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Ministers have published what purports to be a comparative statement of the revenuo of tho colony for the first three quarters of the present and tho last financial years. Unfortunately, the figures, as they appear in the organ which " always derives its information from headquarters," will not add up. We should bo sorry to think this was characteristic of Ministerial finance. Wo have, however, verified the figures, and now extend the companion to tho estimate for the current yoar, with tho following results. The Customs revonue is .£31,862 in excess of that of tho first three quarters of the previous year, and .£1825 below three-quarters of the estimate for tho year. The Stamp and Postal Duties are •£1G,992 -in oxcess oi the provious period, and .£30,255 below tho estimate. Tho .Registration feea aro .£1979 over the corresponding period, and .£414 over tho estimate. Marino is .£355 below the last poriod, and ,£ISS6 below the estimate. Miscellaneous is .£OO3 abovo tho corresponding period, but .65102 below tho estimate. Beer duty is .£1496 abovo the corresponding period, but £UG7 below tho estimate. Tho territorial revenue is JC3tl9 below tho corresponding period, but J23614 below tho estimate. This completes the Consolidated Revenuo, omitting the Railways and the Property Tax on one sido and the Land Tax on tho other, and tho result ia that the Consolidated Rovonuo in these items shows an increase of .£32.516 on the actual receipts of the first nine months of the previous yoar, but J672.895 below tho estimate for tho period. Tho railways, notwithstanding tho bad management of tho Commibpioners as per Mr. Skddon, have yielded .£32,003 in excess of tlmt o£ tlio previous poriod, bnt it is still .£16,874 short of the proportion of tho estimate for the year. Tho land revenue is JE10.099 above that of tho corresponding poriod, nr.d £1280 in excess of tho proportion of the estimate. During the year .£17,0 10 of Property Tax, due in tho previonsyear, seems to havo been recovered, making last year's Property Tax yield £230,913. Tho land tax has already yielded Ji5G,187 moro. .£62,000 must como in during tho current quarto? to

fulfil tlio osliinato of tlio Land and Income Tux hi addition to this Mir» quiivtor lias to urn!. m> i'lll.-ISBof pen. u\l und iund vevi,- ' nuo in I'Xcc'dS of one-foai tii of t!u< t-stiituito for ilio yoar. On tho wholo the figures hliow a fnirly satiafaclory condition of nffairn in tho Treasury, aa the Income Tax has yet to be collected, nnd if tho current quarter proves good thero should be a substantial surplus at tho ond of tho year, oven if tho receipts do not quito realise tho estimatos.

On our fourth pago will bo found particulars of tlie Canterbury Biiiciilo, athlolio and cycling and bowling news, and lottci-H to Uio Editor. Tho appointment of shorthand writer mid lypowiitcr in tho Land and Tnoomo Tux Department lma boon conferred upon Mr. J. Stovonson, foi'mcrly private secretary to Sir George Grey. A largo numbor of applications worg received for tho position. A few months ago llio Government decided that tho intornnl plumbing work at tho Porirua Apyluin slionld bo carried out on thi) no-operativo syhtom, and Bovonil unemployed tradesmen arranged with tho authorities to start operations. A difficulty, howovor, has occurred in obtaining cortain material in tho colony, and an order has boon spnt to London for a supply, so that tho men will bo unabio to begin work until its arrival. Tho whole of tho baths are to bo of heavy oarthonwaro, in order that rofractory patients may not bo ablo to damago thorn whon tho attendants are compelling thorn to wash. The Rimutaka loft Plymouth on Saturday for Wellington viA usual way ports. Sir Georgo Groy is tho oldost living member of tho Order of tho Bath (X.C.13.) Ho was decorated in 18-10. The Comptrollor-Genoral and Mrs. Fitzgerald will bo at Pulmerston North until Wcdnosday, returning that ovoning. Sir Charloa and Lady Lilloy arc at present in Now Plymouth, and purposo leaving for Auckland, en route for tho Hot Lakes, in a few days. Tho Chiof Justice of Queensland has now travelled nearly through the whole colony, and is delighted with tho appear.anco of tho country. In all probability ho and Lady Lilloy will pay anothor visit to Wellington boforo returning to .Brisbane. It is stated that Mr. W. L and Miss Lily Roes contemplate a biography