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4IIIAW, SAVILL ANI> MJiIOTS COMPANY (I.IMITKW. MONTHLY LINE OF R')YAL MAIL FAST PABSENGIiIi bTßAMiatb, ALL POiiTS OF ZEALAND ANL LGNJJON. •Sata . rr II A HK W*£nifinent ,4i|§gj£ «- d.a. 'i.UNUr 020U Tons .'5.7)0 Hori-o-powor, B. VNV N iu.ow, Cominunder, W.U be dufipatohed from WELLIJfOTON FOX LONDON DIEEO'JL. 'IHURSDAY, 27th JUNE, 1889, to nr. foi,f.owKl> Bl Bteamcr. || 1 1| Counumdcr. D g&*,. Dorio ... 47M3000 J. W. Jenntop! j n i y w Aniwa ... 6200 3600 j. stwart August 22 CopUo ... 4367.30W O. Burton Sept. 19 Eonio ...W*3oo W. H. Kidley October 17 ' Cainui „. WOO :«« B. J. Barlow Nov. 14 Tfc« abovo aro all now steol-built •tfteamcrs, mid tho accommodation for all obMTOos ot steamero'ia unsurpassed. *iho Homoward passage will bo via Eio do ¦ Janoiro nnd Tonoriffo, and tho timo occupied •ohould notiKrccod 40 days. An exptfriouced Surgeon will accompany "iiwh otrt».mor. ,„ P'. "hove will bo supplemented by tho Mfcrwwg and othor firtit-olaHB SAILING VESSELS. N.m.ofHhi P g | Commander Til" of" O Bulling. Alustor ... P'MlOOAlTOlH^brnok fcay Hud Ho n.. VU7 -AAI A U Ken* June Tho uii'l'-rmimea «»f> om owored to grant . paßta«oH from ijcnfon to Now Zealand, payj™M for v^Wfl bis Ixjon guarantor to Iho "W. ft O. TURNBULL fc CO. ¦MURRAY, ROBERTS A CO. j KVTN & CO. (f'OMPAQNIK "f)ES MESSAGERTES * MARITIMKS. SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, & ADELAIDE TO MARSEILLES (via Suez Canal). gtoawcm under Postal Contract with tho (•iovornment of France. •GtthiiK at Mauritius, Reunion, Seyohelloß, and Port Said. I ho Company's steamers will bo dospatohod as follows: — Htnainohlp. J^*™ Leuva tsnve vjcnby. Molbonni* Adelaide »»<")"? ... ft J.^s May 28 Way .10 i-nla/.y ... j miu .J6 I J lm e 28 Juno 30 f'ASS"AG¥TIONEY7 Nkw Zealand to Marseilles:— r irnt buloon £q§ Return. First Saloon, available for 9 months... w£los Sydney ok Melbouune to Marseilles. Sfoom! Saloon .£4O Third Class ... '" ... ,", 20 Retuhn. Second Saloon, available for 9 months £C 4 _„. -. ii •• 12 G8 Third Class „ „ 9 „ ... 34 ,_, •¦ ... .. 12 „ '.'.'. 3G Through tickots to London, overland, via Marseilles, can be prooured on board steamer for JES. Tablo Wines, Beor, &0., aro inuludod in tho passngo monoy. Special advantuges offered to passengers Caking through tickots from Now Zealand. for freight, passage, and further partiouUrn, apply to LEVIN & CO., _ Agonts, Wellington. •*g§gfcjivT>ENINPULAR A ORIENTAL «2SaaSSr X BTKAM NAVIGATION Co. Tho Company's Bteamships will bo dotipatchod with her Majesty's mails as follows, for LONDON, oallint? at Colombo, Aden, Snoz, Port Said, Brindiai, Malta, Gibraltar, Plymouth : — 8t— -¦ Tn.Commanderl jg™ M %»^ Oceania ... f1382 P. 8. TomlinlMay S5 May 80 tMiixsilfo „.4MlßßDßhallurd'June BJune 14 tPaithige...6''lSEOHt<>ad Juno 22 Juno 28 tK"tnp ..son a Adanißon July 6 July U ? These hteamera proceed direct from Albany to Aden. Tho PASSENGER FAREb from NEW EK ALAND are as under :— fort. Oium. Single. Befarn, TromspyPortto Nine TweWe NevZealacd. Months Monthj To Plvm'th 01 j tumfoa First «70 £105 «15 „ „ J Second 87—66 Tv nrindM, . Tfnlco.Triente I •"lirneilUs ( First 6fi 106 115 ii .. if Bpenna 86-66 Second Saloon Paßsenerers aro