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I wV B \ (7\ rr\ m /jjV \n.z.iiidußTbial gazette. iJt A.^<4 ' I B Im\ m" The blending is entirely attenB\HSL 1 BOiS B (*<P®^» % ded to by Mr. Nelson himself, I IV l ** fl. ???¦? m ffNSUSpJH' » who is a Taster of great experi- • M ~^ "^^ m J-y3ts~S\ m enc ?" """i hdS ha<l a special ... TUC . B iQsESi&A % training in the art." IN Int B /'X*i3CL\ % TIMABU HEBALD. I* B # r*TPT?TOT*)\ " This firm deserves the supVY/ f\ r\ \ \J B t CU-AJii \ port of all purchasers of Tea »Myf\ _\r B I «*r l HP!ofi£\Tvrj\ *s the article they ofler is > * I* *^ B MQ [dSPr§*SSk! "Jl\ su P cr ' or '? anything wo B ms r~f°fF\^^y; f~\ have seen in tbisColeny." I h\> B g(Q vtsSi' SSSi^. " Mr. Nelson it a pro- ~» tt,v" B fO y%&™Z'*&iS Taster and PURE BLENDED TEAS? AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRSSTCHURCH, DUNEOIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE^ , GOOD NEWS for the Babies ! My advice to them is not to walk, as lam Belling Rubber Wheel Perambulators from £2 7s Gd upwards ; Iron \S hool, from £.2 uj.wards; all Reversible Hoods. Can bo had on the Hire System, if required. Invalid Carriages made to order, at different prices, with or without rubber .vheels. Lent out on hire by the day, or week, or month. Chairs, Tables, Drosa Stands, Cradles, Pionio and other Baskets, including Butchers, Bakers, Grocers, with patent handles. EDWIN ARNOLD, 90, Williß-Btroet, Wellington. r»\av mnow'-TOSITRANOF COMPANY IRON. CORRUGATED .1 OF NEW ZEALAND IRON. CORRUGAII^D IKUJN. ; PAPTTAL mX AND X J62 000 000 Sellerß have advanced their prices; we are vja.ri.xa.xj jjj AD o" mc js'. ' ' desirous of clearing our present stook at j Hereford-street, Christohurch. OldPbice. Hon. J. T. Poaooc?M TT LL B C. (Chairman) ;G. Quantities^*) Arrive. G. Stead, Esq. (Doputy-Chairman); J. -DATTTxr/rpp Tn?n<? Palmer, Bag.; Hon. W. Reevea, M.L.C.; Dnllshed. H. R. Webb, Esq. FELT> LEAD . H EADBD NAILS, Union Bank of Australia. In quantities tosuit purchasers. GbNEHAL ManAGKK: - TNrr , op OT TTT Tr »To W. Devenish Mearoe. w« p»teiOMMfc THE SPECIAL FEATURES that com- !¦ rom 6ft to 10,000 ft. aaond this Company to notice of intending Q n pnin.llv nWn insurera are : that it is a looal institution ; popt ATI? P 801 ffalS that tho capital is don ble that of any other PORTABLE BOILERS. New Zealand or AuatrDlian Inatitution j and Onrflnn -Rprinißitflß— HOSE, WAS3||fand GARDEN auffioiont guarantoe on thin point. Raton charged^retho lowest ; current. and g^ R *"*" JOHNSTON 4 CO., Pat6Dt &°& °- &C " Agent*. Ka,. -A small quantity of damaged CorrU' S IVERPOOL AND LONDON AND gated Iron to oloar. .SSLi GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1836. < JSbL .. At Invested Funda J86,673,204 Js> y^j^r^^S^ 4/h, Claims Paid 19,616,178 <& &£r 2 Fire Reserve Fund 1,500,000 tsAJ^^^^^^^aS^^S^t. ThisCompanyofEerßtoinsurorstheseourfty /**^^*^^^^v^L. of invested funds amounting to over SIX ¦Kjffl^ Ifff /' sSr« Y\« MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES $X R&asp*^. .J®m)) THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VERY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. * By a Special Aot of the New Zealand V%g£i&qgS^gg===^^isj*ar^gy'^ Legislature, the Company ia in a position to „<faSs*" cue or be sued in thia oolony. j^r^g? This Company has ever been noted for its promptitude and liberality in settling olaime. < Wft - Lowest ourront rates for all olassea of Firo BEWARE ! Inauranoe. • EDWARD PEARCE, Agent. OBSERVE THE TRADE MARK. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- QOME Unprin ci p l^" Person or Person JL PAN i, ,JiOJNIJU.N. IO bave been trying to imitate our Ranges Established 1803. but we are p pea Bedi eaße d to find in the essentia Capital ... ... ... th havQ failo(] We hope thiß decoptiv( Paid-up and Inverted... £700,000 pra ctice upon the pubho will have the effeo . , r7~ i. n i. t> i. - of sending buyers to our showroom or to ou Ricks aooepted at Loweßt Current Rates. to in order to proteofc t h 0 publio, whoßi Prompt and liberal settlement of olaime. interests we deaire to serve. Wo decided i »-™,-.t, ???5Uc n»-<m a tttcjtt short timo ago to apply to the Colonial Sco ALEXANDER JAMES M'TAVISH, rot for B Trftde Mark whioh waß tfid Offioeß, M'laviah, Tatum, & Co., Th - 8 wiU oonfer a gietii boon upon ftll 0010 Lambton Quay. nistßj inaslnni naslnno h as Luke and Sona' Rangei LONDON AND LANCASHIRE IN ahow a saving of about 50 per cent, in fuel SURANCE COMPANY. beßldes , greater durability than any othe! " range (manufactured or imported) in thi JB-JJBE BRANCH. colonies. OAPITAL ""!.. „. 41.060,000 LOOK A£ THIS! Head OffloeTtovißFOOi. YEAB WE S^. T OUT OTER 500 Insurance againat loss by fire on every de- JJf «¦ »«» P^«° h ™ ™»' acription of property, effeoted at current Jt «£J^ c they Bupp i y a Btronßer m rates. TftTrM<?TnN ACO Amenta cheaper article than anyone eke. JOHNbTOJM ft IU.. Agenw wfay .g. g . fc there is au(jh & rngh £or Lnke> NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY RaugeaP OF NEW ZEALAND. Because there is such a great saving i: FIRE AND MARINE. fuel. Capital (fully subscribed) ... ,£2,000,000 -— Paid-up and reßorvea upwards of .£269,000 A Second and Enlarged Catalogue i Loasea paid in 14 yeara 41,148,984 about to be issued. Distinctive Features. Undoubted Seounty. Inspection to their Showroom, Manner* Lowest Current Rates of Premium. street, invited. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. S. LUKE & SONS. Offioes: Featherston-street, Wellington. ANDREW CAMPBELL, rPROCLAMATION.I Manager. l HE STANDARD FIRE & MARINE I? exercise and purauance of the anthorit INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW vested in me in this behalf by ' Tho Trade ZEALAND Marks Act, 1866," I, the Colonial Secretar Capital ' JBI 000 000 °f New Zealand, do hereby certify that th With Unlimited Lia'bility'of Shareholder's. Tr^o Mark herein deaoribed, that ia Wellington Branch : National Mutual Life Association Buildinga, Deacnption of Trade Mark. Customhouse-quay. A Diamond, within which is a Dieh with Fire. — Insurances effected on all desorip- Leg of Mutton en it ; outside the dia tions of property at lowest current rates. mond are the letters and abbreviation Marine.— Wool insured from sheep's " WE, XL, S.L. & S." backs, or woolshed, to London. Open Poli- Nature of the Article to which it is mtende cies isßued to cover shipments to and from snc h Trade Mark shall apply. Great Britain, America, India, China, Aus- Cooking Ranges. turn may be obtained on application to the g^ rou InderS)1 nderS) are enti [ hd to the ÜBe 0 nndersigned. FVANS the Baid Tnwie Mark - WILLIAJSI Ji V AfNfc., lßgned from thfl Colonial seerota—.g offlc£ Manager ' at WelUngton, this fifth day of July, on T^T^^^^^^^m^T^^^^^^^^^- thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. T. W. Hislop, n_ -a- v jrivjio ri a a Colonial Seoretary and Sting J. HAVEb ' Fi ? e aB!a B ! Registrar of Trade Marks. Stoves. 105, Lambton-qhat. . FArRy mm Qp PEESENT| r.