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EANGIURU-BT-THB-SEA. IN consequence of the terribly tempestuous weather of Saturday, the 13th instant; preventing the attendance of Wellington buyers at Otaki at the sale of this IMPORTANT MARINE TOWN, we have to announce that the whole of the nnsold Seotions have been withdrawn from private salo, and will be submitted to Public Auction at our .Exchange Auotion Rooms, No. 84, Lambton-qnay, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 25th instant, at 7.30 o'olook. T. KENNEDY MACDONALD 4 CO. (Limited), Auctioneers. OEOFTON. OB.OETON. CROFION. Two miles from the General Poßt Office. Two miles from the General Post Office. To tho tondor Father and Mother who may be anxious to sottlo where their little ones will bo freo from the risks of disease, and get every chance to grow up into Btrong and healthy men and women. To the Invalid whoso nervous Bystem requires bracing, and To the Sufferer from Asthma and Throat Affections. To the Government Officer who wants a quiot, peaceful home. To the Merchant's Clerk who wishes to build himself a house within half-an-hour's walk of, his office, and yet have all the pleasures of living in the oountry. To the Weary Trader anxioua to get out of the bustle of the oity and breathe a pure and exhilarating air when tho rush of tho day is over. IN FACT To all who desire fo oreato a home where they may live cheaply; where they will be healthy, and whore they will be Burrounded by the beautiful .and pic turesque. THE LONG LOO"KED FOR OPPORTUNITY COME AT LAST. Tho Healthy Suburb of CROFTON open for purchaso for tho first time. No City Rates. 15-lGths of a penny in the £ taxation, as against 3s 2Jd in tho £ in the City. To be sold by publio auction, absolutely to the highest biddor, ON THURSDAY, 25th DAY OF APRIL, 1895, At 7.30 p.m., BT T KENNEDY MACDONALD 4 CO. • (Limited), IN THE EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOMS, No. Bi, Lambton-quat— THAT MAGNIFICENT BLOCK OF SUBURBAN BUILDING LAND SITUATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CROFTON, being the property co well-known as Littlejohn's, and now subdivided into FIFTEEN BUILDING SEOTIONS, ranging in area from ONE-HALF ACRE to OVER TWO ACRES eaoh The charming suburb of Crofton has been known, ever since Wellington was founded, as one of the most delightful residential sites. Embosomed " amongst the everlasting hills." it possesses a charming olimato, whero the gentle zephyr blows soft, and not the blustering breezes of Wellington. It has many means of acceßS. A pleasant walk of half an hour along cither theold Kaiwarraroad or the Wadestown-road, or a few minutes' ride in the oars of tho Wellington and Manawatn Railway, will land you in the subnrb— it being as oasy to reach Crofton on foot or by rail as it is to reach Newtown by tbo tramway. First-class metalled roads rnn through and eurronnd Crofton, and household necessarios aro delivered in every part of tho suburb at Wellington prioes. Crofton has always possessed a special oharm in its wealth of Ferns and beautiful Native Bush, giving a picturesque attraction to its wonderful rural walks. From the top of the Crow's Nest and the Kaka Hill, within halt-an-hour's walk, tho moat magnificent panoramic view can bo obtained, Nelson, Motueka, and the snow-capped peak of Mount Fgmont being plainly discormble. Few Wellington residents have any conception of the manifold sconio beauties that lie within a few minutes' walk of the enchanting subnrb of Crofton. Mr. Littlejohn's property, which is now being submitted for salo by pubho auction in consequence of his increasing woak health, has long been known as tho beßt in tho charming suburb. In order to meet the views of a number of intending bnyors it has been carefully Burveyod and subdivided. The Family Residenck of two stories contains Hall, 32ft 9in x 12ft 3in, Drawingroom, 18ft x 14ft, with largo square bay window and folding doors leading into Broakfast-room. 14ft x 10ft, Dining-room, lGft x 14ft, six Bedrooms, Kitohen, Scullery, Bath-room, Wash-house, Verandah, and Conservatory. It is built of heart of totara, and is in first-claBS condition. It Btands upon a block of land containing over two acbes, and is situated about 300 ft above sco-level. Adjacent to the residence is the Coach-houso, Stable (two stalls), Dairy, Cow-houB», Granary, Coal-house, Toolhouse, Photographic Dark-room, Fowlhouso, 4c, 4c,, 40. Tho residence faoes the north-west and has a specially healthy situation, getting tho sun from tho earliest rising to its setting. Special pains have boon taken with the water supply to the residence and out offices. A magnificent spring runs into a newly-oonatruoted cement reaervoir, and is conveyed from there by pipes to the honso and throngh it. There is also a well with