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THEATRE ROYAL. mHE UNION STEAM SHiV U/MVaNY ' MONDAY 19th MAY, «i W *W I OST, to-day, in Cuba-street Fox Terrier M „ nns X OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited) wiU At 12 o'clock. nWSSrSvfI • J Slut Pnp'colonr^ite right oar Education Offioo, Lessee A. T. Dunning despatch steamer* a» under:- ! Bank Fittings, Office Fittings, Counters, V^?WMrSv black and tan; 'taU out,' and coUar round 4 PPLICATIONS id^im) .n^fV B ?*' -jf^srs-, ==^~ t»^=K w BsagaeßFaag aaHSHSP GEAND MANOLA BALLET! Hatoa - W ? d £ ay l\ 2pm< Willis^ str»T ' A l^lyinthe occupation of Mrs. session of any person after date vill bo AssTstan^ 0 «2 "C^rEiV^* • GBAND MANOLA BALLET! BoTOKUAf flljg^ljg** 23 • noott j aery & will sell as 22?" "^ "° *" aDMm> *" * P r^°°^-^amMacKenzie, 17th May. A^SSdft3S,slS t B'* Tho Opera received with the greatest M^URNEm SO^i j£j ~* ATAV pS 0 tg^oSS™*" *"" • -^^^^Vff^W A "tt£. SB"' T ° El noarooma.TMo— rM^-loT^mT Sgg' 5S SSS&Sd^ P *» i -" h *P*- *** *^feWoT^'T many great productions of Opera Comiquo in Eotomahana | Mon | May 26 3 p.m. For Sale by Auction at the Landing Pens on ¦ >T^ m ,.^ r , ¦¦ -v — . .. „. ' , „ <tnnmfnrv this city *Callß Hobart. the Reolaimed Land, NOTICE. T ObT, at the Club Ball, a Maltese Laoe ?? 0 E o !£P\MANOLA") Stands pro-eminent as the T^^ T a-.™ n y CROSS-BRED . ___ .„ , mTMm X - X Handkerchief, marked with owner's ISLAND BAY PARK CO. MANOLA grandest production as re- PICTON AND NELSON SHEEP! STORE SHEEP! A PLICATIONS will bo received by the name. Apply Evening Post office. MANOLA gards beautiful music, gor- jjT^eT 1 Mon I May 19 I noon T , AERY * CAMPBELL will sell by public for Leasing or Purchas- ¦ OST, two Keys. Finder will bo \I7 ANTED ' 12 Piok and Shovel Mon. MANOLA^ geous costumes, splendid (£™* "' Thurs May 22 iXI2 *-* auction, at the Pens, on the Beclkimed 18 Acres at Kunpuni, Mosterton, with JU rewarded on returning eanie to the »V Apply, on the works, to tho foreman. MANOLA f Bcenory, and general mise en riJtL*^ »J Hmrs I Jttay^J tpwf. Land, on Tuesday, 20th May, at half-past 2 Dwolling-honse, Outbuildings, and improve- Evening Post office. 5 EH GOLDSMITH MANOLA scene that has ever been TARANAKI AND MANUKAU o'clock- T*aa T^ 6 .^d, 18 *H_ fenced and sub- -flf ST on 'iwa., Wf l, mT Secretary MANOLAJ witnessed. — _ — — About 400 croas-bred sheep, a large por- ° l . d > , down m ? n «l>* grass. I i Ob i;° n , ( ™ ldl J i 0i 08 *', b ° ween Tr M l v ' ?^!!i__ J l_ Comiquo, and has fully susteinod the high jr. AHmAp _.» ¦ Wgd , Ma _ og 111 a m * • mer . Ewes, and Co., will sell by convenience, situate in Parliament-street ; sums of JBIOO and upwards. Terrace. xsputation achieved by the Premier Lync Mahinapua I Wed | Btoj - 2» \ll a.m. fc ' p limine ;. B -yvharf on Tncsdav fine TOW « For Particulars apply to Mr HENKY WRIGHT, — Organisation of Australia. 