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8 r IAW, BAVILL AND ALBION THE new zkaland shipping OOMPAN7 (Lrmraoj. COMPANY'S MONTH L X LINE ROfAL MAIL LINK OF BTEAMKW, OF ROYAL M l l r Under Contract with FA.BT PASSENGER 87EAMER8, Thi Niw Zialand GovMmrwr. ALL PORTB OF°N«W OALAND AND «fe W°£ I" s^* 7 LONDON. 488g55 gT Majesty^ Mail* M «ndi r *Skße^nr HE Magniftoent «'??««« 3feMi£ 1 S.S. TAINM. LONDON, fiiiuO l'oni ReirUter. 3500 Horw-powo. Via Rio do Janeiro and Teneriffe. E. J. Evans, Commander, Will be despatched from „. i com- ~ . Port 'of WELLINGTON FOB LONDON DIRECT, BtoMM »' | toxaitt. Dtte - Deparfre ON THURSDAY, 21bt AUGUST, 1800, Rn»p«hu .. 4168 Find!*? An&u«t7 Lyttelton TO H* rOIiIOWID Bl ; Katkour* ... 4474 Crutchtay Sept. 4 LytUKon flfeat. §|H( Command*. „£*•£, TonKar!*,...^!*,™ Octobers H (2WS ' ' Aorangt ... 4188 Butcllff October ßo — — ————.—_ Bfaantak* ,.. 4474 Oreenitreat N0v. 27 Uorla ... 4784 8000 J. W. Jannlnfi input 21 And th«noof orward every fourth Thursday. &r»«» ...6300 8600 J.6ta»rt 6«pt. is PmHoulmi may bTleaniod on appUoa0 iptto „, 4*48 8000 0. n. K«mp«oD| Ootober 18 klon *° innto . H «rn I MOW.H.KIdto, Not. is THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO. I Cnßtomhouse-quay. fulaal •... 6WWBBOO E. /. Evan« , Jan. 8. 1891 — — . I THE NEW ZKALAND SHIPPING The above aro all powerfnl new steel-built COMPANY'S LINE, atoamers. and tho aooommodation for all o ,„„„„„ tupppt olaises of etoamors is unsurpassed. FOR LONDON DIRECT. Thn Homeward passage will bo vfa Rio de ~~* Janeiro and Teneriffe, and the time occupied Afflfti TIHE following high-olass vessels shnald not exceed 40 days. ■^■iij|fl»' I with others to follow, aB reAn experienced Surgeon will aooompany quired, will be despatched as above :— eiwh atoamer. 1 » „ The above will be Bnpplemonted by tho Name ol Vessel. Tonnage. Clang. °^f following and other flrst-olass . !_ SAILING VESSELS AND OARGO TO , , , . ,„„ , m ., . . STEAMERS. Windibraut ... 1266 100A1 August ' 1 4 Prohibit Orarl 1011 ICOAI September ff*tuao>HMp g _3 fJomman<l« Time of ]m H _2_ B * illng - Btromßr. Ton* H.P. Sailing D»le. Wertland ... I*lo 100A1 Matters Atißiut Duke of Wertmiiurter 8726 UO Plrione .. lO9i 100A1 Sargent August Duke of BucHnffham 8123 400 October H.B.M«rmrI...BOOMnOAI Maxwell Anguat D»keof ButherUnd... 8116 400 November 8.8. JDitatua 6000 100AI Sl'Doogall Sept. — .. H.H. Muuii .. WOO 100A1 Bcotlund Ootober Wool, flax, tallow and other oargo oarned at lowest ourrent rates. ~ Tho umloraignea are em owered to grant For full particulars apply to from London to New Zealand, pay. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING cfli-ut for whiob has been guaranteed in the COMPANY (Limited), .'iilony, . Customhouse-quay. W. 4 O. TUBNBULL ft CO. --— MURRAY, ROBERTS * CO. NORTHERN STISAMSHIP COMPANY LEVIN 4 CO. (Limited). MESSAGERIES MARITIMES 3JMte>HP H gL a .: B - QAIJBLOCH leavea STEAMERS, ■fffm^P" »- Waitara and New Plymouth Undor Postal Contraot with the Government *°r Onehunga as undor (weather and other of France. oironmstanoes permitting : — SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE TO AUGUST. LONDON, "Tuesday, sth 10 p.m. OVBM.AND fttOM Mabbeilleb (Via Parib). "Friday, Bth Midnight ~ T ~ I , ' Le a Ve Leave Tuesday, 12th 5.30 p.m. Steamihip. Com'ander ByaneTt Melbonrut Friday, 15th 7.30 p.m. — "Tuesday, 19th 10 p.m. Auatrahen ... O. Dldlor Aug. 38 Aug. 38 "Friday, 22nd 11p.m. . „ t „t „ Tuesday, 26th 5 pm. Byilney Pettogtien Sept. X Sept. 28 Friday, 29th 7 p.m. PASSAGE MONET. • Conneots with express train from New Zkaland to Mausxillisi— Wellington. ifitHt Saloon X 65 Oargo for Opunake and Waitara wil be Return. taken twioe weekly by s.s. Stormbird and drift, Saloon, avnilablo for D months ... 