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SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION IHB NEW KhALAND SHIPPING COMPANY (Lmrncij) COMPANY'S MONTHLY LINE ROYAL MAIL LINE OF BTEAMKRB OF ROYAL MA Hi Under Contract with FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS, Th« Ntw Zealand Govtbnii-nt. betwebn .srvjfc^ be despatched with her ALL PORTS (WOTW^KALAND AND Majel ty', Mails as under •j2Mßr>^ npHE Magnificent m f « r nn M ISSSSfc* L B.S. TAINUL LONDON, •mivajutSß' Yj H.lO de Janoiro and Teneriffe. 520U Toni) Register, 3500 Howe-power, — B. J. Barlow, Commander, Will be dfiupatohod from «»«.-,.-. ° Coot- n . fn Port of WELLINGTON FOB LONDON DIRKCT, BUtu:a * n £ m«».a«. Pllto noimrt're ON THURSDAY, 7th FKISRUARY, 1889, - TO BK KOLLOWKD Xt Buapotm .. HfHFindlay Jan. 24 Lytt'lton j, . Kotkonra.. 4474 ..'umiiey iFeb. 21 Lytt >UnU >n S-2ij! Dutool Towiro... 41G3 HOllO Mar. 21 CfcuuMi. 8-a g » Comm_n_». ueMrt-^, AoriH.rf ... ««¦<! BntclifT April 18 \sw2. ttimntuka... 4174 Urwaßtroot May 10 Dorii ... <761 400U J. W. JennlDjj Wat. 7 And thenceforward every fourth Thursday. Amw« ... K«o 0000 J. Stuart April 4 Particulars may be learned on applicaIoa»« » 47W. 3000 W. H. Kldlay Mny 2 tton to -« _ W nn,« a. t. - „ THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO., Ooptla ... 48<37 0000 Q. Burton May 30 n , TT Custom House-quay. Ta) ... fi-0C- aeoo B.MBmIo- Jrne27 THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING"" COMPANY'S LINE. The above are all powerful new steel-bnilt steamers, and the accommodation for all WOOL SHIP FOR LONDON, classes of passongerß is unsurpassed. The Homeward passage will bo via Rio de £fe^. FT^HE Iron Clipper Barque Janoiro and Teneriffe, and the time oooupied mf^iy JL trttv-im ahould not oxoeed 40 days. __tt«B 111-ION, An experienced Surgeon will accompany 739 tons register, 100 Al at Lloyds, «»oh steamer. Has been chartered to load for London ~~Tho~^bovo will be supplemented by tho dire ° fc - A » tbo . bn " c °.f. f her oir .«? is , alre . ad , y following and other first-class in store, she ahould h^ve quick despatch, QATTTNrn vwdQiPT <s and is expected to sail SAUJ - WU VJ««U!.m. DURING SECOND WEEK IN NnmeofShip g J Commnnder. Timo ol — _____ For further particulars apply to Willowbank... 8U JAAI Wilson January THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMECelen Denny 728 *AAI Cnrnoll January PANY iTmriTirnl Merope ... 10TI AAI Thompson February -_W - (-IMITEDJ, Timaru ... 1800 100A1 Fullarton February CnstomhouEe-qnay. Tho underaignea are empowered to grant TTTTMTi! Jb SHXT paasagos from London to New Zealand, pay- -_U_W.i_ <B OUIN, ment for whioh has been guaranteed m tho WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRODUCE Oolony. MERCHANTS, W. ft Q. TURNBULL ft CO. TEA IMPORTS R<) f?!.^™* * C °- W INE MERCHANTS, LEVIN^CO ™ GENERA n ROCERS> 05, Wzllis-stbebt, Wellington, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, A ADELAIDE, Havo on Sftlo ~ TO MARSEILLES (Via Suez Canal). J. &T. Sinclair's Irish Hams and Baoon Stoamors under Postal Contract with the Mathieson's Limerick Hams, and the famous Government of France. " Star" brand York Hams Calling at Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Also, a largo stock of Canterbury and Otogo A<< m, and Port Said. Hams and Bacon The Company' r atoamors will be despatched Quality all that can bo desired. m follows :— Mild, lean, and tender. j English, Dutch, and Colonial Cheoso, Ht~im«liln tstTi IjOBTO fci;ftvo new - n d Old. Htourtblp. *, Cay . MdbotuuJAdtWdt. NEW SEASON'S TEA. 1000 boxes, 9a 6d, 14a 6d, 16s Cd, 18s, 20s Oopanlen ... Deo. 25 TDeo. 28 Doc. 30 half-ahesta Cook and Eagle Brand Sydney ... Jan. 25 Jim. 28 Jan. so Pyramid Brand, paoked in lib and |lb Rilazie ... Feb. 25 Feb. 28 Mar. 2 packets, at 2s 3d per lb SPIRITS. „.