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Yesterday's polling throw a flood of practical light on the question of the female suffrage. There aro between 500 and 600 female ratepayers in this city, and a much larger pr&portion of these tlian 6f the Wale ratepayers feoorded thoir votes yesterday. Upwardß Of 350 voles wevo re'eorded ;- by females. There colild bo iio question as to tho active and intelligent interest tho female ratepayers of tho city took in tho mattor. Several aotually loft sick beds to come down, and ono had to bo assisted by crutches from her oab into the polling booth. Indeed, the intorost taken by women in tho mattor was so great that a caso of personation occurred, one female ratepayer on tendering. her vote finding that some other woman liad alroady voted in her name and dn her (juolifiljattoit. The female ratepayers, on arriving at the polling placo, and leaving after having exorcised their right, wore treated with tho utmost courtesy by tho crowd outside, and we are euro that tho -women who voted yesterday are satisfied that there is nothing in the exoroiso of the franchise from whioh tho most timid or sensitive woman neod shrink or dread. We hope tho day_ is not far distant when women will be permitted to exorcise the politioal as well as the municipal franchise. Yesterday's oxporienco tends to confirm tho view we havo already frequently oxprossed, that the admission of wdmon to the fritnohiso wonld strengthen the Cotlsertativo rdther than the Radical cause. Mr. 801 l was undoubtedly tho favourite amongst the female voters yesterday, and fully three-fourths of tho women who' voted supported him. Most of them mado no socrerof avowing their preference.

A report of tho Gear ' Company's employe's picnic and ball yostorday and an interesting oxtra6t artiolo constitute tho reading matter on out fourth pago to-day. As tho R.M.S. Aorangi, which arrived at Hobart from London at 11 last night, leaves for Wellington diroot to-day, sho should reach hero on Monday. At a meeting of directors of tho Now Zealand Prosa Association held yesterday aftornoon, Mr. Henry Blundoll, of the Evening Post, was elected Ghairman of the Board. Mr. Blnndell nils been ActingChairman Binco the death of tho late Hon. W. Reeves. The Htttfc County Council has appointed tho following as its representatives upon the various Charitable Aid Boards — United District Board and Benevolent Institution, Mr. S. Lancaster ; Hospital Distriot Charitable Aid Board, Mr. F. E. Darby ; Hospital Trustees, Mr. Jas. Taylor, of Tawa Flat. Mr. _ Thomas Cole, an old rosident of Karori, died yesterday from influenza. Botween the 24th March last and tho presont date the Land Board have sold 52.627 acres 0 roods 11 perches, the price realised being 15b 7d. Since the 28th of last month 1(593 acres 0 roods 29, perches havo been disposed of for J81955 16s 3d, the largest areas being— 64o acres, .£97B' 10s, Makuri, Emma E. Dunning; 530 acres, .£265, Mangawhero, R. J. Todd ; 300 acres, Makuri, j£375, Vonables & Wyard ; 210 acres, Ongo, .£295 0s 3d, J. L. & W. F. Schmidt. The Chief Justice, in giving judgment yesterday in the case of Wilson v. Macdonald for plaintiff for 5s Bd, allowed costs on tho lowest scale on the main claim, and £5 5s extra in respect of the oonnter claim, upon whioh judgment went for Wilson. His Honour declined to grant Mr. Jolliooo a certificate for more than one day's hearing, as he did not think he ought to encourage such an enquiry into vouchers as they had had. Mr. Jellicoe's costs wero fixed at £7 7s. The consideration of General Booth's colonisation scheme -will 1 be resumed by the Trades Council to-night. We are requested to Btate, however, that the proceedings will not be open to visitors. Last week's meeting was made so in order that the Council might have the guidance of outside people, but, having heard the disoussion, the Council will proceed to consider its decision. Mr. Grattan Riggs, the woll-known genial comedian, passed through Wellington to-day with his dramatio company, under the direction of Mr. Inman. The company proceed to Wanganui, and after playing there and in several other country towns, will probably return here to produce tho " English Rose " and "Shadows of a flreat City," two modern London successes, of which Mr. Riggs holds the colonial rights. The police business at the Magistrate's Court this morning was exceptionally light An offending drunkard was fined 5s with the nsnal alternative. A charge of wife desertion brought against Ah Chee, of Greymouth, was withdrawn, and Sydney James, consented to an order being made against him for the payment of £1 a week towards tho support of his wife and throe ohildren now in AuoHand,vrhdmhe',yosobargod with having deserted. >v -- - ,

