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TO MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, AND OTHERS. QFFICES TO LET, preinissa late Post and Tolegraph Offices, corner of Brandon and Featherston-Btroets. Apply J. STUART REID, Groy-stroot. TO BE LET, OR FOR SALE, a oomfort. able Honso of four rooms and bathroom, ito., 6tablo, outbuildings, and paddock, situate in Karori-roid, opposite Botanical Garden gate. Apply to BENJAMIN SMITH & CO., 40, Lambton-qnay. npo LET, in St. HiU-street, off Manners". X street, on low rental, with immediate passoßsion, 2 iron Stores, fit for workshops, stabling, Ao. Also, large enolosed Yard, with frontage to harbour. Private Storage for passengers' luggage, and other goods or merchandise. Jan. F. Wills, Old Cußtom-honae-street. HMO LET, Nairn-Btreet, 6-roomed House. -L on ono floor; gas cooking itovo and Leamington range ; patent W.C. attaohed ; and built-in copper. Apply Baird & Ward, Grey-street, or Thomas Ward. Nairn-atroet, before 8.30 a.m. or after G p.m. Ront £1 a week. T>O LET, for tho session, a few minntee* walk from Parliament House, a superior suite of Apartmonta, consisting of drawing-room, dining-room, and two or three bpdrooms, as may be required. For addroßs apply Evening Post offioe. f IPO LET, or For Sale, on easy terms, m. IToubo. in Upper "VVillis-Btrcet. now in the ocoopation of Mr. C. Hill; oontains sevontoon rooms, including kitchen, washhouse, bathroom, Ac. &o. ; every convenience. Apply Haroourt & Co. mO LET, a two-Btoried Briok Storo, 50 X by 30 ; quito now ; to whioh is attached an Engine-house, 50 x 19, and a Eight Horsepower Engine in good working ordor, and a goftd largo Yard. Apply to John Plimmor. TIAO LET, for tho session, within a few I minutoa' walk of tho Parliament Buildings, a Furnished Bedroom, with uso of bath. AddrOEß, Thorndon, Evening Post offioe. rJMO LET, a Furnished Bedroom, within 1 five minutes' walk of Govornmont Building?, suitable for one ortwogentlomon. Address S.L., Box G, Post Office. r |^6 LET (furnished), for the eossion, two 9 Bedrooms and Drawing-room; five minutes' walk from Parliament Buildings. Apply Evoning Post. mO LET, in Oriental Bay, Rose Hoath X Villa, No. 4, at prcsont oconpiod by J. E. Cox, Esq. ; seven rooms. Apply to D. N. Wilkinson. TO LFT, the Shop and Premises, in Willia-Btreet, latoly oocupiod by Mr. Do Brent, Wine Merohont. Apply Henry Wright. TI^O LET, two Bedrooms and Sittingroom, X with or without board, in Thorndon. Apply to Mr. Chisholm, Molesworth-streot. TO LET, a House near the oorner of Willis and Uppor Abel Smith streets. Apply Andrew Young, or Baker Bros. TO LET, a Honse containing eight rooms nnd bathroom ; hot and cold wator. J. Saundera, Tinakori-roid. TITO LET, those oommodious Premises M known as Jamos's Warohouso, Bituated on Lambton-quav. |^ O E SALE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. Abel Smitd-strcet. 5-roomod Houeo, with eoullery and largo washhonso, briok ooppor, drains connected with sower, gas and water, yard concreted. -C1Q0 ; torms oasy. CUBA-STBKET. Largo 6-roomod House, with eoullery, bathroom, pantry, &o. ; Und, 40 x 150. JE7OO. AUSTIN-BTBKET. 7-roomed House, every ocnveuienco, gas and wator, Vonetian blinds, &o. ; land, 50 x 150. .£500 ; a bargain. TINAKORI-ItOAD. 5-roomod House. £350 ; terms. £100 oash. Also, G-roomod Houso, Lowisvillo Torraco ; £100. Also, a numbor of dosirablo House and Cottage Properties in all paHa of tho town. BOILDIN3 ALLOTMENT?. Allotmont3 in Austin-street, £6 per foot ; Soarboro' Terraoe, £4 per foot ; Kent Ter. raco, £8 15s per foot ; Cambridge Torraco, £7 per foot; Adelaido-road, from £2 per foot ; Wollington Torraoe, from £7 por foot ; allotment near Baein Roßorvo, £2 15s por foot. SECTIONS (WOODVILLF). A nnmbor of Sections in the centre of tho rising townrtiip of Woodvillo; also, near propoßod railway lino. For