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HANNAHS GEEAT EASTETt 0O N BIT LT A T'l O N EXTKAORDINAEY~ANi GENUINE SALE. THE BOOT TRADE HEAVILY HANDICAPPED. Having purchased from the Liquidators of THE NEW ZEALAND LEATHER MANUFACTURING COMPANY (Limited) Their immense stook of BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER, GRINDERY, and MACHINERY, amounting to jESOOO, we intend to hold a GREAT CLEARING SALE! FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, Commencing on SATURDAY, the 4th day of April, 18S5, at HANNAH'S BOOT PALACE, LAMBTON QUAY, CASH BOOT MARKET, CUBA-STBEET, And at thb NEW ZEALAND LEATHER CO.'S PREMISES, WILLIS-STREET, When tho whole of the above-mentioned stook, together with our own vast and superior stock, value for .£30,000, will be offered to the publio at Slaughter Prices, far below Manufacturers' cost, bo as to ensuro a speedy olearanoe. Tho Prioe List ia a teaser, and terrible to contemplate :— s. d. New Zealand Leather Company's Women's Kid Boots 5 H New Zealand Leather Company's Women's Lasting Boots 5 11 New Zealand Loather Company's Women's Hou^e Boots 3 11 New Zealand Loather Company's Women's Prunella Boots 6 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Women's Leather Slippers 1 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Women's Loath ar Laon-upa 5 11 New Zealand Loather Company's Ladies' Glove Kid Walking Shoes ... 5 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Ladies' Kid Buttoned Boots 10 6 New Zealand Loather Company's Ladies' Buttoned Lasting Boots ... 8 G New Zealand Leather Company's Ladies' Tennis Shoes 3 11 New Zealand Loather Company's Women's Loathor hlastio-eides ... 7 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Infants' Boots 1 0 New Zealand Leather Company's Infants' Strapped Shoes 0 9 New Zealand Leather Company's Children's Elastio-side Boots 1 3 New Zealand Loather Company's Children's Elastic-sides, Btrong ... 2 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Elastic-side Boots 9 9 New Zealand I pather Company's Men's Sh»es 7 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Canvas Shoes ... 4 G New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Watertiehts, extra Btrong ... 9 G New Zealand Leather Company's Boys' Btrong Nailed Boots 4 9 Now Zealand Leather Company's Youths' Shooters, Ito 4 8 C New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Best Nailed Bluchers 8 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Children's Copper Toes, from 1 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Carpet Slippers 2 0 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Leather Slippers 3 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Patent Slippers 2 0 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Btrong Bluchers 5 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Girls' Morocco Walking Shoes, 1 and 2 511 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Best Kip Shooters 13 G New Zealand Leather Company's Girls' High-legged Lace, 4to G 3 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Girls' High-legged Lace, 7to 9 4 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Girls' High-legged Lace, 10 to 13 ... 5 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Superior Calf Derby Shoes ... 10 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Girls' Morooco Walking Shoes, 10, 13... 4 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Ladios' Fur-bound Shoes 5 G New Zealand leather Company's Girls' Kid Elastic-side Boots, 10, 13 ... 4 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Ladies's Best Lawn Tennis Shoes ... 4 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Men's Shooters 10 6 New Zealand Leather Company's Ladies' Buttoned Boots 6 11 New Zealand Leather Company's Ladies' Kid Balmorals 8 6 New Zealand Loather Company's Ladies' Lasting Boots 4 11 These Speoial Class of Boots and Shoes Manufactured by P. Pinet, Otto Herz 4 Co., Cove and West, Bostook 4 Co., Gilbert Brothers, and other Celebrated Makers, at Greatly Reduced Prioes. This Sale is a very Saul among its fellows, and towers above all previous by reason of the immense stock it deals with, and the coloseal bargains offered. Everything cheap at this sale. Everything reduced 50 per cent, below the usual Belling prices. Call and examine tho contents of the boxes and lumps that will be on view at the Lambton-qnay shop, at the Cuba-street shop, and at the Willis-Btreet shop. THE BOXES. THE BOXES. THE BOXES. The Is, the 1b 6d, tho 2s, the 2s 6d, tho 3s, the 3s Gd, the 4s, the 4s Gd, the ss, the 5s 6d, the 6s, and the 7s Boxes will be overflowing with bargains. Call early and prooure your Boots for the Holidays, for half tho usual cost. Heads of Families, Hawkers, Storekeepers, and Boot Dealers will do