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HE SUFFEEED ACUTE AGON¥. Commercial Cigar Divan, Wellington, 11th July, 1884. M. Lbvt & Co., Auckland. DEAE SIRS— I was much troubled lately with acute rheumatism in the right arm, which rondored it useless, and tried various 80-called remedies to cure the acute agony I Buffered. On tho recommendation of a friend 1 applied St. Jacobs Oil to the affected part, and two applications of that speoific completely cured mo. I have, therefore, groat pleasure in publicly testifying to the efficacy of the Great German Bemedy.— Eeupectfully yours, B. P. COTTABI. ST. JACOBS OIL. ST. JACOBS OIL. ST. JACOBS OIL. FEEED FROM PAIN, OE THE EESULT OP GOOD ADVICE. Qneon-strcot, Auckland, I3th August, 1884. Mcsars Publishers, Evening Star, Auckland. Dear Sirs— After suffering for several days with paina in my back and nock, I was induced to try St. Jacobs Oil, and after two ! applications found myeeli perfectly free from pain and inconvenience. I may add that one of my servants was suffering from a swollen knee, and after using the Oil for a day or two, all the swelling and pain vanished. — I remain, doar Bira, yours truly, ISIDOE ALBXANDEE. ST. JACOBS OIL. ST. JACOBS OIL. ST. JACOBS OIL. TE ABO HOUSE. ' We are now showing about One Thousand Ladies' and Girls' WHITE CHIP HATS, large size, and suitable for Garden Wear or Lawn Tennis, /»D each. Also a largo quantity of CHILDEEN'S PARASOLS, ONE SHILLING, TE AftO^HOUSE. THE COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Limited. NOTICE. A BEANCH of this Society has been oponed on Lambton-quay, Wellington, for the transaction of genoral bnsinoss, in charge of Mr. C. Munro, Eoaidont Seoretary. By order of the Board. H. S. H. LYALL, Gonoral Soorotary for Now Zealand. Melbourne, 24th Oot., 1884. THE MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY OE VICTORIA (Limited). JC'OE LIFE ASSUEANCE, ENDOWMENTS, AND ANNUITIES. Head Office— 79, Collins-street West, Melbourne BONUS YEAH, 1885. Branches througuout the Australasian Colonies. MELBOUENE DIEECTOBS— Tho Hon. Thos. Loader Fredk. M'Coy, P.E.S. (Profoasor Melbourne Univorsity) Alox. Morrison, M.A., LL.D. (Principal Sootoh'College) Wm. Siddoloy Hon Wm. Baylos Sir James M'Culloch, K.C.M.G. NEW ZEALAND HEAD OFFICES— Dunodin. South Island. Auokland, North Island. Directors— Dunodin. Directors — Auokland. Hon. W.H. Eeynolds E. C. Barstow J. M. Eitchie E. Mitcholaon, M.H.E. John Eoborta D. B. Cruickshank WELLINGTON DISTRICT AGENCY. Bankors : Medical Eeferoe : Bank of New South Dr. G. Gore Gillon, Walos. M.8., CM. J. H. WALLACE & CO., Officos— Hunter-street. Agonts. H. Weagge, Travelling Eoprosentativo. T. D. EDMONDS, Secretary, North Island. TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVENING POST. SIE — I wish you to insert onolosod circular cent to me by the Secretary of the New Zoaland Leather Company, as I think it right tho public should know tho course they aro adopting to float the now company. 1, for one, have had quite sufficient of Leather Companies, and prefer putting up with the first loss. I am, yours, &0., A Shareholder. Wellington, 27th October, 1884. Now Zealand Leather Company, Wellington, 16th Ootobor, 1684. Dear Sib — There appears to be a mistaken notion on the part of a number of shareholders that they need not apply for shares in the_ proposed now company, as their preaont interests will be transferred. I now write to advise you that this idea ia incorrect, and that ovory shareholder must make propor writton application to the New Company. I regret to inform you that, although our present business is a perfectly good and safe one, tho capital is too small to allow it to be continued, and if the now company does not float and purchase the assets, a forced realisation must take place, with tho rosnlt that you will probably have to pay an immediate oall of £'& to £S on every sharo you hold. All this can be avoided if you will taka at once an equal number of shares in the now company, and with this view I enclose an application form, which please sign and retnrn to me by first post. If you fail to do this tho Directors must throw upon yourself the entire responsibility of the future serious loss you will sustain. Yours faithfully, EOBEET WILBEEFOSS, Secretary. NEW ZEALAND LEATHEE MANUFACTUEING COMPANY, LIMITED. TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVENING POST. SIE— In reply to "A Shareholder," and by permission of the Managing Director of this Company, I bog to inform you, and through you the public, that the oircular letter addressed to the shareholders of the Company, bearing my signature, and appearing in yonr last night's paper, was not a production of and did not striotly emanate from this office. Tho letter in question was the joint production of Messrs. T. K. Maedonald and MTavisli, had not the sanction of the Directors as a Board, and was issued contrary to the jndgment of the Managing Direotor and myself. I am, Sir, Yours obediently, EOBT. WILBEEFOSS, Aoting-Secretary. 28th Octobor, 1881. /\N SALE, EX S.S. DOEIC. 5 Tanks Turnip Seeds, including the following well-known varieties : — Greon Top and Purplo Top, Yellow Abordeon, Mammoth Purple Top, Devon Grey Stone, Whito Stone, Champion Swedes, Bonghohn Swodps, Purplo Top Swedes (skirvings.) MUERAY, EOBEETS & CO., Feathorston-atreet. mßfi MOSGIEL WOOLLEN FACTOEY A COMPANY (LIMITED. Premier Woollen Industry ot New Zealand. MOSGIEL TWEED~I MOSGIEL SERGES MOSGIEL FLANNELS Theae Goods are MOSGIEL BLANKETS noted for Pnrity of MOSGIEL EUGS I Material, Variety MOSGIEL SHAWLS f Pattern, Honesty MOSGIEL MAUDS of Manufacture MOSGIEL HOSIEEY 4 Moderate Prioe! MOSGIEL SOCKS MOSGIEL YAEN J AWAEDED THE HIGHEST PLACE AT THE AUSTBALIAN EXHIBITIONS. Tho pnblio are requested when purohaaing to boo that they get the genuine "Mosqikl" article, which is guaranteed to give satisfaction. The Trade supplied by tho Wholesale Warehousemen in fhe colony. Warehouse & Office — Iligh-stroet, Donedin. Factory — At Mosgiel, Talari. JOHN H. MOREISON, Manager.

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Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXVIII, Issue 104, 29 October 1884, Page 2