^ TWKtii* -t*. useful, cheap. Sf 9 Call and inspect Stoves J - KITCHEN'S, The Latest Improved ' Pantheon, Mannera-street. Gas a A q T7T'RT?S Gaa NOTICE TO LAW STUDENTS. Heating VX-^-CJ £ IXIJIO Firea. FINAL LAW EXAMINATION. Stovea. ™ „ -j|/T R. C. E. MATTHEWS' Classeß for th „ GAS HEATING H S?? ItJL Final Law Examination meet at hi FkL STOVES, Stoves, residence, WeUington-terrace, on the evei d rr ow>™». .ngß. ngB of Monday) Wednesday, and Friday i hx lONGARIRO, aB g^ij yreeic. Intending candidates wonld b ii i.- Now Opened. w;. ocl in ample time for the March examinatioi ggjjj* Terms on appUcation. „ ' J. E. HAVES, Woo^ Tj^Oß Ladies' Handbags, Fitted Bag Fkes. 105.Lambton.qnay. * *¦» Bags, Work Basket,, Wor Boxes, Ladies Companions, Gentlemen' Smoking Caps, Slippers, Tobacco Pouches Cigar Cases, Match Boxes, Braces, Writin Desks, Blotting Cases, &o. ; also, Dolli ISLAS FILIPINAS. Toya, and Ornamenta in endless variety, g ~ t0 J. BIRREL, MANILLA CIGARS, FANCY GOODS AND ART NEEDLE WORK REPOSITORY, Maria Christina, 45, Cpba-street. Direct from the Factory." A COSTLY RELIC. All Sizes and Qualities. A TOOTH of Sir Isaac Newton's wa Similar gooda havo never before boon Been Bold in m$ for gnm rf Jgm Jt in this colony. purchased by a nobleman, who had it set i To be had from — a ring which he constantly wore on hi Wholesale ... JOSEPH NATHAN & CO. fi n g er . Me. WALTER E. HALL, Dentisi Retail ... J. MANDEL. Willis-street, Bells New Artificial Teeti — - — for 10b each, and guarantees them to h PIANOS PIANOS ! pe rfect for eating and speaking and life-lik HANOS! inappearanc. THE largest I »st-seleoted Btock of CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS. PIANOS, A \ 3, HARMONIUMS, and ALL KINDS MUSICAL LNSTRUf QCOTT, CUTHBERTSON & CO.'S Pri« MENTS in the Cobny. Jo Medal Paperhangings. Large a6Borl ment in stock. Fifteen bales to arrive pc Sole Agenta for Bell & Co. 'a American Invercargill. These latter are a consignmen Organa _ from this eminent firm of their newest an „ ' „ Carle Ecke, Lipp and best designs. Prices and patterns defy con: Sohn, &0., &c. petition. „ „ C. Silvani & Co.'s Braa« R. DONALDSON, Agent, Instruments Ballance-street. Pianos by BrinsmeldTschwechton, Collard FOR CHRISTMAS RENOVATION. and Collard, Kapa, Hoelling and Spangonberg, Esdaile, Bord, Lipp, Rosener, Feller, tma Nkw Stock of Spacthe, Haake, Martini, dementi Hoff. T>APERHANGINGi man, &c, from £26. A Ia now opened up. Pianos on hire for concerts, &c. Harmoniums by Fontin Frcres, Pine" A Magnificent Stock, of Evert Baner, &c. from .£lO. Vaeibty. Any of the above supplied to responsible TUSTIN BROS., persons upon our Deferred Patment 79. Willis street. System. Violin Strings and Fittingß in great variety. VICTORIA FOUNDRY. Brass and Wood Band Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Musical Boxea, English and ~~~ German Concertinas, Accordions, Ac, &c. ~T7\ DWARD SEAGER Pianos tuned and repaired on the ahortcßt rli n °ti ce » Engineeb, Iron and Brass Founder, HOITMA"N & SONS, Boilermaker, and General WILLIS. STREET, WELLINGTON. Smith. Branches at Napier and Auckland. Estimates given for all descriptions o FAIRY SHOW OF PRESENTS Builders and Contractors Ironwork. uzeful, cheap. J. KITCHEN'S, Victoria and Manners-street, Pantheon, Manners-street Wellington TTmOT , a FAIRY SHOW OF PRESENTS -j C\ FD2ST-CLASS BICYCLES for sale, A leful, cheap, Jt-tmi on deferred payments. j. KITCHEN'S WHITTEM. N CHOLSON & CO. Pantheon, Manners-street.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 4