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WEDNESDAY, sth JUNE, 1889. FREEHOLD FARM, WAIRARAPA. Hit ESSRB. J. H. BETHUNE A CO. havo _IjJI. been favoured with instructions from Mr. Jud<i. executor in tho estate of Mr. Riobard Parkor, deceased, to Bell by public auoti 11, at their rooms, Featheraton-atreet, on Wednesday, sth June, at 2 o'clock — That Valuable Farm, containing — -| AA ACRES superior land (more JL \f \f or leis), being section No. 18 on the plan of the Wharekaka Block, Wairarapa, together with the dwellinghouae and outbuilding* thereon, now in tho occupation of Mr. W. Parker Thin splendid property is adjacent to the township of Martinborough, and ifl one of the beßt pieces of land in the district. For further particular.) apply to MR. J. THOMPSON, Solicitor ; I Or, to THE AUCTIONEERS.

WKDNEBDAY, sth JUNE, 1889. VALUABLE FRKEHOLD FARM, CAItTERTON. MESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE A CO. have beon favoured with instructions from Vr. Joseph Ingloy to Bell by public auction, at their roorna, Featheraton-atreet, on Wednesday, sth June, at 2 o'clockLot 1. That superior freehold farm, containing pr y/»l ACRES excellent land Ool)2 (more or less), part of Seotion No 202, Taratahi Plain Blook, together with dwellinghouso thereon Thia is a high-class property, feuced and subdividod into several paddookß, situated near the Borough of Carterton, and having a long frontage to the main road. Over 100 aores are now ploughed, ready to sow with grain, and about 60 acres of turnips are now growing. Lot 2. QQ ACRES 1 rood 15 perches of land OO in the Borough of Carterton, boing part of Section No. 143, with larjre dwellinghonse, stable, and outbuildings erected thereon Thia is a splendid property. For furtlmr particulars, apply to Mr. J. THOMPSON, Solicitor ; Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. WEDNESDAY, sth JUNE, ISB9. ABSOLUTE AND UNRESERVED SALE OF MORRISON'S BUSH RUN, WAIRARAPA. MESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE A CO. havo been instructed by D. G. A. Cooper, Esq., Deputy-Registrar of the Supremo Court, to sell by publio auotion, at their rooms, Foatherßton-Btroot, on Wednesday, the sth Jnne. 1889,at2o'olook,undert_he provisions of " Tho Property Law Consolidation Aot. 1883," and '"Tho Land Transfer Aot, 1885," without reserve— That well-known Shoep and Cattle Run, called MORRISON'S RUN, until reoently in the occupation of the late William Mitchell, and situated about six miles and nine milos respectively from tho railway Btations at Grey town and Feathoraton, South Wairarapa The run oontains 4404^ acreß, of which 3660 aores are leasehold and 741^ acreß are freehold. Tho following are the particulars ef tho land :— FREEHOLD. 150 aores. Part of Block 17n, known as Puke Puke, Onetea Island. 128J acres. Part of the Te Uruokakite Blook, known aaTeTawaba. 277 acres. Part of the Kaitara Blook. 189 acreß. Part of the Uruokakito South A Blook. 7441 ACRES - LEASEHOLD. 1200 sicroa Part Block No. 17m, known aa Moiki. Term, 21 years, from the Ist December, 1884. Rent for firat 10 years, £60 por annum, and during tho remainder of the term £70, payable half-yearly 24G0 acron. Uruokakito South B. Term, 21 yoars from Ist Dooembor, 1884. Rent, £150, payable half-yearly 3660 ACBES - The buildinga consist of a good eightroomed houßO aud offices, stable, woolshed, barn, Ac. Also, Large drafting yards, stookyard and shoep dip. The Run ia aub-divided into conveniently sized paddooks, with post and rail and wire fenoes, all more or less level, well grassed, and in ite present etate will carry from 6000 to 7000 shenp all the yoar round, but by a little judicious outlay its capabilities could easily be groatly incroasod. Very fair orops have boon obtained from several of the paddooks, which have bee'i ploughed. A good mot ailed road runs through the property, and tho Post Offico at Morrison's Bush ib distant about ono and a half miles from the homestead. The whole of tho above properties will bo sold in one lot. STOCK. Immediately after the foregoing sale the Auctioneers will, by instructions from the Mortgagees, sell the stock oa the laud above desoribed, consisting of— 6000 SHEEP K(\ CATTLE And OA HORSES More or less. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs. A. A C. BRANDON, Solioitors to the Mortgagees ; Or, to J. H. BETHUNE A CO., Auctioneers and Estato Agents.

WEDNESDAY, sth JUNE, 1889. IMPORTANT SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD CITY PROPERTIES. MESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE A CO. have been favoured with instructions from tho Liquidators of the Northern Land, Loan and Building Company (Limited) to sell, by publio auotion, at their rooms, on Wednesday, sth June, at 2 o'olook— Lot I.— All that magnifiaent freehold, having a frontage of 60 feet to Willis-street, aud a frontage of 54 feet to a right-of-way 10 feet wide, reserved for the purposes of light and air, by a depth of 95 feet, together with the valuable building erectod tbereon, consisting of four shops and eight offices in the oooupat lon of tenants This splendid property, adjoining the Empire Hotel, is aitnated in tbe very centre of tho beat bnsiness part of the city, in olose proximity to the Queen's Wharf, Post Offioe, and other publio buildinga. Lot 2. — Allotmpat of land, part of Town Aore No. 200, adjoining tho residenoa of Mr. Hoby, Dentißt, having a frontage of 33 feet to Upper Willia-etroet by a depth of 66 feet Let 3.— Allotment of land, adjoining the above, having a frontage of 33 feet to Upper Willis-street and 66 feet to a right-of-way 15 feet wide The Seotions 2 and 3 are admirably adapted for business sites or the erection of private residenoes. Terms liberal. JOHNSONVILLE SALE YARDS. WEDNESDAY, sth JUNE. FREEMAN R. JACKSON A CO. will sell as above, at 11.30 a.m. — 56 fat bullocks 20 veal calves 250 fat sheep 80 pigs (inoludiug baconers, porkers, and stores) Train loaves Wellington and Manawatu Railway Station at 11 a.m., returning at 12.14 and 2.15 p.m. THURSDAY, 6th JUNE, At 1.30 o'olock sharp. ON THE PREMISES, PIRIE.STREET. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF UNRESERVED SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FURNISHINGS, AND EFFECTS (almost new). f>i EORGE THOMAS A CO. have received vX instructions from Samuel Smith, Esq., to sell by public auction, at his residence, Pirie-street (adjoining Mr. R. P. Collins' propotty), on Thursday next, the tJth June, at 1.30 sharp— The whole of his oxcollent household furniture, particulars of whioh will appear in a future issue. Cataloguos will be provided and visitors will have an opportunity of inspecting on Wednesday afternoon after 2 o'clock. Wholly unrosorved. F. W. HAYBITTLE, Auctioneer.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 130, 3 June 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 130, 3 June 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 130, 3 June 1889, Page 4