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40 CASES NEW LOTS For the GREAT SALVAGE SALE LOT -- 100 Paita HeaTy WUt * Blankfcts, single bod, 18/G, FOR -j -j If* _____ 120 Pairß HeaVy W ll '* 0 Blanietß, double bed, 2o/6, FOR ~{A^lf* LOT 3. "j AA pairs Heavy White Blankets, extra size, 28/6, FOR -|Q//i LOT 4 OAA Fine Cashmere Dressos, m all colors, 12,6, FOR f* If* • LOT 5. "1 2^lO yardß ore^ French Satins, all shades, 2/6, FOR -i / yd ~~~ LOT 6. 1 yards ABSOrted Colored Silk Plushes, -| / and -j If* — — LOT 7. "I Q2 Tar ds Handsome Silk Brochos, all colors, FOR -j If* yd. BUY ALL YOU WANT NOW at the GREAT SALVAGE SALE. TE ARO HOUSE. £ S. P. IT is a case of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, with moat people, now-a.days. They havo to study how to obtain tha Very Best Value for their money. Thus tho public havu become VER_ KEEN BUYERS, and especially of TEA. WE ARE KEEN BUYERS OF TEA, too, and the Public reap the benefit. If then, A REALLY GOOD 2/- TEA Is what you require, take our advice and BUY EMPIRE TEA COMPANY'S 2/- CEYLON. In Lead Packots, Tins, or Half.oheata. If you try a Packet, see that it has a Bed Label with Gold tot tors, and tlie words EMPIRE TEA COMPANY upon it. EMPIRE TEA COMPANY, W. & G. TURNBULL & CO., PROPRIETORS. ESTABLISHED 1854. E. W. MILLS~& CO. (LIMITED), IRONMONGERS, IRON MERCHANTS, AND SHIP CHANDLERS, HAVE Shipments METALS anb MACHINERY constantly arriving by vessels fromXondon, Liverpool, Glasgow, and New York, comprising — GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, of every description ; Builder"and Contractors Material; Coachbuilders' and Wheelwrights' Materials; Agricultural Implimonts and Machinery, by Hornsby, Howard, and other makers- : SPORTING MATERIAL, by best makers— Single and Double-barrel Guns, Sporting Rifles and Revolvers, Ammunition of all kinds ; Engineers' and Foundors' Tools and Materials ; Tinsmiths' and Plumbers' Tools and Materials. Are AGENTS for the following well-known Manufacturers :—: — Milnir's Safe Co., Ltd. — Safe and Strong-Room Doora W. B. Haigh ft Co.— Wood Working Maohinery Fxlton ft GDIBLEAOME— Neptune Brand Plain Blaok and Galvanised Wire, Galvanised Barb Wire and Wire Rope Ransoms, Sikhs ft Jeh-bribs— Portable and Traction Engines, and Threslni g Machinery, &o. P. Moib Ckane— Cylinder Oils Valentine & Co. — Varnish and Coach Colours Hasfield Steel Fodndbt Company— Speciality Manganese Steel Thos. Evans ft Co. — Lift, Force, Rotary and Steam Pumps, of all kinds v Allen, Evebitt & Son— Special Looo. Condenser Tubes. Copper and Rraes Manufacturers Pdlsoheteb Company — Special Pumps and Filtering Machinery E. W. MILLS~& CO. <™ D ), IRONMONGERS, IRON MERCHANTS, AND SHIP CHANDLERS, LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON.'

