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PRELIMINARY NOTICE. WEDNESDAY, 25th JANUARY, 1888. QTEVENS & GORTON havo been instructcd by tho executors of tho lato S5. J. Padovin, Ei-q., to sell by public auc4uaa, on tho above date, at their rooms, Ealmorston Mrth— That m jst valnablo property, comprising 418 aoreß of magnificent land, fronting tho Itangitikci main road, and hituated about two miles from Palmerston. Tho property iH one of flic best impro vnd farms in the rliMrint, it -s Hiluation <:ann<^, bo bettered, and iv curving capacity w ftyaeX to that of any lurm ot it-t tizoin the disiirict If found expedient the propcrfcy will bo jjj'ered ie, two lots. Terms Easy. For fnrH-e" particulars apply to i-oriar r: « A^g 0UT jq.; V BAKER, Solicitor, Or to STEVJESS & GORTON, Auctioneers, Palmerßton North. mHENZ. IOANaWD p MKRCAJmr,B JL AGENCY CO MPANY (Limited/.g HykQa o WELLINGTON WOOL SAL ES. Tho Company desires to intimate to- Runholdera and Farmers that AUCTION SALES Will bo hold during tho Season at 4ho WELLINGTON WOOL STORES, CuSTOMHOUSE-qUAY. As a numbor of buyers purpose attonding • theso HaleH, wool-growers are recommended' to tako advantago of tho competition of our local Auction Sales in preference to disposing of thoir Clips by privato treaty ; if roservoß aro not reached, the wool can be» shipped to tho London Market. Liberal Advances mado on growing clips i and all produce consigned for salo or ship- ' Tho second salo of tho season will bo bold j early in January, ANDREW TODD, Wellington Agont. J. B. KEITH, Masterton Agont. , WJ. HUNT & C 0.,j • Opposito Athenionm, i Lambton-quay. Auctioneers and Valuators, Stock ; AND SIIAREBROKERS. ; Bank, Insurance Mining, and other Shares bonght and sold. W. J. Hunt & Co., Financial Agents. Loans I nogotiatod. .£20,000 to lend* on mortgage on freohold propt-.-ty, in i sums of i}loo to JBSOOO, at currant I rates. Bills discounted daily. W. J. Hunt & Co., Land and Estate Agents, j Houses and Land for sale or to let in town and country. W. J. Hunt & Co., Public Accountants. Partnerships or other accounts aculitod or adjusted. W. J. Hunu- & Co., Patont Agents. English, For&'gn, and Colonial Patents obtaineol. Trado Marks, Designs and Copyrights registered. Patents bonght ay.d sold. W. J. Hunt & Co., Hotelbrokers, Valuators,, and Business Agonts, invite intending purchasers of hotels and other businesses to call and inspect thoir largo register of really good and payable hotels and othor businesses. Hotelkcopers and others desirous of disposing of their bnsinossos, aro roquosted to send particulars, and thus ensure prompt sales. Valuations made. [No. 4231.] .SUPREME COURT. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Jaoob Joseph and others v. Staples. ALL persons having any claims against the plaintiffs, as owner.? of tho steamship Tui, by reason of tho loss or injury done to any articles, goods, or things, resulting from tho wrock of tho said ship, aro hereby roquirod to lodge thoir claims and prove tho same beforo tho Registrar of tliis Honorable Court, under an order mado in this action on this 23rd December, 1887, in default whereof they will bo barrod from any benefit under the said order. Claims must be lodgod with mo on or beforo Monday, tho 16th January next, after which notice will be given of the date fixed by the Registrar for proving the claims. Dated this 23rd December, 1887. WM. THOS. LOCRE TRAVERS, Solicitor for tho Plaintiffs. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL ORDER. NOTICE is hereby given that tho subjoined resolution was adopted at a special meeting of the Counoil held on tho 15th instant, and will be submitted at tbe ordinary mooting to be held on Thursday, 1 tlio 12th January ncxti, at 7.30 p.m., for con3 firmatiou. 3 Dated thia 20th December, 1887. t THOS. F. MARTIN. j Town Clerk. 1 RESOLUTION , As to declaring tho privato Btrcot called • Colloge-torraoe to be a public street : — That it bo resolved by Bpecial order that tbo private street called pollogetorrace, laid ont in 1885, in town section 742 (which street has boon constructed to the Council's satisi faction) bo, and tbo sarao horeby is, dcclnrodnr public streot of tho City ot Wellington as from tho Ist day of 3 February, 1898, a petition in terms of subsection 2 ot Clauso 265, Muni- , oipal Corporations Act, 1886, having ) been presented to tho Counoil praying that tho abovo-montionod streot • may bo mado a public streot ', HIGHER EDUCATION FOR YOUNG 1 LADIES. •m/T R. A. F. M E R L E T (London University) \ Purposes opening Classos for instruction in ¦ English Snbjocts, as woll as Mathematics, b Latin, and Modern Languages. i First Quartor to eommenco Tuesday, 24th \ January, 1888. ' All particulars can bo obtainod at Bays- • water House, Vivian-street. ' LADIES' SCHOOL. THE TERRACE, WELLINGTON. THE above Privato Boarding and Day School, conducted for so long by tbe Missos Greenwood, will bo continuod by i Miss Malcolm and Miss J. Malcolm, i Tho first term will begin on tho Ist Febk mary, 1888. Terms and circulars on application to i Miss MALCOLM, i Care of Miss Greonwood, ; The Terrace. AMACGREGOR, M.A., • NO. 14, ATHENiEUM. ¦ Students prepared for the University, Law, and C.S. Examinations. , Evening Class— Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. [ Private Students— During tho day or on . Tuesday and Thursday ovonings. i SHORTHAND! SHORTHAND I — — • Tjl LEMENTAR Yor Advanced Instruction i Jli in Pitman's System given by Comi potent Toachor. Tuition privately or in i class to Ladios and Gentlomcn. Address " Phono," care of Mr. J. Watt, Bookseller, ! Willis-streot. I ! NOTICE TO LAW STUDENTS. MR. C. E. MATTHEWS, who passed tho final Law Examination in Soptembor last, is prepared to read with a limited number of intending candidates for tbe 1888 and succeeding examinations. For terms, &c, apply Exchange Chambers, Groy-street. IQPPOSITION i 40/1 ; TWEED SUITS! i Shrunk, Fit, and Work .Guaranteed, BT J. HUXLEY, i 4, Willis-street, opposito Evening Post. WEADES&CO. /Late W. Nicholson), 20, Cuba-street, opposito Te Aro Honso, UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL ! FURNISHERS. Hearso, &0., kopt on Promises. Funorals conducted to snit all classos, with every reqnisite. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. SUN KWONG LEE, GENERAL PROVISION DEALER, FRUITERER. GREENGROCER, Horse Feed, Ac HAS Removed from Lambton-qnay to his new premises, Manners-street, opposite the Arcade, late Soff c's, where he solicits a share of pnblio patronago. All goods of the best quality, and reasonable prioos. A trial solicited. SUN KWONG LEE,

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 153, 29 December 1887, Page 4