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TTI7HOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS f V FOR WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT, Single box, 5s Gd ; 6 boxcß, with a printed guarantee, 27s 6d. KAIWAI. groat Australian remedy for Diarrhoea in adults and children, 2s bottlo WALLER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, best obtainable, Ib Gd and 2s 6d por bottle ROBINSON'S UNIVERSAL DISINFECTANT, Is tins TURNER & CO.'S NEURALGIC CURE. A certain remedy for all Norve Paine, 2,-. bottlo TURNER & CO.'S IRON and QUININE WINE, doublo strength ; a grand tonic TURN E~R & C 0., (Late Fitzgeraldi. WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHEMISTS, Medical Hall, Manners-street, Wellington. A largo assortment of Eneas, Brushes, Spongos, Pcssairos, &c, always in stook. A. S. DUNN, /CHEMIST & PUBLIC VACCINATOII , Lambton-quay (Next Barrett's Hotol). Dunn's Sorsaparilla with lodide of Potnn siuni, a thorough blood purifier, 2s Gd nnd 4s Gd bott'o Dunn's Rheumatio Liniment, acortain euro for rhoumatiEtn, 6prains, soro throats, mumps, &0., 2s Gd and 3s 6d bottle Dunn's Aloes and Iron Pills, for irregularities in females, 2a box VACCINATION FREE, Every Monday and Thursday, 10 to 12 a.m., and at Wadestown on tho first Monday in the month, 3 to 4 p.m. DR. SPEEK'S PRIVATE DISPENSARY, established in Wellington for tbo Sciontifio and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous, and Special Diseases. Tho Expert Specialist, Dr. Spocr, is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. Ho hasdovoted a lifetimo to, and is acknowledged to bo tho most export Physician in his speciality in tho United Statos. Young mon and middle-agod mon who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy or Moraory, Eruptions on tho Faoo, Mental Doprossion, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, &0., 4.0. , will do woll to consult Dr. Spoer.^ a Hospital Experioneo : — Having boon Physician in ono of the loading Hospitals of tho U.S., onableß him to treat all privato troubles with exoollout rosnltfl. 110 wishes it distinotly understood that he docs not olaim to perform impossibilities, or to havo miraculous power ; ho claims only to bo a skillod and successful Physician, thoroughly informed in his speciality — Chronic Diseases of Mon nnd Women. All applying to Mm will reooivo Mb honest opinion of their Ci.mplnintß. No experimenting. 110 will guaranteo apoßitivo euro in ovory oaso ho undertakes, or forfeit £200. Consultation in offioo or by post, FREE. N.B.— All medicines neoossary for a complete oure can bo sont secure from observation on reooipt of symptoms. Tho Doctor's famous Pills, a suro ouro indigestion, Is and 2s per box. Ointment por box. This Ointment positivoly auras irritation, ituhing, and all skin diseases. By post, 2d oxtra. Charges moderate. Examination and Advice, FREE. Call or Address— Dr. H. J. SPEER, Northern CHAMBERs(Next Empire Hotol). Office Hours— lo to 12 a.m., 2to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 to 12. P.O. Boi. 34G. N.B.— As A TKST, Ds. SPEER will send a trial bottlo of his medicine froo of ohargo (carriage exeeptod) to any porson applying to him who will giyo full particulars of their trouble This will demonstrate his unbounded oonfidonco in these wonderful remodics, whioh aro only known to himself, and whioh for over two years have aobiovod such unvaried success m his New Zealand praotioe. All applicants for a trial bottle of his medioine must enclose 2d stamp for reply. ITabookT a I L;™ mmm \ |i SHOOID READ. ¥USUt.i J O ENT Post Freo for Four Penny Stamps. A gentleman in Nelson says: — "Your treatment has demo wondors for mo." R. AYRES, Mhdioal Herbalist, 90, Cuba-street. Wellington. WEAK NERVOUS MEN, 'euro yourselves, and thus avoid tho risk of being victimised. A Medical' Treatise by an ominont Fronch Hospital Physician (30 years a Parisian Specialist), (-bowing suffererß how thoy may CURE themselves of NERVOUS DEBILITY, EXHAUBTED VITALITY, &0., Ac, simply and'quiotly, without consulting any person. 