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THURSDAY, 4lh JUNE. Unroservod Sale of Houßehold Furniture and Effects. JH. WALLACE & CO. have been • favoured with instructions from a gentleman who ia leaving Wellington to sell by publio auotion, at thoir rooms, Hunterstreet, on Thursday, 4th June, 1885, at 2 o'olook p.m.— Household Furniture and Effects, consisting of — Walnut drawin groom suite (very superior and quite new), carpets, whatnots, iron bedsteads, hair and flax mattroßßOß, ohaira, washstanda, fenders, irons, stair carpet roda, mate, oilcloth, dinner and tea services, ko., ko., ko. Sale Thursday, 4th June, 1885. Sale oomraencea at 2 o'clook p m. R. BRUCE WALLACE, Auctioneer. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION ROOMS, Panaua-stbeet. ON FRIDAY, sth JUNE, 1885, At 2 o'olook p.m. SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK AND CEMENT HOUSES, HANSONSTREET. T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • aro favoured with instructions to sell by publio auction, on tho above date — TWO VALUABLE BRICK AND CEMENT HOUSES in Hansonstreet, each houae built on allotmont having a frontage of 30 feet by a depth of 132 feet, part of town acre 754. The houses contain four rooms eaoh, with Bcullery and briok waahhouae and outbuildings. These houses will be sold separately, have juat been pnt in complet) repair, and are uituatod oppoaite the residence and grounds ot Councillor 8. Brown. Special Note to Mechanics A Others. The properties will be sold on easy terms. Arrangements have been made to allow a large proportion of the pnrohase money to remain on mortgage, repayable by monthly instalments like rent. For keys and oards to view, apply at our offioea, Panama-atreet. SALE OF SPLENDID BUILDING SECTIONS IN THE FASHIONABLE PART OF THE CITY. On Lono Terms of Patmbnt, if debirxd. IN THE EXCHANGE LAND AND MERCANTILE AUCTION BOOMS, Panama-stbbbt. ON FRIDAY, sth JUNE, 1885, At 2 o'clook p.m. T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • are favoured with instructions to sell by publio auotion, as above, the undermentioned VALUABLE BUILDING SECTIONS IN THORNDON— Lots 1 and 2. TWO SECTIONS, eaoh having a frontage of 37 feet to THORNDON QUAY, by a depth of 100 feet. Theae seotions are adjacent to the residence, garden, and ornamental grounds of C. J. Johnston, Esq., M.HR. Lots 3 and 4. TWO SECTIONS, eaoh having a frontage of 37 feet to THORNDON QUAY, by a dopth of 100 feet. Theae seotionsare planted with ornamental trees. They abut on the pleasure grounds attached to the reaidenoe of the Honourable A. de B. Brandon, M.L.C. The above building sections oommand a magnificent prospeot of the harbour and the Tararua Mountains. They are situated in one ot tho healthiest and most delightful parts of the oity, and being in the moat fashionable quarter are likely to rise very largely in value eaoh year. The terms of sale have been fixed on the following liberal basis s— lo per oent. deposit at sale, and the balance in one month ; or, at the option of the purchaser, 10 per oent. at sale, 15 por oent. on the purchase in one month, and the balance of 75 per oent. in 10, 15, or 20 years, with interest in the meantime at 7 per oent per annum. For conditions of sale, &0., apply to MESSRS. BRANDON & SON, Solicitors. AT THE ISLAND BAY HOMESTEAD. On TUESDAYT 9fch JUNE, At 1.30 o'clook p.m. Important to Dairymen, Farmers, and Others. v T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • are favoured with instructions from Messrs. Joseph and Wright to sell by publio auotion, as above— 27 oowa, in prime oondition, and in milk or to oalve early One bull One grey horse, good upstanding beast, and flrat-olass trotter Alao, Dairy utensils and sundries. Theae oattle were the piok of the wellknown Island Bay herd. Those dairymen and others wishing to inoreaae their atook should note thia Bale. Lunoh at 12 30 o'olook. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. LEASE OP FOREST SECTIONS IN THE THEKMAL SPRINGS DISTBIOT, EOTOEUA. Crown Lands Office, Auckland, sth May, 1885. I HEREBY notify that tho Sections specified in the Schedule horeunder will bo open for lease on application at this Office on and after FEIDAY, tho sth day of June next. D. A. TOLE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. gCHEDULE. Bush Sections in the Maraeroa-Oturoa Block, Thermal Springs District, near Lake Rotorua. Sec. 1, 245 acres; Sec. la, 245 acres; Seo. 2, 245 acres ; Seo. 2a, 245 acres ; Sec. 3, 249 acres ; Seo. 3a, 249 acres ; Sec. 4, 245 acres 2 roods; Seo. 4a, 245 acres 2 roods ; Sec. 6, 252 acres 2 roods ; Sec. 7, • 260 acres 2 roods ; Sec. 7a, 260 acres 2 roods; Seo. 8, 258 acres; Sec. Ba, 258 acres. Upset annual rental, sixpence per acre. CONDITIONS OP SALE. Terms of Lease, 21 years. Rent payable half-yearly in advance. Improvements (if any) at end of term saved to lessee. TAMESON BROTHERS & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Willis-street, opposite Scotoh Churoh. Hate on Sale— 50 tons White Sugar at 3d per lb 20 tons do do at 2sd per lb Finest crushed Lump Sugar at 4d per lb 50 half -chests Tea at Is 8d per lb 50 do do do at 2a per lb 50 do do do at 2a 2d per lb 200 boxes do do at 16s per box 20 oasea i Sardinea at 10s per doz 20 oaaea i Sardines at 5a 6d per dez 50 oases Plaid Matohes at 4^d per doz 200 boxos Candlos at Bid per lb 6 oases Oxford Blue at BJd per lb 3 tons Tapioca at 3d per lb 3 tons Sago at 3d per lb 6 i terces Tobacco at 5s 6d per lb 2 tons Akaroa Cheeaa 1 ton Hams and Bacon 20 cases Lobsters at 8a 6d per doz 10 oaaea X Herrings at 10s 6d per doz 50 tons Flour 200 saoka Wheat 5 tons Oatmeal JAMESON BROTHEBS k CO., WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Willia-street, oppoaite Scotoh Churoh. DUNEDIN ALE— Bs 6d and 5s per doz. DUNEDIN STOUT-8S 6d and 5a por doz. All kinds of Wines and Soirits of the best brands sold in assorted dozens, delivered free to all parts of the oity. JAMESON BROTHERS & CO., WILLIB-BTBXET, Opposite the Sootch Churoh. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. W NICHOLSON wiehos to thank the • publio generally for the liberal support he has mot with during the many and at the same time to recommend to them Mr. W. Eades as his successor, in whom he haa every oonfidenoe. ! {XX SALE, GustomnouM Forms, at the yj Evening Port offioe.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 4