of Mr. Gladstone. It is stated that ovorturoa have already been sent to ITawardcn, and that Miss lteos is to go to England early to sco about it, and if tho subject consents, to begin operations. It was expected that tho judgment of tho Appeal Court in tho Sydouham licensing case wonld have boon delivered tomorrow, but as their Honours are not ready, tho decision will probably not bo given until after tho law vacation, which closes with the present month. Several of tho Wellington bowlors retnrned from Auckland by tho Manapouri this morning. They speak in tho highest terms of tho hospitality shown them in Auckland, and the manner in which tho Aiicldandors strove to lighten tho disappointment of their visitors and thomsolvoß. We notico from tho Canterbury papers that tho purse of sovereigns presented to Inspootor Ponder contained 300 sovereigns, not 500, as telegraphed by tho Press Association. Captain J. S. Stuart, of the s.s. Rosamond, who died at Dunedin last week, had his life insured in the Government Life Insurance Department, for .£ooo. Twenty-five members of tho Wellington Cycling Club took part in a rnn on Satnrday afternoon. Tho route taken was out to Island Bay, then back to Nowtown, up Constablo-stroot, and across tho hill to Kit birnio, and home round tho rocks. On the way out tho wheelmen called at the Basin Reserve, and wore photographed by a representative of Kineoy & Co. Tho next run will bo to tho Taita on tho 21st instant. The annual examination of toaohors in the sorvico of the Wellington Education Board began in tho Board's office this moruinaf. The Civil Sorvico examination (sonior anil junior) is also takiner place in tho same building. Mr. Loo, Inspector of Schools, is supervising both. Tho numberß aro as follows ; — Teachers— Class D, 9 • completion of class D,12; class E, 31; completion of class E, 21 ; drawing prize, 1 ; total, 74. Civil Service examination — Senior, 16 ; Jnnior, 27. Mr. 11. W. Robinson, E.M., presided at tho Magistrate's Court this morning, and fined a first offender on the charge of drunkenness ss, or the usual term of imprisonment in default. A young man named John Williams was presented on tho charge oi stealing a bottle of whisky, valued at -Is. the property of William Durroll, landlord of the Kaiwarra Hotel, on Saturday night last, Tho prosecutor, according to the evidence, missed the whisky, and suspecting the accused of having stolen tho liquor, he followed him to tho railway station, where bo found tho bottle in tho prisoner's posßossion. His Worship considered tho case proved, and roi manded tho accused, who, so far as was known, was a first offendor, for seven days for the roport of tho Probation Officer. Bai was granted in one suroty of JCIO. Patrick Dooley appeared on warrant charged witl neglecting to answer a summons callinj upon him to show causo why he should noi contribute towards the support of his father Tho defendant was remanded till to-morrow Amongst the matters to bo discussed ai tho annual moeting of tho New Zoalanc Educational Institute, will bo the following resolution from tho branchos in Wanganu and Southland : — " Thatthe attention of tin Minister of Education be called to tho prac tice adopted by several Boards of Edueatioi of confining appointments to tho teachers o; their own districts to tho entiro exclusion o: qualified teachers from other districts, am that ho be requested to state whothor, in hii opinion, this is in accordance with tho spirii of tho Education Act, and tho existence of £ national system of education." Tho Garrison Band propose to give ai open air concert in aid of the Hospital Funds on next Sunday. • On tho 31st December a servant employee in the Eketahuna Hotel had J£s stolen f rorr her box, and on Friday last a woman namoc Sarah Coleman, who had boon omployed ai cook at the hotel, was arrested for th( oft'enco. She was brought before Messrs Anderson and Aulin, Justices, at'Eketahnns on Saturday, and was convicted and sen tenccd to 11 days' imprisonment, which she will servo in tho Terraco Gaol, being broughi there to-day by Constablo Rooho. An inmate of the Mount Viow Asylttn named Frederick Manson died in tho insti tution last Friday evening, and yesterdaj morning Mr. Robinson, Coroner, hold ar inquest on tho remains. Tho medica evidence was to tho effect that tho cause ol death was general paralysis, and tho jury of which Mr. J. Goodwin was foreman brought in