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IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS Or PABHION IN DREBBES. (IE., THE LADIES OF WELLINGTON AND DISTRICT.) DURINO the last five years the continuous extensions which have beon going on at THORNDON HOUSE point very plainly to a ereatly increased trade. This has been specially noticeable in tho DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. In the past season many Ladies were unable to have Dresses mado owing to the large quantity of orders being quite beyond our power to execute. This season already our Dressmaking Department, under the charge of Miss Bailey, whose valuable services we have retained since we commenced business, is crowded with orders for Autumn Costumes, thus we are compelled at once to provido for the inevitable rush which comes as the season advances. We have now to make an important announcement : WE WILL OPEN ON MONDAY NEXT, 24th MARCH, ANOTHER DREBSMAKING ROOM, Under the entire management of Miss Hourigan, from Sandhurst, Victoria. This lady comes with excellent recommendation, not only from former employers, but from private' sources, being favourably known by several ladies in Wellington and district. Again alluding to the prowth of our business, we claim thit where any great success is achieved by the patronage of the general public, it Bpeaks well tor the merit of such success. WE NOW TAKE ANOTHER DECIDED STEP FORWARD. Our inoreiaed trade, with very little increase of expenses, enables ns to sell at still LOWER RATES THAN FORMERLY. We will sell the same goods CHEAP-R than the much boasted " Wholesale," which word is easily put in print. OUR GOODS WILL STILL BE OUR BUST ADVERTISEMENT. As wo arc determinpd to show an all-round reduction. Price of Dressmaking will now be 18s 6d instead of 20s for best dresses, and proportionately lower for plain dresses. Besides our present beautiful display of NOVELTIES, we are opening several caßes DRESS GOODS and DRESS DECOKATIONS, by Tainui, now unloading at tho wharf. WARNOCK, KELLY & ADKIN. CHRISTMAS, 1889, AND NEW YEARriB9O. R. HANNAH & CO.'S COMPLIMENTS. IN returning our sincere thanks for the large and liberal support the publio has seen prudent to bestow upon us for the past 15 years, we wish it known that we hopo, by cawrful Btudy of the requirements of the Boot-purchasing Public, combined with civility to even seoure the confidence of the few that have not yet worn HANNAHS Boots, U possible, during 1890. But when we deduot our takings and the number of HAIS^AH b Boots Bold from the total quantity consumed in the place, we find there is but a very small I -margin left for the other boot dealers. ! One great source of saving to the public is secured by dealing at HANNAH b, wnore [ you can get good Boots, at lower prices than you would pay elsewhere— in fact, you • only pay ono profit, whereas in other places you have to pay throe profits— viz., the i Manufacturer's Profit, the Importer's Profit, and the Retailer's Profit. « R. HANNAH & CO. are the largest Direot Importers in New Zealand, and also the i largest Manufacturers, and they supply about half of all the Boots and Shoes worn in New Zealand. During the Holidays the following lines will be offered for salo :— 6000 pairs of Children's Boots, at Is 4000 pairs <?£ Ladies' Nice Walking Shoes, at 4s lid, 5s lid 5000 pairs of Ladies' Beautiful Prunella Walking Boots, at 5a lid 3000 pairs of Ladies' Slippers, at 2s lid, 3s 6d, 4s, 4s 6d 4000 pairs of Children's Strap Shoes, at Is, Is 6d, 2s „„„,,- OJ , r m 10,000 pairs of Men's Boots, from 9a 6d, 10s, 11s 6d, 12s 6d, 13a Gel, Us 6d, 15s 6d, 8000 pairs of Men'a Beautiful Shoes, from 6s lid, 7s Gd, 8s 6d, 9s (id. 10s, lls 6d, 12/fi 20,000 pairs of Lailies' Evening Shoes, from 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid, os lid, Gs lid, 7s Gd 7000 pairs of Ladies'* Button Shoes, from 7s 6d, 8s Gd, 9s Gd, 10s Gd, lls Gd, 12s Gd 400 pairs of Ladies' Tan Shoes 200 pairs of Girls' and Maids' Tan Shoes 15_5 TRUNKS SEASONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Ex ARAWA, WILL BE OFFERED DURING THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. ' Hannah's Bluchers, 5s Gd