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New Zealand's Tir National. THE OPENING CEREMONY.

[united press association. I Trkntham, 11th March. At 2.15 p.m.. a special train arrived from town, bringing a largo number of visitors, and in the unavoidable absence of Mrs. Ballance, it was arranged that Mra. Reeves, wife of the Minister for Justice, should fire the first shot. On reaching tho firing point • Major Soraerrillo addressed both the visitors and_ competitors. He expressed pleasure at seeing so many visitors present, and Haid tbat the Rifle Association, aitor holding 31 meeting!!, had decided to have a permanent range, and it was necossary to have it in tho vicinity of thu capital. He trusted the competitions would tako place in Wellington for a considerable time to como. Lookins at the dangor attending tho holding of rifle meetings in tho neighbourhood of congratulated the Association on securing a range which would at all events compare favourably with the ranges in Victoria and Now South Wales. To Wellington residents he paid a high tribute for contribnting tho money with which to construct the range, and he trusted that next year tho Association would receive greater consideration from tbo Government, which last year had boon put to great expense in purchasing tho Polhill Gnlly range for tho looal volnnteers. He then laid the rifle for Mrs. Roeves, and the leaden messenger waa sent through the bull's-eye, amidst ghcera. Mr. 8011, as Mayor of Wellington, welcomed the visitors. Tho Minister of Justice also addreasod ft few words to them, explaining that tho Government favoured tho Volunteer movement, and in .support of this he instanced their appointment of Commandant Fox, who would Bhortly arrive in the colony. He referred to that officer as one who had seen' good service, and waa a most efficient staff officer. Further, he felt confident that Captain Fox would prove the right man in tho right place. The visitors were entertained by tho Council, and returned to town at 5.10 p.m. The wind all day was very troacherons, blowing first one way and then tho other, fairly puzzling the men. Only tho 500 and 600 yards stages of THB WELLINGTON MATCH wore taken (seven Bbots at each distance), tho shooting at tbo 200 yds range being fixed for this morning. The prizes (;£BO in all) are— one ©f £8, one of .£6, one of £5, three of £i, throe of £3, five of £2, and 30 of £1 (51 prizes). The match does not count for tho Championship. At 500 yds a few of tho men managed to register good scoros. Reid , of Qnoonstown, got 34 ont of a possible 35, while Krnse, the present champion, was only ono point behind him. Eiohardßon (Dnnedin) and Kuchen (Wellington) mado 32, while Camoron (Tenni Rifle Club), Woollott (Dunedin), and Lieutenant Smith (Auckland Navala) followed with 31. At COOyds the principal scorers were — Dougall (Christchurch), 31; A Ballingor (Wellington) and Griffiths (Blenheim), 30 ; Mr. Tidswill (Featherston Riflo Club) and Randall (Palmcraton), 29; Oatos (Greytown), Pelichott (Napier) and Bnnting (Palmerston) 28. Tho highest totals for tho two ranges are— Cameron (Tenni Riflo Club), 58 ; Bunting (Palmerston). Head lAuckland), Jackson (Wellington), Ross (Napier), Humphiien • (Napior), 57; Harding (Blenheim), Evana (Christohurch), Okoy (Taranaki), SG ; M'Carthy (Dnnedin), Richardson (Dunedin), 55; A. Ballingor (Wellington), Rait (Wellington), Kirk (Wellington), Oates (Groytown), Woollot (Dunodin), Kruso (Wanganui). Reid (Quoenstown), Jones (Waikari, Dunedin), 54; Griffiths (Blenheim), Burns (Dunedin), Taylor (Auckland), Say well (Uppor Hutt), 53. Tbbntham, This Dat. The Wellington Match was delayed this morning, as some of the number boards in front of tho targets intorierod with tho lino of sight from tho abort rango. Tho shooting on the whole waß fair, Sergt. Moosoman being the highest scorer at 200 yards, with 33 out of 35, whilo several pnt on 32. The following is tho prize-list : — Ross (Napier), .£8 89 Jackson (Wellington), £6 . ... 