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ft«m Yyyll iMaUlgfcii run BPT\ B I fi\ \ K - Zl INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE, / I *AA«« M / Jm\ m" The blending is entirely attenSSL I COiS M r£&**kn % ded to by Mr. Nelson himself, ? "r" M. WWv M wQ^BSSsS % who is a Taster of great erperim rru77~^r\ m enC( ?' aru ! ' las ' la< l B special ... -r-i_iC X AJ3z3&&\ «l training in the art." IN Int m /ryyx^Tiy U TIMARU HEKALD. lyk m I (irr l F~i^?*)\ " This firm deserves the supVl/ C\ r\ 1 \J M / J-'J i '*¦"'<< \ % port ofall purchasers of Te» V^ l"\ U» " m M JiZUFfeSv^*A as the article tbey ofler ii * m M& L&G?i*rt&? >o\ m superior to anything we M tg ffjfr&ig&rt 7>\ % have seen in tuisColony." . \£v # tja ntfriaSwS- w\ % press. i\lP^* # /£" LSffiSESRsL A m " Mr. Nelson is a proV)^ # 1$ £323§t \ 1 " "* ™ OUGH JfL. .^r.^^^S^^^-.N JJL P RICES: PORE BLENDED TEAS? AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURGH, DUNEOIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. £?=A% ttft-n-jfl) GOOD NEWS for tho Babies! My advico to them is not to walk, aa I am Bolli Rubber Wheel Perambulators from £'1 7s Oil upwards ; Iron Wboel, from £2 wards; all Reversible Hoods. Can be had on the Hire Systom, if roquired. Invo Carriages jn»do to order, at different prices, with or without rubber wheels. Lent out hire by the day, or weok, or month. Chairs, Tables, Drees Stands, Cradlos, Picnio i other Baskets, including Butchers, Bakera, Grocers, with patent handles. EDWIN ARNOLD, 90, Willis-stroct, Wellingtor

LONDON LOAN AND DISCOUNT BANK. OFFICES PANAMA-STREET. Established 1875. Tho oldest and most reliable offioo in Wellington for IMMEDIATE ADVANCES On Bills of Salo, Deposit of Deeds, Sharoß, I Bond Warrants, &o. CASH ADVANCED On Personal Security, repayable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. SPECIALITY. Bills Discounted Dailt at Current Rates. All Transactions Entertainod. Addrosß-THE MANAGER. SOUTH PACIFIC LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LTD.). Offioo, Manners-Btreot. Telephone, 253. Are prepared to advance sums on personal security as under — Loan £s— reoeive £4 14s to be repaid by 20 weokly instalments of ss. Loan £10— reoeive £9 9s, to bo repaid by 20 weekly instalments of 10s. Loan £15— rooeive £14 3s 6d, to be repaid by 20 weekly instalments of 15s Loan £20— reoeive £18 18s, to bo repaid by 20 wookly instalments of 20a. And other sums by arrangement. Advanoos on deposit of deods, Ao. Amounts received on deposit FRED. G. THOMPSON, LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL, AND GENERAL AGENT. Loans Negotiated from £50 to £20,000. Money always available. Agknt Phcenix Fire Offic*. Offioos— Grey-street, next Nationalßank. MONEY. MONEY TO LEND, at lowost ourront rates, or. freehold, leasehold, or other approved Beouritios, in any sums from £50 upwards. M'TAVISH, TATUM & CO., 31. Loinbton-quay. .£M i\i\ TO LEND on Froohold SoondW'jbUU rity (town). Address, Canton, Evening Post. QEVERAL Sums of Monoy, from £500 upwards, to be lent on good Freehold Seourity. MOORHOUSE & EDWARDS, Solicitors, 12, Brandon-street. MONEY TO LEND. CW. TANNER, Solicitor, Lambton- * quay, oan Lend Monoy in sums from £100 to £2000 on good freehold securities. C. W. TANNER, Solicitor, Chamber of Commerco Buildings, Lambton quay. ONEY TO LEWD, on Freehold Security, at loweßt current rateß. Apply to General Manager Colonial Insurance Company. fEANK GRADY, Optical Goods High-class Artibtio Watches, Clocks Jkwellert JEWELLER, AND Novelties in Electro-plated Goodb IMPORTER, Suitable for Wedding Presents, WILLIS-BTREET, CHOICE SELECTION of FANCY GOODS. Ronairs a Speciality ADVICE TO PARENTS.

THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF U.S. Established upon the Mutual Ststem, All profits being divided amongst its Policy holders. ~\TO stronger system for the government J^l of a Company was over devised than that embodied in its Charter and By-laws. It ia the pioneer of all important reforms so necessary to modern Life Assurance. It is the Largest and Richest Sooiett in the World. New Business is now being obtained at a rate exceeding .£35,000,000 a year. The Assets of tbo Equitable aro £17.578,939. The Surplus Fund alone represents J63,750,888, far exceeding that of any other Offioe, therefore it haa the largest bonusgiving powor of any Offioe in the world, ACTUAL RESULTS, NOT ESTIMATES. Hundreds of thousands of pounds are now being paid away yoarly by the Equitable in Bottling TONTINE POLICIES, and theso settlements surpass anything that haß ever been done in other forms of Life Insurance, and no Colonial Offige can show antTHINO TO COMPARE WITH THEM. J. J. FLETCHER, Chief Agent. n ,-v>^.,..':',',.-/i rf \j GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. LOANS ON MORTGAGE. From timo to timo a hunted portion of tbo funds is lent on arst wortyaso of freebold security, with option of lov-iyniont by fixed Instalments, spread over IS, 15, or L'.U years. Hall-yearly Payment „ . „ „ l°r each £ 100. Period of Loan — £ h. d. Tipelve yeare ... ... & i 1 Fifteen yoars ... ... 5 8 9 Twenty years ... ... 4 13 8 Loans repayablo by instalments whereby principal and interest aro both liquidated witbin a giveu timo and on terms of a most favourable character piesent marked advantages to Bottlers and otuois. The boirowor may, ooforo the expiry o! the full period, redeem tho loan, with or without notice, on terms which oan bo ascertained at this office, or at any of the offices of this Department, where also forms of application.can bo obtained. For full particular as to loans, apply to (he Head and Branch Offices and Post Offices. P. \Y. FRANKTjAND. Actuary and Principal Officer. D. M. LUCKIE, Commissioner. THORNDON BREWERY. • J. STAPLES & CO., Brewers, Malt and Hop Importers. J STAPLES & CO. in returning thankß to the trade and private persons for thoir liberal patronage hitherto, would respectfully beg to inform them that their supply of ALE, STOUT, &0., in bulk and bottle, is of the choicest quality, and would solioit a oontinuance of their former favours. Private families supplied in quantities two gallons and upwards. All orders punctually attended to. THORNDON BREWERY. J. STAPLES & CO., Propeietors. T3 OOFING FELT. ROOFING FELT ON SALE, In largo or small quantities. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN. J. E. HAVES, 105, Lambton-quat. SCOULLAU & CHISHOLM (Late North & Scoullar), inuiar.TnßE, piano, AND ORGAN WAREHOUSE LAMBTON-QUAY Wellington, And Rattray-Btreot, Dunedin.

T OOK well to the stato of yonr CHIDREN'S TEETH. They have to last them for the rest of thoir lives. Yon may have them Regulated from 2b 6d, and Stopped from ss, by Beeing WALTER E. HALL, DENTIST, WILLIS-STREET. ~%/T For Mirth 'tis Good to know, Work is fun Witb SAPOLIO.

ISLAS FLUPINAS. ¦Jt/r ANILLA CIGARS, Maria Christina, Direct from the Factory. All Sizes and Qualities. Similar goods have never before been seen in this colony. To bo had from—f roin— j Wholesale ... JOSEPH NATHAN A CO. Ratail ... J. MANDEL. \\T # EADES & CO., j * 20, CUBA-STREET, Opposite Te Aro House, UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL FURNISHERS. Hearse, <to., kept on Premises. Funerals conducted to suit all olasses, witb every requisite. BUILDEBS AND ONTBACTORS. IN futnre, the Premises of TUSTIN BROS., Manners-street, will be open every day from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., except Satnrdayß, when the Retail Shop will be open till 2 p.m., and in the evening from 7 till 10 o'clock. V|yiLSON & RICHARDSON'S FOB GLOVES. I SHOULD pmile with a pair pants ftr nothing. DALTON, 43, Cuba-street.

T pHE GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY JL (Limited). Depdt— Manners and Victoria-streets near Cuba-street, (Includes Wallsend, Coalpit Heath and Brunner Colleries), Having taken over the Brnnner Coal Company's business on shore and afloat it will bo our constant aim not only to maintain, but also to largely extend the said business. The possession of these three celebrated colleries enables us to do so moat advantageously for our customers. There will also be a large supply of tbe best Coalbrookdale and Newcastle coal on hand for all who prefer them, separately or mixed with our own coal. Sales from the combined mines last year was 160,000 tons. GREY VALLKY COAL COMPANY, (Limited.) W. C. GASQUOINE, Local Manager, j ROBERT DONALDSON, BaIiZiAMCs-btbeet, Wellington. I have always in stock, and to arrive, large shipments of Brooks, Shoobridge & Co's unrivalled " Anchor " brand Portland Cement Andrew and James Stewart's Tubes and Fittings, black and galvanised, for gas and water Scott, Cuthbortson & Co.'s superior Londonmade Paperhangingß I am also Sole New Zbalakd Agent D. Y. Stewart 4 Co., Pipe Founders Leach, Flower & Co., Tin-plate Manufacturers The Steel Company of Scotland, makers of all kinds of Steel The Isca Foundry Co., Railway and General Engineers J. Petrie, Wool- waehing'and Drying Maohine maker Geo. Shand & Co., Landon and Melbourne, dealors in all kinda of sew and second. , hand machinery

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 4