As yet nothing has beon definitely ar•auged in regard to tho. oM soWiers and volunteers' claims dealt with in tuo Act of aut session. The Lands Department is just low issuing to the persons entitled nnder he Act notices as to the amount of land icrip aeoruing to oaoh of them. ; As soon as t is ascertained how many are prepared to :ake up land under their scrip, the Governneat will proceed to set aside a block or ilocks for their use. Whether those to vhom land will be of no use are to receive in alternative money grant has not been lecided. His Honour the Chief Justice sat In Banco ihis morning to hear a motion by Mr. Men* teath for a new trial in the oaee of Bobson r. EonaU Hatnuhamtt and others, ftfl action :or ejectment, in which judgment was given for the jjlaintiff ilt Nailer some time ago: rilti gi'flilnds Of tile fiiefcion *6rß thai the lefendants were not represented by conns=el it the trLil, through Mr. Bees bein^ engaged in Parliamentary duties, so that judgment ivcnt by default !f! f (tHji B.l»ii\tftat,tlifl puso came within the prohibition of native land dealings contained in the Act passed by Parliament last session. Mr. A. Sainsbury, of Napier, appeared in opposition to the motion. After hearing argument, his Honour granted a new trial, subject to the defendant giving £50 security for the payment of tbo taxed coats of tho first trial ■ Two immediate summons Cases Were heard before Mr. Graham, 8.M., in the Magistrate's Court this morning, the suits being brought on the ground that the defendants intended loavinjf the dolonyi The plaintiffs wero J. T. Folks and G. W. Banks, who each sued J. H: Pollock and M. V f Pollock, claiming sums of JE3 3s 6d and £i<) lita 4d respectively for goods sold and delivered. As tho defendants neither appeared or were represented by counsel, Mr. Thompson, on behalf of the plaintiffs, aßked for judgment, wbic'b*Vas granted, together with cost?, Subsequently Mr\ Wilfprd, afjtiflg for the defendants, appeared in Court, and explained that he had not noticed the hour fixed for hearing the cases. Ho applied for a rehearing on the ground that he was able to produce proof that the defendants were not leaving the colony as had been alleged. As there was a prospect of the cases being settled, his Vvorship suspended the judgments, and granted a week's adjournment. Isu) annual meeting of tliu Hutfc County Cot'i>siil was hold yestefdaj 1 , at which tho various ponlmitSee^ far tht* ensuing Jrear and a few 6tiler mattors of btisinSds wefo transacted. Tho whole of tho Council was appointed to act as Fipanco and Public Works Committeos, and Councillors Death, Darby, Wakeham.l C. W. Brown, Speedy, Jillett, Lancaster, Geo. Brown, and H. Cook were appointed to sign cheques. It was resolved td hold a special mooting of the Council on Tuesday, the Bth (jf December, at noon; for tliq purposp of passing a special order dedlarlng Makttfa & Bodd Hoard District. Tho Chairman, Councillors Darby, C. W. Brown, Speedy, and G. Brown wero appointed a committee to inspect the Pakuratahi Bridge, and report to the Council at its next meeting. A unanimous vote of thanks was jt oflsed to Copleillor Darby for tho vory o'ordirii uM offlo'iedfc marine? in which he had filled tho office of Chairman during the past year, and, as waa stated in yesterday's issue, Mr. F. A. Death was elected his successor. Both gentlemen returned thanks for tho compliment paid to them. Captain Lambert, of the s.s. Koweua, waß good enough to forward to our office a samplo bag of Mokau coal for trial. It was used 'yesterday by our engiboer, and he reports that although a light coal it Hums well, and giVes a treat hoftt. There is little or no refuses from it, and it is tiii exdolient coal for steam purposes. Tho sample sent us was in very largo pieces. A special day has been set apart for the Picturesque Atlas Company litigation in tho B.M. Court, viz., Wednesday next. On the cases which were sot down for hearing to-day being called, Mr. Graham, 8.M., said he would prefer that tUey nhould be dealt with by Mr. Bobinldn; 8.M., MB had Already had a case under consideration: He therefore suggested on adjournment until Mr. Bobinson was able to attend at the Court. Several solicitors, who were in Court on behalf of defendants, complained that an adjournment would oanse their olients inconvenience, and Mr. Jollicoo observed that perhaps the Court would pay the costs of the day. His Worship said he had other reasons for declining to hear the cai&s. Mhally