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POR SALE, TOWN ACRE SO. 923, QUBDIVIDED into coven Building A llotraents, of which four have a depth of 167 feet, ■ and all a frontage of at least 40 feet. The Acre is Bitnated at the comer of Hall and i Hanson streets, adjoins the Town Belt, and is within three rninuteV walk ot Iho Tram lino. ■ The sections aro offered at a moderate price, aud any reasonable arrangements can be made i to suit deferred payment purchasers. Title under Land Transfer Act. 1 924 I ion t -w «5 53 -to [ ; c 1 t- ; lotft go Q ' a2 234.567^ I w fc fcrj ° M m 64 -W 40 40 40 40 Hi «jj HALL STKEET. __ w ■ — For particulars, apply to A. J. M'TAVISH & CO., Lambton-quay.

— ' ■ - . i ■ ... . I . Tl=»^« TO BUILDERS. nnENDERS are invited until Noon of X Wednesday, the 11th of March, for making alterations to a building nn Lambtonquay. Planß and specifications at our office. THOS. TURNBULL & SON. A architects. DRUIDS' GALA. •EASTEfi MONDAY. nnENDERS for the right of erecting two BL Publicans' Booths, one Refreshment Booth, aud the Right of Games, will be received by the Secretary up till 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 10th Maroh. The highest or any tender not necesearily accepted. T. BOON, Secretary, RESIDENCES ERECTED TO SUIT TENANTS. THE undersigned is prepared to receive early application for Villa Residences, containing np to 12 or 14 rooms, and offices, designed to suit applicant, under lease, lease and purohase, or purchp»se on terms. Land is situated on Cliftom and Talavera Terraoea, with easy access said unrivalled view. WM. C. CHAVFIELD, Arohitect. Westminster Chambers. MARIE BEC/KBR BROUGHT us Saws, Carpenter's Tools, American Stoves, Cedar Wood Tubs, Pails, and Bowls. CAMERON & CHRISTIE, Lambton-quay. TS^AIRABAPA EIFLE ASSOCIATION. ■ SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING, TO BE HELD AT MASTBIIO N ON THURSDAY, 17th MAROH (And Following Day if Necessary). Under tbe auspices of : Patron — Lieut.-Col. *Butts. commanding district; President— Captain Pownall, commaudincr Masterton Rifle Volunteers ; Vice - Presidonts — Colonel Roberts, N.Z.C.; Major Donald, Captain Tully, W. C. Buohanan, Esq. M.H.R.; A. W. Hogg, Esq., ; Geo. B9efaam, A. Matthews, C. MacShftne, and Hugh Williams, Esqs. Managing Committee— The offioers and members of tho Masterton Rifle Volunteers. Looal Committees : Featherston— Captains Donald and Forritt, Lieuts. Smith and Benton; Carfcorton — Messrs. P. C. and E. R. Rutherford, and J. Bairstow; Greytown— Captains Cameron and Jury, Lientenant Maaihera, and Vol. Oateß. Secretary and Treasurer— Lieutenant Thompson. 1. Landßdown Match, 200 yd s; 10 shots. 2. Wellington Match, 300 yds and 500 yds ; 7 shots at oaoh rango. 3. Wairarapa Matoh, 200 yds and 500 yds; 7 shots at each range. 4. President's Matoh, 600 yd s; 10 sbota. Snider Rifle or Carbine to ba nsod in all matches. Entrance Fee— Members, annual subscription, 103 6d ; four mate! es at 2a 6d,'los. Entries olose at the Drill Hall, Masterton, at 9 p m. on Monday, 16th March. Ammunition. — Members must furnish their own, the Auckland made only to be used. Any competitor bringing any other will be disqualified. Sighting Shots. — Two will be allowed at each rango, and oan be procured on tho ground at Gd eaoh. Any competitor having two Sighting Shots oan elect to count them in his score before he fires a third shot. The Pull. — The minimum pull of the trigger to be 61bs. Disputes.— All disputes to be decided by the Range Committee, whose decision shall be final. Dress.