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/-\PEEA HOUSE. Lessoe and Manager . Newton Griffiths. Treasurer . ... Walter Clifford. ENORMOUS SUCCESS' TO-NIGHT ! TO-NIGHT ! ' UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. FUNNY ANTICS OF TOPSY. Thb Great Ice and Plantation Scenes. DEATH OF LITTLE EVA. Negro Hymns, Plantation Songs and Dances. THE DEATH OF POOE UNCLE TOM. Ths Apotheosis. Now in preparation, the ever-famons drama, TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. Dross Circle, 3s ; Stalls, 2s ; Family Circlo and Pit, Is. Box plan at Holliday's. Day sales at Aldouß*. Piano and Organ kindly lent by the Dresden Piano Company. A. BRANDON-CEEMEE, Business Manager. LOYAL ROSE OF VALLEY LODGE. GEAND OPENING NIGHT OP THE NEW ODDFELLOWS' HALL, Lowsr Hutt. CONCERT AND DANCE THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Commencing at 8 o'clock. Tickets— Double, 3s ; single, 2«. T. M. WILFOED, Hon. Sec. TCI J. HILL'S CONCEET AT PORI R U A In Aid op the School Funps. FRIDAY, 28th JULY. DANCE TO FOLLOW. The followiug artists will assist Mr. Hill : —Mrs. E. J. Hill, Mlbs M. Hill, Mr. W. Robarts, Mr. A. F. Hill, Mr. W. Haybittle, and Mrs. E. Qnoree (Pianist). Tickets to Concert, Is. Ab the Hall is not large, come early. WELLINGTON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. A GRAND SOCIAL AND DANCE Will be held in tho SKATING RINK, Inoistre-street, ON MONDAY NIGHT NEXT, 31bt JULY, At 8 o'clook. A Member of tho Ministry and Sir Robert Stout, K.C.M.G., will deliver abort addresses. Minifies String Band will be in attendance. Full Programme in Saturday's Times and Post. Tiokets (including refreshments)— Gentlemen, 2b ; Ladies, Is. CONCERT AT KHANDALLAH. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. A SPECIAL Train will leave Wellington at 6.50 p m. for Khandallah, and will return at 10 p.m., stopping at Hall eaoh way. Proceeds in aid of Sahool Funds. Several Wellington amateurs will assist. ART GALLERY CHAMBER CONCERTS. THE first of tho Series is unavoidably POSTPONED from To-morrow until THURSDAY in next woek. T. TALLIS TEIMNELL. ROBERT PARKER. rpHE EVENT OF THE SEASON. WELLINGTON GUARDS' SEVENTH ANNUAL SOCIAL, IN THOMAS' HALL, ON FRIDAY, 28th JULY, 1893. Music by Mr. J. Miuifin's String Band. Catering by Bowell. of Cuba-Btreet. Donblo Ticket, 5s ; Single— Gent 3s, lady 2s. May be obtained at the Dresden Piano Company's Rooms ; Richards', Cuba-street, hairdressing rooms ; Sorgcant Lacoy, Corpl. Henry, Privates Aamodt, Green, Hill, and Jones, or any member of the Company. WELLINGTON POULTRY, PIGEON, AND CANARY ASSOCIATION. ELEVENTH ANNUAL SHOW, TO BE HELD IN THE VOLUNTEER DEILLSHED ON 3rd, 4th, and sth AUGUST, 1893. ENTRIES CLOSE THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, iiOTH JULY, At Townsend & Paul's, WiUis-<street. Usual Art Union of Valuable Prizes. Tickets, Is each, including admission to Show, J. B. HACKWORTH, Hon. Sec WELLINGTON DEBATING SOCIETY. USUAL Fortnightly Meeting of the above Society will bo held in No. 11 Boom, Exchango Bnildings, Lambton-quay, TONIGHT (Wednesdaj), 26th inst. Debate : "That tho present system of Party Government in New Zealand should be abolished." Business — Special. Open Night ; visitors invited. EDGAR JONES, Hon. Sec. pro t»m. WELLINGTON PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. A GENERAL MEETING of the above xjL Society will be hold in tho Museum on WEDNESDAY, the 26th inst., at 8 p.m., when Papers will be read and disenssod by members present. R. B. GOBE, Hon. Sec. THE WELLINGTON WOOLLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY (Ltd.) A N EXTRAOEDINAEY GENERAL 1%. MEETING of the