force pump. The whole of tho grounds surrounding the house have boon cultivated and planted with great care. The lawn in front is furnished with beautiful ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers, while a well-filled orchard of about half an acre, vegetable garden, and grass paddocks make together a charming (out cntemhle. The residence has two approaches, one from the railway fetation, distant three minutes' walk, and the other along a beautiful avenue abutting on to the main road, from whioh Wellington oan bo reauhed in 25 minutes. It is a charming property, and can be honestly recommended as a most delightful home. The remainder of the land haa been divided into FOUBTIEN BECTIONS, B AN GING IN ABBA FBOM HALF-AN-ACBE TO pVEB TWO ACBES. The whole of these Sootions are most admirably adapted for Villa Sites. They, like the residence, command delightful prospects of hill and dale, whilo from some of those of higher elevation onohauting views of Wellington and portions of the harbour can be seen. On Section No. 9, containing 1 rood 16 perches, there has been recently orooted a thoroughly well-finished Cottage Residence of seven rooms, built of seasoned heart of totara, whioh will prove a sound investmeut. No more admirable Building Sections have been offered by auction for years. Crofton and Khandallah aro tho fashionable sabarbs, and every year will soe their value increased. The new line of road, now under discussion, will be carried out in a few months, and shorten the distance from the City considerably. But the charm of Crofton is its pure life-giving air, soft, orisp, and light, it puts a new soul into every fresh resident, while the calm, peaceful beauty of its scenery is a delight every morning and a repose eaoh night. To those who wish to bo as noar to the oentro of tho City as Nowtown, and to be free from the curse of heavy City Rates and Municipal imbeoility, Crofton has overpowering attractions, for it is easy of access, and its rates are as nothing. The terms of sale will be as follows:— 10 per cent, deposit at salo, 10 per cent, in six months, 10 per cent, in 12 months ; balance in fivo yoara, bearing interest at 6 per oent. per annum. Title, Land Transfer Aot. For conditions of sale, plans of the property, and further details, apply to the Auctioneers, at their offioes, No. 84, Lamb-ton-quay. ' ABSOLUTE SALE OF AN ORIGINAL ABSENTEE TOWN-ACRE. IN THE EXCHANGE" AUCTION ROOM, No. 84, Lambton-quat. ON THUBSDAY NEXT, 25th APRIL, 1895. At 7.30 o'olook p.m. m KENNEDY MACDONALD 4 CO. JL • (Limited) are favoured with instructions fo Bell by publio auotion, as abovo — TOWN ACRE No. 933, fronting HANSON - STREET and ADE-LAIDE-ROAD. This valuable town aore adjoins the wellknown property of Councillor Tatum , and haa remained unclaimed since the foundation of the oity. The representatives of the original owner have now proved their claim, and instructed tho immediate disposal of the Aoro by auotion. It ia one of the moat valuable town aorea in the southern quarter of the oity, and having practioally two frontages of 165 feet eaoh, would prove admirably adapted for snb-aiviaion. Terms — 25 per oent. oash deposit, balance in a month, but the auctioneers oan make arrangements to allow a large portion of the purchase money to lie on mortgage. For further 'particulars, conditions of sale, 40., apply LEVI 4 BOLTON, Solioitors, Panama-street; Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. IN THB EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOMS, 84, Lambton-quat. ON THURSDAY NEXT, 25th APRIL, 1895 At 7.30 o'olook p.m. ABSOLUTE SALE Of"mOST VALUABLE FABM PROPERTY, SHANNON. At the Risk of a Fobmeb Pctbchasek. T KENNEDY ifiAODONALP 4 CO. • (Limited) are favoured with instructions from Messrs. I), and D. Cox to sell by publio auotion, at the risk of a former purchaser — That very valuable farm property, being the Seotion No. 12, Blook IX., Arawaru Survey Distriot (Shannon), containing 309 acres, about 30 aores of which is flat, the balanoe undulating hills. Tho improvements on this valuable property oomprise 45 aorea hud down in beßt English mixed grasses, 65 aorea felled and ready for Bowing. The balanoe is in bush. There is % oapital lean-to oottage erected on the land. The property is distant 8 miles from the Shannon Railway Station, is well watered, and will carry three sheep to the aore. This seotion is, without doubt, one of the best properties in the Shannon Distriot, and is honestly recommended to intending settlers. The greater portion of the purchase money oan remain on mortgage at 5 per oent. interest.

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 96, 24 April 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 96, 24 April 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 96, 24 April 1895, Page 3