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The libol aotion, Larnach v. the proprietors of tho Now Zealand Herald, was con eluded at 5 o'clock last ovening, the jury returning a verdict for the plaintiff, with damages .£SOO. The conclusion of this caso, and a letter to the Editor, will be found on the fourth page of this issue. It is understood that when Admiral Fairfax has completed his excursion to the West Coist Sounds he will be landed from H.M.S. Orlando at the Bluff, and will proceed to the Lakes district. The flagship will then go on to Akaroa, where tho Admiral will ultimately rejoin her. In reply to the recent representations of the deputation from tho Education Board to the Minister for Education, the Under-Sec-retary of the department has written to tho Board Btating that £400 will be pa-d to the Board in April on behalf of the technical branch of its work, on the understanding that this payment will extinguish all claimß against the department in reference to Mr. Eiley's appointment and salary. VVhon the direct steamer Tainui was being brought by the pilot into her borth at the wharf this morning one of her boats, which was hanging in the davits over her port quarter, fouled the now 10-ton hydraulic erano which is now being erected on the outer tee, and was badly stove in. Tho crano being quite a now feature was not allowed for, wo presume, on this occasion, but it is to be hoped that efficient precautions will be taken in future, both on board vessels coming alongside and on the wharf, to prevent such accidents being of frequent occurrence. It has lately como to tho knowledge of the harbour authorities that some expressmen havo been in the habit of demanding from passengers by outgoing steamers the ropaymont of money which they claimed to havo paid as wharfage on the traveller's luggaere. Nine-tenths of such claims are pure extortion, for no charge is made by the Harbour Board for luggage unless it exceeds half a ton in measurement, and then only the excess ia charged for. Besides, a receipt is invariably given by the wharf officials for any sum paid, howevor small, so that any person from whom a demand is mado should insist upon seeing this document before settling up with his Jehu. The following is the directors' report of the Equitable Building and Investment Company of Wellington, to be presented at the eleventh annual meeting, to bo held on the 4th February: —'" The directors beg to submit to the shareholders the company's balance-sheet for the past year. The balance at credit of profit and loss, after paying an interim dividend of 5 per cent. — requiring £1750—amounts to £3937 14s 2d. They propose to pay a further dividend of 5 per cent., making 10 per cent, for the year, which will absorb £1772 0s Id, and to deal with the balance of £2165 14s Id in the manner indicated below. During tho year the directors offered to the shareholders 3000 unallotted shares, at a premium of £1, which have been taken up. Tho shares not applied for by shareholders entitled were sold with a profit of £73 14s 6d ; and this amount, with the £3000 premium received, has been added to the reserve fund. From the undivided balance forward, the directors recommend that £1926 5s 6d be added to roserve fund, bringing it up to £10,000. Tho directors consider it advisable to amend tbe Memorandum and Articles of Association, and with that view will propose certain resolutions at the annual meeting Messrs. Boardman, Greenfield, and Kebbell retire from the Board, but, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. —Alfred Boardman, chairman." A dramatisation of the celebrated novel, " Barnes, of New York," was produced at tho Theatre Eoyal last evening by Mr. Geo. Darrell and company for the first time in Wellington, the performaneo being for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell. The audienoe was a fairly large one. The piece " took " exceedingly well, and we venture to say that if it were played again tho performance would be largely attended. Mr. Darroll's dramatisation abounds in comedy, and the hearty and frequent laughter showed that it was thoroughly relished by the audience. Mr. Darrell appeared in the title role and gave an admirable representation of the gay New Yorker, the character suiting him splendidly. Mrs. Darrell, as Marina Poole, the Corsican beauty, had a difficult part to fill, but nevertheless took it in a manner whioh loft little or nothing to be desired. Mr. J. J. Kennedy actod really well as Jem Buggies, the Kansas cowboy, and Mr. R. Vernon, as Count Musso Danilla, was hardly less successful. The comedy-drama was very nicely staged, and was porformed without a hitch. Taking it on the whole, the production was a great success, and we trust that Mr. Darroll will see his way to repeat the piece before he leaves Wellington. As a holiday bill for to-night, Mr. Darrell will produce, at tho Theatre Koyal, Tom Taylor's great drama, "Tho Ticket-of-Leave Man." This is universally acknowledged to bo one of the host dramas ever written, and Mr. DarreU's Bob Brierly is said to one of hia most successful impersonations. Mrs. Darrell and the full company will be in the cast. To-morrow evening, the last night of the Darrella, the original version of " East Lynne " will be producod, with Mrß. Darrell in tho dual character of Lady Isabel and Madame Vine—parts she haß made a remarkable success in on the Australian stage. Ono first offender was charged with drunkenness at the Magistrate's Court this morning, before Mr. Robinson, R.M., but waa discharged with a cantion. A young woman named Mathilda Dawsay, who had been arrestod on suspioion of lunacy, waa remanded for medical examination. She was subsequently discharged from custody, her sister having undertaken to be responsible for her. Benjamin Pepper, saddler, of Otaki, who a short time since instituted proceedings against Constable Carr for an alleged illegal arrest, was brought before Messrs. Small and Carkeek, Justices, at Otaki, on Saturday last and charged with the larceny of 30s belonging to George Werry, blacksmith, of that township. The case was proved against the accused, who was sentenced by the Court to two months' imprisonment. Pepper has since been brought down by Constable O'Rourke and confined in the Terrace Gaol, where he will serve his term. The statement of Anders Anderson, bootmaker, of Johnsonville, a bankrupt, was filed before the Official Assignee yesterday. Tho debtor put down his total liabilities as being £7310s 3d, while his assets are estimated at £82, making a surplus of £9 10s 3d. The unsecured creditors are Messrs. R. Hannah & Co., £46 19s lid : E. W. Petberiok. £19 14s; George Thomas & Co., £6 16s 4d. The bankrupt is indebted to the South Pacific Loan Company to the amount of £103, and the company hold seourity, valued at £160, over a qnarter-aore of land at Johnsonville, leased from E. W. J?etherick for 15 years, of which 6 years havo expired, and upon which is erected a six and a fourroomed cottage and a workshop. The first meeting of creditors will take placo at 11 a.m. on Monday next. A correspondent, signing himself Omega, writes from Featherston to the Wairarapa Shandard, dating his letter last Saturday, urging that, in order to enable residents in tho Wairarapa to see the Squadron, the Commissioner should issue cheap tiokets next Saturday, available for return on Monday. Wo would point out that as the Squadron will not bo here on Satnrday next there would not be much uso in the suggestion being carried out. An effort is being made to induce all the Friendly Sooieties of the Hutt and Petone district to unite in holding a large gathering an Easter Monday. The movement promises to be cordially taken up by all the [odgeß.l ¦

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 2