Company will be held in the Hall of tho Chamber of Commerce, Lambton-quay, on THURSDAY, the 27th of July instant, at 8 o'clock p.m., for tbo purposo of confirming the Special Resolutions lassed at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on tho sth inst. By order. D. J. BBEMNER, Seoretary. Wellington, 6th July, 1893. WELLINGTON AMATEUE ATHLETIC AND CYCLING CLUB. THE Annual Goneral Meeting of the above Club will be held on WEDNESDAY, 2nd August, at tho Occidental Hotel, at 8 p.m. Business : Eeport and Balance-sheet, Election of Officers, and General. C. J. COOPEE, Hon. Sec. LODGE ST. ANDREW, No. 32. THE Regular Monthly Meeting will be hold in tho Masonio Hall, Bonlcottatroet, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 27th inst., at 7.45 p.m. Visitors invited. By Command of the W.M. N.Z. EIFLE ASSOCIATION. A MEETING of Membors of tho above, and all intersted in rifle shooting, are kindly requested to attend a meeting on SATURDAY, at 8 p.m., at the Drill Shed, to consider circular issued by Major Somerville with view to sonding a team to Australia. By Order. ST. MARK'S PAEISH. A N Election of two Synodsmen in the Schoolroom, Sussex.square, TO-MORROW, at 8 p.m. Candidates-Curtis, P. ; Callis, C. ; Gaby, H., Webb, P. P. R c HAMEBTQN ST. PAUL'S, THORNDON. A MEETING will ba held in the ChurohJ\. room, Tinakori-road, at 8 p.m. on THURSDAY, 27th July, for the pnrpose of returning three members to represent the Parish in the Diocesan Synod. W. F. BAREAUD. Returning Officer.

SKATING RINK. Ingestrk-s trket. ! TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY) TO-NIGHT. ': SIXPENNY POPULAR CONCERT. ■ Grind Progkamjie ov Ikish Numbers and COMIC SONG CONTEST. Re-appearance of Mr. Walter Robarts. Special Engagement of Miss Dora Stanford. Full Programme in last night's issue. Doors open at 6.45 ; concert at 8. Accompanist. . . Miss Alice Little, Musical Director .. Mr. S5. Cimino. Piano supplied by the Dresden Piano Co. O If* SILK PLUSHES for -| /f> At C. SMITH'S SALE. 811-t SINGLE BED K'll /IA BLANKETS for Ol 11 At j^JSMITH'S SALE. Oi(i long" lace curtains -| /o 415l^!?TM1*L? a J < ? _ -| /_ BEDROOJITOWJfiLS for ?Tb AtC.SMITH'S SALE. O /r» LADIES' JKESEYS for -| / 1 -J 1 At C. SMITH'S SALE. 1)7 If* DOUBLE BED If\ll\ //D BLANKETS por lU/t7 At C. SMITH'S SALE. *>/£* TAPESTRY CARPET for -I / At C. SMITH'S SALE. fjjfl DRKSS PIECES fob O/I*| AtJ\ SMITH'S SALE. v> K/_ LAUIKS~U LSTE KS ~|( i/Q _^ At C. SMITH'S SALE. *j!it LADIES' SKfUTS for (\ If* At O. SMITH'S SALE. O'ii BKST CASHMERK -t If* Ai/O STOCKINGS for I/O At C. SMITH'S SALE. Special h»JS»J3L Excellency Appoinment 23nKSarSv tt * le *°^ FIELDEPv'S, IN MANNERS-STREET, Abe now Selling — £ b. d. •TVRAWINGROOM SUITES ... 15 10 0 Cretonne Suites 0 0 0 Cretonne Couches ... -El 15b and 2 0 0 Real Leather Suites 22 10 0 Iron Bedsteads, from 110 Kapok Beds, from 0 18 6 Woollen Flock Beds, from 0 16 6 HAIR AND FEATHEE BEDS Linoleum, per yard, from 0 13 Polished Waahstands, each ... 0 9 6 Polished Dressing Tables 0 7 6 Splendid assortment of Carpets, per yard 0 3 0 SPRING AND WIRE MATTRESSES MANUFACTURED. ESTIMATES FOR FURNISHING THROUGHOUT. Illustrated Catalogues And all information given, without being* asked to purchase^ KUCH & CO., 35, CUBA-STREET, Tj'.Oß MILD-CURED HAMS AND BACON. WELLINGTON CONVALESCENT HOME. WRITTEN Tenders are invited for a Freehold Building Site for the Wellington Convalescent Home, to be abont half an aero in extent within the limits of the City Water Supply and Drainage b'cheme, and to have an easterly, or northerly, aspect. Tenderers mnst state cash price. Tenders will be received by the Secretary up to noon on Thursday, the 3rd August. Tho lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. C. MAXWELL, Seoretary Convalescent Home. Hobeon-street, 25th July, 1893. WELLINGTON POULTRY ASSOCIATION. TENDERS FOE EEECTION OF PENS AT DRILLSHED. fT"ENDERS for Erection of Pens will bo X received up to noon on Saturday next, at Messrs. Townbend_& Paul's, Willis-street, where plans and specifications may be seen, J. B. HACKWORTH, Hon. Seoretary. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington Distriot. In the mrtter of " The Bankruptcy Act, 1892," and in the matter of the Bankruptcy of WILLIAM LONG BATH, of Wellington, Jeweller, a Bankrupt. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the aboveJl~\ named Bankrupt intends to apply at the Bittirg of the Supremo Court to be hold at Wellington on Monday, the 21st day of August, 1893, for an order of discharge. Dated this 25th day of July, 1893. TEAVEES & WILFOED, Bankrupt's Solicitors. CLEARING SALE! LAST WEEK OF CLEABING SALE AT DTJTTON'S,,. LAMBTON-QU A>Y. Tha Sale will bo continued during next week until SATUKDAY, 22nd JULY, After which date the Goods will be re-marked. THOSE WHO WANT BAEGAINS IN - STATIONERY, BOOKS, and , FANCY..GOODS Should take advantage of the present opportunity by calling before the conclusion of the Sale, on Saturday, 22nd July. See the Goods in the Window, marked in Plain Figures. DUTTON'S, LAMBTON-QUAY. POTJLTUY SHOW. ENTEIES CLOSE TO-NIGHT at Messrs. Townßend & Paul's Auotion Booms, Willis-street. GEAND ART UNION TICKETS, One Shilling, At Fear's, Machinist, Willis-street.

FOR SAL E.Land. £ Adelaido-road 3 rooms 30 x 100 ... 24i Arney-sLroet 4 „ 50 x 119 ... 27" Austin-street 4 „ 15 x9O ... 23( Austin-street 5 „ 15 x9O ... 25C Broadway-ter. 3 „ lfi x 95 ... 17" Damell-street 3 „ 47x110 ... 265 Evelyn-place 5 „ 30 xBO ... 250 Green-street 5 „ 20 x 79 ... 260 Haining-Btreet 5 „ 31 x 49 ... 175 Holland-street 4 „ 29 x 51 ... 230 John-street 3 „ 13 xG3 ... 80 Martin-street 6 „ 15 x 74 ... 180 Ehodes-street 3 „ 16x132 ... 185 Walter-street 3 „ 16 x 66 ... 190 Aro-atroet 33x250 ... 150 Coromandel-strect . 31 x 125 ... 110 Coromandel-street .. 35 x 10* . . 79 Corunna-avenne 35 x 108 ... 90 Constable-street .. 35x164 ... 155 Daniell-streot . 34 x 89 ... 115 Edinboro'-terracu . 30 x 100 ... 60 Little Taranaki-street ... 40 x 70 ... 200 Mein-stroet . .. 35 x 90 ... 90 Ohiro-road 55 x 100 ... 90 Oriental Bay . . .. 40 x 330 . . 240 Owen.street 33 x 90 ... 83 Bolleston-streot . 41 x 110 ... 100 Sydney-street ... . 33 x 90 ... 198 BAKER BROS. m O LET OE SELL. 1100 Aores Valuable Sheep Land in the Wairarapa. Will take £2500 oasb, or will let for 21 years at 5 por cent, on above sum, being £125 a year, with right of renewal for second term of 21 years at 7£ por cent., or £187 10s a year. TO LET, A seven-roomed "House, furnished or unfurnished, situate Grant-road, uoxt the residence of Mr. Tolhnrst ; splendid view Apply to F. LOUDON, Exchango Chambers, Grey-street. Tj*i O E SALE. THE FOLLOWING ELIGIBLE PBOPEETIES. AT THE PRICEB RKLOW :—: — First-class Building Site, 40 x 66, Per-ceval-street, nearly opposite the residence of John Duthio, E3q., and commanding a splendid view. Price, £320 First-class Building Site, 45 x 90, Ade-laide-road. Price, £85 A block of land, Bay of Plenty, 6000 acres, at 6s per acre. Abont five aores of Building Land, at Palmerston North, in Rangitikei Lino, and abont ten minutes' walk from tho Square. Price, £440 Apply to THOMPSON * BALDWIN, Brandon-street. "IT O T E L S FOR SALE. Hotel. Pahiatua ; low ront ; trade, £60 to £70; £100 cash. Hotel, Palmerston ; rent, £4 ; trade, £75 ; £200 goodwill and