'Booking througn to Hokitika. nex t, the2oth™nt?at2 o^iookßhwp- Frethey, Grocer, corner of M^Sgravo and Lambton-quay. WANTED Tenders for Building Chimney tots Am T?VPRY FVFNING SYDNEY Flour, bran, pollard, fowls' wheat, oats, »V IN ACTIVE PREPARATION, rVvmrA A NTH STTTA ~~ 4-roomed Honso. Hanson-street l rreenom PknauetfeWorld-renownedOporaComiquo Jj iili J 3 A^£'£. bu .l^ IN THE IXCFAN E LAND AND 6-roomed Houea, Webb-street. Apply Sconrity Plumber, ie, i-lanquett b worn renow^aupwa comiquo, Penguin( from AT , okland> Mon> 2nd Jnne. MERCANTIL*, AUCTION ROOMS, TATUM & MUNRO, OLUHrII *- • A. N.HALLIFAX, Secretary. BLENHEIM Pakakmb™,. _ M.nners^reet^ A^ to CAJtJiOUj . « 7^ lSr -^- fi r^ l?l ?^ w - 1 : -- — /-vvr -nri?-nvw«TiAv 01 <¦ XT iv taoA fI W BK LET. that dosirablo 'PftTnilv Va — " — ' \\f AWlfcl), a Lady Honsckoepcr to po WANTED Boy and ringing Waihi ... | Mon [May 19 14 p.m. 0N * MAY ' 1884 ' 1 aidonce^QueTn-street off bA*Z #K(\ AAA ON MORTGAGE.-Wo VV toPicton. Apply, at onco, France voices, for Rip. G. Dean, Theatre, OrcicEß-Foathereton-strcet, Wellington? aj^ooiooje. street, recently occupied by Mr. A. Kelly, *"^vUU require this sum, with BmSj am - =^ p --_--_^ n . . -,.- Important Trade ?ale of Wiaea, Spirits, and an^ col »taining seven rooms. It has just various others ranging from to TI7ANTED, a smart Lad, as offico boy. ATHENE IT M HATI TRSSSi BLA - Ct General Merchandise, to close consign- Bn ° er K° n ea thorough repair. at 7i to 8 par cent. VV Apply Tatnm & Mnnro, Manuora-st. JISt^J? DIAMOND P^ LINE. mentforoutgoin^mai,. ** P-^« appl,to B^-nt^^^g.j ]O r Om.c, MONDAY^GthMAY. I KENNEDY MACDONALD * CO. V^fifefife^g^ • Groy street 7thMfty lm honors. JtLt.fe^B^^fi'&Wti A GRAND X appointed to leave as under (oiroum- ', » are favoured with instructions to ot " Mtogton, Linuted. Groy-street, 7th May, 1884. partioulars, X.Y.Z., caro of Mrs. Boumoud, VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL aUncos permitting) •.— seU by pubho auction, on the above date, to r|W LhT, for Session.— Gotham, aCottage, J _.'. — II 11I 1 - City Registry Office, opposite City Holol. CONCERT For NELSON and WESTPORT-The sb close consignment- ttsosXnTff™Sh<wfT" ff f to '^J™^ HP AT U M AND MUNRO AI7"*NTBD, yonng Men as Boarders" Will be tendered by the members of the KORANUI, on MONDAY, at 4 p.m. 100 cases three-star brandy sen nonsr farnisb sd or unfurnishod, with 1 Have For S»Lt- W terms moderate. Apply Mrs .Vmith Wellington Early Closing AbsociA- For LYTTELTON, TIMARU, OAMARU 100 do throe-hand brandy LAERY ? &. pampr^-tt Freehold BuUding Sites and Seotions in Molosworth-streot, next tho Shamrock Hotel. AssisSy the andyDUNEDIN-The bb KORANUI, 12 *£g££»^ tl^J, *** "* "*-*' P °' W AN - T£D ' b^ d B — id ' »^ WELLINGTON AMATEUR DRAMATIC bs 10 cases St^Savin (quarts) T£?££j&*&. T ?^SfifflS' Fr^ ld^Sft^ -d upward, AL.& 1 To Mr S Benson For WANG ANUI and WESTPORT-The ss 10 do St. Emilion (quarts) Apply to * 300 acres good Land, part fit for plouirhinjr M " ay ' Previous to his denarturo from' tho colony MANAWATU, on WEDNESDAY 10 do do (pints) EDWARD PEARCE. together with fiwUlass dwelling, oowshods! "\I7" ANTED to !