it waa decided t6 give up next Wednesday to tho cases, commencing at 11 o'clock. News has boon received from Melbourne of the death of Mr. Hugh A. Boyd, brother of Mr. M'Duff Boyd, of this city, who waa carried off by irifluehßa. Deceased was an accomplished violinist, and has several times beon in Now Zealand in the orchestras of opera conipatilos, Ho waa also one of the principal violinists in the . Celebrated Victorian Orchestra was Widely knttwn as an excellditt musician and a wiOrougiily gfJou fellow. A conplo of nights ago Mr. D. Taylor, who drives ono of tho Gear Company's delivery carts, met with a remarkable experience at Wadestown. Ho was engaged upon his round about 0 o'clock in the evening, and had two little uons of Mr. A. S. Dunn, chemist, of Wadestbwn, on the Oart with him. Near Mr. E. W. LoWs house, ou the hill side, he pulled ut> for the purpose of serving a Customer, but before ho could ascend from the dart the hdrso, Which was a somewhat restive ofle, duddtirily Swerved and backed, .and the roud being Ufl. fenced dt tHdt par'tj tHe. cdriveyance and its occupants wore hurled do'iVri.tbe' slope into the gnlly, which is about 200 feet deep. The two boys, horse and irip went right,to tho bottom .of the gully, hut Mr. Taylor was deposited about half-way down. The strangest part dt the affair is that' everyono_ escaped serious injury exdept the tfapj which wits sniashe'd to jHscps: Mr: TWlor and Hid boyfi Were gefci'Sly gliakeii ttiid bruised, but tho horse waa apparently none the worso for the tumble Tho rosidents in the neighbourhood, on .hearing of the acoi ; dent, paid ovdry atteKtW.WMi:: Titylor add his little charges, for which kinariess ihoy wero dcoply tlmnkfu). In undefended oivil oases hoard beforo Mr. 0. C. Graham, 8.M., at the Magistrate's Court to-day, plaintiffs obtained judgment O'FMotly, M T?b Od, and G& SdSW) iwiH v. W. B. Burman, £2, and Gs costs; E. Gould v. G. Bettridge, £4, and 7s costs ; Public Trusteo v. J. Booth, jeis 19s. and £1 16s costs (possession of tenement to be given within a week) i Hallonstein & Co. v. J. Jury, jeiO_2s 3d, flnd Jft 2s casts l T, Steiele an & E. W. Earp f . J. gilmartifl, M 6s| arid M 18a costs (possession, of tenement rtor t0 bo giveh" within a week): C, Lamborg'v. J. A. Persson, £6 19k, and £1 11§ qßsts: In a jiidgmeilt summons case brought by' JamoUoH Brfls: and Co. against L. Tegnpr, claiming £& 10s Yd, dofendaiifc was ordered to pay the amount by monthly iri|tkl?ilpnt§.df, JS; {'Ho first pay; ment to be made on Ist December. Defended cases— P. Dowsott v. W. C. Johnson, claim of £5 12s 2d for goods supplied, jndgment for plaintiff for £1 4s 5d Avithont costs ; H. nameron v. P. Burbush, claim of 19s 6d as damages on account of dismissal without notioo or wagos in liou of same, and railway faro to Woodvillo, judgment for plaintiff for £0 3s Od with £1 Ua coats (Mr. Jellicde for plaintiff); Brottn, fkorr6t(j artd Ddatt v: J: Frankol, ohiim of £4 0s for jjrofefe'sitjnal fees, judgment for plaintiffs for amount alld 0s costs (Mr. Brown for plaintiffs). Tho Payne Family attracted another large audience to tho Exclmugo Hall last night, Their programme was an entiroly now ono, and proved highly acceptable. The handbell selections, "I Dreamt that I Dwelt," "When Othor Lips," "Scenes that are Brightest." and tho " Home .- Flowers Mazurka," wore capitally played by thd whole conipdtly. The'rS W.ei'o also several good 4 part soiigs, Beribus and humdrdns, vocal and instrumenMl quartets) violin solos and duets, .and songa by Miss Alico Saiinderfi: Miss Maud Paytio, Mr. W. J. Payno, and Mr. Balph Steole, of whom the hvst-namod also.gavo a performance on the musical glasses, the whole making up an admirable bill of musical fare. The company will give another performance this ovoniug, and will concludo their soason to-morrow night. Attention is dirooted to the programme in another column of the complimentary concert to be tendered to-morrow at Messrs. G. Thomas & Co.'s rooms in Miss Noako. The items are well Bolcotod, and should prove attractive to lovora of good music. Tho Wellington Harmonic Society rosume practice to-morrow oveningi ' Tho Wttllington Choral Society practice this evening as usual. An advertisement in nnothor column requests that all accounts in.cQnnoctiou with the United Butchors' Picnic be ecai in to tho Secretary not later than Saturday next. ahorse Thomas * Co. will sell to-morrow, boat ami fitting. Churchward & Moollor will sell to-morrow, produce, &o

