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WANTED,W 'ANTED, for the Mount View Asylum, a Male Attendant; one hav'ne a knowledge of tailoring proforrcd. Salary commencing at £70 per annum, with board and lodging. Apply, with testimonials, *t the Asylum, between 10 and 12 a.m. ard 6 and 8 p.m. WANTED to Soil, one Cow, to oalvo immediately. Apply Mount Viow Asylum. ~TO DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS. WANTED, a steady young Man for Blenhoim. Apply Clark's Drapery Warehouse, Lambton-qnay. TO TINSMITHB. WANTED, a Purchaser for a fint-olui plumber and tinsmith's business i terms easy. Apply to A. 0. Leslie, Hawera. TENDERS. WANTED Tenders for plumbing, paint. , ing, brioklayin*, plastering, and draining work of eight dweUinghoutes. B. X Evenden, corner of Dixon and Herbert streets. WANTED, two oxperienood Salesmen. Apply to Kirkoaldie and Stains. ANTED, the use of a Piano (Thorndon end) for one hour daring two afternoons of the week. State terms, Cioely, Post Offioe. ANTED, a Situation in a store ; oonn. try preferred ; good references. Address A.T., Evening Post. ANTED, at once, two quiet younjj, Men Boarders in a private family ; £1 por week, inoludin* washing ; oomfort* abio home. Address H.D., Evening Post ollioe. ANTED, 50 Pigeons for shooting by Thursday morning. Apply Post Oflioo Hotel WANTED, Bookkeeping, by experienced man, diseogagnd mornings and evenings ; terms moderate. Address Ledger, ' Evoning Post. ANTED, immediately, a first oUss Coaoh Trimmer; day or piece work. Apply sharp to Bouse A Hurrcll, Ooaoh* builders, Wollington. WANTED~Known, just wouived, 60 rolls Roofing Felt ; also, for sale, Kamsbottom Water Engines, with Meter attached. Thomas I)allingcr, Plumber, &0., No. 17, W.'llis-ntreet. W ANTKD Known- Fine speculation for a pushing young man, with small capital ; rent free for five years. Jamos Watkins, Newmarket Hotel, Wangasui. WANTED, a young Lady Boarder j terms moderate. Apply Evening Post. ANTED, a smart Kitohen Lad for a boardinghouse. Apply, at onoo, Evoning Post. WANTED, a strong Youth as generally useful. Apply Oommeroial Hotel. WANTED. Situations for good cooks, housekeepers, general servants, housemaids, station and farm hands, drivers, butohers, clerks, grooms, storamen. painter, stoker, Ao. First-olass Hotel to let; rent low. Stewari/s Age&oy,_WUlis-atroet. WANTED, Situation"for~irßldned"Cook and Baker in steamer, sailing vessel, or ashore; first-class testimonials. Apply Stewart's Agenoy, WiUU-street. WANTED, Situation as Butoher and Stookridor on a station, or to drive a butcher's cart; oonntry preferred. Apply Stewart's Agenoy, Willis-street. WANTED, Front Boom, partially lur- . nished, in the ceighbaMPM-irf" Taranaki-atreet, Te Aro. tend address to H.C., Evening Post Office. WANTED, a good Housekeeper (mid. die aged). Apply to George Leslie, Bute-street. ANTED, rospeotable Charwoman, one day weekly, and take family washing homo; regular work for suitable person. Address at Evening Post. WANTED — Advertiser is~deiirous~of keeping, during spare hours, Tradesmen's and others Books. Address Balanoe, Evening Post. ANTED, a Man toaisißtinthokitohon and make himself generally uiefnl. Apply to J. M'Namara, Windsor Oastle Boarding House, Willis-street. \ WANTED, a strong, useful Girl. Apply offioe of Evening Post. ' WANTED, for numerous olients, Cot! tagos, Honsw, Booms (furnuhod and unfurnished); also, Shops, Business Open. ingci, Hotels, Besterannti, Boarding Honcos, Small Farms, Ao. Send full particulars to Stewart's Commission Agenoy, Willis-st. 11/ANTEDTMarried Couple; man to v V drive, Ao. ; wife as governess. Franoo - Bros., Wellington Labour Exohange. ANTED? Undor