Hannan's Shooters, 9a Cd, 10s 6d, 12s 6d Hannah's Watertights, 10s 6d, 12s Gd, I3s 6d Hannah's Mastic Sides, from 9s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d Hannan's Patent Indostructible-tood Balmorals never wear out. Wo aro the only makers Sole Agents for Cove & West's Porpoise-hido Boots and Shoes Sole Agonts for F. Pinot's Boots and Shoes Agents for Otto Herz & Co., and for Bostook & Co. Look out for tho Best Value in New Zealand, only to be obtained at jR. HANNAH & CO.'S BOOT PALACE, 79, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. Leather and Grindery of every description. Uppers crot up for the trade. B. HANNAH, Proprietor. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINB AT THE CABH BOOT MARKET. CASH BOOT MARKET. For genuine good values no one can touch us. Few oome anywhore near us. Many have tried to imitate ns, but have failed in the endeavour. We have triumphed over all competition and rivalry. Our friends try to do the boot trade, but can't. The people one and all come to ns, and the people are, in this, as in other things, the best judges. READ THE PRICES: Gents' Er glish Shoes, 7s 6d Ladies' Strong Kid E.S., 4s lid, 5s lid Genta' K'aglish Balmorals, 10s 6d Ladies' German Button Boots, 7s 6d, 8s 6d Gonts' English E.S., cheap, 9s lid Ladies' Lastings, 4s lid, 6s 6d, 7s 6d Gents' Tourist Boots 14s Hd Ladies' House Boots, oheap, 3s lid Hannah's Make Shoes, 8s Gd Ladies' Tan Shoes, lateßt, from 9s 6d Hannah's Bohool Boots, 7 to 9, 3b 1 Id Ladies' Pretty Evening Shoes, 3s lid, 4a lid, Hannah's School Boots, 10 to 13, 4s lid 5s lid Hannah's Youths' Kip Laces, Itos,Gs Hd Children's Strap Shoes, oheap, from Is Men'a Neat Shooterß, 10s Gd Girls' Walking Shoes, very cheap .Men's Watertights, 9s lid, 10a 6d Youths' and Boys' Walking Shoes Hannah's Superior E.S., 9s Hd, 10s 6d Ladies' House Slippers, from Is Hd Ladies' Neat Walking Shoos 4s Hd, 6s 9d OUR SHOW IS WORTH SEEING. THE GOODS WILL PAY FOR INSPECTION. THE PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. AT THB CASH BOOT MARKET, No. 28, CUBA-STREET. R. HANNAH & CO. NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS HLUJU EXHIBITION. _J__OT_srs IT is with pleasure that J. H. DALTON, . . , „,,. „„„ - <»• Tailor, 43, Cuba-stre^t, directs the * Appointment to their Excellencies Sir attention of the public to t_e result of the F. D. Jebvois and Lord Onslow. judging in tho DUNEDIW EXHIBITION, in whioh he has gained the following » NNOUNCEMENT. awards : — _^_ First Award for r A\a:b- class Hand-sewn PRICE, O'MALLEY & CO., J aJOnDB • « • PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PORTRAIT First Award for Artistic Cutting PAINTERS First Award, and Special Awahd for _ .... „,,,, ! . , Superior Style and Finish Be P? **> intimate that they have taken over First Award for Ladies' Riding Habit the busineas lfttolv carried T on b J Meßßrs - Connolly and Herrmann, 55, Lambton-quay, The abovo awards should serve to show they have made important alterations t'aat my work ia both artistically and wall- and completely remodolled the whole prec lade in the very latest and best style. mises. THE OPERATING ROOM To suit the taste of some of the customers, Haa be(m fitted according t o tho moßt A slight alteration in the arrangements of , , , , , „ the workshop has beon made, so that those modern and approved system for the prowho prefer to have their clothes made all duction of by hand can do so without any extra charge. HIGH ART PHOTOGRAPHY My PRICE-LIST is the same as usnal, the And the alterations, which have been VERY CHEAPEST IN NEW ZEALAND, oarried out under Mr. O'Malley's superconsistent with the very best olass of work, vision, are such that the unpleasant heat and glare often complained of in the PRICE - LIST • photographio atelier are completely avoided, Snit to order, with Extra Trousers _2 10 0 d tCSr^assSed l^ooltlZ^^lVrZZl 8 5 0 complexion or fabric can be roproduced. Suit to order, with Extra Trousers 310 0 The Lighting and Posing, which is Mr. Suit to order, with Kxtra Trousers 315 0 O'Malloy's special forte, ho having had a Suit to order, with Extra Trousers 4 0 0 thorough artistic training and experience in Suit to order, with Extra Trousers 410 0 the best studios in England and America, Snit to order, with Extra Trousers 415 0 will be par excellence. Customer can bavTTheir clothes made all ! at ?