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NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS FOE SPIiING ANDjBpMMEB* 1894. IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Will bo found an oxtonßive variety of NEW GOODS, but we would particularly invite special attention to onr DRESS DEPARTMENT. rpHE NEW SHIPMENTS op BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS DISPLAY the BEST J POSSIBLE TASTE IN SILK, WOOL, and COTTON TEXTURES. These are now submitted in great variety, suited to every taste and to all requirements. In this section of our establishment WE HAVE MANY ARTISTIC NOVELTIES, of quite an exclusive character, to which we desire to call early attention. GKAND DISPLAY EVERY DAY THIS WEEK OF— NEW FBENCH CHECKED TWEEDS, in small checks, light of texture, and admirably adapted for the popular Tailor-made Gowns NEW FLECK RD COSTUME TWEED 3 SAXONY SILK EFFECTS or TAFFETAS are among the dressiest and most ÜBef ul fabrics offered NEW SUMMER ARMARES, FREVCH FOULE3 PLAIN and FANCY FRENCH SUMMER BEIGES MOIRE ANTIQUES, for Coats, also for Skirts "< WASHING FABRICS, Representing all the LATEST FASHIONS. In solrction our endoavourß are again CROWNED WITH SUCCES3. A mor« choice and attractive display it would be impossible to sco. Tho stook is this season so t'lorojghly in harmony with the requirements of the present time, that on difficulty will be found in oxtering for tho tastos and raoana of tho community. FIUST AND FORKMOST we must mention tho— WABHABLB JAPANEsK CRIIPONS, with bilk fctripes, which will no doubt play an important part iv Toilet-j. CREPONti, in a moat magnificent variety CPvIMPLKD LAWN, LAWNS and DIMITIB3 ORGANDY and SWISS MUSLINS, MOUSdELINE DE L'INDE NKW COSTUME DRILLS, in all shades LINEN ov GRASS TUSSORES, self Stripes or Checks NORMAN STRIPE DKILLS, for Washicg Costumes PLAIN and FANCY WASHING LINENS The New Shades in BLUE LINEN, so much in request for Summer Costumes (guaranteed fast dye) PIQUES, for Summer Costumes, in Vertical Stbipbs, Cbosbar Patterns, also in Lace Designs PIQUES, for Ladies' Waistcoats, New Designs OUR PURCHASES OF ALL WOOL FBENCH DE LAINES have been made well, in view of retaining the position of Premier Importers of this favourite material. The varioty in designs shown boar us out in this LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, DRESSMAKING. We have evory satisfaction in direoting the attention of Ladios to our superior facilities for the production of faithful copies of any stylo selected. Tbo r^Bult of our labours in this section warrant us stating that we cannot be surpassed for oxtellent Fit, Style, and Finish, in the most refined taste, at lowest consistent charges. KIRKCALDTE & STAINS. PATTERNS, PRICE-LISTS, and SELF-MEASUREMENT CHARTS, Fbeb on Application. TfiHE EXPERIENCE - 1 or a THE thrifty housewife GREAT ADVANTAGE Who found that she was formerly paying I 2s 4J for one pound of brand 0F THE of Tea, which served her and her family for One Week. Fer comparative purposes she TFVRESDEN PIANO COMPANY'S bonpht SUKATUKA, which tea she alleges JL/ to bo of superior quality in every respect TIME-PAYMENT SYSTEM for 2a per pound, and that THREE-QUAR-TERS of a POUND of tho SURATURA Over that of tho ordinary " Hire System " lasted as long hb ONE POUND of brand. CONSISTS in the fact that should a purWHAT WAS HER SAVING ? ohaser. cither through laok of _ on employment, sickness, bad trade, It is a biMPLE Calculation. or other misfortune, be unable to lib of brand (lasted a meefc nis payments punctually, woek), cost 2a 4d tne Manager will allow all the Jib of Suratura (lasted a week) at 2s leniency that the merits of the lb, cost ' ... Is 6d case appear to demand. Find the Difference, — — SHOULD the purchaser, after every leniency . , .