— Volunteers must fire in uniform, or be disqualified. Civilians may compete, but their scores will neither connt for the District Champion Belt, nor for the Aggregate Prizes or President's Medal. The number and amount of prizes for eaoh matoh and the aggregates will be posted on the Range before the firing commences. The District Champion for 1891 to hold tt»e Belt for one year, or till the next competition ; a Silver Medal will aooompany the Belt, and will be the property of the winner. None but Wairarapa Volunteers, active or reserve, to be eligible to win the Belt. Refreshments may be prooured on the around, LIEUT. THOMPSON, Soo. W.R.A. VICTORIA FOUNDRY. EDWARD SEAGAK Ehgmjkb. Iron and Fodndxb, boilerhakie, and gknimui/ Smith. Estimates gives for all descriptions Bnilders and Contractors Ironwork. Victoria and Makniks-btbbst, Wellington VTS7 ANTED KNOWN— M'EWEN, BROWN & h-ITTO, 40, WILLIS-STBEBT, Are showing a nioe stock of DRESS AND OTHER SHIRTS, TIES, HOSIERY, &o. Shirts made to order on the shortest notice. Also Shirts Re-cuffod and Collared WELLINGTON SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, Room No. 9, Exchange Buildings. MR. F. HYDE, Experienced Verbatim Shorthand Writer and Reporter, Continues to give lessons in Shorthand, and for the convenience of numerous pupils has engaged Room Mo. 9, Exchange Buildings, where ho will be in attendance daily, between the hours of 10 a m. and 9 p.m. Verbatim Reports of Meetings, Law Cases, Arbitrations, Conferences, &c , undertaken, bb well as Commercial and Private Correspondence. T W. POYNTON, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Panama-street. [a oakd.] JAMES HISLOP, ARCHITE.CT, Bbandon-btbekt. PHffiNIX ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. MR. ALFRED BOARDMAN baa been appointed Agent to thiß Company for the Provinoial District of Wellington, in lien of Mr. F. G. Thompson, resignod. GEO. S. GRAHAM, Attorney and Superintendent. 3rd March, 1891. Having taken over the Agenoy of the Phoenix Fire Office for the above District, I am now carrying on the business in Offices opposite the National Mntnal J.ife Association's premises, sitnato Customhouse-quay, and next door to Mr. D. T. Stuart. ALFRED BOARDMAN, Agent Pbcoaix Assurance Company of London. NOTICE TO SMOKERS. Try ALDOUS' New Brow, Unsteamed but Highly .Esteemed Cnt Tobaccos, just pnre and simple. Welcome Nugget, Golden Eagle, King of All, Ac. Having no agents my Speoinl Mixture can odlj be obtained at my shops. 1 rial eolioited. See my prioes for pipes, Ao. Hairdressing Department.— Best staff of hairdressers in town. N.B —New discovery, a perfeot cure for dandrnff and baldnes.", nsfid on our oustomers free of charge. ALDOUS', Lambton-quay and Mannersstreet.

ZERADE! ZERADE [PATEKTED.] [PATBKTBD.] ZERADE! [patented.] Sole Manufacturers — mHOMSON AND LEWIS. A new Non-Alcoholio Beverage manufaotured only from Pure Fruits, and registered against all infringements. To bo had from all Hotelkeepers, Storekeepers, and from the Sole Manufaotnrers at the Works, Lome-street. All orders by Telephone pnnotually attended to. Private families cannot do batter than get in a snppljr of this beverage. Samples gratis on application. Telephone, 148. Telephone, 148. Supplied only in Pint and Quart Bottle "OATHS! BATHS! BATHS Open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. J, MANDEL Proprietor Hairdresser and Tobacconist, Willis-street^ LION FOUNDRY. WITKBLOO-QUAT, WILLINHTOM. yTjfcjr CABLE & CO., ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKRRS, SHIP'S SMITHS IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Manufacturers ov all kinds oj Machinjsrt. Solo Agents for the Worthington Pnmp Company, of London and New York, Have for Sale, one 25 h.p. Horizontal Kngint SIGNWRITJNG. SIGNWRITING. " 8 IHE Cheapest in tho oity, by a first-olass tradesman, at TUSTIN BROS., Mannerß street, OAMUEL DANKS & SON. Brass Founders, coppkrsmiths, plumbers & gaßwttebß, Importers of Chandeliers (cork slides), Braokota, &o. Gas and Galvanised Pipe and Fittings Lead and Compo. Pipe, Water Meters Sight-feed Lubrioators and Infectore Tuoks and all kinds Packing