**• two Unfurnished Previous to His aeparturo lrom tno colony. For NELSONi WBSTPORTGfiEYMOUTH 10 do St. Julien (quarts) mo IVT fn™-.i,«i : 7^ aheepdips, 40., &0., within 7 miles of town VV Rooms, To Aro. Apply S. Hunter, Admission, 2b 6d. Doors open at 7.30 ; and HOKITIKA-The bb GRAFTON, g£ft e gL nte > T ffift^^ SuVed"'" Xuierston ."<> acres rich gracing Land, together with date Hill's) Registry Office, Lambton Quay. commenceat8 A For ss MAWHERA, do T^Carto Blanche champagne terracg. For address WSSSJT^^^StSAA W^c^ A.JK ATTKEN, Hon. Seo. car] ( quart a) rpO LET, during session, within throe gallons milk a day ; within 6 miles of town. S Hunter (late Hill's) Etrv Office T~t"hVn XU M H~A~L"fT For NEWCASTLE-The barque S. R. sdodo do (pints) JL minutes' walk of Parliamentary Build- N 8.-This is a first-class dairy farm. i^btonQuay A laJ! « *_U I ii Ah L. LUHRS, early sdo Cromo do Bouzy do (quarts) ings, a first-olass Furni B hed House, contain- Also, several other first-olass small farms, r, , , : • A nnWn vv t For Freight or passage apply *— - ing nine rooms and bath-room, together with within easy distance of town. VI7^NTED, Cooks for private famihos in A OUJJU/JU.!, W.R.WILLIAMS, Othor goods to follow. piano, plate, Ac, and every convenience; The above properties oan bo purohaaed on _/» town. Apply S. Hunter, (late Hill's) In aid of the Dorcas Society of tho Wolling- Or to JAMES BENTLEY, water and gas laid on. For further parti- very eauy terms. For further particulars, Hfl g'"ry Offioo, Lambton Quay. ton Ladies' Christian Association, wiU be w „ ... Broker, Grey-street Terms-Over £25, approved bills at three lara addreßS M, Box 20, Post Offioe. apply m . mTT , r , VV ANTED, GenUomon Boarders for riTcnon NB.-AU cargo must be alonarsido ship months. To LET with i mmeaiato posß esßion and TATUM & MUNBO. VV Thomdon and To Aro : oomfortablo Under the direction of Mr. Robt. Parker. •#S^^v ' wine and spirit Cellar; Iron Store 35ft x 43ft, PETONE TIT ANTED, two rospsoUblo Mon ns -^^^ Remember Date- 2 Workshops; Timber Yard with frontage to rjiiuixji. yy boarders. For addreßS, at Tickets. 2s 6d, may bo obtained of any WEST COAST STEAMERS WEDNESDAY NEXT, at 2 o'clock. 2J™*™- Jaß< F< WUIa ' ° ld C^tomhouse- . LLOTMENT No. 82, fronting Fitzher. ETCnSn g PoBt - . member of tho Committee, or at tho usual -— ; — — — -£»- bert-road XAT ANTED, two good btone Breakers. >^«°W A N a^oSffiv?aStr^ ETS S* Se^SS^ l^ °^ T" I^^jS^^SS^ This Section is oentraUysituated in tho A GRAND PLAIN' ANDIFANCY For NELSON, WESTPORT. GREY and FEATHERSTON TERRACE. suitable for temperance hotel, with 20 largo Township of Potono, and will bo sold at aW S& toiS^S^Srta* A ST»?S qg^^^^^ 0N N^T, 22nd MAY, 1884. ValUati ° D ' * *° " WILL be held 1 ÜbSI»AY, at 4 p.m. ' » d r For further particnlarß aDwLv to 01 ™'' nd, lo Aro. Address R.G., Evening Post. AT THE ARCADE, MANNERS-STREET, ¥mim *$°lW a $$?? l $S > }?T t f o, rn Important Unreserved Sale of Household William James. ' East Tiimii(i X¥TANTED, Housemaid, for oounlrv W'&G-IURNBULLW ' &G - lURNBULL & A C g ? nn ' tB . Furniture. mO LET, Storage, or one floor of a -/' BAENETT, W Xpply at onoo WELLINGTON PRIVATE BAND r _, yPWOT , nv W iTn * m A Building suftable for Storage, or Land Agent, Lambton-quay. {"*!»£»*^ oof«»«»).f f «»«»). Mrs- Rodmoud B City (late ArtiUerv Band) ?ft>^ T KE NNEDY MACDONALD & CO. goodß in bulk. Floor of concrete. Post PETONE Begißtry, opposite City Hotel. ONMoXy 2 fthMAY Herbert's OoTe^ P6S T A«ist3 Avenue, Willis-atreet. Apply to J.M'Dowell. P L T_O NE. 117 ANTED, ony nnmbor of firßt-olaes N Atß 3Aoo'clok.3 A oo'clok. ' W AND G TURNBULL AND CO. KS^owS'g to L a^Schteg depar- O LET, a House containing 8 rooms and XIOR SALE Loa^o of 8-roomed House, Jjjfc JSS^'iSIWrK VT. VV. will despatch the following Bteamors ture for Sydnoy, to sell by pubUo auction, * bathroom, in a good healthy position, JP 31 acres land fronting main road and WW n n * m Pi °^?"ri n Jw!il™T^ i? Double Tickets SsGd; Extra Lady, 33 6d. " n^ ce A r =77 . wrTT „ t nrTT( ON THTIE3DAY NEXT- P ' off Woolcombo-stroet ; possesßion can be radway lino ; large fowl-yard, piggery, pad- Djewsr and Tailoring Establishment, LambGallery, Ib. HcfreshinontH. For WANGANUI— Tho steamer HULA, on THE WHOLE OF HIS VALUABLE giTen on 12th May. Apply to Geo. Bennett, dooks, fruit trees, *o , Ac, situate noarly ™ n V>wy : Tiokots to bo had from any member of the „ ii o^^ ,at 3 p.m AND WELL-ASSORTED HOUSE- Woolcombe-atreet. opposite Jphnaon's atoro 5 well sheltered. "\ITANTED Known, Frank Grady, Williw. Band. Fot F0^ OPVT0 P VT^ h *V 8 ? £?* E DOUQLAS HOLD FURNITURE ANp r*w LET thoßo Premises at the corner of OO f of , the b est Bites m Petone. Tormseisy. VV street, has just openod up, ox Briti.h TUESDAY 3rd JUNE 188-1 NAKI and MANUKAU— The stoamer carpet, cabinet, Chippendale and rs OBE LET, tho Houao and Shop now -_-, rtno , TTl . , ,„. „ 4c, &o. i u^ujii.orao u i>£,, io»i. STORMBIRD on TUESDAY Japanese brackets, fonder and fire- I oooupied by Mr. Sapsford, Shoemaker T?OR SALE, at once, four good Building =^VF. iSrTiJ/i"^ 5 T~ i. ' /GENTLEMEN who havo boon invitod IT irons, stereoscopes and views, oleo- Molesworth-Btreet. Apply to Barraud and ¦*-' Allotments, all adjoining, splendid W A "?,i^lf:~^ u o o ff n w J?^ ** ™™?»- IJT and intend to boDrosont are irennested graphs, onrtain polo and rings, Sonß, Lambton Quay. position. No reasonable offer refused, y. able chargoa at fto Eofngo, Nairntomake anStion ifS^ their tickets on or S^^ curtains, occaaional chairs and ' TTJ , T ** , n ... ' James Curtia, Potone. street. Apply to the Matron. CHAS.MIDLANE On MONDAY. 