„,(,. , naa been allowed, still continue And you will know 1 what you can Bavo by unable to meet his engagements, USING SURATURA TEA, c ma ?' re tain the instrument by ' speoial arrangement for extension The Tea of Teas. of time. \oai\ -nwrm T>r\r\~\ta J*A/\ THIS is the most equitable system yet in£4>o lOUR ROOMS £40 troduced, and there is no better /COMPLETELY FURNISHED ]?"* of obtaining a Piantfor Organ I > „„„ . than by purchasing from the FORTY POUNDS. i_~^p_oo_.«t THE DOUBLE BEDROOM. 1 Double Braßs-mounted Bedstead, £s. d. DRESDEN COMPANY extended rail 1 17 6 1 Spring Mattrass, 30s ; 1 Wool TO Bed, 27s 6d ; 1 Bolster, 2 Kapoo IS A 1 pa^sPs'lOs; lpair Slips, _i 8 U * HOUSEHOLD WORD IWhifetnlttsGd-Twashstand; '" ° In Thousands o F Happt Homes with Rails and set Ware, 245... 113 6 _„ , „. „ , 1 All Wool Carpet ... 115 0 Throughout the Colony. 1 pair White Lace Curtains, S^ydß long 0 6 0 TIME PAYMENTS, fbom 20s MONTHLY. 1 Art Wmdow-Blind, with spring ce 1 - 11 s ee e rat Chairr atChair- 8 "". '." Z 09 0 THE DRESDEN PIANO COMPANY, 1 Dressing Chest, Brass Mounted _ _ and Bevelled Glass, 22 xlB ... 4 10 Lambton-quay, Wellington. SPARE BEDROOM. 1 Bedstead, 22b ;1 Spring Mattrass, M.J.BROOKES Manager. 18s 2 0 0 1 pair Blankets, lls ; 1 Quilt, 6s ; 1 Slip, Is ; 1 Pillow and Bolster, 6s 6d 1 14 6 1 pair Sheets, 6s 6d; 1 pair Laoe Curtains, 4s 6d 0 11 0 1 Art Window-Blind and Spring- 8 Q DAYS Roller „. 0 4 0 Days O JJJXXO - 1 Washstand and set Ware, 19s; 8 1 Carpet Square, 7b 6d ... 1 6 6 Days 1 Polished Toilet Table and Toilet 8 Glass 013 0 Days I AMES PETTIE. SITTINGROOM. D 1 Carpet with border (all wool), f* SPECIALITY SHOP, 12ft xlOit 6in „ 2 11) 0 Days 1 Couoh, 3 small Chairs and 1 Easy o PnTiA.RTmr.icT Chair, nicely upholstered ... 6 5 0 tj s 1 Occasional Walnut Table . 015 0 / wffl during the nexfc 8 DAYS o i oar 1 Xfea '.. TST S ' ra ? 10 0 Da / a the Balance of his 1 Art Window-Blind and Patent Days WINTER STOCK Roller ... 04 0 g J lpair Laoe Curtains (suitable for D Regardless of Cost. bow window) 010 0 g J KITCHEN. Days 1 Table, 8s 6d; 3 Chairs, 10s 6d; 3 8 Saucepans, 7s Gd ; 1 Kettle, ss ; Days Dress Materials at Cost 1 Fryingpau, Is 2d 112 8 8 Millinery at Half-prioe 1 Meat Tin, Is 9d ; 1 Sugar, Is ; i Days Jaokets at Half-price Butter, Is.- 6 white and gold 8 Gloves at Cost Price Cups and Saucers, 3s 3d ... 0T 0 Days Hoßiery at Cost Price 6 white and gold Plates, 3s j 6 Meat 8 Blankets and Flannels at Cost Plates, 3s ; 6 Dessert Plates, Days Frioe is • 1 set Jugs, 28 6d 010 6 8 Children a Coats and Pelisses at Cost 2 Vegetable Dishes, ss; 1 Sauce- Days Woe boat, Is : 3 Meat Dishes, 4b 6d ; 8 Children's Hats and Bonnets at Cost 1 Fancy Toapot, 2s 9d 013 3 Days Price 2 Salt Cellars, Is ; 6 each Dossert 8 — andTableKnives(Johnßton>s), q g Days 6 eaob. Don Silver Spoons, tea, Days BARGAINS, desßort, and tablo 014 0 8 6 each Don Silver Forks, dessert Days As I have doterminod to clear out and table 011 6 8 o very Winter Lino. 1 Hair Broom, 3s ; 1 American Days Broom, Is (3d; 2 Wash-Tubs, 8 lls " 0 15 6 Days 1 Bucket, Is 6d ; 1 Scrub, Is ; 1 set 8 Eemomber !— SATURDAY and folBoot Brushes, 2s 6d j Dustpan Days lowing week. and Brushes, 2s 6d 0 7 6 8 1 Knife-board, lOd ; 1 Wash-board, Days 1b ; 1 Box Iron, 3s ; 1 Washup, 8 2s 0 6 10 Days JAMES PETTIE 1 Pie Dish, 8d;l Pudding Basin,Bd 0 14 8 U_iJ__O r__._X__, Days £40 0 0 8 Days DRAPER - - - Cuba-street. Those about to furnish are earnestly requested to inspect the above articles. We invite comparison with any house in New Zealand. _____ TT-nnvTT»-o- -riTTax T\-n-r» STATEMENT showing the enormous inHENRY FIELDER, O crease in shipments of CEYLON TEA DIRECT IMPORTEE AND MANUFAC- to the Colonies :— TURER, 1892 ' 1893> 189i ' Mannbrs-stbbet, Wellington. Jannary _ JJUfa. gj^ February ... 