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Tho following lottor from tho nowly-eloc-terl Mayor of Wellington was laid beforo the Harbour Hoard this afternoon : — Wellington, 2Glh November, 1891. Tlio Secrotary, Harbour Board. — It appears to mo that it would bo moro in consonaiico with the provisions of tho Harbour Act that I should not during my tonuro of office of Mayor rocoivo any profit from tho Hcrbour Board. J liavo therefore omui^ed wjth my partners that all costs received from tho Board during my year of oflico shall bo taken by them exclusively, nnd that I shall have no part' therein. I liuvp to ask if tho Board will kindly agrco to trout the other members of my firm as solicitors to Iho Board until I vacate tho ex officio seat. I need hardly aay that my assistance in professional matters will bo available to the Harbour Board, though I do not share in the profit of tho same. — Yours faithfully, H. D. Bell." Tho Board agrood to Mr. Boll's request. It is feared at tho Hospital that it will be necessary to amputato tho injured log of tho young slaughterman Gildroth, who met with an acoidont at Potonc last week. Tho poor fellow is still in a very critical state. Tho traffic returns of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company for the week ending 21st November, 1891, amounted to -61553 13a sd, nnd for tho corresponding poriod of last year .£IG7B 16s 7d, showing a deorenso of £123 3s 2d. Tho latest additions to tho Telophone Exchanpo arc : — A. W. Brown, Lambtonquay; H. Osborno, Lambton-quay; Union Firo and Marino Insuranco Company of Now Zealand (Ljmitodl, Groy-streot ; S. C. Brailsford, Evening Post-avenuo. Tho following tenders woro accepted by the Education Board at their meeting yosterday :— Now school, Whakataki, Jamea Russoll, Conrtenay-placo ; additions to school at Shannon, T. O'Louphlin. Shannon ; additions, Pctono school, A. Frasor, Petone ; additions, Daloficld school, Messrs. Humphries, Groy town Noith. An action washeard by the Chief Justice this aftornoon in tho conrae of tho civil sittings of the Suprorao Court, in which J. B. Harcourt of Wellington, sought to compel Robort Harconrt, of London, hia former parlner in tho firm of Harcourt & Co., morchants, to discharge a mortgage on proppvty at Foxton, under which JJIIOO ia still duo, regarding which the defendant gavo the plaintiff an indomnity on the dissolution of the partnership whon taking over tho d«pts of tho firm. Mr. Travors appeared fov tho plaintiff, and tho defendant was unreprosonted. Aftor some oviclence had been taken, the case waa adjourned sine die. Mr. Heaton allr dec! , at tho meeting of the Harbour Board tlds afternoon, to the fact that, tho Auckland Board had been approached by the Union Company relative to concessions to tho San Francisco mail stoamors, and ho asked whether the Wellington Board intone l ed to take any steps in tho matter in ordor to induce the company to make Wellington the final port of e.\U. Tho Secretary explained that no Harbour Board had power to make a concession, but if a proviso was inserted by the Posimastor-Gonoral in tho contract the boats wonld escape harbour oharges. Tho police authorities have received advice of the arrest by Constable Camoron in tho Maknri .district, about 30 miles from Palu'atua, of a man namod William Harris, who is " wanted " on a charge of being concerned, with two other men named John Brazil and Jamos Quinn, now awaitinp trial, in stealing a watch from Kennoth Atkinson on tho Bth October last. Harris will be brought down by train to-day, nnd will appear on tho charge before tho Kceidont Magistrate to-morrow. A tonic sol-fa society has started in Newtown under iho name of tho South Wellington Glee Sooioty. Tho Conductor is Mr. W. J. Newton and tho Hon. Soc. Mr. J. J. WobK Tho Society, which is the outcome of tho Nowtown division of the late Sunday-school Festival has been steadily practising in St. James' Church, Adolaideroad. It is the intention of the new Society to adhere to the tonic sol-fa method of singing 1 , and at its concert, which takes place on Monday oyening noxt, all the glees will be sung without instrumental accompaniment of any kind, which in itself should be a novelty. In reference to hia quarrel with Miss Morrison, of the Dunedin Tailoreßses' Union, Mr. H. S. Fish, writing to tho Times, sayB :— " To argue with a woman at any time ia an aot of doubtfnl wisdom, but to arguo with an angry woman is an act of absolute folly." He field Miss Morrison to be very angry, and therefore retires from newspaper controversy with her. The late Hon. James Fulton was a member of one of tho first New Zoaland oricket teams (22) to meet an All-England Eleven, George' Parr's, in Dunedin. Mr. Fulton, in his youngor days, was an excellent player. Rooent instructions isdhed by the chief of the Viennese police, the Lancet says, havo referenoe to tho inconvenient length of ladies' trains as worn in the streets of the Austrian capital. On general grounds, tho public we may rost assured, will not object to restrictions on these cumbrous and obstruotive appendages. Taste, if it has (as we have always understood) a clobb ponnection with neatness, will also be gratified by this protest on behalf of simple dross. Health, whioh is equally concerned with personal cleanliness, will be sensible of a sanitary gain. Bnt the police have even more in view. The flowing sldrta, they contend, have a possible influence on the spread of contagion by the dust they raise. It is impossible with mathematical aoonraoy to disprove this possibility, but surely here is a oase whioh over anxiety bred in a a germhaunted mind has usnrped the leadership of practical sense. If otherwise, why does not traffio cease in the streets of Vienna, and what calamaties may not be looked for when the heedless winds of September will scatter olonds of dust. Mr. F. Faithful Bogg has tho following suggestion in the London Morning Post : — "In the Imperial arms, as they exist at present, the lions of England are duplicated, two quarters being rcservod for them, tho othor quarters being ocenpied by tho single lion rampant of Scotland and the harp of Iroland respectively. Why not abolish this duplication, and devote ono quarter of tho shield to the representation of Groator Britain, say, by a singlo lion crowned? It is surely a mistake to ignore upon our bannors and our coins so vast a portion of tho empiro as tho colonies and India. A new coinage is now nndor consideration, and nothing could at the same time so distinctly mark Hor Majesty's roign and pay a high compliment to the outlying portions of the empiro as a change such as I have indicated." " ' Just landed, ox Aorangi and Duke of Backingbtim, a largo assortment of range h.p. boilers, special now design, with hoating surface sides and back of furnace ; no trouble with fire-tiles nnd choeka burning away, with great saving of fuol. S. Luke and Sons, Manners-street. — Advt.