a verdict accordingly, The deceased was admitted to the Asylum in April 1890, on a warrant signed by Mr. C C, Graham, E.M. Ho leaves a wife, whe visitod him tho day before his death. There was a highly appreciative audience present at the '1 heatre Royal on Saturdas evening last to witness Frank Harvoy'f pleasing drama" The Wages of Sin," a worl favourably received when performed here bj the same company in tho Opera House some two or three months ago. Mr. B. Stowari gave a capital rendering of the Rev. George Brand, the guardian angel of Ruth (Miss C. Deorwyn), tho unhappy wife of tho worthless Stephen Marler, which latter repnl sive character was a painfully realistic one of a hopeless drunkard. Miss Alice Deorwyn reappeared in hor old part o) Julianna Bloggs, a warm-hearted actress, whilst Miss Medway again assumed with credit tho character of tho generous greengrocer Mrs. Bloggs. Tho remainder of the cast was precisely the same as it was on the first production. This ovening the management will give a benefit in aid of tho Benevolent Homo, under tho patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Glasgow, on which occasion "' The World Against Her," which was so veil roceived during the company's former season, will be reproduced. The claims of tho Home aro so fully recognised that the bare announcement of this evening's portbrrainco— which, by tho way, is tho last night of the present season — will doubtless have the effect of filling tho house to its utmost capacity. It must not be forgotten that not only will patrons witness a go-'d performance, but every ticket purchased means moro than donblo itg price to tho Benevolent Homo Furnishing Fund, which is sorely in need of monoy, as tho Government subsidy of 25s on the £1 will be added to the total. A meeting, which has been called by Lady Glasgow, is to be held at tho Dresden Rooms at 8 o'clock to-night, for tho purposo of forming a Now Zealand Mothers' Union. Lady Glasgow desires to see all mothers who can attend prosent, in order that the new organization may be successfully inaugurated. The death is announced of Captain John Vine Hall, who commanded the Groat Eastern on her first voyago to New York, in Jnne 18(50. Private letters rcccivod by the San Fran* cisco mail contain much news of interost to the local poultry fanciers, and news respecting Mr. F. Itogon's doings at tho English shows. Escorted by Mr. Fred. Wragg, the famous breeder, Mr. Rogon visited Ipswich and the Crystal Palace Show, as well as the farms of the principal breedors. Ho is of opinion that nearly overy bird exhibited at tho two shows mentioned could win at shows iv the colonies. At Ipswich ho purchasod for Wellington a partridgo pullet, one pair of red game and two pairs of black Jacobins of tho best stock in England. As an instance of prices rnling in England, Mr. Rogen mentions that tho breeder, Mr. Holland, refused an offer of .£SO for his firstprizo partridge hen at tho Crystal Palaco show, and £2o each for sovei^l of his other birds, fc'omo of those fowls aro also destined for Wellington. For Mr. Curtis, Mr. Rogen has purchased black carriers fx'om the }>est loft in England. Ho was to meet Mr. Witt at the Birmingham Show after tho mail left, and also Mr. Coupe, the well-known Melbourne judgo, whose arrival in England was expected that week. Black red game and black Minorcas, the best prociuublo in England, arc among Mr. Rogen's pnrcbasos, which have not been confined to poultry, but include a rotriover bitch pup for Mr. Martin of champion English blood, and a setter pup by tho champion dog out of a sister to tho champion bitch of England for Mr. Hunter. Mr. Wragg is purchasing for Mr. Townsend tho champion white Leghorn cockerel of England, winner of over 20 first prizes and cups, and the three champion pullets, thus putting the Wellington fujicy in this line at tho top of that of England. A Letter from Mr. Wragg convoys tho intclligeuco of the death of Lady Guydycr, for whom ho managed the famous Stoko Park poultry farm for over 25 years. Mr. Wragg is likely to continue tho establishment on h)s own account. Hayo=>' Allied Circus, which is to open horo on tho 12th, is working its way North. A Blenheim correspondent tolographs : — " Hayes' Allied Circus played to crowded houses horo on Friday and Satnrday, and wa» a great success. The performance) was far superior to any circus which has been here for some years."