19th May. tS&^TS&^SSmS^ rpOLET.aseven-roomedHouse.farnishod, 1 . Quin-street, near St Peter's Church; TITANTED the Public to Know, thatl _. _ w lion. aec. — — — — ~ - it-:. „ hmr I AVnlii'nirfnn T.wnon a«.i- ¦o~\Zl must be sold to wind up tho Estate. Pour » » have h*d my Hop and Horehomul P -°- Bo * 177 - FORCASTLEPOINTANDNAPIEH. m *w£ZlS t l£&lnl^' Apply Bakw cottages and land 00 \ 60. Fri^fW, Boer analysed Tl/ropo/t of Dr. Hector is Mo iuTTTTAMnn™ntenw ™. ~T uiwuNU-iwuM. ' -?— • three and bix months' bills. Deeds to bo aa follows j—" Both beverages aro wholo. K. ICrIIbUJN, M.H.K., The s.b. KIWI, Mahogany suite in morocoo leather, HTO LET, two Unfurnished Rooms, oppo- had at once. Taxes paid. Good rents always some, non-alooholio j they aro very ploivant will Addross tbo Electors of Wellinor- On MONDAY, 19th May. lurgo dining table on castors, dinner J site Ministerial Rcsidonco, Tinakori coming in. Apply to to tho taste, and appetising: their consuinpton, at the Athenamm Hall, on MONDAY, vr>T} „„,„„.,„, waggon superior volyot pile carpet, rood^ T. HOWELL. tion should be enoouragodr-2^ 6a dozen. 19th inst at 8 o'clock when ho will reply to BLLNHIuIM. steel fender and firoirons, Japanese rfiO LET. four-roomed Houho in Taitville. Adelaide-road. Chas. Maninß, Ar. -street, Polhill's Gully. Thes. B .^HAKA. trays^er in ca S e, Turkish pipe, 1 Apply to R. Tait, Taitville. JIOR SALE, a corner piece of Land 50ft WANTED, full « p_W BortTZd Theatre Royal a short time ago. On MONDAY, 19 th May ELECTRO-PLATE AND GLASSWARE, ' i^^ltS^T^J^t »o lJ£!!S?a?£. Ladies specially invitod. FOR AVANOA\TTT nPiTNAW iNTi «.. „ , • . , , -.---n- gas, water, and overy convenience : aluo, a oloanliness and good oooking indiepoU6iiMn, . sun »AHtaAftui^uruft___AKJJ Cut tumblers and wmo glass, decanters, NEW flve-roomed house in Nelson-streot j torms and near to Customhouscstreot. Addrcs3 TO FOXTON ELECTORS ' cllary glasses, biscuit box, cruet, v ery o _sy. Apply to Business, Kvening Poßt offioa. — " Thea. B .HAURAKI. Black Dress Fabrics C TRINGHAM, AN TED Known-Mr. Moschini. SadMt? t n wttchv wnp ••? 0N AN EABLY DATI " tiatt Z^SSf fm Anwawpvi at Arohiteot,_Lambton.quay : _ W dler, has removed from Abel SmithR. J. G. WILSON, M.H.B.v invites HALL, WORKSHOP AND CONSERVA- "TVYR. C !AT'P' <100 A f V f 1 H atreot to iaranaki-street corner of Fredthe elootors of tho Foxton Electoral .The above-mentioned stoamors willlcave, Linoloum dooJsSne side tables lawn ARO HOUSE. JP Agricultural land!" Also, Homosteid oriok-strect, where Saddles HarneEs. &c, . District to meet him at the eiroumetanoes permitting Ss SX natffis te ienS ot 10 ° aores . orcnard and &*&*. outbuild- «? B °W. »^^ repaired at a moderate KARORIHALL For freight and pa^e apply to g^ ?