valuation. Hotel, country; rent, £i; valuation for furniture ; £300 cash. Hotel in Wellington ; trade, £60 week ; £800 cash. Hotels in all parts of the country for sale. Clients assisted if necessary. DWAN BROS , AVillis-Btreot, Wellington. "C 1 O R S A L F. Very payable Boardinghouse, Palmerston North, alongside the Railway Station ; five years' lease, at £1 15s week. Very well furnished, and tho only boardiuzhouse in tho neighbourhood ; always full. Price, £120 for furniture, which is worth £ZOO. Cause of selling, illness. Butchery Business in Hastings, commodious promises nnd cottage ; ront. £1. Two carts, four horses, first-clntjs plant, slaughteryards, &c. £">0 good *\ ill and valuation. Trado, 6 bodies beef, 40 sheep, &c. Splendid opening ; dissolution of partnersuip. DWAN BROS., Willis-Btreet. Tp O R S5 A. T] E~! LAND IN THE EAST PUKETOI. Q_»p? /\ acres (more or less), being A»Ot>\7 Section 171, Blooks 11. and 111., situate East Puketoi, at tho head of the Aohanga River, now in tho occupation of Hy. Burling, Esq. The land, all good grazing country, principally undnlating bills and small flats, ia of good quality, well watered, and partly improved. The Township of Pungaroa is only a few miles, distant, and it is understood that the roading of this district will bo well advanced during the coming summer. For price, and further particulars, apply to JOHNSTON & CO. CHEAP MUTTON. FOE One Month I will sell PRIME MERINO MUTTON— Fore-quarters, Is 6d ; Hind-quarters. 2s 6d ; Sides, 3s 6d. Cross-Bred do — Fore-quarters, 23 ; Hindquarters. 3s ; Sides 4s (id. Commencing FRIDAY AFTFENOON, opposite Wilkins & Field's, Manners-street. E. J. BEAVI3. FOR SALE, the Freehold Property Goneral Store known aa the City Tea Mart Main-street, Palmorslon North, opposite the Empire Hotel, comprising Shop and Dwollinghonse, to be disposed of in one lot as a going concern. Stock at valuation. Apply to D. W. VIRTUE & CO., Merchant 1 ?, Hunter-street. TO TAILORS FOR SALE, a snug Tailoring Business, doing a cash trade, in leading country town, Taranaki district ; good shop ; low rent ; turnover £20 per week ; a good practical man with £130 cash can do well ; mercery could be added. MATHER & CO., 14, Featherston-street, Wellington. OR SALE, a splondid Quadruple* (four times overstrung) Piano, upright Grand, by Noumeycr, cost 80 guineas. Tho owner leaving Wellington, has left this magnificent piano in my hands for sale, and may bo had a real bargain. W. H. SPILLEE, Opposite Government Buildings. P E T O N E. FOE SALE, nine Allotmente of Land, on Bnick'B sub-division ; £5 cash, balance 0 por cent for three years One Acre, with frontage to Jackson-street ; any reasonable offer accepted. Also, large Shop, with dwollinghouso, suitable for any business; ! opposite Working Men's Club. JAMES CURTIS, Artesian Well Sinker, Petono. FOE SALE, a Cjibinctuiaking and Upholstering business in the best part of Wellington. Every advantage for doing largo business on modern lines. Owner retiring. Easy terms. JNO. HOLMES * CO., Groy-street, Wellintfjon. FOR SALE or TO LET, at Kbandallah, a desirable Family Residence, with abont two acres of land ; hot and cold water, electric bells, and all conveniences. Will be sold a bargain. Apply to THOMPSON * BALDWIN, Brandon-street. Tj-i O R SALE. Owen-streit — House, eight rooms, |-acre, recently occupied by Mr. L. Halliwell FER<3TIBON-STREET-Ht4ft by 109 ft; HoUBO, four rooms ; prico, £225 Wakefixld, Nelson — 32 acres Land, with seven-roomed House ; a bargain S. CAEEOLL, 42, Lambton-quay. TT'OE SALE or TO LET, that beautiful Family "Residence situate at Oriental Bay, lately in the occupation of C. Tringham. Esq. For particulars