A Iho, by whioh two limiucn in Mojori-haiikb-fitrt-et weto dawagod, mie seriously po, broi « out about 1 o'clock this morning, and l> u f for t)n» pi run]. ' Undo of Ihe Fire Brigade, wiio fortciiiaU-ly found a good head of water, tho premises would, 110 doubt, together with their rontonts, have been totally destroyed. Tho fire broke out iv a hoiißo_ tenanted by Mrs. Thompson as a boardinghouso, and was discovered by Mr. Mitchell, a boarder, who was awakened by the crackling of iiro, prococd ing f rom thobaclc kitchen. ThoalarmwasgivonbyMr. Mitoholl, and tho inmates of Mrs. Thompson's house and tho adjoining tcnoment, occupied by Mrs. Mnni'O, wero enabled to remove a considorablo porfion of their furniture, which, howavcr, sufl'ored horioualy by wator and roinoval. Both housos wore ownod by Mr. I' 1 . Stupplo, a whaif clerk. Tlioy wore insured in tho .Royal oflico for .£3OO caoh. Tho damn go to Mrs. Thompson's house- is estimated at JJ2SO, and tliat Hiiataincd by Mrs. Munro's tenement is put down at £%(}. Unfortunatoly tho ftirnituro of neitlior tonant is inauiod. Tho origin of tbo Hro cannot be accounted for. Tho kitchon firo wan used to make tea at (5 o'clock last night, but after tho meal was a'lowod to burn itsolf out. Yesterday morning a person nainod John Cunning, whoso appoaranco botokonod recent indnlgenco in drink, callod at tho C'onlral Polioo Station and roporlod that ho and anothor man named Kennedy woro assaulted in Horbort-stroot lato on the night of Wednosday last by two men, ono of whom doalt tho informant a torriblo blow on tho iioho.' Cunning staled Unit the blow Btunncd him, and when ho rogainod consciousness ho missed somo money from his pockets. Tho man furlhor said that his condition from tho combined offects of tho blow and alcohol for tho past fow days had boon so bad that ho had boon provontod from loaving his lodgings. Canning, who prosontcd a hideous appearance, informed Sergt.- Major Ramsay thatho should bo glad to hayo gratuitous medical advico ns ho was penniless, and was advised by Iho Sergeant -Major to ondoavour to obtain medical assistance at tho Hospital. Detectivo Horbort states that ho saw Canning walking about town evory day last wook. A Christmas tree, thoughtfully provided by tho good sistors and friends, was disburdened of iis gifts by tho children of St. .Joseph's Orphanago on Saturday aftornoon. in the proaonce of a considerable number of visitors. The Sisters of Morcy, assisted by Missos M'Cloan, Igglcsdon, Sheridan, and M'Manaway, tho Kov. Fathors Daweon and Power, and Messrs. Davis and Palmer, distributed tho articles to tho childron, ovor 70 in numbor, oach of whom roccivod a proßenfc. Thoy woro also treated to Christmas faro, and altogethor spent a very happy aftornoon. Tho Sisters of Mercy dosiro to acknowledge receipt of tho following donations towards tho Christmas troo :— Por Mr. Davis, £4, 13s ; por Mr. Palmer, <£-t 13s ; por Miss M'Lean, 14s ; por Mr. O'Brien, JEI; per Mr. R. Duipnan, £1 ; pov Mrs. Crombio, 10s. Contributions wore also sent as follows :— A friend, J3l ; Sirs. Riston and Mrs. Collins, 5s ; Mrs. Crombio, 5a ; and presents and toys were sont by Messrs. Sargood, Son, & Ewon, tho D.1.C., Messrs. Nathan & Co. (por Mr. J. liobinson), Mrs. Sharpo, tho Wellington Bisouit Factory, Mr. Thornton, Hume & Son, and Mrs. Laughhn. Tho Dampier Dramatic Company finished their season on Saturday night, when thoy had what, for a Saturday ovomng, was a good house. Petitt's sensational drama '•The Black Flag" was produced. The production was notablo for the oxcollenco of Mr. Dampier's performance as tho conviot Harry Glyndon, and of Miss Lily Dampier qb his betrothed. As has boon tbo caso in soveral of the dramas given by tho oompany, somo admirablo scenery and stage offocts wore shown. Tho first cloth of an English coast sccno was a very beautiful bit of work, and tho groat scone of tho drama, in which a fine rock sot of tho Portland quarrioa suddenly falls over aud displays a boat upon a stormy sea, was an exceptionally meritorious inoclianical effect. Tho moonlit rock scene was very beautiful, and tho scenery throughout oame in for warm applause The company left for Auckland by tho Mahinapua last evening 1 , and aro to open at tho Opora House there next Monday. The success of tho season just closed at tho Theatro Koj'al has encouraged tho Holloway Dramatic Company to lako tho Opera House for another season to begin on Monday next. Tho Company at the Theatro Poyal have been labouring nndor the disadvantage of being unablo to fully display their scenery upon tho smaller stage. Tlua will be obviatod at tho Opera House, where tho first production is to bo " Judge Not," by Frank Harvoy. Tho Otago Daily Times says that Captain James Ferguson, who for the last 29 yoarß has been an active officer of the Union Steam Ship Company's service, died at Dunedin on Friday last. Captain Ferguson some 28 years einco succeeded the lato Captain Johnson iiß master of tho Harbour Steam Company's well-known steamer Golden Ago. After the inception of tho Union Company ho held a position of groat trust at Port Chalmerß, and on relinquishing it took service again as an omcor of tho Company's steamer Pukaki. Captain Ferguson ivas a most generous man. and was notod at all times for his genial kindness. He was mato of the Golden Age in 18(53, with Captain James Malcolm, anil steadily worked himself up to the command, All the shipping offices and tho vessels in port half-masted