££&£ Eh co'mpTete 27 inches wide Black Lustre, ings. &c, to Let on lease ;%laW down in P»°°. *"*°"J^ >*»** »*». KAEORI HALL, LEVIN & CO., Agents. with fit ti ngß| & 0 .) t i awn mower, „,, ««»"«. Xnglish passes, and snbdmded into pad- \\T ANTED, Wavhing and Charing by ON MONDAY, 19th INSTANT, watj wavpatottt garden hoae, a choice assortmont of D^d. dooks. A. portion of tho stock oan be taken VV the day, by a rospootablo woman. „' ' FOR WAIsGANUI. pot plants, &c, &o. 26 inches wide Tltalian Clorh at a val^tion. For further partioulars, Apply Mrs. Pope, Mannors-Btreot. At 7.30 p.m. TJWTYRnnMci Italian Oloth, apply to Thomas Gilbert, Ohariu Valley : or % gTA-MTii-n P ,f«. M , .nit a TA f».^i Cj^ rrHE s.b. GO-AHEAD BEDROOMS. , , )X ¦. to Baker Bros., Star Chambors. AI^ANTLD, a strong, aotivo Lad, for the lilsi£ 1 Captain Plumlet, Magnificent brass full-tester tubuler ±U a a. • : VV t paolang - room. Apply Monday And at the ™hTT^* I _i French bedstead, fenders, fireirons, 27 inches wide Persian Cord, X^OR SALE, desirable corner Property morning, to Ihompson, Shannon A Co. t^ttitc^xt^xx-t^ , Will loavo fortho above ports chest drawers, toilet glasses, toilet ,„ o i ¦"- with frontages 52J feet to Cuba-street \\j ANTED, by a lady. Pupils for tho JOHNSONVILLE HALL, On SUNDAY, 18th May, at noon. tables, toilet sets, chamborware, 1 S 3d. and 100 feet to Webb-street. For further VV pianoforte, to attend private rest ON TUESDAY, 20th INSTANT, Panam^yF^StoXeeW SS^.^S?™""' PaUiaß8 ° 8> 29 mc 7« S W^ Persian Cord, P^uSkeei^ * "** C °" *g2? Addroßß °- P - M - ETenln » Post At 7 - 30 P- m " VI)V r-nVTON », i Al i a « , .i. i. , 1S6(1. X^OR SALE, pure light Brahma Fowls, at VfiYANTED' a BmTabont Uor IS to ST. JOHN'S PE.SBTTEMANCHDROH. ™ " _fL- IDI «*--.jh-.B*. LS£TiSS£%iSSSZ Jfo3^^ E ___„„ — „ , _ „ . ee&iW 1 will leave as above Also, Xs 6(1. atroet. Uross rXIHE Managers of St. John s Presbytermn On MONDAY, 19th May, at 10 p.m. Two homeopathic medicine chests, „ . , . , -m-i^» oat.. T^ ,. T „-, — rr \\T ANTED, a Man, to maka himsolf JL Church bog to intimate that thoy will Eofcurn Tickets are available for return via double-barrel fowlingpicce, by Man- 26 inches wide Satin Cloth, X^OR SALk.oneof ainger sNo.2Treadlo VV genorslly useful. Apply Petard's bo happy to receive subscriptions towards Wan<n vi per Tui. Huia or Stormbird. ton, with case and fittings t 0 fllJ ¦*- Maohines, with roll pressure, nearly Hotel, Lower Hutt. the rebuilding of their Churoh, recently dea- ° ' „. ¦ \ IS O|d. now, and guaranteed ; price. JES sa ; weekly ¦_¦.--.,¦. ; -r—. and Stains, Robert Gardner & Co., Waddell, -tt* -i mHE as. ORAWAITI the Furniture. Catalogues may be obtained & %WheS Wlde F ' Cnch TwUI ' orfce XW AdLw MusioXeniM Pott ' AIf^TED, a good General Servant, or M'Leod & Weir, F. H. Fraaor, Manners- -I- at our offices, Panama-street, on Wednoaday IS 9cl. , ,^t, o'.t™ TZ — 11 -5 .i.: * VV girl to look after children and assist street ;T. Whitohonse, Cuba-streot j Veitoh wmica^o as above on morning. .<, . . „ _, ,_ . Ij' Oß SALE, a good heavy draught Mare ; in housowork. Apply Mrs. D. Buiok, Poand Allen, Tory-stroet. wiuica.oasabovoon » 42 inches wide Frenoh Cashmere, T a good trap Horse will be taken as part tone ROBERT GARDNER MONDAY, 19th_May, at Noon. eoMnMM 0} Auctwneof ,. uanmVm . 