For eontinuaitfln 0) reading mailer tee jourth pna\ WELLINGTON NAVAL ARTILLERY VOLUNTEERS. THE volloy firing will tako placo noxt Saturday — morning squads at 5 a.m. sharp, aftornoon sqnads at 2.30 p.m. It is desired that as many mon as possible sbonld attend in tho morning. Thoso unable to do so must attend in tho afternoon. JOHN DUNCAN, Lieut. Commanding W.N.A.V.

INELTJENZA "OELIEVED in all its stages by using -t* 1 GEO. BODLEY'S EUCALYPTUS COUGH DROPS. . An old gentleman tolls mo ho is nevor without them. Thoy dear tho phlegm from the chest and ensure a pood night's rest, which without them would be impossible.

TENDER. mENDERS WANTED for tho pnr.l chase of two largo two-story Bnildinga, to bo romoved from tho promises lately occupied by tho late David Anderson, Esq., top of Thompson - street. The buildings aro covered with galvanised iron, and include stables with brick floor, washhouse with tubs and copper, briok chimney, Ac. Size of buildings, 46 xl 6 and 36 x 25. Fonrteen days allowed for removal. Tenders to bo sont to tho undersigned on or before Monday, 30th November, at 12 o'clook. The highost or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRANCIS SIDEY * CO., Cuba-streot Extension.

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Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 3