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ASK YOUR GROCEIIS FOB THE CHEAPEST AND . 13 ES T T EAS YET OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. - - , IMPORTED BY ' "'" LATTEY, LIVERMORB & CO., ltd, 37, FEATHK.RSTON-S^REET, Wellington..., „ ■*. MEN AND WOMEN Of all Ages, and in all Stations of Lift, IN SEARCH OE HEALTH AND VIGOR, Should at once consult the Physicians of the PR IK ART MEDICAL ALLIANCE, WHOSE mode of treating Chronic, Complicated, Nervous and kindred Diseases, is the only rational, direct, prompt, and absolutely snre method of permanently restoring to robust health and vitality, tho weak, nervous, and debilitated. ". , L.X Q.C.P..L.M., &c, FOUNDER AND OHIEF .PHYSICIAN, Assisted by a staff of Skilled Specialists. Nervous, weak, overworked, ambitionleps men and women, with aching heads, weak stomachs, and leaden footsteps, who are bilious, spiritless, exhausted, debilitated, pale, easily tirod, have bad tasting mouths on rising, inability for exertion, foul breath, furred or yellow tongues, whose sleep is unref reshing or broken by dreams, who brood over their troubles real or imaginary, and to whom the world looks black and dreary, will find in our treatment a boon, a nerve food, nerve tonic, and nerve alterative, that cannot be found elsewhere, and which will rapidly and pleasantly restore them to Vigor, Health, Strength, and Happiness. CONSULTATIONS FREE. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED. - " OFFICE FOR DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN ONLY, AT CARLTON HOUSE, CUBA-STREET. OFFICE FOE DISEASES OF MEN14, BRANDON-STREET.

ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL Aid)UOMPAßl!»OJ>l.with tho other brand for the result will speak for itselff 1. H. CREASE & SON. ■ iiivi (Tb^^^s^h^s^h 1 ii^h) 11 tSSSSESimmSmZmmmmmmmtdimmmJ, Obtainable of all Cliomists, Saddlers, and Storekeepers HEAD OFFICE, DIXON-STREET, WELLINGTON. ' • , THE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY (Limited), 1, Queen's Chambers COALBROOKDALE COAL. /"NOAL Consumers and tho pnblio are notified that this SUPERIOR COAL oan lways be obtained wholesale from the Agent, or rotail from any of the dealers Copies of testimonials from Shipping and Refrigerating Companies, and other large consumers of coal, posted on application. WILLIAM SCOTT. Agent. ____~ _ ■ nnHE OBEY VALLEY COAL COM PANY (.Limited), MANNERS-STREET, Have ou Sule — OOAI.BKOOKDAI.T3/ NEWCASTLE, v»i.' GREYMOUi'H COAL Fire Tilog, Firebricks, Fireclay, Coke, and Firewood, snt to an; length. W. C. GASQUOINE. T iocal Manager Telephone 222. P.O. Box 171. "All who would aotueve suooess should endeavour to merit it." "M7TI hare dnring the past year spared • • no oxpense in endeavouring to make our Beer second to nono in New Zealand and oan now oonMeot'y n?*nrt we liave sue cendftc l in doin;; m> We invite oil who enjoy v Good Glass of BEER To ask for " ! 3TAPLKS' BUST, On Draught, at almost all Hotels in the Citj and son ounding Districts, And confidently anticipate their verdiot will be that Staples & Co. liJ7e successfully removed tho reprc-tch thnt.ijofd Bnir conld no* bo bVewod'ir. WnlliigtbaV -f- ' ' j. STAPLES * CO. (L'iaitßD), y Moles worth and Mubpht Stbeets. . i i_ ; V^AiIEBON, •& M'AO'bONALR 21, Willis-street, •Atohiteots, Engineers. Building Valuators, and Arbitrators.' Plans and Estimates supplied, with or „ without superintendanoe. OAOTfeoWhaS been awircfea'several prizes in New Zealand, inducting £200 pme for the 4>uhedin Munloipal Buildings. jlk.and Mahogany panels, 6d eao 1 White Wood Ornaments, from 2d each. Too many other gojads to enumerate Come'imd «ee>t B. Martin's. « r _

'- ?•*; SONS, fT"B ARO KOTJNDBY S WELLINGTON, SOLE ITAKEEB OF, THB f MjCbBATKD CORNISH COOKIN3 RANGES riir S?;iir--ST 3"ost .Economical, and by tar the Bvhi' C^okino Range in the market. 41! nui- RANGES oan be fitted with Fireplacet 'o >>i — Wor«i in long lengtbß ap to 2ft. Repairs to all kinds of Ranges done on the shortest notice, as we cast every other day. Illustrated catalogues on application. lADIES' PHAETON'S, Vis-a-vis PhaeJ- tous now in Stock. Eh PAIRS EXECUTED at Lowest Rates. Wheels Tyred daily. COPE * NEWMAN. COACHBUILDERS, TORY-STBEET. Tv iTKi LADII.-; Of WELLINGTON', HAVING imported first-olass workmen for the muking of all kinds of beautiful Wioke; and Cane Furniture, I am Diepared to oiocute otders at a very low price. I will be pleased if you will come and inspect these good* I have on view, and those who have iltustrauoiiH of their own can get them made ou ihe shortest notice lam alee sell* ing very lundßome Perambulators, with re < versible hoods and rubber-tyred wheels, for £2 each, aud iron wheels for £1 10s. Dolls' Perambulators from Is 6d each,; to very pretty reversible hood Prams' 1 at -15s. Splendid presents for children. Basketware of every description manufactured on the premises. Pianos and Perambulators sold on the deferred system EDWIN ARNOLD, i^M^JgIJM; WELLINGTON .JioJYao awn bea'mido od lomuta viil. a@oß^**l' \ I |Jj| I LOTS OP COMFORT. 4 LL the Aoco3sories of a Comfortable Home may be obtained of E.COULLAR and CHISHOLM at Surprisingly Low Prices. Aside from tho comfort to be derived from handsomely furnished apartments there is additional satisfaction in the knowledge that you have made tho best possible investment of your cash 1 •CARPETS, LINOLEUMS,. AND PIANOS SPECIALTIES. SOOPLLAK & CHISHOLM CABINETMAKERS AND UPHOLSTEEEES. JjONDON LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK. Established 1875. £10 to £10,000 advanoed at moderate interest, for short and long periods, on personal security, deeds (no mortgage aorts), shares, bills-of-lading, &0., &o. BILLS^DISOOUNTED DAILY. OFFICES ... Panama-street, Wellington Address— THE MANAGEE.' MONKI t ; MONEY to Lend on approved freehold - seonrity. Apply, , ' •"" JOHNSTON * CO., J-,,.'''-, Morobantt!) 2 , t Featherstoii-streer. * MONEY *TO LEND.' 'm ..." rpO LEND, JOm" lity per cent,!'je6ob JL at 7. per cent.,-.£300 at 7i pen cent. ; freehold only ; town preferred.; no commission. Address, giving, particulars of security, Deposit, Evening Post* , . ■• IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES. niA aaa"in various sums ofcl J-UjUUvF available for investment at from 6 to 7 per cent, per annum, interest.,. .Apply to A.- A.. Bamett, Financial Agent, 18, Lambton-qaay, noxt Central Hotel.

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Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 69, 19 September 1893, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 69, 19 September 1893, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 69, 19 September 1893, Page 4