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ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WILLIH-STREET. SERVICES will bo conducted TO-MOR-ROW, by tho Roy. James Paterson, a> unler — Morning at 11 Evoning „. ... at 6.30 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Terrace. Tho Services TO-MORROW will bo conducted by tho Rev. C. S. Oao, M.A. Forenoon, ll Evening, 6.30, subject: "Scripture and Conacionce." 7\ ON G R E G ATION aT"O H URCIT \j Athf.xjkvu Hall. Tho Services TO-MORROW, will bo conductod in tho Athcmenm Hall, by tho Rev. W. H. West, L.L.B. Morning, at 11; Evening, at 0.31 Sunday School, at 2.30. YyESLEYAN CIfURCH" "SERVICED WESLEY CHURCH, Taranaki-Htreet-11 a.m., Rev. W. Lek ; 6.30 p.m., Rev. L. M. Isitt. MOLESWORTH-STREBT-U a.m., Mr. Herij : 0.30 p.m., Roy. W. Lkk. ADELAIDE-ROAD (MUSIC HALL)— II a.m., Rev. L. M. Isitt; C3O p.m., Mr. Beaoleiiole. UnTFed met ho d Ist" "fre e CHURCH, COUKTKNAT-I'LACX. SERVICES will bo conducted TO-MOR-ROW, Morning and Evening, by the Roy. Chab. Penney. Subjects):— ll a.m. "Enduraneo to the ond ;" 6.80 p.m., " Shall our Children perish." ____ WELLINGTON BAPTIST^CHURCH, Vivian-stueet. Rev. H. H. Dkivkr will (D.V.) conduct Divine Worship TO-MORROW. Evening Subject: "Tho Chambers of Imagery.'' On Monday, at 8 p m., Roy. H. H. Driver will dolivor a Lccturo on " Tho Lonely Glory of tho Bible." -•-, FORESTERS' HALL SERVICES, evory SUNDAY EVENING, at 7 p.m. Seats frco. No collection.

TO THE ELECTORS OF WELLINGTON EAST. r - /71 ENTLEMEN, —At tho requost of a VJ* number of Eloctors who aro not satisfied that Mr. George Fisher should represent them in tho new Parliament, I offor myself as a candidate for your suffrages. It is trno Mr. Fisher ban not published any address defining his principles, nor called you tope t hor for tho purposo of doing so. He may not, howovor, as yet have quite made up his mind what his principles are to bo, but as the political party he has associated himsolf with hold entirely opposite viows to those I dosiro to sco prevail, I venture to como forward und contost the seat with him. Tub Land Policy of Mr. Ballanco has my approval, and I believe his schomes of Villapro Sottlemont aro calculated to place Bmall farmers on the waste lands of tho colony. Hithorto those lands havo been bought up by speculators for tho purpose of holding thorn till improved by tho Public Works of tho colony, and then effecting thoir rosalo at a profit upon their monopoly. Wo havo roncbod a crisis in our affairs that will end in disaster and ruin if this monopoly is continued. But I think the settlement of tho land must fail unless a Home market is provided for tho small farmers, and I poo no way of providing such nnloss by tho encouragement of native manutactures, thoroby giving cmploymont to a greater numbor Of artisans and othora in our towna. I am myself ongaged in the irou manufacturing trado that gives omploymont to many throughout tho colony, but which, if fairly protected from foreign competition, would givo employment to a far grcator numbor. If tho competition of English firms, now brought so near to ub by diroct steam communication, woro excluded, that industry could bo oxtended into numerous other branches ; for English firms can now afford to 801 lat a loss until thoy crush out our Local Industry. I am awaro thoro are many othor trados than my own that could also bo profitably carried on in Now Zealand if protocted in their infancy, and it seems to mo that onco tho principle of Protection is acknowledged, our Parliament ought to havo no difficulty in passing a Customs tariff, efficient for Protective purposes, for revonuo, and for the interests of both producers and consumers throughout tho country. As to Education : I am a plain workman, and will state my viows from my own standpoint. I wish to see our youths taught everything needful to make them export tradesmen in tho various industries followed throughout tho country. I fool snre money spent for such a purpose will repay the State hereafter many times. I would therefore opposo any movomont that will cripple Education. The longer I livo tho stronger is my conviction that ovory young man and woman in the Colony ought to bo trained in habits of industry, and the knowledge of all that will enable them to earn their living, and be useful as membors of sooiety. As to