X. Dlofc SO N, LAMBTON-QUAY, Is Selling fob Readt Monet :—: — TEASBroken Ceylon (worth 2s) ... Is 8d per lb Choice Ceylon and Indian ... 2s Od „ Rich Darjeeling 2s 4d „ Delioions Ceylon Pekoe .'. 2a Gd „ A reduotion of 2d per lb on 101b tins. (These Teas ore superior to any packets offered in Wellington.) COFFEE ground on the premises dailyPure Plantation 2s Od per lb Choioe Mixture of Coffee and Pure Chicory Is6d „ Fine do do do Is 3d „ Pure Chicory 6d „ COCOASCadbury'sCoooaEsßence.ilb 9d Do do do ilb Is6d Rowntree'a Eleot, ilb ... 1b 8d Do do lib ... 8s 2d CHEMICALS— Cream of Tartar Issd „ Carbonate of Soda 2d „ Tartario Aoid (powdered) .., 2s Od „ Tartario Aoid (crystals) ... 2s 4d „ Citric Aoid (orystals) ... 2a Cd „ Alum 5d „ Saltpetre 4d „ Borax (lump or powdered) ... 8d „ Sulphur 4d „ I BISCUITS— Lunch 3d „ ! Mixed 4d and 6d „ I Tea 5d „ | Digestive 5d „ Abernethy 5d „ Coooanut 9d „ Cracknel IsOd „ Riae Sib for Is 2Jd „ Sago 2d „ Tapiooa 2d „ SpUtPeas 2d „ Desicaated Cocoanut 7d „ Currants Sd „ Raisins, Elemes 4id „ Sultanas 6d „ Flftvoring Essences — Almond, Lemon, Vanella 5d bottle Gelatine 3dperoi Gelatine 3sodperlb Baking Powder (large) ... 9d pr tin Egg Powder 6d „ Pudding Powder 6dprbox Salmon, Cutting's Cocktail ... lid pr tin Sardines, Albert's (huge) ... lid „ Herrings, Fresh 7d „ -Herrings, Kippered lOd „ Do, Shrimp or Tomato Sauce lid „ Ox Tongues, 41b tins 4s Od „ Ox Tongues, 21b tins 2s 3d „ Cheese, finest Cheddar ... 7d per lb Vinegar, table 6d bottle Vinegar, Crosse ft Blaokwell's 9d „ Vinegar, oryatal lOd bottle 2s Od gallon Pepper, finest white lsOdperlb Cloves ldperoz Cinnamon 3d „ Ginger, finest bleached ... Is Od per lb Ginger,. ftne«t ground Is 2d „ Carrawaya 6d „ Matches, Bryant ft May's Plaids 5d pr doz Matches, Safeties 8d „ Matches, Safeties (small) ... 4d „ Soap, Almond Scented, 41b bars 9d pr bar Soap, Almond Soented 8d „ Soap, Sunlight ... per box, Is 4d „ Soap, Carbolio ._ 5d „ Soap, Pears', Unsoented ... 6d cake Soap, Pears', Sconced Tablets 6d „ Soap, Pears', Shaving Stioks and Washballs 9d each Hop Bitters 2s 9d bottle Irish Moss ' ... 9d „ Liobig's Extract Meat, 2oz iars Is 9d eaoh Liebig's Extraot Meat, 4oz jars 3s 4d „ Shoe Brashes 2s to 4s6dprset Sorub Brushes 6d to 2s Od each Round Brushes • ... 3d „ Knife Boards ... Bd, lOd, and IsOd „ Furniture Polish 6d bottle T. DICKSON, LAMBTON-QUAY ft BOWEN-STREET. ORIENTAL TEA MART, Mannibb-btrixt, FOB GENUINE AND CHEAP GROQERIES Tea. Is Cd, Is Bd, 2s, 2s 4d, and 2s 8d per lb Choioe Ceylon Tea, 2s and 2s 4d Best Soft Sngar, 2s 9d for l'2lb, 8s Gd bag Best Crystalised Sugar, 2s 9d for 121b, 9s bag Atlas Flour, 2s 4d 25's, 4s 7d 50's, 9a 100's Ruby Dust, 2s 6d 25's, 4s I d 50'b, 9s 3d 100' a Currants, 5d lb ; Raisins, 51<1 lb Sultanas, 6d lb ; Rice, 51b la Germina, Is bag ; Split Peas, 2d lb Sago, 2d lb ; Lunoh Biscuits, 3d Water Bißonits, 4d ; Mixed Biscuits, 4d Nutmegs, 3d oz ; Tea Bisanits, 5d Coffee Biaouita, 8d ; D. Coooanut, 7d lb Fry's Coooa, Is 4d; V.H. Cocoa, Ud, 1/10, 3/6 Marmalade, 7d, tin ; Jars Marmalade, la 3d St. George's Jam, 5d tin, 4s 10d dozen Condensed Milk, 7*d tin 150 test Kerosene, 5s 3d tin N.Z. Mullet, 6d tin ; Golden Syrup, 7d tin Treaole, Od tin ; Loose Figs, 9d lb Prunos, lOd lb , Sole Agent in Wellington for the Seal Brand Teas. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, ORIENTAL TEA MART, Mannebb-btbeit. \ vSr T. o a v » i n, " * i 26, Ghnznee-st., off Cuba-st., HAT, CORN, AND PRODUCE MBR- - < CHANT. Camtarburr Chaff, Crushed Oats, Fowls' Fe.d, Flour, Potatoes, fte., fto. Best Quality. Lowest Price. Telephone 271.