well by making their purchases at cur present sale. TERMS— CASH ONLY. Sale commences en SATURDAY, the 4th day of April, 1885, at tho following plaoes : — Hannah'B Boot Palaoe, Lambton Quay ; Hannah's Cash Boot Markot, Cuba-streot ; and Leather Company's late Store in Willis-street. The whole of the Maohinery, Leather, and Grindery, lately belonging to the New Zealand Leather Manufacturing Company (Limited) will bo sold in lota to suit purchasers. R. HANTSTAIf AND CO., THE GREAT BOOT PROVIDERS, WELLINGTON. LARGE SHIPMENTS OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE WINTER GOODS By tho s.b. ARAWA and TONGARIRO, and complete 6nooesß of tho Now Discount Systom, as introdnced by WILSON & RICHARDSON. ALL Buyors of Drapery aro invited to inspeot and tost tho value of very largo shipments purchased direct from tho leading British and Continental Manufacturers. All Goods at WILSON & RICHARDSON'S are marked at a small advanco on landed cost, from which a Discount of 10 per cent, on 103 and upwards is allowed for cash, or 5 per cent, on monthly accounts. This Bystem is now found to bo entirely successful in its operation ; it gives the cash buyer advantages second to none, and plaoes those customers having open accounts upon the very best terms. WILSON & RICHARDSON invito pnblic support, feeling assured that as tho advantages offered by them become more widely known that their trade will continue to increase. New Robes, Dress Fabrics, Silk Velvets, Broohe Velvets, Velveteens, Fanoy Velveteens, Novelties in Silks for walking and evening wear, Millinery, Mantles, Ulsters, Girls' Jeiseys, Ladies' Underclothing, Ladies' Merino Combinations, Black ALL AT and Coloured Kid Gloves, Cape Gloves (sewn backs). Swedo Glovos, liJbi) U O±iD X A I ES, Novelties in Gloves for ovening wear, AND New Styles in Laoe Goods, Ribbons, Fur Capes, Fur-lined Cloaks, Ho- 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT siery, M'Lintock's Down Clothing, Ladies' A Girla' Waterproof Cloakß, IN ADDITION. Blankets, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Manufactures, Boys' Suits and Jersey Suits, Football Jerseys and Hose, Travelling Bogs and Trunks, Lace Curtains, Wool Shawls, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Gowns, WILSON & RICHARDSON Hold a large Stock of all Now Zealand Woollen Manufactures ; aro ah-o TAILORS, HABIT MAKERS, SHIRT MAKERS, CARPET AND LINOLEUM IMPORTERS, AND GENERAL FURNISHERS. 58 & 60, Lamloton Quay ; and Brandon- street, Wellington ; AND OLD BROAD-STREET, LONDON. THE TALK OF THE CITY Is the Opening of tho G CRAW ford & CO., TpEDERAL DRAPERY ESTABx LISHMENT, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Central Willis-btbkkt (opposite Ship Hotel), 010 Customhouse™, qn SATUfiDAY msTANT) WELLINGTON. A - CASS, Pbopuiktor. I shall do business on the smallest possible paying profit. By doing bo I may reasonably Importors of oxpoot that the publio of Wellington will WINES, appreciate the inducement. Having hod 30 yoars' experience in the SPIRITS, trade, being 20 years in this colony, thus giving me a knowledge of the tastes and reGROCERIES. quirementa, as also valuo of goods. It being a little late in the season. I have ottwaw qtopvc! purohaeed several parcels at a GREAT OILMAN blOßlife, DISCOUNT, and shall offer the same at specially low rates. &o , &c, &o. Note thi Psices in the Windows and Dooe. SYDNEY TIP CARTS AND TIP DRAYS j haTe comp i et ea arrangements for having always on hand a well-selected Alwats in Stock. STOCK OF GENERAL DRAPERY, Lddieß* and Children's Underclothing, Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, G. CRAWFORD & CO., Smallwares, &o. Old Customhouse-street, CHEAP DSEBS MATERIALS. At the suggestion of several Ladies, I have Wvr t iwrTnw also inoluded in tho business a varied assortment of Crewel and Arrasene in Silk and Wool, Berlin Wool, Brigg's Patterns, and other goods in this department. Miss. CASS will have charge of the Ladies' Department. GOAL AND COKE a. CA SB, TTNCOURAGE^ NEV^ ZEALAND FE djs BA J, DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT By using tho Best Household Steam and Willis-stbbbt. SauthyCoala from the Celsbrated Brenner °oS^ SmeuSfMaltme, »nd other ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY, pnrposea, .Fire Bncka, Fire Cky, and Fire jx OLLKniD BEO s. wish respectfully to Cl»y Good* of H notify to the general public and Btorehand or made to order, and can bs obtained fe ft pto j be ob . tain^fromauy of the Wellington merchants. s»*es. NOTICE. KENNEDY BROS., Proprwtoi!, Oaslombonss-qtißV, » lj, Horses and Cattle fonnd trespassing AdjoiuiEit Lion Fc-octiry. Wellington. J\^ on the property of the undersigned at ROBERT BCOTT, Island Bay will be impounded. Atont. JOSEPH & WEIGHT.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 1