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JOUBNALISTIC. 4 JOURNALIST, of many yeara expori. rx. once in tho oolony, is desirous of engogomont in any part of tho North Island. Unexooptional testimonials and roferenooa. Address T.X.L., Evoning Poat offioo. LIFE, FHIE, OR MARINE INSURANCE. TXTAN TED, by a gentleman rooently from V J London, an Appointment with a good Inßuranoe Company, in Wellington; 14 years' experience in firat-olaaa offioe in London (Ko^al) ; all-round experience, and would profer travelling ; eecurity to any amount, if required. Address A. 11. Evans, Evenitfg Post. TO TAILORS. WANTED, at once, steady General Hand for tho country; permanent. Wilson & Richardson. TO~THK BOOT TRADE. WANTED, a good Fitter, highest wage* given to a good hand ; also a good Finißhor. Apply at the Boot Factory, St. Hill-atroat. W. &J. Staples. WANTED to Lot, two Unfarnishod Rooma in Thorndon; rent low. Apply Evening Poßt. WANTED Known, throo Gontlomon Boardors oan havo oomfortablo Board and Residenco, with bath, piano, and ovcry homo comfort ; torms vory modorato. Apply, Mrs. Ablors, Taranati-stroot, three doors from Abol Smith-street. WANTED, a good General Servant, for tho country. Apply, after 7 o'olook p.m., A. M. Lowater, Cuba-streot. WANTED, Apprentices and Improvers. Apply sharp Mra. J. Robin, Milliner and Drosßmaker, Molcsworth-street. WANTED, a good Gonoral Sorvant. Mrs. Robt. Gardner, Wooloombe-at. ANTED, an active Boy, botwoon 12 and 13 years! of age. Apply to Mrs. Whobby. Oriental Boy. WANTED, Gonoral Sorvant; roforcnoci roquirod. Apply G. H. Thornton, Wholosalo Export Conteotioner, Mannors-at. WANTED, smart Boy. Apply G. H. Thornton, Wholosalo Export Confootionor, Mannors-Btroet. WANTED, Apprentices for the Drew* making. Mm. Wiso, Drossmakor, Ghuznoo-street. * WANTED, a Situation as housemaid or genoral servant in an hotel; town or country ; roforenoos con bo givon. Apply to Mrs. Rushforth, Rogistry Offioe, ManuorsBtrcet. WXNTEDTgoodGcnoral Servant s also young Girla and Cook for oountry. Apply Mrs. Rushforth, Registry Offloo, Manners-street. , ANTED, a good useful Girl, about 1C years of ago, to assist gonorally in a small family; roferonoe rcquirod. For addroEß, apply to Evoning Port. WANTED, tho Publio to oall upon John Bullock, Lambton-quay, for artiatio and tasteful Presents. A ohoioo oaaortment of Christmas cards from the boßt makers, books, statiouory, fancy goods of all kinds, crewel silks, fanoy wools, l fanoy noodlework materials, ornamontal ohina, English torra ->• ootta ware, photo albums and frames, dosks, workboxoa, pronsoß, pnrses, ladies' bags, church aervioos, hymna A. and M., family and pookot bibles, sorap albums, oardoasos, ink stands, poncil casos, cngravinga, oleographs, Ac The oheapeat homo in town. WANTED, a good Gonoral Servant. Apply to Mrs. W. Beat, Johnsoiivillo. WANTED, sorno porson to adopt a male ohild. Addroßß, Eva, General Poßt Oflico, Wollington. WANTED, a young Man to milk and look after horBOS. Apply C. W. Cntton. Brandon-atreet, Wellington. WANTED, a rospootable Genoral Sorvant. Apply, Petterd'a Hotel, Lower Hntt. WANTED, an Improver; also, Anprentioos. Apply Mra. Mann, DroßSmakor, Binham-atreet. ANTED, good Couch Trimmer, 10s a day, oonstant work. G. Faulknor, Napier. WANTED to purohaao or borrow " Directions" for "Littlo Strangbr" aowing machine Address Mra. FiteGorold, Clyde Cliff. WANTED, end of November, fivo~or seven roomed houeo. Address Mra. Forsyth, Invorary Houso, Willia-atrect. WANTED to Lot, ono or two Unfurl nished Rooms. Roforonoe required. Evening Post. WANTED to Purchase, for cash, within ton minutos' walk of To Aro Hotol (Terrace preferred^, a Houso of about six rooms, with good piooo of ground ; or a large section, in hoalthy position. Addroaa M. Robinson, Evening Post. WANTED to pnrohaso, a four or fivoroomod Dwolling Houao in Welluigton. Apply H. Reid, Evoning Poat. WANTED Known, Vaooination Free. Mr. Wm. C. Fitzgerald will Vaooinata daily (Wednesdays oxooptod), from 9 to 12 a.m. A supply of Pure Calf Lymph. W. C. Fitzgorald, Pnblio Vqooinator. WANTED, thorough General Sorvant, or