Housemaid ; "refer, onotts indispensable, France Bros., Wellington Labour Exohange. ANTED, Parlourmaid: good referenoes. France Bros., Wellington LabourExohange^ WANTED, Housemaid, town hole). Franoo Bros., Wellington Labour Exohango. W~ "ANTED, Beoond Housemaid, first-olass oonntry hotel. France Bros., Wollington Labour Exohange ANTED, Housemaid and None, came place. France Bros., Wellington Labour Exohange. TTI7ANTED, Situation, by a shepherd. TV France Bros., Wellington Labour Exohange. ANTED, Situation, as manager on a sheep station. Franoo Bros., Weilington Labour Exohange. TTIT ANTED, Boarders j good locality ; T t terms 20s per week, washing included, Frano^Bros., Wellington Labour Exohange. WANTED, a Situation in a hotel ~as housemaid ; would assist in the bar. Address M C, Evoning Post. WANTED to Let, for a few months,"* well furnished Homo of 7 rooms situated in Willis-street, immediate possession. For further partionlars address S.E.S., Evening Post. ANThD.aNnrsegiri. Apply Evening Post. ANTED, situation in the hard war* trade as Salesman or Travollor; good colonial experience; first-olass refer. oncsß. Address 8.H.. Evoning Post. W~ ANTED, a fow Beginnors for tho Piano ; terms very easy. Apply V.B. WANTED, Situation by experionood Working Housekeeper ; agoodoook; two years' reference. Address Housekeeper, Evening Post. ANTfcD, » smart young Man, as teoond waiter, for Gisborne. Apply Mr. Boott, OooidenUl HoteL WANTED, Furnished Apartments, by married couple ; no other boarderi preferred. State terms to Comfortable, Evening Post ANTED, young Man as clerk for ■ hotel. Apply Mr. Soott, Oooidental Hotel. ANTED, Employment as Storeman either in wholeiiale store or auotion room by an aotive, able-bodied man, age 23. Apply to F. H. Fraser, Stationer, Mannersstreet. WANTED, a Lady Help, thoroughly domestioated. Apply Evening Post offioe. WANTED, an experienced Nurse, for two young ohildreni reference* re* quired. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Tole, Tinakoriroad. ANTED, purchasers for Manure. Apply at Tramway Station, Adelsideroad. WANTED, an experienced Grocer's Assistant. Apply by letter J.C., Evening Post. WANTED, smart intelligent young Men, for Band, about to be organised by Chas. W. Clayton, late Bandmaster of Christohuroh City Guards. Band to be oalled " The Wellington Naval Band." As the number is limited early application v neoessary. Apply personally to 80. Willii-ttrcot. WANTED, a good Housemaid ; one ao customed to boardinghouse work preferred. Apply Evening Post. ■\Tir ANTED to Sell, White and Bed Basp. TT berry Canes, strong plants, also Apple and Plum Trees, five to seven years old. Apply to Mr. Mitohell, care J. K. Shelly, Words worth-street. WANTED*"" immediately. Furnished Apartments, with or without board, for married couple and single gentleman. Address, staling particular*, Apartments, - Evening Post. ANTED, an exporienoed Soft Good" Traveller. Address, stating salary Box 235, P.O. WANTED to clear, 25 tons Galvanised Corrugated Iron, ex Akaroa and Villalta, 5 to 10 feet. 26 gauge. Also, a quantity of Ridging, Spouting, and Downpipe, damaged by late fire, at low rates. Thomas Bauinger, Importer, 17, Willis-st. ANTED, to Lay-on Water and Gas Pip««. Baths and Lavatories fitted np with hot and cold water ; Looks picked and Keys fitted at shortest notioe. Geo. Remington. Onbm-street. ANTED Known, J. Cook A Son have just reoeived 60 varieties of New Goods for their autumn trade, inoluding velveteen cords, worsted trouserings, cola o^ nial and English suitings, whioh they will make up at prices to suit tbe timos. 225, Lambton-quay.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3