provided with First Saloon Accommodation in the steamers botwoen New Zealand and Australia. Tho SECOND SALOON Accommodation in tho abovo eitaamors having been thorowrblv reorpanised, tho Company are now enablod to offer intending Paflsongors to Eiiropo unrivallod Accommodation at tho above Reduced Eatos. Paßeapro monoy oan bo paid at this end for passßßoa from England. For farther particulars apply to the Agents Wollington, JOHNSTON & CO. ORIENT LINK OF EOYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FIEST-CLASS PASSENGER AND MAIL SERVICE, via the SUEZ CANAL. ¦^JJjw^».rr^HE following Steamships bo-«-3SSaso3&' J longing to the ORIENT and PACIFIC COMPANIES will leave SYDNEY and MELBOUENE on tho undermentioned dates for LONDON, via ADELAIDE, ALBANY", tho SUEZ CANAL, NAPLES, andGIBEALTAE:From From Todb Sydney Melbourne Oriznba» ... 6181 June 15 Juno 21 Lijiuria ... 4688 June 29 July 5 ?Calls Colombo. And fortnightly thereafter. New Zoaland passengers may connect with Orizaba at Melbourne, per s.s. Mararon, from Wellington, on Monday, 10th June, 18-9. Through fares to London, .£2l to £70, Canal duos inoluded. SoQond-olass Fares rodnoed to £36 and .£lO. First and gecond-olass passengers seouro special mlvantaires by booking through from Now Zoaland, being provided with saloon paspngeH to Australia, which aro inoluded in above faroa Return Tickets! First Saloon, availablo for 9 months ....£lO5 First Saloon, availablo for 12 mouths. ...£lls Sooond Saloon, available for 12 months Mb Second Saloon, availablo for 9 months £W Passages from London. — Third Class, £17 17h to £22. Special facilities afforded for bringing out friends nnd rolativos by propaymont of the pasaago monoy hero. Parcem Booked through to London at Reduced Rates. For futther particulars, apply to UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited), General Agonts for New Zealand. 1 TIT For Mirth 'tis Good to know, Work is fun With SAPOLIO. Circular. THE EAGLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ; (Opposito Barrett's Hotel). SIR— Having, some twelve months since, purchased tho above businoss from Mr. Huxley (in whoae employment we have been for upwards of five years, we would respect- * fully solioit a continuanoo of your esteemed favours. Being large purohoßora for cash , employing . as we do the bent talent in onr Cutting De- ' partment, and dovoting our entire personal ] attention to tho bnsiness, we are in a position ' to offer to our patrons exceptional value, ! oombined with excellence of style, fit, and \ workmanship. , We »re now opening up our lariro and ' varied shipments for the Autumn and Winter 1 Seasons, comprising Coatings and Tweeds in ( Colonial, Scotch, and English manufacture 2 ( , We would draw special attention to our ' Celebratod Suits at £3 10s and £1 10s. I thoroughly shrunk, and invite inspection »t your earliest convenience. | In all oommand, t < .We remain, Sir, f Obediontly youm, r JONES A ASHDOWN, (Late Huxley A Co.) FIRTH'S GBRM I N A ¦ _ 5 c Agents " STEPHENSON, SMITH A CO., 1 Farish-striet. BICYCLES. - -I Q FIRST-CLASS BICYCLES for sale, t Xmd on deforred payments. " WHITTEM. OHOLSON A CO. 1

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 129, 1 June 1889, Page 1