88 Humphries (Napior), £5 87 Camoron (Tonni), £5 87 Kirk (Wellington), £A 8G Kruso (Wanganui), £A 80 A. Ballinger (Wellington), £3 85 Bunting (Palmerston), £'i 85 M'Carthy (Auckland), £3 85 Stoad (Auckland), £2 84 Honry (Tuapeka), .£2 84 ltiohardson (Duuedin), JB2 84 Wakolin (Christohuroh), £2 83 Bait (Wellington), .62 83 Okoy (Taranaki), £2 83 The following take £1 prizes :— Say well (Upper Hutt), Davy (Wellington), Woollott (Auckland), 83 ; Evans (Chriatohnrch), Proudfoot (Port Chalmers), Doughty (Auckland), Knohen (Wellington), 82; Burns (Dunedin), Churton (Wangauui), 81 ; Beydono (Dunedin), Bidwill (Featherston), King (Oainaru), W. Ballintcor (Wellington), Reid (Queenßtown), 80 ; Harding (Blenheim), Manning (Christohurch), Prcßton (Auckland), Henderson (Thames), Moosoman (Wanganui}, Taylor (Anokland), M'Lean (Dunedin), Lavey (Chriatchuroh), Seaman Little (Auokland), 79; Dougall (Christohuroh), Oates (Groytown), Home (Welling, ton), Trooper Porry (Alexandra Cavalry), Burns (Wellington), Weir^Thames), Parslow (Auckland), 78 ; Fuller (Blenheim), was counted out. 1.30 p.m. The 500 yds range of tho Hawke'a Bay Match is completed, the following being the highest scorers :— Clark, Dunedin, 48 out of a possible 50 ; Parslow, Auokland, 47 ; Gebbio, Dunodin, 46; Henry (Oamaru), Proudfoot (Port Cbalmors), W. Ballinger (Wellington), Jefferies (Wellington), A. Cameron (Tenui), 44 ; Robs (Napier), Head (Auckland), Borough (Nelson), Sontag (Waikari), 43. 2.30 p.m. Only one-third of tho competitors have as yet finished in the Hawkes' Bay Match. Tho principal scores as yet are— M'Clean, Dunedin, 82; Proudfoot, Port Chalmers, 81 ; Cameron, Tenui, 76 ; Blame, Masterton, 75 ; Walker, Christchurch, 74; Rait, Wellington, 73; Ewart, Nelson, 73 ; Jones, Waikari, 72 ; Flyger, Wahganui, 71 ; Jack, Dunodin, 71. The match will not bo finished before four o'clock. LARRIKINISM IN CAMP. (Our Special Correspondent.) Tbbntham, This Day. In order to provido against a repotition of a little larrikinism which prevailed in the camp after hours last night, the competitors woro this morning warned that anyone caught in future will be immediately expelled from the Association. Thero is considerable growling at the late hour to which firing was continued last night, as it was almost moonlight before "cease firing" was sounded. The Conncil have promised to remedy the matter. Everything is quiet in camp to-day. A high wind is blowing, rendering it difficult to keep on the target. The following are the scores interesting to Wellington people, other than thoso in the prize list, m tho Wellington Match :— France, Navals, 78; Randall, Palmeraton, ' 77; Stitt, Navals, 76; Sedgewick, Narals, 76; C.Cameron, Tenui, 75; Edlin, Petone, 74; Greenwood, Upper Hutt, 74 > Bell, Navals, 74; Williams, Navala, 73; Wilson, Artillery, 73; Jeffrioß, Artillery, 71; Burton, Featherston, 71 : Holmes, Petono, 70 ; Pringlo, Hrretaungaß, 69; Foist, Featherston, 69 ; Martin, Navala, 67 ; Best, Otaki, 67 ; Tidswill, Featheraton, 67 ; Williamson, Featheraton, 67; Turner, Palmerston, 66; Menzies, Horotaungas,66; Lane, Mastorton, 64 j Picket, Tonni, 63; Matthewa, Maaterton, 63; Whiteman, Upper Hutt, 62; Hofferna, Masterton, 62 ; Read, Greytown, 60 ; Luke, City Rifiea, 60 ; Wilkie, Upper Hutt, 58 ; Brandon, Petone, 55 ; Harm, Navals, 54 ; Rutherford, Greytown, 54 ; Jury, Greytown, 54 ; Greer, Palmereton, 54 ; Turner, Palmerston, 50; PhilliDs, Guards, 42. .... The members of the Wellington Guards who came with a Victorian reputation, havo not fared well so far, one having retired in tho first match, while the other was very low down. A large numbar of competitors go into town to-night, and the shooting on Monday will be delayed half an hour to allow of their coming into camp by the early train.

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Evening Post, Volume XLIII, Issue 61, 12 March 1892, Page 2

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New Zealand's Tir National. THE OPENING CEREMONY. Evening Post, Volume XLIII, Issue 61, 12 March 1892, Page 2

New Zealand's Tir National. THE OPENING CEREMONY. Evening Post, Volume XLIII, Issue 61, 12 March 1892, Page 2