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NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS FOB SPUING ANDJSUMMER, 1894, IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Will be found an extensive variety of NEW GOODS, but we would particularly invite special attention to our DRESS DEPARTMENT. rf»HE NEW SHIPMENTS op BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS DISPLAY IHE BEST A POSSIBLE TASTE IN SILK, WOOL, and COTTON TEXTURES. These are now submitted in great variety, suited to every taste and to all requirements. In thia section of our eatablishment WE HAVE MANY ARTISTIC NOVELTIEt, of quits An exclusive chabacteb, to which we deßiro to call early attention. GRAND DISPLAY EVERY DAY THIS WEEK OF— NEW FRENCH CHECKED TWEEDS, in small checks, light of texture, and admirably adapted for the popular Tailor-mads Gowns NEW FLECKED COSTUME TWEEDS SAXONY SILK EFFECTS or TAFFETAS are among the drossiest and most useful fabricß offered NBW SUMMER ARMARES, FRENCH FOULE3 PLAIN and FANCY FRENCH SUMMER BEIGES MOIRE ANTIQUES, for Coats, also for Skirts WASHING FABRICS, Representing all the LATEST FASHIONS. In selection our endeavours are again CROWNED WITH SUCCESS. A more choice and attractive display ifc would be impossible to ace. The stook ia this season so thoroughly in harmony with tho requirements of the present time, that on difficulty will be fouad in altering for the taster and ine;ms of the community. FIRST AND FOREMOST we must mention the— WABHABLK JAPANESE CSEPONS, with Silk Stripes, whioh will no doubt play i>n important part in Summer Toilets. CREPONS, in a most magnificent variety CRIiIPLKD LAWN, LAWNS and DIMITIES ORGANDY and SWISS MUSLINS, MOUSSELINE db L'INDE NEW COSTUME DRILLS, in all shades LINEN or GRASS TUSSORES, self Stripes or Checks NORMAN STRIPE DRILLS, for "Washing Costumes PLAIN aud FANCY WASHING LTNENS The New Shades in BLUE LINEN, co much in request for Summor Costumes (guaranteed fast dyo) PIQUES, for SUMMER OosrOMEa, in Vertical Steii-es, Ckosbak Patieenb, also iIIIACGDsSIONS PIQUES, for Ladies' Waistcoats, New Designs OUK PURCHASES OF ALL WOOL FRENCH DE LAINES have been made well, in view of retaining the position of Premier Importers of this favourite material. Tho variety in designs shown bear us ont in this LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, DRESSMAKING. We have every satisfaction in directing tho attention of Ladies to onr superior facilities for the prodnotion of faithful copies of any style selected. Tho result of onr labours in this section warrant us stating that wo cannot be surfassbd for extellent Fit, Style, and Finish, in tho most refined taste, at lowest consistent charges. KIRKCAL DTE & STAINS. PATTERNS, PRICE-LISTS, and SELF-MEASUREMENT CHARTS, Free on Application.

T UNCHEON -*"* AT GEO. BODLEY'S. LAMBTON-QUAY, From 12 to 2 p.m. daily, TEA, From 5 to 7 p.m. Light Ebfbeshments, &0., &0., At all Hours. SUPPERS ON SATURDAYS Till 12 p.m., Comprising Fried Fisb, Oysters in any mode, Grills, Ham and Eggs, Ac, &0., AT GEO. BODLEY'S. £40— FOUR ROOMS— £4< /COMPLETELY FURNISHED Vy FOR TORTY POUNDS. DOUBLE BEDROOM. 1 Double Brass-mounted Bedstead, £ a. 6 extended roil 1 17 1 Spring Mattrasa, 80s ; 1 Wool Bed, 27s Gd ; 1 Bolster, 2 Kapoo Pillows, 14a 3 11 1 pair Sheets, 10s; 1 pair Slips, 2a; 1 pair Blankets, 16b 18 1 White Quilt, 9s 6d ; 1 Washstand, with Rails and set Ware, 24b ... 113 1 All Wool Carpet 115 1 pair White Lace Curtains, 3Jyds long 0 6 1 Art Window-Blind, with spring roller 0 4 2 Cane-seat Chairs 0 9 1 Dressing Chest, Brass Mounted and Bevelled Glass, 22 xlB ... 