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American Co.'s Hop Bittekh are the Pctrbst and Best Bitters Ever Made. They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake, and Dandelion— the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in tho world, and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Purifier, liver Eegulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. Thoy give new life and vigour to the aged and infirm. To all whoße employments cause irregularity of tho bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetiser, Tonic, and mild ' Stimulant, American Co.'s Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what tho diseaso or ailment is, uxe Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. .£SOO will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Prosecute the Swindlers. If when you call for American Hop Bitters (tee green twig of Hops on the white label and Dr. Boule't name blown in the bottle), the vendor hands out anything but American Hop Bitters, refuso it and shun that vendor as you would ft vipor ; and if he haa taken your money for anything else indict him for the fraud and sue him for damages for the swindle, and wo will pay you iiberally for the conviction % "WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT COMFORT?" ARICKMAN has jußt received by the • s.s. Tongariro anotlier shipment of those famous Gentleman's Anti- Hasher Balmoral Boots. The chief features claimed for those Boots are that they aro made tho natural shape of the foot, with good broad soles, heels, and toes, while thoy are as soft as a glove, and wear like wire, and are a sure cure for corns and tender foot. Price, 22s 6d and 23s a pair. A TRIAL SOLICITED. A. UICKMAN, BOOTMAKEE AND IMPOETEE, Mannors-streot, Willis-street, and Moles-worth-street. WILSON & RICHARDSON /-I BEAT RELINQUISHING SALE IS NOW ON. SCALE OF REDUCTIONS: 30 to 50 Per Cent. JOnN PARKER & CO. Take Possession ON THE Ist SEPTEMBER. "|"\ISSOLUTION OF PAETNERSHIP. RETIREMENT OF MR. STAINS PROM THE FIRM OP KIRKCALDIE & STAINS. As a member of the above firm during the past twenty-three years, I tender my thanks to tho citizen 1 ! and publio for the very gratifying encouragement and support sustained during that time. My connection with the firm will cease at the end of tho present month, the partnership then being finally dissolved. I am, &c, ROBERT STAINS. Recognising the importance of the change introduced into tho abovo business throngh tho retirement of Mr. Stains, I also offer my thanks for tho suocess attending our labours, and pledge myself to more vigilant efforts in the desire to retain and increaso the confidence and respect of all who have favoured Kirkcaldio & Stains with their patronage. Being an advocate for low prices, I promise that this feature will be a leading one in the future management, and that tho same character of goods will be upheld. Tho style and name of tho firm will he continued as hitherto,. Further particulars respecting the dissolution will appear in a few days. JOHN KIEKCALDIE, For Kirkcaldie & Stains. AT THE EEMOVING SALE, TE ARO HOUSE. 3GO Heads Qood Scotch Fingering, 150 Qood Hair Brushes, -i -i 1 D each. 500 dozen Crewel Silks, all colors, -t j por dozen. 560 miles Sewing Cottons, -J / per mile. AT THE EEMOVING SALE, TE ARO HOUSE.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 79, 18 August 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 79, 18 August 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 79, 18 August 1886, Page 2