'FREE by post in SECURE ENVELOPE, forsixponny (N.Z.) Btamps. N.B.— Speoial Troatise for WEAK WOMEN. Address Parisian, P.O. Box 766, Svdnoy. Please mention this papor. JUST PUBLISHED. NEW MAP OF WELLINGTON CITY AND SUBURBS, Inoluding Kilbirnie, Island Bay, Vogoltown, Rosoneatb, Wellington South, showinrr all new Streets and Rights of Way, Reclamation) Public Buildings, and City Wards. Compiled and Published by F. HAROLD TRONSON, Lambton-quay. BILLIARD TABLES GEO. WRIGHT & CO.'S celebrated medal tables ; sample table on view. Apply WHITTEM, NICHOLSON A CO., Agonts. SOMERVILLE'S Island Bay 'Bus will leave the Government Buildings daily at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5.45 p.m. ; will loave A. Turner's Island Bay Hotel at 8.15 a.m. 12 noon, and 5 p.m. Carriages, Buggies, and Saddle Horses on hire. Apply to R. SOMERVILLE, Imperial Livery Stables, Abel Smith-street. Telephone 158. 'BUS TO ISLAND BAY. A 'BUS will run between Newtown and Island Bay, connecting with the trains. On week days the 'Bus will leave Island Bay at 8 35, 11.15 a.m., and 12.50, 2, and 4.45 p.m. ; and will leave Newtown at 9.20 a.m., 12 noon, and 1.20, 2 40, and 5.20 p.m. ; and will leave tbe Government Buildings for Island Bay daily at 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. On Sundays it will leave Government Buildings at 10.3 1 ) a.m., and Newtown at 2.40 -and 5.40, and Island Bay at 9.80 a.m. and 1.45 and 5 p.m. Farea each way, between Newtown and Island Bay, 6d ; between tho Buildings and Island Bay, la. _ Speoial conveyances provided on notice being givon tho provious day. For fuller particulars see printed cards everywhere. F. MILLER, Proprietor. COBB ft CO.'S TELEGRAPH LINE OF COACHEB. WILMAM NxiLli, PnOPRIITOR. MASTERTON TO CABTLEPOINT TINUI. THK Coaoh leaves the Booking Offioe at 7.30 a.m. every Tuesday and Friday, returning on evory Wednesday Mid Saturday. Booking Offioe— Prince of W»W Livery *cd Bait Stables. Waggonettes, drags, buggies, *0., and firsb-olaes haokfl, always on hire. A 'Bus moeta every train at the Bail way Station. WILLIAM NEILL, Proprietor. NOTICE TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. COBB & CO.'S Royal Mail Coaches leave Palmcrston North on arrival of 11.45 a.m. Train from Wellington, arriving at Woodville for Napier at 2.15 p.m., having dinner at Murphy's Clnb Hotel, returning from Woodvilloat 2 30 p.m. for Wellington and Wancanui in time for trains. JAMES MACARA, Proprietor. J. FENTON, Agent, Palmerston North. LAWRIE & CO.'S DAILY COACHES BETWEEN MARTINBOROUGH, FEATHERSTON, GREYTOWN, AND LOWER VALLEY. Leave Martinborongh daily, at 6.30 a.m. arriving at Fcatherston at 8.30. Leave Feathcreton daily, at 11 a.m., arriving at Martinborough at 1.30 p.m. An extra ooach leaves Martinborough fo Greytown every Wednesday. Parcels and good 3at reduced rates. The EVENING POST delivered daily Martmborongh on application to Messrs. J D. Oakly or G-. Lawrie. Featherston. COBB * CO.'B TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHEB. "B aAILY Co*ohcß from Mastarton at 12.45 U p.m. for Woodville, Palmerston North, and Tahoraite (for Napiar), returning from Tahoraita on arrival of first train from Sr * S>ie *' .AMBB MAOAJBA, Proprietor

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4