¦,,,..,„ MT » xmp — All the loading brands of Whisky, Rum, PASSAGE MONEY, Goneva, and Brandy, including the Niw ZIALAND TO Mars_lLL_s :— famed Ballaohulish old Scotoh Whisky, firs Saloon i>6ft 8 0.p., ton years old Rstubn. Penfold's South Australian Winos, well first Saloon, Available for 9 months ... _?IGS matured ¦> •¦ I' i, ... 115 All goods delivered to all accessible places Stdnet ok Melbourne to Marseilles. in the city. Seoond Saloon ,„ .£4O ™ rfCll " RETURN " HUME & S0N > Socoud Saloon, available te 9 months _g T eleph O n e G N OW-i5O W -i5. IS ' BTBEET - Thw r ;; 12 ;; ::: S townsend & paul, JPhrough tiokets to London, overland, via LTtrvnrwjvwDa Moreoillos, oan boprooured onboard steamer _„, ,„ . A«J__llMJ__,__, for _5. Table Wines, Beer, &o. are in- GHAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, a! uded in the passage money. COMMISSION AGENTS, Ac. Speoial advantages offered to passengers taking through tiokets from Naw Zealand. QALES of all description conducted at For froight, passage, and further particu* O most reasonable ratoß, and satisfaction l»rn, apply to LEVIN ft CO., guaranteed. Agents, Wellington. Parties wishing to have their Produoo, — -v*^ inrK'WTWviTTT a» * rvpnpwTAT ?o? on l try . &c -» disposed of, oan do so by 'fiftSfes P ENINSULAB * ORIENTAL leaving them with us, and have them sold _BSg__» *• STEAM NAVIGATION Co privately or by publio auction if preferred, ___ without inourring any extra expense. — «. — , . . . ... . - New Zealand, Australian, and Tropical Company's stoamships will be de- FrnitH in season received direct each vessel •patched with her Ma ]B sty' B mails as foUowß, alao Fowlb> Dnoks Qee Turkeys, Butter for LONDON calling at Colombo Aden, Eggß , cheese, Peas, New Potatoes, Peanuts Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Malta, Gibraltar, Cocoanuts &c &o o-"u«i, Plymonth! - ' HaveonSaleflteamers. Tns Commander gM£™ Mefb'me 200 ° Baoka Old Potatoes, Wheat, Maize, . '¦ 1 Barley, Black and White Oats, Beans, Parramatta 4771 It. Murray Deo. 22 Dec. 28 Pollard, Bran, Chaff, &c, &o. Mmwilia ...4918 8. Sballard Jan. 6 Jan. 11 15 tons Kakanui and Anderson & Co. 's Flour -"—" — Candles, Rice, Hama, Bacon, and all The PASSENGER FARES from NEW other goods connooted with the trade ZEALAND are aa under;— Goods delivered free to all ports of town Port. Clasi. Single. Betum, an< * railway stations. from any Port in Nine Twelve To N Hstton Month. Mentha ™ w pBUEp NfiW j,-. mj , London } First £70 £105 £115 --* „ „ ; Becond 87—65 — — To BrlnaiA, \ «J^Si^ eete F«r«t (w ifts n« New Currants, Gd per lb S l - New Raisins, <M p_ lb . ; , . =; New Sultanas, 7d por lb Seoond saloon Passengers are provided New Figs, 9d per box with First Saloon Aooommodation in the New Muscatels, Is 6d per lb Steamers between New Zealand and Ana- New Almonds, 2a Gd per lb *« 1! a. New Peel, la por lb r Jlie SECOND SALOON Accommodation Assorted Syrups— Raspberry, Strawtn the above Steamers having been tho- berry, Orange, Red Currant, and roughly reorganised, the Company are now Blaok Currant— 9d per bottle ; 8s stmblea to offer intending Pasaengers to 6d per dozen Europe unrivalled Acoommodation at the »bovo Reduced Rates. NEW SEASON'S TEAS— Poflsage money can be paid at this end for x,, •„, .¦,,„,„_,,_ passages from England. Blended, Is 4d, la Bd, 2s, 2s 4d, 2s 8d per • w r M OT P ftrtioul( « fla PP 1 yt otneA sr entß Blended, in 51b caddies, 7s Cd, 9s (3d, 10b la Wellington, Gd, 11s Gd and 12s Gd each ; boxes, JOHNSTON A CO. 14s, 16s, 18s, and 20s each OKIENT LINE OF BOYAL MAIL Sugar, Nos. 1 and 2, 3 d perlb ; 9s6dper STEAMERS. Q ba^. ToT o „. , f RST-CLASS PASSENGER AND MAIL See o°f Coffee P __aa Ler _S_f g SKRVICE. Via th_ SUEZ CANAL. Flavouring Essences, 6d per bottle following Steamships bp. Cocoa (Fry's), Is 4d per lb «§§__!