iheir colours yostorday ie token of respect for tho deceased gentleman, %< Turf commission agents, that is, those who live by their wits upon tho racecourses," drily remarked Mr. Justice Windeyor, of New South Wales, latoly. when hearing a case against Patrick Carey for tho recovery of £48 15a 5d by Messrs. A. W. Sutton nud Co., tobacco merchants., for goods supplied. Tho defendant explained that he was a turf commission agent, and that ho wont " stono broke" down in Molbourno two years ago, and in September la3t obtained some goods from tho plaintiffs, which woro not paid for at once. On the vendors demanding payinenf th<-y were put off by a story that defendani was to recoivo XIOOO from the A.M.P. in a few weeks on a policy over tho life of liis deconsed wife, but thoy subsequently ascertained that tho policy was left in trust fot tho deceased's daughter, and that tho defendant was an uncortificated bankrupt. Further inquiry disclosod that part of the goods had been passed on to onother creditor. " robbing Peter to pay Paul, if there was any necessity to pay Paul," said tho Judgo, tho Paul in tho case being a lady to whom rent was said to bo owing. Dofendant argued that there was two months' credit given, but tho evidence against him was so strong thai tho jury interrupted tho Judgo as ho began to sum up, and said they did not want tc trouble him, for they were agreed upon a verdict for the plaintiffs. " I wish all juries would act with tho samo promptness," said tho Judge as he ontored tho verdict. The King of Mauki, or Parry Island, one of tho Cook Group, was a passenger tc Auckland by tho schooner Jessio Niccol. belonging to the South Seas, having come from Earotonga. His name is Tanarana, and ho speaks fairly good English. Ho is a man of very pleasing manners (says the correspondent of tli" Otago Daily Times), and comes to Auckland for tho purpose oi soeing tho sights of which ho has heard sc much from the masters of vessels trading tc his island homo. Mauki, hiskingdom, is about two miles in diameter. It is well wooded, and tho soil, though it does not exceod 40ft above sea levol in any part, is very fortilo, copra, Ac, being produced in abundance. The king i 3 supremo in his dominions, buf has not yet had any trouble with his subjects, Ho will remain in Auckland for some timo. Intending competitors for the Friendly Societies' handisaps are reminded that nominations close at 9 o'clock this evening, at No 6, Manners-street. Tho Star of Nowtown lodge will hold a fruit sooial to-morrow evening, in their hall, Adelaide-road. An excellent programme has been arranged, several loading amateurs taking part. All who attend may rely on a capital evening's entertainment.' Kirk « Alkinson, solicitors, advertise properties for sale sit Petone aud Hutt. Francis Sicloy & Co. will sell to-morrow, model cot Inge. A. J. Reid will sell to-morrow, suudries.

We bave purchased a large qnantity of splondid priuts, zephyrs, cotton lames, pongeo and indigo cambrics at an immense reduction in price, and will offer them for one week only at marvellous bargain prices, at To Aro Tlouße. We shall show a lot of nearly 15,000 yards of remarkably good print*— good in quality, good in designs, and good in colourings— at tho following incredibly reduced prices : — For 12-yard dross lengths, Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid, -Is lid, 5s lid, Gs Gd, during this week only, at To Aro House. The original pricea of thesa dress lengths ranged from 5a Gd to 10s Gd, and wo aro making a grand show of them on tho semicircular counter immediately fronting tho main ontranco to Te Aro House. Those who 'can appreciate real, decided bargains will find them in those boautiful dress prints. Such qualities and designs wero never boforo offered at such low prices in the Empiro City. Famed as wo have always been for tho genuineness of our advertised bargains, this lot of choice prints surpassps anything wo havo hitherto boon able to show at To Aro House. Wisk, prudent, arid economically inclined purchasers will doubtloss take Iho earliest opportunity for making their selootions at Te Aro House, — Advt. Christmas and Now Yeai presents. The largo&t aad best-assorted stock of Silver and Electro-plated goods in tho city is being displayed by Wilkins & Field, Manners-street. During the present month they aro allowing a very liberal discount off all purchases of Silver and Fancy Goods. Their premises aro thrown open for inspection, and visitors are invited to call and sco thoir magnificent stock, whether desirous of purchasing anything or not. — Advt. At the recent convention of tlio Womon's League it was reported that an invention which would save much timo and labour had boon brought under their notico. In acknowledging the inventor's skill, it was resolved to recommend tlio Speedwell Washer for universal use, as with it the drudgery of washing day entirely disappears, and the time occupied is so reduced that all who use them onco will bo deeply gratified. — Advt. 7

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Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2

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Evening Post. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1893. NINE MONTHS OF REVENUE. Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2

Evening Post. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1893. NINE MONTHS OF REVENUE. Evening Post, Volume XLV, Issue 6, 9 January 1893, Page 2