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ATTBTE,ALTAtf MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOOIETY. LOCAL BOARD OP DIRECTORS: i > Hon. Morgan S. Grace, M.D., CM G., M.L.C. (Chairman) i Hon. Charles John Johnston > Esq., M.L.C. (Deputy Chairman); Alfred de Bathe Eiandon, Esq ; the Hon. Edward Uiohardson, U.M.G., M.L.C. ; John liui.can, Esq. NEW AND IMPROVED BENEFITS PBOSPECTUS NOW BEADY CONTAINING FULL PABTICULABS OF THESE. TRUST INVESTMENT POLICIES 7 Annuity at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. 3 LONG TEBM ANNUITIES 5 on snm assured guaranteed. t SETTLEMENT ANNUITIES ? These will be invaluable to Professional PEOTECTIVE ANNUITIE3 ) Men. ' And a Combination of L ENDOWMENT AND LIFE ABBUEANOS FOR CHILDREN, • WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. 3 '" A splendid method of giving the children a start in life, and an encouragement to ii thrift as well. Prospectus and full particulars sent to any address on application. b Branch Oppio— Customhouse-quay, Wellington. c EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Seoretary. c «——»— _-___________,»._. ___i___ — -

i f j^. J ROMINO i l^nflPiU OINTMENT 11 > I l/#\f^ lumbago, Ehenmatism, ' A/% Stiflhess of the Joints. ■• Vw HAPETJT 6 Ir_f*-- OINTMENT c For irr" Lumps, Sores, Scrofula, •"IQ Indolent Tumours, &c c -r^ fil r W^ ENA |\ U" OINTMENT J *" For T TTsb -where the -wonderful I V\ I Wanena Lotion oannot be '' I ' Hi readily used. s I J IP kekako~~ '* V PLASTERS y Ihr- For 7, *" I ta*«. Lumbago, Fains „ <C; in the Chest or ° QJ Side, &d. I t 1/- per Paoket A«l»» fair trial of her remedies. Her experience Of oTcr 80 Tun in the use ot these purely \o;jeUl.'o romocUes nvnad ber to command thorn to tho uue of all Buffererl. Try Marupa for Influenza, and Ear an a for Liver and Stomach disorders. o o 8 B >f c c if c 0 _ * a^ava^^^BSESS^aV ill/ 6 fT VERT MOTHER should oaU at E. ABNOLD'S Abcadi, 90, Willib-btbxit. Over fifty Perambulators to ohoose from Go-Carts, single and double seated, in greal variety. Bicyole and Booking Horses, al '■ sizes. Basket Furniture made in oane unc o ; . willow. Bamboo Furniture, very oheap. ;, The Wire Mattress Faotory will te wortt '• inspecting. Three different kinds of Mat | tresses made and kept in stook. 1. Invalid Carriages kept and made to order If yon want a Piano or Organ, go tc ABNOLD'S and make your owi arrange' ments. BJf E W BACON, MILD CUBE, MOREPORK I- '• Bbgibtsbbd n BRAND. c THE ONLY WHOLESOME BACOH " [As oured for THE LONDON MABKET. i. — -_\ 1 THE CHRIBTCHUEOH MEAT CO. (Lsmitsd) Are pnrohaaers of !, PIGS OF PBIME QUALITY, quabantud fabm pobk, grain ob Pba. Fed, All the year round. Sole Agents in New Zealand for THE INTEB- MARINE SUPPLY CO. ' J. ANDERSON & CO., OLD CtffITOMHOTTSK-STBEBT, WBtHNQTON, Agents. ( IjONDON LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK. KSTABMBHIdtD 1875. ' £10 to £10, 000 advanced at moderate I ' interest, for short and long periods, on per | (onid seoaritjr, da- da (no mort&igo costs), •haraa, bjUB-r.f.Mir.g-, *c., *o. i Sill* DIBOOUKVBD DAUiT. OFFICES ... PaEsma-straot, Wellington Adiltaw-THE MANAGE* XmHE NATIONAL MUTUAL Life Assooiatdon has MONEY TO LEND On Town or Country Freeholds. No commission OhflTgQß. S. G. MARTIN, Resident Seoretary, Customhouse-quay. A USTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT [ SOCIETY. MONEY TO LEND. This Sooiety has Money to Lend on FiestCLABS FbUHOLO CITT AND COUNTBT ' Sioukitiis at 5£ PER CENT. i | Apply direot to the Sooiety. EDWABD W. LOWE, Besident Seoretary. TTICTOEIA FOUNDBY EDWARD BEAGAR, ' Ehqinmk, Iron aito Bbasb Potdtdxb, I BoibIBUAJCEB, ANP GimßU SUTH. Estimate* gives for all desoriptioM of Builders' and Contractors' bonwork. • VICTORIA AND MANNaBB BTBEETS ; WpMjwaTOH. • ''• - * 1 i . -r THE" WIFE'S DBEAM. A great dis ooTery. Valuable book, posted jbii Write to " Speoialist," G.P.0., Melbourne