&' JL longing to the ORIENT _,d Coooa (Van Houten's), 8s 4d per lb PACIFIC COMPANIES will leave SYDNEY Coffeo, Is 4d and Is 6d per lb x,ud MKLBOUBNE on the undermentioned Sago, Rice, and Peas, 2Jd per lb iitos for LONDON, via ADELAIDE, Tapioca, 3d per lb ALBANY, tho SUEZ OANAL, NAPLES, Ground Rioe, 4d perlb ft-id iHBRALTAR s— Cornflour, 4d per lb From From Jam, 5d per tin ; 4s Gd per dozen Tons Sydney Melbourne Greats and Barley, 9d per tin Orizaba ... 618-i Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Golden Syrup, 7d per tin Liguria ... 468S Feb. 23 March 1 Mullet, 7d por tin And fcrtw'ghtly thereafter. Salmon, lOd per tin New Zealand passengers may conneot with Lobster (Star), lOd per tin Orizaba, at Melbourne, por a.s. Rotomahana, Mustard, lOd per tin from Wellington, on MONDAY, 4th Feb., Pickles (English), 8d per bottle 11 9. < Sauoe (Tomato), 6d per bottle Through fares to London, Jt%l to _J7O. Vinegar, 6d per bottle C inal dues included. Limejuice, Is 3d por bottle Seoond-olaea Fares wduoed to £36 and Blue, 7d per lb M W. Extraot of Soap, Id per paoket First and eeoond-olasß passengers seonre xiiSzttig^^JSz * Gooda deii TT n n ° d a w f r° at raii^ Btationa iaasttges to Australia, whioh are inoluded in and wnarTes - the above fares. Return Tickets : MTTiTi"R"R TinnTTT h fiA Vint Saloon, available for 9 months ... i>los JM - J -L'- L 'J--K'. iJUUIH * LU., First Saloon, available for 12 months... JGIIS Seoond Saloon, available for 12 months -365 COBNEB ov Sooond Saloon, available for 9 months JJ6O _.„„ . . „ T/ ,^,„_,_._ J „ Passages prom LoNDON.-Third Class, CUBA AND INGESTRE STREETS. AH 17s to iJ22. Speoial facilities afforded for bringing out riends and relatives by prepayment of the passage money here. n Tn A -vTrmrt Pjlroxls Bookjcd thbottoh to London vrl\jr__J>i xx\j AT Riduoid Batxs. Por further partionkrs, apply to _M A T, V. 1 q a 1 vi qatt? • OWION STEAJISHIP COMPANY OP S SALE! SALE INEW ZEALAND (Limited), Genoral Ajrenta for New Zealand. Commencing on ; SATURDAY, NOTICE OF REMOVAL. When the whole of my new and well-selected stook of DEAPERY AND CLOTHING Will be offered to the public of Wellington YXjT X hog to inform our oustomers and the and district for ABSOLUTE SALE. publio that we have NO RESERVE. JtKMOVED TO OUR NEW PREMISES Come Early in the Day and have tho Pick. Opposite Wilson & Richardson's, four doors — JOH. E. LINDBERG, south of our old premiße?. WRONG SIDE OF CUBA-STREET, All Paroola Delivered Free Immediately. W. LITTLEJOHN & BON, MY USUAL WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS, CHRISTMAS ADVERTISEMENT. Lambton-quat. -j AMES GODBER thanks his friends and *J t tho public for their kind appreciation of his now MERRY XMAS andHAPPY NEW YEAR. CELEBRATED CONFECTIONERY, W ANT ° KNO WN- And remin(]g them tiat be w . U) ag uraa] CHINA AND GLASSWARE of Every bave a large atook o£ Description, at CHRISTMAS CAKES H. FIELD ER'S, Manners-street. Of all Blzea and P riceß -> d A1 quality. WHERE IS THE LEMONADE OF MY YOUTH ? Mince Pies a Speciality. To be Obtained at DIXON'S CORDIAL FACTORY, Hampers made u^for Picnic Parties. DIXON-STR-ET. ,„ , .„ AH orders will roceivo prompt and careful — attantion. Also, GINGER ALE AND SODA WATER, JAMES GODBER, Celebrated for Suferbxcellence. CUBA-STREET BAKERY Telephone 378. Telephone 363. A FAIRY SHOW OF PRESENTS, "PURCHASE your Suits at Dalton's and useful, oheap. __,„._ A save 25 per cent., for oash. Same J. KITCHEN'S, material and better out and finish than any Pantheon, Manners-street. other house. 43, Cuba-street.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 18, 22 January 1889, Page 1