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CIItOULAR. THE EAGLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT (Opposite Barrott'B Hotel). illt—Having, some twolvo months amoa, J purohased the above business from Mr. uxley (in whoae omploymont wo huva been r upwards of five years), wo would reHpeotlly iiolioit a oontinuanoo of yoni nstwiiod VOUTB. Boing large purohftßcraforo&ftn, ••mi • ing i wo do the be3t talent in onr oauui« De« irtment, and devoting our entire paraonal itontion to tho basineaa, we aro in a notation i offer to our patrons exceptional .valno, (tabinod with exoeuenoe of style, lit, and orkmaaahip. We are now opening up onr large, and iried shipments for the Autumn and Winter jaaons, comprising Coatings and Twoada is o^oiual, Scotch, and English manufacture. We would draw Bpeoia] attention to our elebrated Suits at £3 10d and M 10s, loronghly shrunk, d invite inßpeotdon byov; earlie*t convenience. In vl oommand, We remain. Sir, Obediontly yours, JONES A ASHDOWN Lato Hrxlbv & Co.) 0 BUILDERS AND HOUSEHOLDERS. CAMPBELL, COLQUHOUN & CO. have k../ oommenoed business as Timber and 'irowood Morohants, opposite Wellington nd Manawatu Railway Station, and hope hat by attention to business and civility to nstoraers to meet with a fair share of iatronage. All timber guaranteed full out ,nd of good quality, at prioeß that defy'oomletition. Also Firewood of all kinds and eoßths at equally low prioes, delivered to .ny part of tho city. Note the Address— CAMPBELL, COLQUHOUN & CO., Opposite the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Station. STEPHENSON, SMITH & CO MERCHANTS, 3ENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, Farish-street, Wellington, Have in atoek and to land— Sow Fruits — Sultanas, valenoias, domes, currants, figs, prunes, musoatols, and Jordan almonds Dandiod Peel— Keillor's and St. George's Preaorved Fruits— Peaches, pears, apricots pineapples, jams in jar and tin, jellies marmalade Spioes— Cinnamon, nutmegs, mixed spioe, cloves, carrawayß, ginger, &o Coffees— W. Gregg and Co.'s well-known brands And General Groceries. LYSAGHT'B GALVANIZED IRON, Best Quality. Largest number of sheets to the ton. Brands : Corrugated— " Orb," "Fleur de l*ys," ana "Guinea " Flat— " Oib," and " Queen's Head " LARGEST Stock in New Zealand. 400 to 500 tons always in stook 100 tons per Turakina 100 tons por Invoroargill 22g, 24g, and 2Cg, corrugated, always Btook. Also— Manufacturers of Wire Netting, &o. JOHN LYSAGHT, Limited, Ballance-street, Wellington. ROBERT DONALDSON, Ballance-street, Wellington. 1 have always in stook, and to arrive, large shipments of Brooks, Shoobridge & Co'a unrivalled " Anohor " brand Portland Cement Andrew and Jamea Stowart's Tuboa and Fittings, blaok and galvanised, for gas andwator . Soott, Cuthbertson & Co.'s superior Londonmade Paperhangings lam also Sole New Zealand Agent — D. Y. Stewart & Co., Pipe Founders Leaoh, Flower & Co., Tin-plate ManniaotuThe Steel Company of Sootland, makers of all kinds of Steel The Isoa Foundry Co., Railway and Goneral Engineera J. Petrie, Wool-waahing and Drying Maohlnemuker Geo. Shar.d& Co., London and Melbourne, dealers in all kinds of new and second. hand maohinery SALE AT 35, CUBA-STREET, OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS. T>RIOR to STOCKTAKING, I intend rednoing my stook by one halic, and for that purpose will sell it at a email advanco on cost prioe. H. C. HASELDEN, 35, Cuba-street. SMITH BROS., Vulcan Foundrt Manners-street, having sooured a large assortment of designs of Ornamental Castings for verandahs, balconies, fonceß, Ac, wish to inform architects, builders, and the publio that we are prepared to snpply all orders at priceß that will compare favourably / with the imported artiolo. We still continue to exeonte orders for all sorts of cast and wrought iron work. Illustrated catalogues can be had on application. W # EADES & CO., 20, Cuba-atreet, opposite To Aro House, and at Lambton-quay, opposite M'Dowell'a corner, UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL FURNISHERS. Hearse, <to., kopt on Promises. Funerals conducted to suit all classes, with every requisite. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. T>BOOKB, SHOOBRIDGE & CO. ■ PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS, London, Having appointed Mr. R. DONALDSON Ballanoe-Btreet, Wellington, aa their Agent for New Zealand, are now in a position to sell their Cement in this market on advantageous terms to buyers. Their Cement in of exceptional quality, for whioh it received the gold medal at Christohuroh in 1882. Quotations given, delivered to any port in New Zealand, or f.o.b London. r pHE GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY X. (Limited). Depot— Manners and Viotoria-streets, near Cuba-street, (Inoludes Wallsend, Coalpit Heath and Brunner Colleries), Having taken over the Brunner Coal Company's business on shore and afloat it will be onr constant aim not only to maintain, bnt also to largely extend the said business. The possession of these three celebrated colleriea enables ua to do co most advantageoualy for our customers. There will also be a large supply of the beat Coalbrookdale and Newcastle coal on hand for all who prefor them, separately or mixed with our own coal. Sales from the combined mines hut year was 160,000 tons. GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY, (Limited.) W. C. GASQUOINE, Local Manager. COBB & CO.'S ROYAL MAIL COAOhIs /"kUR Coaches leave Palmerston North on \J arrival of the Wellington train, for Napier, via Woodville. A Coach leaves Woodville at 8.30 daily oonneoting with Wanganui train. JONES 4 HUNTER, Proprietors (late Maoarra.) Booking Office— Empire Hotel, Welling^ ton. H. Gilmer. Avenfc. NOTICE TO THE TRAVELLINGt PUBLIC. COBB & CO.'S Royal Mail Coaohee leave Palmerston North on arrival of 11.4? a.m. Train from Wellington, arriving*"' Woodville fer Napier at 2.15 p.m., having dinner at Murphy's Club Hotel, returning from Woodville at 2.3Q p.m. for Wellingto and Wanganui in time for trains. JAMES MACARA, Proprietor. J. FENTON, Agent. Palmenton North. ■jyj BBVOUS DEBILITY SUFFEHEBS.-WasU -Ll no more time or money on WORTHLESS QUACK BEMEDIEB, for I will on receipt of a self-addressed, stamped rnrelope, sei.d you fall ptrticalAn of the HOST VALUABLE and only POSITIVE CUBE ever discovered. AddrftM. A. MINER. 0.P.0.. SYDNEY. DE. J. W. B. STANTON'9 YOUTHFUL VIGOUR PILLS, for NERVOUS DEBILITY. IMPOTENCE, and all kindred trouble*. They act like MAGIC, good result* IMMEDIATELY, and a PERMANENT CURE CERTAIN. Price, (*, or fire packages in one for £1, sent hrnuil. AMERICAN BOTANIC UIBPENSARY, I<B. FORBES-STREET, SYDNEY. THE SUFFERERS' BOON. WE GUARANTEE THE FRENCH HOSPITAL REMEDIES to cure any case of NERVOUS DEBILITY, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, Ac, Ac, or Forfeit .£SOO, failure being utterly IMPOSSIBLE. Full particulars, together with the valuable pamphlet, "NATURE'S HIDPKM TREASURE," by a French Doctor, whioh is really worth its weight in DIAMONDS to those about to marry. Price by Post, sealed, Is Bd, stamps. Address, PARISIAN AGENCY CO., P.O. Box 766, Stdnet.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 17, 21 January 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 17, 21 January 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXXVII, Issue 17, 21 January 1889, Page 4