young porson dosiroua of anpplemonting her eduoation, who oould oook and wash well ; roforonoe* required. Apply to Mrs. Johnson, Park Villa Seminary, Lower Hntt. ANTED Known — Two gentlemen friends pan find oomfortablo Board and Residence in family of two j no othor Boarders. Addroßß at Evening Poat Offloo. WANTED, by a reapeotable young poreon, just arrived from England, a, situation as Barmaid. Address E.E.C., Evening Post. ANTED, every lady to bo euro to osmoand got ono of my Perambulators. About 50 will be sold vory ohoap, besides Cradles, Chairs, Invalids' Carriagos, Bntehora', BaJcara', and Unx»n' Baskets. Must bo sold. E. Arnold, Baekotmakor, opposite Fire Brigade Station. Mannersstreet, Wollington. ANTED, Approntioos for Drdssmaking. Voitoh & Allan, Tory-atroot. ANTED, a few Girls aa Appronticos n the Upper-closing Department. Apply to R. Hannah & Co., Lambton Quay. ANTED, five or aix good wharf or bridgro Carpenters. John M'Lean & Son, Qdoou'b Wharf. WANTED to Soil, Gaa Brackots, Pop danta, Chandeliora, Globea, Bray's, Christiana, Pooblo's, and Ellia'a Burnora, Gaa Tubing, and Stovos at very low nttoa Geo. Remington, Cuba-street WANTED to Let, a Furnished Front Koom, suitable for young lady engagod during tho day. Mrs. M'lntyre, Arthur-street. WANTED no more Slop or Beady-made garments, beeanao at the No. 1 Tailoring Establishment, oppotite Occidental Hotol, Lambton-quay, perfect fitting allwool Twoed Suits are made to meaanro from 50s ; trousers, from 12s Gd ; Mosgiel twoad suits, from GOa, made in aix hours if roquirod. We employ only tho best tailors, bo tho workmanship is guaranteed. Onr Spring stock is roady for inspection. Sholly & Webb. ANTED Known, Gaa Cooking and Heating Stoves, sold on monthly payments. J. E. Hayoa, Lambton-quay. ANTED Known-E. H. Edwarda, Carpenter and Builder, Johnstonstreet (next Theatre Royal). All kinds of jobbing work dono at reasonable charges. ANTED, pnrohaaera for lead -head naila, portable washing ooppera, folding moat safes, corrugated iron tanka, spouting, ridging. &o. Thomas Ballinger, Manufacturer, Willie-street. -*TT ANTED KNOWN, That W. & J. Staples are selling— Youths' Kip Shooters Boots, 1 to 5, at 8a Gd Boys' Kip, toe and heel plates, at 8a 6d Boya' Kip. toe and hoel plates, 7 to 9, at 4a lid At tho Original Boot Shop, Williß-Btroot.| WANTED Known, that during oroctio of new front promisee, my bueinees will bo oarried on aa usual. Thomas Ballinger. Plumber, Ac, Willie-street. WANTED, at Hannah's Old tihop, Lambton-quay, buyers for the bankrupt stock of Drapery now on sale there. Everything now in lull awing. Silk Keela at 2d, Braids at ljd yard, Feathers at 3d and 6d, and bargains in Drapery and Mon a and Boya' Clothing. Be in time for the great bargaina given away daily. WANTED the publio of Wellington a visit tho Great Salo of Bankrujt Stock at Hannah's old shop, next his Boot Palace, Lambton-quay. The reductions vary from 40 to 70 per cent, off drapers' price*. Ribbona at Id, 2d, and 3d per yard ; white kid gloves, at Is ; 300 new satin paraaola j bnttona at Id, 2d, and 3d per down. £200 worth of underclothing and baby linen. The reductions are immense, and the Bale now on, ANTED Known, largeet and ohMpeat etookof GaaFittingainN.Z. J.E. Hayoa. Lambton-qnay. •VVT" ANTED Known-On Sale, at tho ** Wellington Cok« and Coal Depot— Coal, Firewood, Oats, Chaff, Bran, Ac ; also, at Branch in Ingeatre-street. Samuel Brown, WANTED to Clear, 30 oases 26-gauga Corrugated Iron, to make room for goods to arrive per b.b. Dorio and Bhips Orari, Pleione, and Trevelyon. Thomas Ballinger, Importer, Williii-street. ANTED Known, ihat Mr. J. D. Kiddell, Proprietor of the Crown Diamond Bonded Warehouses, Mark Lane. London, haa appointed E. N. De Brent, of Willis-street, So'e Agent in New Zealand for the sale of his noted Crown Diamond, Talbot, United Vineyard Proprietors' Wines and Spirits, and Chateau de Montmorcnoy and A. Le Foreetier et File' Champagnoa, Stone Morolla Cherry Brandy, and other Liqueurs.

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Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 3