apply J. G. CAEPENTEB & CO., 1, Lambton-quay. OE IMMEDIATE SALE, 300 original working Recipes, manuscript, never published ; used by leading firms and companies; sances, inks, polishes, perfumes, patent medioines, sheep dip, chemist* and grocers' sundries. Box 314, Poßt Office. !OE SALE, a Section of Ground, in Hawker-street, 46ft 4in in frontage by 109 ft deep. Apply G. Leslie, Bute-street. OK SALE or to Let, in Edddiford-Btreet, Newtown, Shop, with comfortable dwelling, two-stall stable, cart-shed, workshop, and large yard. Apply to Chaß- Heinhold. Pork Butcher, 95, Tory-»treet. FOE SALE, as a going concern, first-class Auctioneering and Produce Business situated in the most central position in town. For further particulars address Box 223, Post Office, Wellington. FOE SALE, one Spring Trap and one Tilbury Gig, in good order, and one Enstio Trap, new; al»o, one Builder's Dray, second-hand. Apply A. Williams, Te Aro Coaoh Faotory, beyond Gasworks, Cour-tenay-plaoe. SPECIAL Bargains in Artists' Fanoy Goodß. Studies, floral and outline, 2d eaoh; Is Cd Gold Paint, 9d eaoh— at E. Martin's.

THUESDAY. 27th JULY, At 2 o'clock. Great Salo of New and Second-hand Furniture, &o. FEANCIS SIDEY & CO. have receivet instructions to sell by auotion, in theii rooms, Cuba-street — Splendid toned trichord piano by Brins mead, overmantels, looking glasses, sofas, 9 chests of drawers, 8 wash, stands and ware, Duohesse pair ol tables, Dnchesse drawers, bedsteads, cots, and mattresses, Wertheim tailor's machine, floorcloth, drcs3ers, 24-gallon rivotted copper, Dover cooking sforo, sets of scales and weights, shop canisters, military saddle, to., &c. All without reserve. TO-MOEROW, THUESDAY, 27th JULY, At 2.30. WF. SHORTT will fiuißU the sole of • crockery, majolica ware, and vases at his People's Auction Rooms, 57, WillisBtreet. Great bargains are being obtained, as evory line is Bold without reserve. FRIDAY, 28th JULY, 1893, At 2 30. WF. SHORTT has roceivod instruc- • tions to soil by public auction, at his People's Auction Rooms, 57, Willis-st.— Superior villa rosidence, No. 46, Piriestreet, containing eight rooms, scullery and bathroom, ic. ; drawingroom, size 16ft x 14ft ; dining-room, 18ft x 14ft, fittod with sideboards, cupboards, book - shelves, &o. ; kitchen, size 15ft x 12ft, fifed with sevory to dining-room, olosed-in dresser, and cupboards, high-pres-sure rango with patent tubular boiler, copper circulating cistern, with a capacity of 30 gallons ; scullery and wash-house, 15ft x Bft, fitted with larder, fixed copper and washtabs, sink, draining boards, shelving, &o , hot and cold water laid on all round ; coal-shed and p.w.o ; front bedroom, 16 x 14, wavdrobo and fireplace ; second ditto, 18 x 14, fitted with wardrobo ; third ditto, lift x 10ft Oin ; fourth ditto, 15ft x Oft Gin. All bedrooms are fitted with patent ventilators ; bathroom, sizo 7ft Oin x 6ft Oin, fitted with lavatory, basin, hot, cold and shower bath, cupboards and linen presses on landing, and largo cupboards undor stain?. Gas and \\ ator laid on all over tho hoUBo. Venetian blinds. Three minutes' walk from tram Healthy locality. Sale at 2.30 sharp. FRIDAY, 28th JULY, At II o'clock sharp. Unroserved Sale of a nioo Assortment of FLOWERS AND FRUIT TREES, From the Nurseries of M'Donald and Son, Epsom, and Lippiatt and Son, Otahuhu. GEORGE THOMAS & CO. have received instructions to sell at their rooms. Customhouse-quay, on Friday morning, at 11 o'olook — From Lippiatt and Son — 00 doz assorted roses, including »mJmi the most choice named varieties lOQ apple trees, worked on Northern l£iO Spy blight-proof stocks K./\ plums (assorted), Japanese and *J\J English From C. S. M'Donald and Son— A Select Assortment of Scented Boronias, Daphnes, and Rhododendrons FRIDAY. 