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W. F. BARRAUD Has just Received OHOTOGRAPHia CAMERAS New 1888 Special Improvements. All Photographio Qooda. Malt Extraot Cuticnra Remedies Cod liver Oil, Calvert b Preparations , Hot Water Bags ' Galvanio Batteries Belts, _0., ic. Agent fob BAXTER'S LUNG PRESERVER. r^URNER _ CO.'S INDIGESTION X MIXTURE.— One dose afttr food removes any pain arising from the food not | being properly digested. See testimonials. Bottlea. 2s 6d and 4s Cd. rpURNER _ CO.'S PENNYROYAL AND I STEEL PILLS.— A really good correotive for complaints incidental to females. Bottlea, Is and 2s. >, mUBNER & CO.'S ASTHMA CURE.— X A valuable remedy for this troublosome complaint: relief oxperienoed on taking firßt dose, and two or three bottlcx generally effecting a euro. In bottles, 2a Cd and 48 6d eaoh. rpHESSIER DUVAL'S SYRUP OF RED L GUM, OR AUSTRALIAN EUCA. LYPTUS BALSAM.— A spocifio for sore throats, and a moat remarkable and efficacious remedy for Whooping Cough, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness or Tickling in tho throat, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, Scarlet Fever, Croup, Contagion, _o. Propared only by Turner * Co.. Pharmaceutical Chemists, Manners-street, Wellington. BURNER 4 CO.'S .PINK WORM X POWDERS.— Known for many years ai. the Pink Worm Powders, and used with the greatest suooeas at the Alexandra Hospital,, London. No Sanaa or other aperient required to be taken afterwards. Purely Vegetable, la paokets. mURNER 4 CO.'S, NEURALGIC CURE. 1. invaluable as a remedy for all- Nerve Pains, a few doses generally giving permanent relief. In bottleß, 2s eaoh. . . URNER * CO.'S "PINK" 'CORN SOLVENT. — A few applications removes any Corn or bard akin without pain, and any Corn giving pain, one application destroy* the pain instantly. Packed in case with bru«h, 2s Cd each. mURNER 4 CO.'S DIAMOND CEX MENT.— For mending Glass, China, Wood, Stone, &o. In bottleß Cd and ls^aoh. LIME. LIME. LIME." MASTERTON LIME. WANTED Known, that we have our new Lime-kiln finished, and that the same is built on the most modern principle ; and our customers oan rely on getting liino always fresh, wejl burnt, and free from oore. As our supply is unlimited, customers oan rely on all orders being promptly attended to. Note the address— PETER HUTSON & CO., Cement, Lime, and Drain-pipe Morohants, Waring Tatlor-st., Wellington. NEWTOWN DISPENSARY. AN Agenoy of the above is now estab lished at Mr. R. Elliott's, Newtown, where any of my prep"vrations oan be prooared. Orders or Prescription* left thero will be promptly attended 16, and delivered to any part of jNewtawu. G. W. WILTON, Ohemiit, Adelaide-road. DR. SPfiEß'^r PRIVATE DISPENSARY, established in Wellington for theSoientifio and Speedy Cure of Chronio, Nervous, and Spooial Diseases. > Charges moderate. Examination and Advioo, FREE, Call or Address— Dr. H. J. SPEER, Northern CH_MBBRB(No_t Empire Hotel,. Office' Sours— lo to 12 a.m., 2to 4 and 0 to 8 p.m. . Sundays, 10 to 12. P.O. Box 348. TO THE EDITOR. Sir, — Will you kindly insert these few lines in your widely circulated paper for the benefit of whoever it may opnoern. I havo a ohild who has been afflioted with an obstinate fkin disease of a moit itching nature for more tban seven yoars. ' When six weeks old, or thereabout*, small reddish spots appeared in the faoe, abont the' Bice of a pin's head. Of course, a medioal man was applied to, but it steadily inoreased until faoe and head were one dark bxpwn orust of sores. Then it spread to the body, cheat, back, joints, and all flephy parts. Medioal skill appeared to be of no use, but often made him worse. In despair I looked upon the dootors as useless beings of the oommunity. On the 17th of September l»8t the ohild was shown to Dr. Speer, now residing in Wellington. On looking at him for « mhrato or two ho struok at the root of the disease at onoe, as a man of great skill can do. After the firßt five days' treatment, small stripes of healthy skin beoame visible; in losa than a month the faoe was clean; two months a wonderful improvement 'on the body. After four months' 'treatment there only remains a few marks on his legs and i wrist*. The child is still nnder Dr. Spoor's oaro, as he doolaroß it will take aorae time yet to ontirely remove it from his system. It mnst also not ba forgotten to add that the modioines have not had tho least unpleasant effoot on tho internal organs, whioh always was the case in previous treatments: So I oan confidently 'advise anyone who Bliould be' bo unfortunata as to require medioal aid, to oall on Dr. ' Speer for advice. , I am, &_, , i,< «„:.