Revenue : In my opinion, a busy and industrious community can pay moro taxes than a stagnant ana idlo one. Tho settlement and cultivation of our lands now waate, the employment of our labourers and artizans now idle, tho education of our youths to fit thorn for industrial pursuits, must bring prosperity, and prosperity will bring increased rovenno. Thus wo can fairly hopo to moot our publio debts and other burdons. Make our poople prosperous, and thoy will not grudge necessary taxation ; but so long as they send away onr money to support English and foreign mechanics, wo oannot oxpeot prosperity, except in onr importing and exporting merchants. I consider tho abovo to be all inseparably connected, and that thoy aro tho questions of these elections. I Would Therefore support any statesman who will endeavour to carry such a tariff as will be efficient for tho Protection above referred to, and bo fair to all classes of the community. I Will Not Pledge mysolf to support the present or any Ministry, but I approve of tho Land Sottlomont Scheme of Mr. Ballanco. As I beliovo that nono of the above principles are really favoured by Mr. Fisher, I havo ventured to contost with him the honour of roprosonting you. Ido not profess to be a trained speaker. I ask your suffrages becauso I am a man of business — a tradesman — mysolf interested in tho prosperity of the colony moro than that of any othor oountry, aud, I hope, competont to givo my vote i= Parliament honestly, and with corroct judgment. My technical knowledge ought to bo valuable in tho consideration of this Protective tariff quostion, and it is for that reason, and not becauso I can make spooches, I ask for your votes. I am, Gentlemen, Your obodient Servant, WILLIAM ROBERTSON. Pbconix Foundry, Wellington, August 20, 1887. r\ P E R A HOUSE. MONDAY NIGHT, 12th September. The Greatest BOXING MATCH of the Season, between W. MURPHY and IKE FAKE, For .£25 a-sido and all tbe gate money. Marquis of Quoensbury Rules, to a finish. Prices— 4s, 3s, 2s. ' Doors open at 7 o'clock sharp.

MUSICAL. Tt/TR. HAUTRIE WEST'S third torm will commonco on THURSDAY, 15th Soptomber. Organ, Piano, Violin, and Singing. MUSIC AND SINGING. \M ISS NOAKE, at her residonco, PipitcaItJL street. Third term begins MONDAY, 19th. Fees for Pupils attending schools, £3 10s tho term. MISS NESFIELD informs hor Pupils that tbo Third Term begins on Monday, the 19th inst. She will bo at home on the preceding Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from 3 to 4 o'olook, to recoivo parents of intending pupils. Upper Willis-street (one of Mrs. Houghton'B new villa residences). A YOUNG Gentloman wants Dancing Lessons from a competont toachor. Apply by lotter, Learner, Evening Post. nnWO Sisters wish to take privato lessons JL in Dancing. Apply, stating torms, to Qneonie, Evoning Post. MRS. WISE, -JY/JILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, -L'JL. 99 t Upper Willis-street (Late Manners-street), Bogs to announce that sho will Reopen This Evoning at tho above address with a Choice Assortment of New Spring Goods. RANGES. T UKES' RANGES now in Stock, and a "^ variety of other makes ; also somo good American Stoves. JNO. YOUNG, Cuba-Btreet. [a card.J T. NICHOLSON, SIGN WRITER, DECORATIVE ARTIST AND Glass Embosser, Modorato Charges. 47, Willis-Street. FOUND. AT Adelaide Honso, a quantity of Remnants of Dress Goods, Calicoes, Prints, Flannels, Shirtings, Hollands, Ac., which are being cleared out at cost prico; also, Trimmed Millinery of all kinds, at cost prico. C. BROWN, Adelaide-road. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Frionds of Mr. Shadraok Cole man aro respectfully invited to attond the Funeral of his late wife, Harriot, which will leavo hor mothor's residence, Brooko-stroot, on Sunday, 11th Soptember, at 2 o'clock. E. MORRIS & SON, Undertakers, Taranaki-atreet. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Friends of the late Mr. William Thomas are invitod to attond his Funeral, which will loave the residence of Mr. Fordbam, ond of Broadway-terrace, on Sunday, tho 11th inst., at 3 p.m. W. F. PARSONS. Undertaker.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 62, 10 September 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 62, 10 September 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXIV, Issue 62, 10 September 1887, Page 3