28th JULY, At 2.30 o'clock. DEAPEEY. DEAPERY. Part of Assigned Estate. Withont Reserve. AJ. REID has been instructed to sell • at his rooms, 51 and 56, Willisstreet, as above— A largo quantity of Drapory, consisting of— French merinos, damask cloths, '•orge pieces, womon's hose, men's Oxford shirts, seal rugs and b0.13, twill sheoting, men's undor vests, Oxford shirtiny, cambric handker. oliieTp, colored handkerchiefs, infanta' pln«h hats, dress pieces, flannel, flannelettes, woolettes, blankots, velvot, towelincr, Ac , &c. These goods intut be sold. Sale at 2.30 o'clock. FRIDAY and SATURDAY NEXT, 28th and 29th July, Commencing each day at 1 o'clock. FH. WOOD will Bell by public auction, * on tho above ditp, at the Liou Store, Greytown, by order of Messrs. Cook & Gray, in the Assigned Estate of W. Mavton, Entirely Without Ressrve — &f*f\(\ of General Merchandise, cC/O VfvF principally groceries and ironmongery. All now goods, and of the best brands Tlie Trado, as well as heads of families and the general public, will find it to their advantage to attend this salo. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 2nd nnd 3rd AUGUST, 1893, Commencing oaoh dny at 12 noon sharp. Important and Entirely Unreserved Salr of DAIRY STOCK, SHEEP, HORSES, CATTLE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, VEHICLES, HAR. NESS, SADDLERY, FURNITURE, ic. FH. WOOD has received instructions • from Mr. J. Burrows, who is leaving the district, to sell by public auction, at his Dairy Farm, situate on White's Lino, Caiterton, on tho above dates — 80 picked dairy cows, mostly calving early in spring 5 pure-bred Ayrshire bulls 7 „ „ cows and heifers 10 head young cattle 130 pure-bred Romney Marsh ewes 02 audlO, 4-tooth pure-bred Lincoln rams 250 ewes in lamb 150 wethers Draught marcs, hacks, hunters, buggy and dog cart horses Dairy implements and machinery 1 Do Laval cream seperator, new Curd mills, platform scales, cheese presses, &c. Chain and disc harrows, df . plough, seed sower Massey mowor, farm and garden tools Spring dray, spring trap, dog cart and harness Doublo buggy, Bulky and harness, gig, saddles 20 tons hay, 250 sacks chaff, furniture, &c. N.B.— All dairy stock and other cattle will bo sold ou tho first day, viz., Wednesday, 2nd August, sheep, horses, implements, &c, on Thursday. The above is a bona fide unreserved salo, and presents a good opportunity of purchasing some first-class dairy and other stock, implements, ic. WEDNESDAY, 16th AUGUST, 1893, At 2.30 o'olook p.m. FRANCIS SIDEY & CO. have boon instructed to sell, by order of the "Jortgagee, under tho conduct of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Now Zealand, Wellington District, on Wednesday, tho 16th day of August, 1893, at 2.30 o'clock p ni., in their Auction Mart, Cuba-street Extension — All that piece of land containing 13 acres, more or less, and boiug the subdivision No. 11, Orangikaupapa, and tho land comprised in Crown Grant under land Transfer Act, Volume 21, folio 238. Thoro is a sum of £100 with interest due under Memorandum of Mortgapo !No. 151U2. The land is adjacont to the Tinakori-road, and is shown on the plan of the city. About 20 minutoB 1 walk from Government Bnildings For particulars, apply to THE AUCTIONEERS; Or to THOMPSON * BALDWIN, SoJicitora, Brandon-street. ",TO YACHTSMEN AND OTHERS. SALE BY PUBLTC AUCTION OF THE CHAMPION YACHT "MASCOTTE." MESSRS. MILES & CO. havo received instructions from the owners to sell by publio auction at their Salerooms, on MONDAY. 