numbor of seotiona and prices, apply to M'TAVISH, TATUM & CO. MONBY TO LICND. PETONE. F'OK SALS, Cheap, an allotment of Land, flituato near tho Beach and Wharf, and in healthiest part of township. Torms if required. Jamos Curtis, Petono. FOR SALE. lAAA ACRES first-oloss freohold Xvfvlvf Land; aIBO, several town Hotels. L. Davies, Willis-street. FOR SALE, eight first-olass Bioycles and Trioyoles, by Starloy and Sutton, Coventry. WHITTEM, NICHOLSON & CO. FOR SALE, a long Lease of a first-clots Commercial Hotel, togethor with the stock atd furniture therein. The hotel is situated in one of the most thriving districts in the North Island, and is replete with every comfort. Samplo rooms a very speoial foature. Business really good and commercial trado largo. Principals only doalt with. For further particulars, apply J. E. Garthon Boworn, Hotel Broker; or T. & W. Young, Merchants, Featherston-street. 'ifOR SALE— Land, 40 ieet frontage to I Hankey-atreot, 40 foet fronUgo to Bidwell-street, 200 foet dopth (about), with four-roomod house, noarly now; wator and gas laid on. Title Crown grant. Alao, Building Land in b'carboro' Torraoo, patt of acre 355, 6G foet frontage, 98 feet frontage to Harley-atreot ; oorner section. Jas. F. Wills, Hankey-street. Office— Old Custom House-street. YrOR SALE, three Freehold Sections in r Donald M'Lean-street, 40 x 107. Smalt, Cash Deposit. Monbt advanced to Build, repayable by Monthly Payments. Interest only 8 per cbnt. For particulars apply Mr. Sohwartz, 27, Lambton Quay ; or Mr. Johnston, Daniel-street, Newtown. rr\O BE SOLD, oheap, House and Land; X honso oontaina threo rooms and soullory ; land, 30 x 122 ; nice view of town. For particulars apply sharp to Joseph M'Ghie.on promisos, Queen-street, off Brougham-street, To Aro. OR SALE. 118 acres Freohold Land, about 20 acres grassed, rest bush ; frontage fenced. Two miles from railway station. Section No. 7, Haywtrd's Line. Apply C. Stuart, Pahautanni ; or to Baker Bro3. tr'Oß SALE, Freehold Section No. 343, 1 Western Hutt District, containing 84 acres. —Wellington Truet. Loan, and Investment Company (Limitod). FOR BALE, Surveyor's Instruments, all complete cheap. B. Isen's, Pawnbroker, Cuba-streot, Wellington. I? OB SALE, 200 Ewes. For particulars ' apply to James Walkor, Parramatta, Porirua. FOXF OK SALE, Bay Horse; rising five; broken to single and double harness. Apply S. Evans, Union Stables, Willia-st. l OR SALE, a six roomed House in Meinstroet. Apply W. M. Muir, Marjoribanks- street. FOR SALE, Horse and Express, in good condition. Apply Evening Post. WANTED Fathers to know, they oan get Gents' Watertight^ from 12b Gd ; shooting boot*, from 12a Gd; Lome shoos, from 10b 6d ; elastic sides, from 12s Gd, at J. and W. Staples', The Original Boot Shop, No. BG, Willis-street. ANT_D^no~wrrr£o^iT"pio_ea and Keys fitted immediately. J. K. Hayos. L-mbton-quay ANTED Known-One hh_ing""per Lorson, Pianoforte, Amerioan Organ and Singing. Miss E. Smith, Teacher of Music, Courtenay-place. Evening Partios attendod. ANTED Known— Mrs. and the Misses Robey, from tho Scientific Dress Cutting Association, Regent-street, London, make tip stylish dresses, mantles, and habits, and fit elegantly, npon moderate terms. Fife House, College-street. WANTED Known, Gas Glooos, from Is 6d to 10a eaoh. J. E. Hayes, Lamb-ton-qnay. WANTED to cell, one Booond-hand Billiard Table, as good as now, the cushions having been just renewed by Aloock. Laery A Campbell. WANTED Known— Waller's Eucalyptus Extract was awarded a special prize at Sandhurst Exhibition. Retail, Is 6d and 2s Cd per bottle. For ooughs and oolda it is invaluable Wm. C. FitzGerald, agent for New Zealand.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 111, 3 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 111, 3 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 111, 3 June 1885, Page 3