4105 Huia for transhipment at Wanganni to s.s. .-iyoMKY on MELBonRNB to Mabbiilleh. Glenolg. iiooii'l Saloon 440 For further information, apply to Third Class 20 LEVIN 4 CO., Agents. Return., —^^—^_— __— -_^__^_— . dooom] Saloon, available for 9 months 464 ■ Third Class „ „ 9 „ ... 34 Ratps of passage money to Marseilles inolnde table wimes and beading requisites in p-r /-\ai?T» all olmnb. t»LUSJIiD. Passengers booked through to London, via P.iria. Best railway accommodation, luggage __ oon voyod free, and a fortnight allowed from • oi*ss Ol je+i Bnrou ' fl<:Pi " fc 7 ° 5Se ° ond 0™ DRAPERY AND CLOTHING By 'special arrangement an English InTtRPitBTiR will attend on board upon WAREHOUSE arrival of steamer at Marseilles, to give passengers every assistance in disembarking, passing their baggage through the Customs, IS CLOSED Ac. He will also accompany them in the train to Paris and Calais. F OR Spooial advantages offered to passengers Hkfng through tiokets from New Zealand. omnnir TAWTNO For further partiou am, apply to BTOCK-lAKIJNU LEVIN * CO., Agents, Wellington. _ _ . ~~ " On aocount of ■B^^^TJENINSULAR 4 ORIENTAL WSI& V BTKAM NAVIGATION Co. pIRE^ fh« Company's steamships will be deipatohed with her Majesty's mails as follows, __ for LONDON, calling at Colombo. Aden, Sue*, Port Said, Hrindisi, MalU, Gibraltar, npww dwnRTTV Plyoionthi- RE -OPEN SHORTLY. ileamwi. TmCoaifaanderl ay^JJ, KtlVnu, llamilia ... I9lß'o Fmict Jnly 38 Ang. J Tf\TJ T? ITNTiBtfRa ArmJia ...«SMW Andre W Aug. 11 Aag. 16 JVJJI. Hi. jblJN JUJoHlxli, Britannia 8387 J Orman lAur. 85 'Aug. 80 Curumnndel 449»J Reeves Iflapt. 8 Bept. 18 The PASSENGEK FABEB from NEW 153, LAMBTON-QUAY, 158. IE ALAND art as under 1— Parti CUm. Stagto. Brtmm torn any Fort In Wtaf S"*p{ " ' m » «v HUME & SON'S TEAS! '^5,. «.- «■ M nx DIRECT FROM THE PLANTATIONS y^_,|SSLa S ? '« TO THE TEAPOT. Seoond Saloon Passengers are provided #ith First Saloon Aooommodation in the K-RAnitANT AND DPLTOIOUS itoamert betwetn New Zealand and Aus« rUKfc, FKAGKANI, ANY uiIWjIVUH, ralla. , , xi Is 4d. Is Bd, and Is lOd per lb. fhe SECOND SALOON Aooommodation n the above steamers having been thoroughly reorganised, the Company are now THE FINEST THE WORLD CAN warned to offer intending Passengers to Dunnum? oo ra no. Ik Burope nnrivalled Accommodation at the PRODUCE, ia 6d per lb. »hove Reduoed Rates.' — .«.Sfrom n En,rland b<> "' "* ** IT is estimated thatat least 80,000 per«,ns ToXttp^Srsapplytothe Agent, lin N.w Zealand are now drinking WelUnirton these, our moat popular Teas of the age. ' JOHNSTON* CO. PjlCked w omouial ORIENT LUTE OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. & (\ AND II" 1 - BOXES FHBT-CLASB PASSRNGER AND MAIL «* V, A A BRRVIOB, via thi SUEZ CANAL. ift&feTrra following Royal Mail No B i endin(r or Adulteration with us. All J- " Be ' \ J^^ v n^^^%,a^ T «« ft ™ aold » nd delivered as reooived ff& p tS c E SaTSi! undermentioned dates for PLYMOUTH and LONDON, via ADELAIDE, ALBAN?, TTTTHjn? A. onw COLOMBO, the SUEZ OANAL, STAPLES, H UME & BON, »nd GIBRALTAR :- From From THE LARGEBT TEA AND PROVISION itSS A Sydne & M ; lbou *2S DEALERS IN NEW ZEALAND, Astral ... 5588 Aug 18 Aug 23 Oriiba ... 5552 Sept 1 Bept 6 gg gj Willis-street, Wellington. And fortnightly thereafter. ' New Zealand passengers may oonneot with Anßtrnl at Melbourne by Manapouri from Wellington, on Monday, 1 lth August, 1890. Through fareu to London, 421 to 470, EMPIRE TEA CO.'S Oanal duet Inoluded. „.