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-m- ANTED KNOWNTHB ODD NUMBER. FOR SUPERIOR VALUE IN DRAPERY AND CLOTHING, Ladies are respectfully invited to visit our NEW PREMISES, 153 — LAMBTON-QUAY — 153 JOH. E. LINDBERG, 153 — LAMBTON. QUAY - 153 (Late Casey A M'Donald's). LOST, a Greyhound, Bix months old; colour, black with white spot on ohest. Finder will be rewarded on retnrning to D. D. Hyde, Hairdresser and Tobacconist, Lambton-qnay. OST, a Golden-penoilled Hamburg Cookerel; finder rewarded. Apply W. A. Waddell, Aurora-terraoe. REWARD. STRAYED, from Courtenay-place, one light bay or buff coloured Gelding; three white fetlocka, dark stripe down baok ; branded HU near rump, N near shoulder. Finder rewarded on retnrning to Co-opera-tive Butchery, Company, Courtenay-plaoe. Anyone detaining same after this date will be proseonted. I^OUND, Sale Extraordinary — Books, Stationery, Gift and Fanoy Goods, Ac Ono month only, from Friday next, 11th Jnly, our whole stook, new and ohoioo, remarked, equal to English priors Reserve your purchases. Look for prioes in Friday's ißane. The Hibernia, 67, Cuba-street. IF this should meet the eye of John Read, or Fred. Patanoe, call at Post Office; letter awaiting you. BOARD and Residenoo required ; tingle bedroom, bathroom; Thorndon preferred. Reply, stating terms, to L.S.F., Evening Post offioe. -it vS PER" WEEK, with small deposit, JLvF will purohaße a substantially-built three-roomed Cottage, with largo seotion of land, freehold ; also three-roomed Cottage to let. Apply A. Mountain, Hankey-street. FURNISHED FAMILY RESIDENCE, NELSON. rriO LET, tarnished, toe 12 month*, or less A. or longer term, that commodious and beautiful Residence, Newstead, formerly the residence of the Hon. Thos. Renwiok ; splendidly situated in healthiest part of Nelson, with 2J aores of ornamental grounds, tennis lawn, Ac; every convenience; Btablos, ooaoh-house, Ac Excellent opportunity for family needing a change. For fuller particulars, apply to PITT A MOORE, Bolioitors, Nelson. ri^O LET on Lease, new seven-roomed X Honse and twenty aores of first-olasß land, securely fenoed and subdivided ; good orohard, garden, and outbuildings; rent, £50 per annum. Twenty more aores adjoining can, if required, be leased at a rental of £10 per annum. Property is situated within two miles of the Greytown Post Offioe. For further particulars apply to F. H. WOOD, Auctioneer, Greytown. OFFICE TO LET. ONE Room on first floor in Phcsnix Bnildingß, Apply to 0. P. Powlea, on the premises. WELLINGTON TERRACE. mO BE LET, the House at present in the JL ooonpation of W. Ferguson Esq. Apply to Benjamin Smith A Co. mO LET, about three and a half miles X from town, a very oomfortable sevenroomed House, with about six aores of land, good garden, with stable, coachhouse, and other buildings, all in good order; easy communication with town by ooaoh. Apply Evening Post offioe. X) LET, Nairn-street, a nioe Cottage . oontaining five rooms, bath, range, verandah ; splendid view of oity and harbour ; rent low to a good tenant. Apply to Frank Grady, Willis-street. "\O LET, in Wallaoe-Btreet, a fonr-roomed . verandah Cottage and aoullery j washhouse, copper, and p.w.o. Also, two-roomed House and soullery; p.w.o. Apply to S. Cook, Findlay-terraoe. rilO LET, corner Donald M'Lean and JL Ferguson streets, a five-roomed verandah House ; bathroom, scullery, oopper, Venetian blinds, gas, and ooal-houße. Apply, cottage at baok, or Evening Post. riHO LET, in Courtenay-place, a sevenJ. roomed Houbo, with bath, oopper, Ac. Apply R. Arobibald, Conrtenay-plaoe. ff"O LET, Sohool and seven-roomed 8. Dwelling, with every convenience; use of large paddook, Ao. ; possession Ist August; rent low. Apply Mr. Charles Swiney, Adelaide-road. r|AO LET, in Willis-street, one House oonJL taining six rooms ; rent, lls per week. Queen's Chambers, Offices To Let, rents low. Apply J. H. Williams, Feathorstonstreet. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. MR. C. SMITH, thi Cash Draper, CUBA-STREET, has purobased an ontire Warehouseman's Stock of LADIES', MAIDS', and CHILDREN'S ULSTERS, at 50 per cent, below their usual prioo, and will offer them far below wholesale prioe. TAILOR MADE JACKETS. OKA VERY PRETTY GERAO\J MAN MADE TAILOR JACKETS have been purchased by Mr. C. Smith at 50 per oent. below the usual warehouse prioo. Ladies will be able to secure a really Beautiful Jacket at about Half-prioe at C. SMITH'S, thk Cash Draper, CUBA-STREET. T. PRINGLE HAS OPENED, Per Aoranoi, A FRESH ASSORTMENT or his GENUINE SCOTCH WOOLS ! In 2, 3, 4, and 5 ply. LADIES who have not yet tried these splendid yarns should really make a sample purchase, as we feel confident they will endorse the general verdiot and pronounce them the "Perteotion o» Fingbrino Wools." For Softness, Elasticity, Good Wearing, and Brilliant Variety of NEW SHADES. NEW MOTTLES, AND NEW MIXTURES, THET STAND ABSOLUTELY UNRWAILBD I And just as ABSOLUTELY UNAPPROACHABLE ! By any other wool in the market. SPECIALLY NOTE -That Real Scotch Wools for Sox, Stockings, Shawls, Under Vests, Ac, can be had only from T. PRINGLE, 49, Lambton-quay. NEW NEEDLEWORK! AT WHOLESALE PRICEB, FOR CASH, we can do in a very large variety of charmin? new styles, designs, and materials, the prices we can now supply being at least 10 >er cent lower than any wholesale house in the oolony. Ladies will be shown our stock with great pleasure, and no one is pressed to purchase. Before purchasing from houses whioh obtain all goods at second hand, it will positively pay to visit T. PRINGLE'S, Direct Importer froh the Actual Manufacturers, 49 LAMBTON- QUAY. EMBROIDERIES. TXT ANTED Known— s4oo yards Edgings and Insertions to match. The mOBt choice patterns ever shown in Wellington. Twenty per oent. under oity prices. WARNOCK, KELLY A ADKIH. ANTED Known.— Eaeton's Byrup~ox Nerve and Brain Tonio, 3s pei bottle. Podophyllin liver Regulator contains no mercury. Pure Tasteless Castoi Oil, 6d, 9d and Is. Manufacturers' Agent, Wm. C. Fitsgerald, Public Vacoinator, Ao. NOTHING yet produoed equals the Purity Cijrarettes. Ask the smokers What the people want. It is well knowi that even the moat temperate individual) occasionally feel the want of a wholesomi stimulant. The ooming temperanoe beyeragi is Renshaw's unfermented and non-intoxi eating ginger wine.— Adyt.

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Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 8, 9 July 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 8, 9 July 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XL, Issue 8, 9 July 1890, Page 3