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TUESDAY, 2nd JUNE. Unreservod Sale of Household Furniture and Effects. JH. WALLACE & CO. have been • favoured with instructions from a gentleman who is leaving Wellington to sell by publio auotion, at their rooms, Hunterstreet, on Tuesday, 2nd June, 1885, at 2 o'clock p.m.— Household Furniture and Effeota, consisting of— Walmt drawingroom suite (very superior and quite new), carpets, whatnots, iron bodateada, hair and flax mattresses, chairs, washsianda, fenders, irons, stair carpet rods, mats, oilcloth, dinner and tea services, &0., Ac, Ao. Sale Tuesday, 2nd June, 1885. Salo commences at 2 o'olock p.m. R. BRUCE WALLACE, Auctioneer. (CP"BEMEMBER THE SALE OF VALUABLE BUILDING SECTIONS IN THOENDON. FEEDAY. sth JUNE, 1885, At 2 o'clock p.m. 10, 15, or 20 years for purchase money. FOR fall details see Evening Post from 18th May to 26th May. T. KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO., Land and Mercantile) Auctioneers, Panama-street. AT THE ISLAND BAY HOMESTEAD. On TUESDAY, 9th JUNE, At 1.30 o'olook p.m. Important to Dairymen, Farmers, and Othors. T KENNEDY MACDONALD A CO. • are favoured with instructions from Messrs. Joseph and Wright to sell by publio auation, as abovo— 27 oowi, in prime condition, and in milk or to oalvo early Ono bull One grey horse, good upstanding beast, and first-olasa trotter Also, Dairy utensils and sundries. These cattle were the piok of the wellknown Island Bay herd. Those dairymen and others wishing to increase their stook should note this salo. Lunoh at 12.30 o'olock. NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF WELLINGTON FOR A LOCAL BILL TO CONFER ADDITIONAL LEASING POWERS UPON THE CORPORATION. "[•aTOTICE is hereby given that it ia the inJL3I tention of the Mayor, Councillors, and CiHzons of the City of Wellington to apply at the next session of the General Assembly of New Zealand for a Bill intended to effeot the objeots following, that ia to gay — 1. To obtain power to insert in every or any lease to be hereafter made of any lands or buildings the property of the Corporation (whether affeoted by any special or other Aot or otherwise) a provision to the effeot that prior to the expiration of the term thereby granted a new Lease of the premises comprised in such firet-menlioned Lease, for a further term of yoars, equal in length to the term granted by such first-men-tionod Leaso, and containing the sumo oovenants and provisions as are therein contained (inolading this prOßont provision), shall be put up to publio auction at the upset price of the annual value (to be fennd by valuation) of the land only, without regarding the value of anybuildinsa or improvements thereon, subject to a condition that in the event of any porson, other than the lessee, his oxeontors, administrators, or assigns, becoming entitled to the new Loase, thon auoh porson shall pay to the lessee, his exeoutors, administrators, or assigns the value (to be found by another valuation) of suoh buildings and improvements. 2. To provide that leases already made of any lands or buildings the property of the Corporation (under whatever spemal or other Aot, or other authority granted) may be surrendered with a viow to a new lease thereof, containing the aforesaid provision, being granted, and ior preliminary contracts for effecting Buoh surrender and new lease being made. 3. To empower the Counoil of the Baid oity to make by-lawa preßoribingthe terms and conditions upen whioh such surronders and new leases thereupon may be effected, the terms of years for whioh leases under the Bill shall be granted, and the class of buildings and improvements for whioh compensation shall be payable as aforesaid. 4. To provide that every (special or other Aot, or other authority, empowering the Corporation to lease for any term in possession shall authorise, and be deemed always to have authorised, the Corporation to let for the like term, to take effect oithor in possession, or within 6 calendar months from the making of tho lease Tho short title of anch BUI ia "The Weilington Corporation Leaseholds Aot, 1885." A oopy of anoh Bill may be inspected at the Residont Magistrate's Conrt offioe in the City of Wellington, and oopies of the same may be obtained on application at the City Counoil offioe, Brandon-street, in the said oity. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1885. THOS. F. MARTIN, Town Clerk. NOTICE OF CALL. WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU BAILWAY COMPANY (Limited). THE Directors of thi3 Company have made a Call (the tenth) of One Shilling per sharo on the capital acoount of the Company, as repreaented by the Wellington itegiator of Shareholders, and to be payable on or beforo the fourth day of June, 1885, at any of the branohes of the Bonk of Australasia in New Zealand. JAS. WALLACE, Seoretary. Wellington, 21st May, 1885. ESTATE OF JESSE HAMMOND, Late of Wellington (deceased.) ALL persons having olaims against this estate are requested to send the some in duplicate to the Exeoutor, care of the undersigned, on or before the first of June next. Ali persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay the amount due from them on or before the Bth day of June next, at the offices of the undersigned, otherwise legal proceedings will be commenced against them for reoovery. Dated 26th May. 1885. FITZHERBERT & DEVINF., Solioitora for the Executors, Featherston-street. NIL DESPERANDUMI TO THE MKCHANIO AND MBBCANTILB Comhunitt or Wellington. IN introducing ourselves to you as having commenced business in Wellington as HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURERS, We beg to inform you that our Messrs. M'Ewen and Brown (from tbe firm of Messrs. C. Hill A Son) will have the entire oharge of the manufacturing of Hats and Caps, whioh will be under their immediate supervision. Every care and attention will be given to Speoial Orders, so that Gentlemen may rely upon having a perfeot fit, oombined with oomfort, and a first-olass article. Tho very best material used. Our Mr. Kitto (employed for the last six years with Mr. Lowator) will have the management of the Hosiery and Mercery Department, which will be found to oontain well-seleoted and oomplete stook of Hosiery, irts, Flannels, Handkerohiefs, Scarves, d Gentlemen's Moroery. The above stook will be marked at the very west quotations, to enrare a speedy sale. We Bolioit your esteemed favours, and beg remain, Ac, ESSRS. M'EWEN, BROWN * KITTO, No. 40, WILLIS.gTBMT, Opposite the Melbourne Hotel. WM. HAMMERICBPS rTR EYTOWN HOTEL, Gbettown. First-class Aooommodation had Sample Rooms. Livbbt and Bait Stables. Vehicles of any description and Saddle Horses on Hire. NOTICE. BAKER 8803. are Not authorised to Let or Sell any Property on my aooount. ANNE M. SCHULTZE, Hobson-street. ORDEES to withdraw advertisemenes from the columns of the Evening Post must be forwarded in writing to the offioe not later than 2 p.m. daily, otherwise they cannot be taken out until the following day. Advertisements sent in without the number of insertions written thereon will be kept in until ordured out.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 108, 30 May 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 108, 30 May 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 108, 30 May 1885, Page 4