239,130 687,198 571,918 March ... 377,051 504,943 724,745 w April ... 326,067 357,332 823,765 _B_s_fG_3iT's Mw ■■•:___ _^_! j__^ T HE gHOP pOE pBESENTS. oJ'S&e'So? NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 1,367,216L8S in two years. Watches, Chains, Engagement, Signet, Keeper, and Wedding Rings, Ban- The unprecedented demand for gles, Pins, Brooohes, Studs, Links, Charms, C3TTTJ A mTTT> A mx? A &c; Sterling Silver Matchboxes, Penoils, D U ±ti_.l U ivA. li__. Purses, Serviette Rings, Tea Spoons, Butter Had assisted this SUBSTANTIAL INKnives, Ac ; Novelties in Electro-plated CREASE. Goods, suitable for wedding presents ; Field and Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Folders, -r —^- -» to suit all sights; Fans, Desks, Companions, _|_ _V. JL-U Dressing Cases, Purses, Bags, Card Cases, Albums, Photo. Frames, Fancy Glass and — China, Stationery. &o. Jewellery of every T ai> lßS aro i nv ited to call and Bee our description manufactured on the premises. JL Nw VS. (vibratog shuttle) No 2 Watch, Clock, and Jewellery repairs; An- and 3 SEWING MACHINES. The latest, bque JeweUery re-modelled. Competent Bimpleß t, m ost perfect adjustment, and the TOTO <_™<T^!^«™qiro~i -»!>»* Sawin X Machines ever offered in m__ CHOP XpOB TpEESENTS, New Zealand ; also, our New Oscillating ttoakmt m?ATiv>c w r » ™ Shuttle Machini, gives the widest range FEANK GR AD V 'S, Willis-stbeet. of wo? . k the highest rate of speed of any — — — — maohine yet invented. G. & T YOUNG ■ Terms, either oash or on time-payments, ' ' at 2s 6d per week. D^l^A^W^SaK^S,^ 0 - ttJSTWJ Sive; against any machine in Respectfully draw attention to their Call and see them, and enquire the prices. STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, You will be astonished, and buy. JEWELLERY, We have Machines either hand or treadle, SILVEE AND ELECTRO-PLATED or botn combined. Parts kept in stock, GOODS, needles and oil, &o. All departments being now full stocked with ... ,, J " ' the Latest and Most Fashionable Goods. Note the Address— THE IX L COMPANY, In our Plate Department will be found a 19, Willis-street choice of _ „ FIRST-CLASS GOODS UNEQUALLED (Next Townsend * Paul *)• IN NEW ZEALAND EITHER^OR EX^NEWESS, OR JJ 0 W LANDING. WATCH A SSB?_Sf_4S D JEWEL " Gal|ai D StoZ,^ry rr cßheapandeconoc Bheapandecono8 heapandeconoIn First-class Stile. GasaKew, Gas Brackets, and Hall Lamps -, . 7T~ „ Unitas Closets Please note the addresses— China Washhand Basins, in white, white 73, LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON, and gold, and marble and at Dnnedin, Timarn, and Oamaru. Enamelled, Iron, and Porcelain Sinks High-pressure Boilers mm ~g_ Galvanised Cylinders Rotal «&_S__J3 111 Electric Bells, Indicators, Batteries, Wire Letters Z«fraS_P^S Cuba-st., and Fittings Patent. Jo»3SßscsX WeUinß:ton - * o''0 '' *°'' *°* S-P . CLEMENTS, AH goods supplied at lowest prices, or • Original Venetian and Wire fitted by competent workmen at most rcaBund Manufacturer, sunable charges. . Patentee and Sole Manufacturer of Iho I Singlo Lover Blind Clip. J. E. HAVES & CO., J^£££S£3^2SffZ P— BERS GASFITTEBS, BrASS.OUNDEBS, distinct Blinds in one. All old Blinds easily Cofpbbsmithb" 4c, altered into Patent working, Lambton-quay Wellington,

2 Cane-sea

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Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 52, 30 August 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 52, 30 August 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 52, 30 August 1894, Page 1