«„. Jteoond-olas. Fare, reduoed to43«and BBCBNT BRAND( Vint and seoond-olass passenger! •eenre «peoi»l advantages by booking through from 2, n Sew Zealand, being provided with saloon *■/ v Danßogoß to Australia, whioh are inoluded in ho tkbon raies* rirstSal W) n^vXbMo 0 "'50nth,...4105 TJRASS PIREIEONS, ftrst Saloon, available foe 12 m0nth5. ..4115 ■*-* „,,.,, , Seoond Saloon, availablo for 12 months 465 Purchased greatly nnder usual Beoond Saloon, available for 9 months 460 landed cost. Passages i-rom London.— Third Class, j617 17s to 423. Speoial faoiUties afforded for bringing out GREAT BARGAINS I ~, n friends and relatives by prepayment of the From fi/fi s»T. oasiagt money here. vr/ vr PAROELB BOOKBD THROUGH TO LONDON at Reduced Rates. . GEORGE WINDER, SmONBT SaMSHT? C^mVaNY OF Corner of Cuba and Manners streets. NEW ZEALAND (Limited), General Agent* for New Zealand. „ THE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY Livitbd). ?jRWI^ OOALBROOKDALE COAL. TRY THE /^IOAL Consumers and the publio are notiROYAL POLISH PASTE. «•* that this SUPERIOR COAL can alway. - be obtained wholesale from the agent, or ■JJNRIVALLED FOR POLISHING- ret aU from any of the dealers, or at the yard Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Enive3 andoffloe.oornerofFeathentonandßallanee and Forks, Spoons, 40. street*. J. H. WILLIAMS, Eaoh Tin Contains Full Directions. . . a senw A BOON TO THE THRIFTY HOUSE- ~~ wife, G. ft T. YOUNG, IMPORTERS 4 PRACTICAL WATCHOBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. rj A VB received tSS. of new Electro- — - II platpd Goods, vary guitabln for _ _ WEDDING and BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, Sold in Tins . consisting ofLARGB SIZE ONE SHILLING. S" A » Bowls, Butter Plates, „*,.», »v n .«. nn „^ n Jam DiBHBB, Sugar and Creams, BMALL Do ... L ... SIXPENCE. Dessert Framks, ■■ „ Breakfast Cruets, Tea Spoons, ONCE USED, ALWAYS LOOKED FOR. *"* £" Sp °° N8 ' Our stock of Eleotro-Silverplated Goods is still admitted to be the finest in Welling- — — ton. being well seleoted, fresh, and of good TO THR OTTT7VMS ftW wwt t TMfrrnw quality. All goods offered being our own 1O IHE CITIZENSjOF WELLINGTON, imports, and bought for Cash, customers aw FISH AND OYSTER SALOON. • p^«°™» q^*y of" goods at the Invn i~ « * .v"~/i!»' *«r «• A. flrst-olass stook of Watchk3, Clocks, f«? to ,» "u 0 ™ th * lMna 4 0f Welling- jtwltlLlßTij twItlLlRTi 4c, alwayß on hand ; «rnnJ^S«!S^ I llurr ° un S ln * B 1 - b tF Kngagement and Gem Rings from 14s to 2T£ T n « iKSIS J2 ,, CC ° b ,*- itreet , ln ,, 425 B^ood seleotion ; patterns to suit every tfT,W ( fe,t P^ n*^ ly T Upl . ed^ y taste, at lowest possible price.. K. Burbor, Butcher). Having been in the w.tnh PinnY an J T Q », Q n n .^ p. m j_ entrusting your favours to me. My inten- rRiNOEss-sTREiT, Dunidin. tion i» to always keep a fresh supply daily of — — ■ Oysters, Fresh and Smoked Fish, whioh tho ™ . .___.„ -„___. _„._. publio may rely on getting perfeotly fresh SAUCEPANS & KETTLES. daily. All orders will receive my careful KJ attontion, and will bo delivered to any part Vert Cheap. of tho oity. Hoping to reootve a iharo of your patronage, Yours truly, GEORGE WINDER, JOHN HUTTON. Fish and Oyster Saloon, Corner of Cnba and Manners street*. Cuba-street. TN. every town and village of New Zealand VX7ORMB.— If your children are suffering X 'yon can buy Marshall's renowned Corn » » »om these parasites, give them a Curo— Cnra Clay». Tho only sure onre ; oonraeof Marshall's Safe Worm Powders Rives no pain on aoplioation.— li 6d every. " d they will soon be oured.— la. .ill wherft' " Ohomiitt.

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Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 31, 5 August 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 31, 5 August 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 31, 5 August 1890, Page 1