ALLAN SMITH, THE HIGHLAND LADDIE, , Gboceb and Pbotision Mekchant. Manners-street, telephone 21-1; Riddifordstreet, 497. Draws the attention of .thrifty wivea nnd careful housekeepers to tbe following prices : — Flour. — People's choice, !2Jlb, 2s ; Sulb, 4s 3d; 1001b, 8s Gd, Atlas, 251b, 2s 4<l ; 50lb, 4a 6d ; 1001b, 9a. Oatmeal, 251b, 2^ Bd. Sugar, No. 1, 9s per bag ; No. 2, 8s Gil. Candles. — Pyramid, S\d ; National, B<l . London Sperm, Bdj London Wax, Is, British Sperm, Bd. Fresh salmon, 8d sardines, 4(1 ; mullet, Gd ; Findon haddock. B>l ; Morton'a Golden Syrup, 21b net, 6|d ; jams, 4d ; X jams, sd. Kerosene — White Rose, 150defr. test, water white, 5a per tin, 09 (7(1 ■ per case. Neave's food, lid; Allen asd Hanbury's, Is per tin ; Neatle's, Is Bd , arrowroot, 4d ; cornflour, 2d ; Srott's Kmul - fiion, 4a; salt regal, 2a 6d; Blarupa, 2s fid , Clements' tonic, 3s 3d; bay rum, Is; SI. Jacob's oil. 2s 4d ; Seigel's syrup, Us 8d ; painkiller, Perry Davis', 6d; Eno's frmt nalts, 2s lOd; hop bitters, Dr. Soule's, 3a 2d; tricopherous, Is 2d; Warner's safe cure, 4s 3d ; Irish moss, lid ; pills, Holloways', Cockles', and Seigel's, per box, Is 2d; pills, Beecham's, per box, la Id ; Warner's safe pills, Is ; Stecdman's soothing powder, la 2d; insect powder, Keating' =„ «• 7d and la 2d ; euoalyptnß, Bosistos', per bottle, lOd and Is Od ; senna, 2d ; Fait?, Epsom, por doz, 4tl : Liobig's, 2oz jais, per jar, la 9d ; Kepler's oxtract of malt, 2s l)d ; extraot of malt and cod liver oil, 2a 9d j cod liver oil, la and 2s : Baiss Bros.' quart bottle, 3s. Magnesia— Bishop's, Is; fluid, Dinniford's, la. Rennet, Is; acetio acid. Contt's, la 9d ; hops, per lb, Is 4d. IB2T Note tho Address— THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY. EDWARD PEARCE, gOOT ARCADE, 33, CUBA-STREET. TO THE PUBLIC. GENTLEMEN'S WALKING BOOTS AND SHOES, At PEARCE'S BOOT ARCADE, CUBA-STRBXT. 10 Cabis just opened, dibect rsou tee Makers. These goods will be sold at the smallest possible profit, to effoot a speody salo, At PEARCE'S BOOT ARCADE, CUBA-STBBET. ' A large stock of PUMPS on hand, at prices from 8a 0d to 10a Cd. i Tho above gooda are only to be obtained at PEARCE'S BOOT ARCADE, I CUBA-STREET. WORTH SEEING. THE newest thing in this marlot is tho WATER-WAVE DRESS FRONTED SHIRT, for gentlemen's evening wear, at present tnfe great rage in all the chief Continental towns of Europe. The whole set ot Shirt, with Collar to match, Kid Gloves, *i<<l ■ Tie, for the sum of Ten Shillings, ia simply a marvel of cheapness and quality oombined. r >-To be had >t only one hem so in Wellington. Seen in the widowi dow of THE HAT BOX, 24, MANNJCHE-STiuir,

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Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 20 July 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 20 July 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 20 July 1893, Page 1