TO FABMEBS, DAIRY COMPANIES, AND OTHEES. S. LUKE &~00., LTD., JTINCUNEEBS, BOILEBMAKEBS rcON AND BBASS FOTODEBS, IBON BBIDGE BUILDEBS, Ac, &0., &o. Mannkrs-strret, Wellington, Have given speoial attention to the mannfaoture of Boilers and Enginoa, Shafting and Pullevß, and all Machinery for Creameries and Dairies. Onr expert knowledge in this branoh is or fiist imporrc-nco to those requiring plants. Have in hand at present contracts for 12 plautu. Estimates (riven. Patterns of all size oompound and other Engines, High-pressure Boilers, and Maohinery of highest quality, 1 for all purposes. i Pbiob Not to be BriTiN. Note the Address— MANNEBS - STBEET. WELLINGTON. rTIHE BLACK BALL COAL COMPANY. I TO HOUSEHOLDEBB. WEST COAST COAL. PBICE GBEATLY SEDUCED. Pbivate Families may now be supplied at the Wbolisalb Bates hitherto paid by the Coal Traders. HAVE YOU TBIED THE BLAOK BALL OOAL ? IT IS BRIGHT AND CLEAN AND GIVES A CHEEBFUL FIBE. f 6/6 Per Quarter Ton. PEICE -I 12/6 Per Half Ton. (_24/- Pet Ton. Net Cash on delivery at Coal Depot, Blaok Ball Railway Siding, Or will be delivered to any address in or near Wellington at the above prices fox net oash, with the cartage only added thereto. The cost of cartage will average about 3s . per ton, 2s per i-ton, and Is per i-ton, iccording to the place of delivery. t Send Poßt Card (with full addresss) to • C. W. TUBNiB. a P.O. Box 117 s Or OFFICE BLACK BALL DEPOT, , Corner Bunny-Btreot and Waterloo-quay. Telephone, 936. 'r t ° rTIHH OBEY VALLEY COAL COMPANY (Limited), MANNKBS-STB-EET, Have on Salo— OOALBEOOKDALE, WESTPOBT CARDIFF, NEWCASTLE, BLACK BALL GREYMOUTH AMD Fire Tiles, Firebrioks, Fireclay, Coke, and Firewood, ont to any length. W. 0. GASQUOINE, Local Manager. Telephone 322. P.O. Box 171. THE WESTPOBT COAL COMPANY (Limited). COALBBOOKDALE COAL. THE publio are oantioned against inferior Coal being 'old as Coalbrookdale. This oelabrated Household Coal can be had of the j following Coal Merohants :— . D. AJ. Andrews B. W. Keyes Backhouse Bros. T. Marshall T. M. Burns John Murray Alex. Bums E. M'Clnggage John CaUaghan Parke A Hughes J. Carroll H. J. Pearman Robt. Clarke G. J. Phillips A. Dawson Picot Bros. Riohard Dnienan J. J. K. Powell M. FitzGerald W. T. Queree W. Futter J. Sannders W. J. Gaudin Thompson Bros. Grey Valley Coal Co. and Co. (Limited) Job Watts Holm & Co. J. L. Young Mrs. Scott The Colonial Laboratory reports show that the evaporative power of this coal (the real . test of value) is far superior to all other coals. It is from the high plateau, the coals from whioh oontain a smaller percentage of water, and aro well-known to be superior to any of the low level coals in the Westport ' district. Consumers are requested to order" COALBROOKDALE," not merely Westport Coal. The Company have registered "COALBBOOKDALE " as a Trade Mark, and will take proceedings against any person using the name without their authority. WM. SCOTT, Agent. ON SALE OTwa-TDA-RT f Westport CardifE Coal qre^s lley |£™ rCoal COALS (Black BaU NEWCASTLE £ Neweaßtla Co£vl Co . SAMUEL BBOWN, A BOOR, entitled "Seoret of Health," with full particulars of prevention. of diseases, issued gratis to purchasers of LIFEBUOY SOAP. " All who would achieve success should endeavour to merit it." VJI7E have during the past year spared * no expense in endeavouring to make our Beer seoond to none in New Zealand, and oan now confidently assert we have bucoeeded in doing so. Wo invite all who enjoy a Good Glass of BEER To ask for ' STAPLES' BEBT, On Draught at almost all Hotels in the City and surrounding Districts, And confidently anticipate their verdiot will be that Staples A Co. have suooessfuUy removed the reproaou that good Beer co not be brewed in Wellingten. J. STAPLES 4 GO. (Limitkd), MOLISWOETH AND MUBPHT STBWCTB. TANDING, Ex TAINUW New Season's Gasfittings Galvanised Cylinders N.B. Garden Hose Sanitary Requisites, An., 40. SAMUEL DANKS A SON, 10, BbANDON'BTBHT. XjIFEBTTOY SOAP ! For Preservation of Health and Prevention of Sioknesm QEND IT TO SHOBTT'B.

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 109, 9 May 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 109, 9 May 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 109, 9 May 1895, Page 4