4 10 SPARE BEDROOM. 1 Bedstead, 2'Js ; 1 Spring Mattrass, 18s 2 0 1 1 pair Blankets, 11s; 1 Quilt, 6s; 1 Slip, la ; 1 Pillow and Bolster, 6s 6d 1 14 I 1 pair Sheets, 63 fid ; 1 pair Lace Curtains, 4s 6d 0 11 < 1 Art Window-Blind and SpringRoller 0 4 ( 1 Washstand and set Ware, 19a; 1 Carpet Square, 7s 6d ... 1 6 ( 1 Polished Toilet Table and Toilet Glass 013 ( SITTINGROOM. 1 Carpet with border (all wool), 12ftxl0ft6in 2 10 ( 1 Couch, 3 small Chairs and 1 Easy Chair, nicely npholstered ... 6 5 < 1 Occasional Walnut Table ... 015 ( 1 Hearthrug, 10s ; 1 Brass-rail Fender, 10s 1 0 ( 1 Art Window-Blind and Patent Roller 0 4 ( 1 pair Laoe, Curtains (suitable for bow window) 0 10 ( KITCHEN. 1 Table, 8a 6d j 3 Chairs, 10s 6d ; 3 Saucepans, 7s 6d ; 1 Kettle, ss ; 1 Fryingpan, Is 2d 1 12 f 1 Meat Tin, 1b 9d ; 1 Sugar, la ; 1 Butter, 1b : 6 white and gold Cnps and Saucers, 3s 3d ... 07 ( 6 white and gold Plates, 3a ; 6 Meat Platee, 3b; 6 Dessert Platea, Zb j 1 set Jugs, 2s 6d 010 ( 2 Vegetable Dishes, ss; 1 Sauoeboat, Is ; 3 Meat Dishes, 4s 6d ; 1 Fanoy Teapot, 2b 9d 0 13 i 2 Salt Cellars, la; 6 oach Dossort and Table Knivo3 (Johnaton's), lla 5d 0 12 f 6 oauh Don Silver Spoons, tea, dossort, and table 0 14 ( 6 oach Don Silvor Forke, dosaert and table . ... 011 ( 1 Hair Broom, 3b ; 1 American Broom, Is Cd; 2 Wash-Tubs, lie... 0 15 < 1 Bucket, Is 6d ; 1 Scrub, la ; 1 set Boot Brusheß, 2s Cd ; Dustpan and Brushes, 2s 6d 0 7 ( 1 Knife-board, lOd ; 1 Wash-board, la ; 1 Box Iron, 3a ; 1 Washnp, 2a 0 6 II 1 Pie Dish, 8d;l Pudding Boßin,Bd 0 1 < £40 0 ( Those about to furnish are earnestly re quested to inspect the above articles. W< invite comparison with any house in Nev Zealand. ___ ' HENRY FIELDER, ¦> DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFAC TUREB, Mannebs-stbebt, Wellington. WILLIS-STREET. FRANK GRADY'S npHE QHOP I^OR TJRESENTS NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Clocks. Watches, Chains, Engagement Signet, Keepor, ana Wedding Rings, Ban gles, Pins, Brooches, Studs, Links, Charms &o. ; Sterling Silver Matchboxes, Ponoils Purses, Serviette Rings, Tea Spoons, Butte: Knives, &o. ; Novelties in Kleotro-platei Goods, suitablo for wedding presents ; Fiol< and Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Folders to suit all sights ; Fans, Desks, Companion Dressing Cases, Purses, Bags, Card Cases Albums, Photo. Frames, Fanoy Glass an< China, Stationery. So. jewellery of ever; description manufactured on the premises Watch, Clock, and Jewellery repairs; An tique Jewellery* re-modelled. Competen workmen. Personal supervision. rr\HE QHOP TjlOß "pRESENTS FRANK GRADY'S, Willis-street. G. & T. YOUNG, DIRECT IMPORTERS AND PKAC TICAL WATCHMAKERS, Respoctfully draw attention to their STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, All departments being now fall atooked wit! the Latest and Most Fashionable Goods. In our Plate Department will be found choice of FIRST-CLASS GOODS UNKQUALLEI IN NEW ZEALAND Either for Extent, Newness, ob Vabiett of Design. WATCH AND CLOCK AND JEWEI LERY REPAIRS In FIBBT-CLASS STTLE. Ploaso note the addresses— 73, LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON and at Dunedin, Timaru, and Oamaru. LSTTSR3 £SnHSirc*O CUBA-ST., Patent. JgTgSsKsJC Wellington, SP. CLEMENTS . OltllilNAL VKNETIAN AND WIBE Blind Manufactubeb, Patentee airl Solo Manufacturer of tho Single Lovor Blind Clip, i^jont for Patent Sectional Vbnetia Blind, the most complete Blind made ; tri distinct Blinds in one. All old Blinds easi] Altered into Patent working,

THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF THE y\RESDEN PIANO COMPANY'S TIME-PAYMENT STSTEM - Over that of the ordinary " Hire System" CONSISTS in the fact that should a purchaser, either through lack of employment, sickness, bad trade, or other misfortnne, be unable to meet his payments punctually, the Manager will allow all the lenienoy that the merits of the case appear to demand. the purchaser, after every leniency has been allowed, still continue unable to meet his engagements, he may retain the instrnment by special arrungoment for extension of time. r\ THIS is the most equitable system yet introduced, and there is no better way of obtaining a Piano or Organ than by purchasing from the DRESDEN PIANO COMPANY THE l 6l 6 DRESDEN COMPANY IS A 6 HOUSEHOLD WORD 0 In Thousands or Happy Homes 6 0 Throughout the Colony. 0 TIME PAYMENTS, moM 20s MONTHLY. 0 0 THE DRESDEN PIANO COMPANY, Lambton-quay, Wellington. M. J. BROOKKS Manager. 0 S ' i£. 8 days. 8 3 Days " > Days J AMES PETTIE, ) ByS8 yS SPECIALITY SHOP, Days ) 8 Cuba-street, 8 Will, during the next 8 DAYS, olear ) Days tho Balance of his 8 ) Days WINTER STOCK 8 ) Days Regardless of Cost. 8 Days — — 8 Days Dross Materials at Cost 3 8 Millinery at Half-price Days Jackets at Half-prioo 8 Gloveß at Cost Prico ¦* Days Hoßiery at Coßt Price 8 Blankets and Flannels at Cost Days Price > 8 Children's Coats and Pelisßos at Cost Days Price 8 / Children's Hats and Bonnots at Cost 3 Days Prioo 8 Days ' 8 COME AND SECURE THE Days BARGAINS, ' 8 Days Aa I have determined to clear out 5 8 ovory Wintor Lino. Dayß ' Days 8 Remember !— SATURDAY and folDaya lowing woek. 5 8 Days 1 *f 8 JAMES PETTIE, Z Days } 8 Days DRAPER - - - Cuba-stbeet. 9 7

STATEMENT Bhowing the enormous increase in shipments of CEYLON TEA to the Colonies : — 1892. 1893. 1894. lbs. lbs. lbs. January ... 249,085 464,624 640,493 February ... 239,130 687,198 571,918 • March ... 377,051 504,943 724,745 April ... 326,067 357,332 823,765 May ... 711,070 475,937 508,698 1 1,902,403 2,490,034 3,269,619 Or an INCREASE of 3,367,216L8S in two years. The unprecedented demand for ! SURATURA TEA r Had assisted this SUBSTANTIAL INi CREASE. I I XL. l LADIES are invited to oall and ace our New V.S. (vibrating ehuttle) No. 2 * and 3 SEWING MACHINES. The lateat, simplest, most perfect adjustment, and the 'i cheapest Sewing Machines ever offered in New Zealand ; also, our New Oscillating Shuttle Machine, giveß the widest range . of work and the highest rate of speed of any maohine yet invented. Terms, either cash or on time-payments, !. at 28 6d per week. Any trial given against any maohine in the market. ; Call and Bee them, and enquire the prices. 1 Yon will be astonished, and buy. We have Maohinea either hand or treadle, or both combined. Parts kept in Btook, needles and oil, Ac. Note the Address— a THE IX L COMPANY, 19, Willis-street 3 (Next Townaond & Paul's). -VTOW LANDING. '" Ga3 Globes, in fancy colours Gas Heating Stoves, very aheap and eoonomical Gasaliers, Gaa Brackets, and Hall Lamps Unitas Closets r China Washhand Basins, in white, white ' and gold, and marble Enamelled, Iron, and Porcelain Sinks - High-presßure Boilers Galvanised Cylinders Eleotrio Bella, Indicators, Batteries, Wire and Fittings &c., Ac., &o. All goods snppliod at lowest prices, or ' fitted by competent workmen at moat reasonable charges. J. E. HAVES & CO., f PLtraiBBRS, Gasfittebb, Bbassfoundbbb, |y COFPEBSMITHS' 4c, lAmbton-quay Wellington,

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Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 1