- A. ANDERSON. JohnsonviUe, 23rd January, 1888. I will willingly give any further informa. tion, to any person who will either oall or address mo at Jpbnspnville. HY ABE THE YOUNt NERVOUS, and thp lniddle-agedDEBILITATED ? This is fnlly explained in a valuable Medical Treatise, by an EMINENT FRENCH HOBPITAL PHYSICIAN, thirty yoars a PARIBL4.N, SPECIALIST (now retired). BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN and thus avoid all risk of beingr-IMPOSEDUPON. Save time, money,, and disappointment by CURING YOUftSELF. Treatiso sent by post in plain, secure envelope, for Six Penny (N.Z.) Stamps. Address, Parisian Agenoy, P.O. Box 766, Sydney. „ . WELLINGTON iND CHRISTCHURCH fruit and vegetable market. (Wholesale _ Retail.) DUNNING BBOS. (late of Chriatohurch and Dnnedin), Having purchased the business of Messrs. J. & B. Barlow, bog to notify fo the publicOf Wellington that they have * •COMMENCED BUSINESS in tho premises lately oooupiod by Messrs. Barlow,. Bros,. WiUis-strsot, and intend carrying on the,>usine§B so long and'auooesfully oarried 6n' by 1 theit 1 predecessors, and hope,' by strict 'iitwntfori to business, to merit a share of public support. Orders Punctually Attended to, and deliverd to all parts of the town. A fresh snpply of all kinds of the Finest Fruits by. all steamers. Country ! orders attended to at Wholesale Prioes, and forwarded by train or steamer. '¦ > '•'" DUNNING BROS. 1 :.i, v j ¦ .. ¦ — ¦ SOMERVILLE'S' Island Bay 'Bus will leave the Government Builduurs daily at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5.45 p.m. ; Wfll leave A. Turner's Island Bay Hotol _t 8.15 a.m. 12 noon, and 5 p.m. Carriages, Bugries, and Saddle Horses on hire. Apply to B. SOMERVILIiE, . • ¦ Imperial Livery Stablea, _, . ' ,„ AbefSmith-Btreri. Telephone 158. COBB & CO.'S BOYAL MAIL COACHES. /"VUB Coaohes leave Palmerston North on \J arrival, of the Wellington train, for Napier, via Woodville. A Coach leaves Woodvillo at 8.30 daily, connecting witli Wanganui train. JONES & HUNTER, Proprietors (lute Macarra.) Booking Office— Empire Hotel, Wellington. H. Gilmte, Agent. ' LAWEIE * CO.'B DAILY COACHES BITWXXN MARTINBOROUGH, FEATHEBBTON. GREYTOWN, AND LOWER T^ALLEY. I* Mkrtinborongh d_ily, at 6.30 ».m. arriving at Feathorston at 8.30. Leava Fcatherston daily, at 11 a.m., Arriving at Martinborough at 1.30 p.m. An extra coach loa-pe; Martinborough fcr Greytowu pyery Wednesday. i Parcels and goods at reduced rates. The EVENING POST deliver*! duly at Martinborough on application to Messrs. J. J). Oakly or G. L*r.-rie. I_»tbanto_. COBB * 00/8 TKL»-QIUP.a.LIWE OP coKoaas, .< William Nxill, Pbq»ieto_. MASTEBTON , TO~C__?T_EPOI_!_ TINUL THE Co*oh le-vee tho Bookfaf Offloo »t 7.30 a.m. every Tu_w)sy and Friday, returning on over? TOed-eeJay and Saturday. Broking' Office— Prince 'of Wales' Livery and ¦ But 8t»bl«*. Waggonettes, drag*, buggies, 40., and firsWutuhaoka, always on -ire. •' , . : ; A Bnsmsats amry train at th*R>ilwa_ Station. WILLIAM NfilLl, Prooriator. NOTICE TO THB TBAVBI__W_ PUBLIC. COBB & CO.'S Royal Mail Coaches leave Palmerston. North on arrival of 11.45 a.m. Train from Wellington, arriving at WoodvilU for Napier At -2.15 p.m., having dinner at Murphy's Club Hotel, returning from Woodville at 2.30 p.m. for Wellineta tnd Wanganui liTtimo for trains. JAMES MACARA, Proprutofe. J. FENTON, Agent, Palmeriton North.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 14 April 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 14 April 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 87, 14 April 1888, Page 4