Dubikq Mr. Smith's repeat visit to Europe he made special arrunytimentß With' the manufacturers to donfifie the sale of the now " Federation " black silks in Wellington exclusively to Te Aro House. THEBK silks aro very largoly sold by tho leading drapery establishments in London, and all the great fashion centres in England, and have ootno into large demand in the various Australian Coloniesr Th« manufacturers guarantee that these will givo more perfect and lasting wear than any silk that has ever yet beon introduced. Ladies are invited to inspect them at Te Aro House. Bbnoaline silks, adapted both for oomploto costumes or for using in Qombin&tion with other dress fabrics, wb have in all the leading shades of greys, fawns, cornflower, | cotta, heliotrope^ clover, reds, blues, and greens, and also va. elegant defeigna in white and tinted grounds, at Te Aro House. Fob bridal dresses we have imported oreme and ivory Bengaline Bilks, which are peculiarly well adapted lor this purpose. We make a apeoiallty of wedding dresses, and our dressmaking department is widely and favourably known for genuine artistic taste and elegance of atyle, at Te Aro House.— AfiVT. WtliKlNS & FISLD ate now opening a shipment of Gladstone bags and portmanteaux, ladies' and gent's dressing and travelling oases, cigar and cigarette cases, ladies' handbags and purses in real Morocoo leather, antelope, lizard, snake, and crooodile skins. These goods are similar to those imported by this firm last year, and the success which attended the sale of them has induced them to increase the quantities. As these goods are from the makers direct they will be sold, as before, at a price that Bhould command a rea(Jy sale. — Advt. Ladies, for afternoon tea use Aulsebrook's Oswego Biaonits; a perfect delicacy.— Anvr. It is olaimod for Messrs. James Buchanan and Co.'s Buchanan Blond that it is a wellmellowed blend of -the pnrest and finest Highland and Lowland Malt Whiskies ; that it is absolutely pure ; that it is,fine, ripe and well flavoured ; that it possesses a beautiful aroma, and that it is grateful and delicate to the palate. It enjoys a very high reputation in the old countries, and its circle of friends is widening every day. In future issues it is proposed to give "in detail the analysis of other leading scientists, and to

supplement same with the opinions of local men who arc best qualified to speuk of the merits of the brand. In the meantime, anyone desirous of ascertaining whether Bnchanan's Honsq of Commons Whisky possesses all the qualities claimed for it, wonld do well to sample this deservedly popular spirit without delay. Ask for, and insist on getting, Buchanan's Whiskyi Wholesale agents, Messrs. Castendyk and Focke. — Advt. 3

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Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 2

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FEMALE SUFFRAGE. Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 2

FEMALE SUFFRAGE. Evening Post, Volume XLII, Issue 128, 26 November 1891, Page 2