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roads, panting and frightened as if they had beon terror-striken. Tho extent of the remarkable occurrence may bo judged when we mention that every large farmer from Wallingford on the one hand to Twyford on the other seems to have had his sheep thus frightened, and it is also noteworthy that, with only two or three exceptions, tho hill country north of the Thames seems to have been principally affected. Wo have not heard, nor can any of the farmers give any reasonable explanation of what we have described. The night was intensely dark, with occasional flashes of lightning, but we do not think either circumstance would account for such an effect being produced over such a large area. We would suggest tho probability of a slight earthquake being the cause. For continuation ol mailing matter see fourth ¦pant. WASHING DRIiSS FABRICS at the Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse, TE ARO HOUSE. HIBERNIAN ZKPHYRS, Pure Linen Gingham, guaranteed fast colours, 3 3D per yard. 4 Only 10 pieces of the above left. CHOICE ZKPHYKS, in Stripes, Checks, and Plain Colors, guaranteed, Q3D por yard. CHARMING ZEPHYRS, in the moat beautiful and attractive patterns, •i 0 1 D per yard. 1-22 SPECIAL NOTICE! ALL OUR QUOTATIONS for dress lengths aro for -J O YARDS full, and ue object in Mo lo mislead the public by advertising lov) prices lor Dress Lengths which onhj turn out toboß or 8i yards. SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 3/9 SUMMFR PRINTS, per drers, 4/6 SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 5/9 SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 5/11 SUMMER PKINTS, per dress, 6/6 SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 6/9 SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 7/6 SUMMER PRINTS, per dress, 8/6 All the above in lengths of J2 YAR DS. Wo aro showing what is just suitable for the hot weather, of which we are likely to have a long spell, a very attractive and charming lot of SWISS EMBROIDERED ROBES, In White, Cream, Ecru, Sky Pink, at 9/6 10/6 12/6 15/6 and up to TWO GUINEAS. Tho Wholesale Family Drapery Warehouse TE ARO HOUSE. " THE DEFENCE ACT, 1886." TARANAKI VOLUNTEERS. WHEREAS certain monoya belonging to the Taranaki Volunteer Corps wero, some time in tho year 1864, vested by the members of such Corps in tho Hon. Sir Harry Albert Atkinson, '1 homas Good, Patrioio Griove Wilson, William Black, Thomas McGuinnesß, Matthew Carrick, and Burton Charles Lawrence, in trust for such Corps ; AND WHEREAS the said Corps were disbanded on the 23rd day of March, 1866, and immediately upon such disbandment the said trust monoys became vosted in the then members of auch Corpa ; AND WHEREAS owing to the length of timo that ha 3 Bince elapsed, it iB now doubtful who were members of auch Corps at the time of their disbandment; AND WHERE AS»Jiis Excollency the Governor has appointed fr Board of Officers to investigate the claims of any person or persona to such trust moneys as aforesaid, and of whioh Board the undersigned was duly elected Chairman ; NOW TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claim on such trust moneys as aforeaaid are requested to sond in such claims in writing, addressed to the undersigned, at the Militia Office, New Plymouth, on or before the 3lßt day of March, 1889; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person failing to send in such claim on or before the date aforesaid shall be deomed to have abandoned such claim. Dated at New Plymouth, the 15th day of Jannary, 1889. JOHN ELLIS, Major, Chairman of Board. WELLINGTON TRUST, LOAN, AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, Limited. THE Sixteenth Annual General Mooting of this Company will bo held at the Chamber of Commerce on FRIDAY, the Ist day of February proximo, at 8 o'clock in the evening precisely. Business : To receive Report and Balanee-sheot Election of Directors Eleotion of Auditors WM. BOYD. Secretary. Wellington. 19th Jannary, 1889. WELLINGTON POULTBY, PIGEON, AND CANARY ASSOCIATION. A SPECIAL General Meeting of the above Association will be held in No. 9 Room, Athenffium Buildings, on WEDNESDAY next, at 7.30 p.m. sharp. All members are particularly requested to be present. Business — To consider the advisability of purchasing permanent pens, a sample having arrived from England, will be exhibited. ROBT. E. BANNISTER, Hon. Sec. XV7" ANTED KNOW N — COTTLE'S COLONIAL CURE. In Two Forms for Household and Veterinary Use. THE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY, Being a powerful Antiseptic and Astringent. Taken internally cures Coughs, Colds. Croup, Sore Throat, Diarrhoea, Bronchitis, Asthma, &c. Used externally it heals Chilblains, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Sores, Bruiseß, and Sprains. Medical and other Testimonials on Bottles. THE VETERINAEY PREPARATION. Used externally heals Galls, Kicks, Wounds, Cuts, Bruises, Sores (ulcerated or otherwise), Broken Kneeß, Mud Fever, &c Used as a drench it cures Coughs, Coldß, Cholic, and Scouring. Patented and Manufactured by THOMAS COTTLE, Canterbury. Ask your Chemist fer the Preparation. Wholesale Agents— The N.Z. Drug Co. CHRISTMAB AND NEW YEAR. E. COHEN, /^ASH CLOTHIER, TAILOR, AND OUTFITTER, 92, Willis-street, Wellington, Has jußt opened A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or SILK HANDKBRCHIEFS, TIES, SCARFS, HATS, BRACES, BOYS' JERSEY AND TWEED SUITS, Ac, Ac, &c, Suitable for the coming Holidays. We have also much pleasure in announcing that our TAILORING DEPARTMENT is now in full swing, we having jußt received all onr new patterns in English and Colonial Tweeds, and to prevent disappointment we would advise all to aend in their orders as soon as possible. We have aho just opened 1000 beautiful PICTORIAL ALMANACS, quite works of art, and, the same aa previous yearß, we intend to present one to overy customer during the month. Note— F. COHEN, 92, WILLIS-STREET. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Friends of the late Mrs. Luoy Ann Greon are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral, whioh will leave the Wellington Hospital To-morrow (Wednesday), the 23rd January, 1889, at 12.30 p.m., arriving at the Taita Cemetery at 2.30 p.m. E. MORRIS, Jun.. _ Undertaker, Taranaki-street. FAIRY "SHOW ~"OF~~PRESENTS, useful, cheap. J. KITCHEN'S, Pantheon, Manners-street. OBDERS Ai withdraw advertisements from the columns of tho EVENING POST must be forwarded in writing to the offioe not later than 2 p.m. daily, otherwise they cannot be taken out until the following day. Advertisements sent in without the number of insertions written thereon will be kept in until ordered ont.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 3