*£?!^^? Jf&A?ffi£ by hand without extra charge, but in that attention to this style of finishing for those Jse no extra trousorswill be given. , "Stedty _?«£ All prices quoted are for nett cash. I 1B Dot injured b/ handlil * nor | Evory article guaranteed thoroughly well All Negatives taken by the late firm are shrunk, and made equal to any house in onr possession, from which duplicate I in New Zealand. orders may be had, or enlargements made, and finished in oil, water colour or monoJ. H. DALTON, chrome - PRICE, O'MALLEY & CO., TAILOR, 55) Lambton-quay. 43. Cuba-street. I T. PRINGLE fKI JPJL J%% XNVITES inspection of a very charming 9y3«?B£tiH_«iio and ex fc enR ' ye ser ' eB of New Styles, \^rSj^3j§gv2f}T Designs, and Colourings, in •igyWffiS____3«J_» Felt, Diagonal, and Art Serge Work, in OPINIONS ON THE Brackets, Cosies, Drapes, Antis, iir « mfn nt> A I TVDT7Q Cushions, Handkerchief Sachels, MAII-OrALr-Lir-hS Doyleys, Pipe and News Racks, (Patented). j Smoking Caps, and a large assortA NEW PROCESS ment of new and pretty things in in FELT MOUNTED GOODS, PHOTOGRAPHY Sucn as Thermometers, Watch Stands, rSXKJ i. KJ vjja,a_ XL x . Cigarette Boxes, Hat Brushes, Papor Knives, _c, THE Most Noble Tns Marquis of Qualnt novel artißtic and Exceedingly Downshire writes :— ' I think great Inexpensive praise is due to you for making such a step in the art of Photography, and I feel quite sure your process will meet with the success I These are just to hand per Rnapehn, from it deserves." 1 the most extensive manufacturers in Mr. Walrond, Private Skcretart to London, and onr Revised Price-list will His Excellency the Governor writes:— challenge favourable comparison with any "Your new process is lovely, and far snpe- Wholesale House in New Zealand. rior to the old glazing. I showed them to LINEN GOODS FOE CEOSS-STITCH. trast between the picture of himself printed We have to hand in exquisite qualities— in the Matt-Opal-Type and the same picture Sideboard Covers, N.D. Bags, B. and C. printed in the ordinary way." Bags, 5 o'clock Covers, Toilet Sets, DoyThe Wanganni Herald, 3rd December, leys, Tray Cloths, at such low prices 18g9 : _"\Ve have received from Messrs. that there is really no excuse for anyone Wrigglesworth & Binns, of Wellington, who buying inferior goods are undoubtedly the best photographers in the colony, Bamples of their production by a m TR APFn nATIVTVAT rTOTW"? new process, patented, we believe, by them, m AKAG_D OAIM-AL CLOTHS, known as the ' Matt-Opal-Type.' The pic- We have a lovely series of Kato Greenaway tnres are in overy respect works of art. designs, for in this, as in all their work, Messrs. Table Covers, Is lOd ; Splashers, Is 3d : Wriggles worth & Binns have achieved the Toilet Sets, lid to Is 8d per set: B. and greatest success," &c, &o. C. Bags, 9d to Is 8d; N.D. Bags, 9d The Marlborough Expresß, 27th Novem- to Is 9d ; and many other equally low ber, 1889 :— " We have no hesitation m Bay- priced lines, ing that the Matt-Opal-Type will revolu- Also, lionise photography, and be universally A j of d colonrß j_ Knit . adopted. In fact, one could never endure fan^ Silk, Macrame Twine, Tinsel, Chelooking at a glazed picture after seeing nil f e< and all reqnisiteß fo r working or theße. finishing off needlework. MESSRS ~~~ WRTPPT T?uwm)frTJ Werespeotfnilysolicitavisitof inspection, VV SXX\J KjJu BO W _»_i I±l feeling certain that no one else in town can AND show either such an extensive, well-assorted, BINNS or °k ea P ran B e °f new work as PHOTOGRAPHERS T - PEIN GL E, To His Excellencj the Right Hon. Lambton Quay, the Earl of Onslow, Governor of New Zealand, SOLE PATENTEES ~ 7. WILLIS - STREET. WELLINGTON, Tj^Oß CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS, Nearly. Opposite the Empire Hotel, JTelephone No. 161. From 3d per pieoe, Go to R. & E. TINGEY, STABLE MANURE can be had at the (Late M'Alpine), Tramway Stables in any quantity gratis, Manners-Btreet.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXXIX, Issue 68, 22 March 1890, Page 1