinea Silver-fibted Prismatio Lenses ; Ordinary Plus and Minns Lady's Travelling Dressing Bag, No Lenses, white and smoke. 68 14-inoh Best Polished Morocco Patent Optioal Glass in the rough, white and all Wide-opening T-avelling Dressing Bag, Bhades of Bmoke, for the manufacture of with one outaide pocket, atitohed handle, lenses. ._,,,«, t , ,v. 'with gilt rings nnd platea, gilt double-action Panta-perisoopio Pebble Speotaoles of the registered look, and Thornhill's improved beßt quality. patent stop-hinges; Bag lined with rioh Penscopio Pebble Folders of tho best loiro Antique Silk, with Thornhill'a im- quality, proved indestructible pooketa. Speoteole Caws. Contents.— Set of plainont glassfittings. Gold Speotaoles made to meaßure. with.' riohly engraved Hall Marked Solid Sight-teßting a Bpeoiahty. Silver Sterling Tops, consisting . of oval _^ soap, tooth brush roller, with two tooth ; {Stet? "pSSSfct! tS I SS ORIENTAL TEA MART, lottlos, with sorew, caps, ivory hair brush, V/ in oase, ivory olothos brush, ditto glove 21— MANNERS-STREET— 2I. Btretohers, ditto paper knife, dressing oomb n diiei wting book, lined silk, and fitted „ „ in , ,. witt eWtfpPMy. penholder, and blotting 21b fans New Honey, lOd fan «ok, JrtOTt portable ink and light boxes, 21b Pure Ceylon Tea, 3s 9d paoket card owe, Rooking glass, thread and needle 21b tins Robur Tea, 3a 9d tin oaseTpinpusMon, .instrument^board fitted AMOtted Holdes, 6d bottle with csir nail scissors, ivory nail trimmer, . , , fa"ffir££s&ale insfcomentsiand a pair ol Assorted Jam, in jars, Is tweeiera. - ' . Jam, three tins Is t-• *'' ' Pbkw 10 Guineas. Best Bice, 51b Is , If the JB*gl* «" Eoisui Xe»ther,..ll guineas j BUgM 2id lb TKeSSlv>r ! Tops C m^y 0 De Irio^'gat{o^S1 rio^'gat{o^S Silverdust Flour-200'f, 15s; 100's, 8s V •'- V extra., ' 50'5,452d;,25' 8 .252 d t> ' EN&RJLVMa.-En ? rayJng r monogram. of Walnutß, 6d per lb ' ' l W^XS^S&£ l£LtK tomato Sauce, three bottles Is . . .f. f and four instruments, and stamping initials at ' in gold on the bag, 425. complete. Or only. -ntrfT.T.T AM fJAMPB"BLTi'S engraving the seven sUver fittings an VV lililiAJKL KjJ&JSI.3I DEiUU © stamping the baft, 21i. 21— Mannibs-stbmt— 2l. - J W.THCRNHILL ACO.; r To The Queen and Royal Family, 443— Telephone— 443 New Bond-stMet, London, Establiihed 1734 ' £

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 115, 16 May 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 115, 16 May 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 115, 16 May 1895, Page 1