Steam Cooks and Valves, all Bizeß Slnioe and Peot Valves Cast-iron and Enamel Sinks Cast-iron and Enamel Baths Brass and Copper Sheets, all sizes Brass and Copper Tubes, i to 6in Copper, Brass Rod 10, BRANDON-STREET. COPPER BOILERS, made all sizoa. Gold B>J§Sas<l Silver Medal, %s§§§!s Mrdal, Melbourne JgipSigSSSi Wellington W. LITTLBJOHK k 80$ 85, LAMBTON-QUAY. WLITTLEJOHN & Son respectfully • invite their numerous customers and the pnblic generally to call and inspect their New Goods, Bpooially seleotod. A Large Variety in Gold and Silver Watohea, Bangles, Brooohes, Ponoil Cases, Matoh Boxes, Studs, &o , Gold Brooohes, .Lace Brooohes, Pearl Bangles, &c, &o. Rings in endless variety. W. L. & Son have just reoeived a very superior Selection in Sterling Silver and Eleofcro-plated Goods, made in the Latest Designs. Inspeotion Cordially Invited. Onlt Addrebb— • W. LITTLBJOHN & SON, DIRECT IMPORTERS, 85, L A M B T O N-Q U A Y. Wellington. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY. FIRE BRANCH CAPITAL £1.0W,000 Head Office: Liverpool. Inauranoe against loss by. fire on every desonption of property, affeoted at onrrent rates. JOHNSTON ft CO., Agents. NATIONAL INSURANOE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. FIRE AND MARINE. Capital (full subscribed) ... £2,000,001 Paid-np and reserves upward 0f... 269,000 Losses paid in Id years 1,148,984 Distinctive Features. Undoubted Security Lowest Current Rates of Promium. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims Offices: Foatheraton-etreet, Wellington. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Manager, f iveupool and london and JLj globe insurance company. Established 1836. Invested Fundß £6,673,204 Claims Paid 19,616,17t Fire Reserve Fund 1,500,000 This Company offers to inanrere the seouriti of invested funds amounting to ovor SIX MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By ft Special Aot of the New Zealand Lsgiel&turo, the Company is in a position tc sue or ba sued in thia colony. This Company lma aver bs'jn noted for promptitude &nd liberality in settling olainu. Lowest ourrout rates for all elaoaee of Fire Insuranoe LEVIN 4 CO. Aeents. nn C. WILLIAMS & CO.'S 'diadem tobacco, Of Old Virginia, Riohmond, At J. MANDEL'S, Tobacconist, &0., Willis-street. STOCK-TAKING OVER. WE have several little lots of slightly damaged goods, snch as Table and Desert Knives, E P. and N.S. Forks and Spoons, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fireplace Ornaments, odd lots Door Furniture, Knobs, liooke, cheep Shears, &p , $o. These (vre not in large quantities, so oome early and get your piok. CAMERON & CHRISTIB, Ironmongers, Lambton-qua . TOOTHACHE.— Why euffor snoh agonic. ft. ing pain from deoayod teeth when a oaftain remedy like Marshall's Odontelfrioon w Im tmrobasftri of all Chemists for In B SOU'S INJECTION.— Hygienio Infallible, and Preservative. Cures promptly, without additional means, all rooent or ohronio discharges of the urinary organs. price, 5s por bottle, or by poßt 60. Sold in Paris by J. Ferree" (suocesdor to Brou), Pharmaoian, 102, Rue Richelieu. Sple Agent for New Zealand— WlLLlAM C. FIIZCfEBALD, The Central Pharmao y ; Evening Poafc Corner, Wellington. WANTED Known — Every description of Letter press Printing erecu.'d in newest stylos and designs at the EVfuNxNG POST Primting Office, Willis-street. Billheads, Ball Programmes, Cards, Catalogues, all kinds of Coloured Work, Cheque Books, Delivery Books, Day Bills, Forms of To Let and For Sale, Bankruptcy Forms, Law Forms, Mercantile Forms, Shadod Posters, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Programmes, Visiting Curds (ladies' aud gentlemen's), Hand Bills, Business Cards, Prospectus©*, Bal»nca Sh eta, Ac, Ac.

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Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4