31st July, the above well-known Yacht, which holds tbe Wellington and Lyttelton Championships for 1892 and 1893. The Maaootte was built in 1890 of kauri, with iron frames on composite principle, has eight tons of lead on keel, is sound, well found, and is in first-class order. And also at the same time and place, unless otherwise disposed of, seven tons of LEAD in blooka. The above will be sold without the slightest reserve owing to the dissolution of partnership of the present ownera. For further information, inventory, time, fto., apply to MILES & CO., Auctioneers; or to ALLAN HOPKINS, Land and Estate Agent, Christohnrch. POULTRY SHOW. ENTRIES CLOSE TO - NIGHT at Messrs. Townsend & Paul's Auotion Booms, Willis-street. GEAND AET UNION TICKETS, One Shilling, At Fear's, Machinist, Willis-stroot. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ME. JOHN ASTILL bogs to announco to his old customers and friends that he will open in those promises immediately opposite the Jubilee Hotel, Tinakori-road, on TUESDAY, Ist August. Having made special arrangements for a constant supply of prime meat, customers may rely on getting tho very beat quality. JOHN ASTILL, Butoher.

TE ARO HOUSE. SPECIAL NOTICE ! In accordance with the provisions of the SHOP HOUES ACT, Our Warehouse will be CLOSED On Wednesday, from 1 j> m. Customers are respectfully solicited to do their shopping on that day before 1 o'clock, or EESERVE THEIE PURCHASES Till Thursday Morning. TE ARO HOUSE. OCHOOL OF THE " EXCELSIOR " O SYSTEM OF DBESS-CUTTING Fitting, Draping, Matching Checks and Stripes, *c. 21, Willis-Btreet. To Heads of Families, Dressmakers, Habitmakers, Principals of High Schools, and to all who require to know Bomethiag of Dressmaking, should not lose this opportunity, as Miss Forbes (late of Edinburgh) is now visiting New Zealand, and is now in Wellington, and is prepared to give Lessons in the above system at moderate terms. Wherever introduced, tho "Excelsior" system has snpersoded all other methods by its simplicity and accuracy. Numerous testimonials (which intending pnpils may see) from ladies wherever Miss Forbes has bcon, testify to the excellence of the system. Pupils without any previous knowledge of dressmaking learn it easily in Bix or seven lessons. It is so certainly accurate that no fitting on is necessary. Proficiency guaranteed. Private lessonsgiven by arrangement to dressmakers or others. Ladies may form their own classes. Early application necessary. Miss Forbes has commenced Classes. Hours. 10 to 12, and 2 to 4.30, or in the evening by arrangement, at rooms, 21, Willis-street (Over Townsond & Paul's). B4.LL COSTUMESC OSTUMES - We shall clear tho few remaining BALL DRESSES, with Bortioe q^" //* Pieces, now in stock, at * ' the uniform price of 37s fid each. D.I.C. CO-OPERATIVE STOBES. THE Partnership hitherto existing between us as Nurserymen at the Lower Hutt is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The buiiness will ho carried on in fnture by H. C. Gibbons. All accounts owing to the late firm are to be paid to the said H. C. Gibbons, who will discharge all the liabilities of the said firm. Dated this 25th day of July, 1893. NATH. CRAIG. H. C. GIBBONS. Witness— Chas. W. Tringhah, Solicitor, Wellington. POULTRY BHOW. ENTEIES CLOSE TO-NIGHT at Me»jrs. Townßend &. Paul's Auotion Rooms, Willis-street. GBAND AST UNION TICKETS, One Shilling, At Fear's, Machinist, Willis-streot. WTUSE NO OTHKE THAN CREASE'S Al COFFEE. Sold onlt in Tins. And tee you get it. Sold in one pound round tins, at Is Bd.


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Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 22, 26 July 1893, Page 3