2S2 S 3d. HSShoW* 1 * H ' '' TI7ANTED, a good Pressor. Jones and Hon - SC ° retary - For freight or passage apply to «"*. -™* * 42 inches wide French Merino, X^OR SALE two sections of Land at the XLjff""' *• »Mh Wloriß, _> ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. UJSION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF = « g , $ "^ *j^ Ttramwly Ibe Kewtown! tabliahment Sttxtt^a^ a • -nvv^- „. NEW ZEALAND, Limited. .«__. o™y0 ™ y ay wpTTmrTftN ya. 33ft x 100 ft deep, fronting liiddiford-street \I7ANTED. a Youth for ttie Kntering UNDAY Services will be held in the — — k^ rXIHE CITY OF WELLINGTON 27 indkw urfde Nuns' Veiling, Apply to William James. * T » Desk. Apply, in own handwriting, Athenaeum till further notice. „ TTi J^ „,*,. -. ntn t . -.nn m-m, i 1 « „ , — rr to Haroourt and Co. «„„_„_ ai . u„ m y^^T BLENDED TEA COMPANY " will open Is 9d lv A ° R SALE, a few tons of Hubuok's -__. ..-,-- - r —^ r-pj 3 :—: — JTorenoonat 11a.m. t--wac£» f a.o «/u. jm irenuina White Lead in 281b keon at TUTANTED, Men for pitching dry stout Evening at 6.30 p.m THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COM- their Handsome Shop in Willis-Btroot, for Black SatinH, 2/6 to 6/6 ; Silks, 2/G to 10/6. 7a" the 1 Leg or £26 tho 'ton Flookton's »V walL Apply J. Saundors, Kaiwarra ROBERT GARDNER, PANY'S LINE. bnsiness at 7 o'olock THIS EVEN- Ottoman Silka, 5/6 ; Ottoman Satins, 6/6. Variety Stores. XITANTED Kn'own^Thoohoapost FuruiON SUNDAY, 18th May. tho Roy. H. B. /^ ARGO ex tho above stoamer will arrive TT 011 tho best valao m " Blended Teas ." 2S 6d. ment ; seven octevea* hffiomHale I ,' TI7" ANTED, a Youth, as Guard. Apply Eedßtono will preach two Sermons on VV per b.s. Arawata, on Monday, 19th "": . , ITm — TV nw wVTTTwrTnm „, ¦, „.,,, 1 good repair ; £27 105. Apply Evening Post. T V Tramway Offloe. the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. inst. Coneienoos aro requested to present B ° to ii±bj Cliy Oi! WtLUNUIOW Mourning Orders executed at the shortest . IXTANTED a Man or strong Boy to milk Morning-Thoir Wickedness. bills of lading and pass entries on that day, BLENDED TEA COMPANY'S " Hand- notice at yy and m '_e himself generally useful. Eveniag-Their Pnnishment. othprwiso goods will be landed and stored at . , rrnrra-D TIT ANT E D KNOWN— Apply to Thomas Mason. Taita. .„ to., their risk and expense. somo Shop, in Willis-street, at 7 oolook TK AKO HOUSE. VV ~ „ ZZ S"I 5 All aro Welcome. l OFFICES xi.Ai.vy uvuuxi. twt«s wwKmva f^ m « *„ ia . i^,j, Known— Straw Hats and Custom HonßoOuav TO-NIGHT. , THIS EVENING, from 6tolo o clock. \\ Feathers Cleaned and Dyed at BarWELLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH instom aonse bor's Dye Works, Cuba-stroet. SUNDAY SCHOOL, ~ CHEAP JACKETS. CHEAP ULSTERS. Fine Ripo BANANAS, 6d per dozen ° y/vrvn U> >v \. f a~ tt -.jfc~^v -w-».T»rtT7- i 1 1. • T- l r n ji n , i., VH/ANltiD, 500 workmen to order Vivun-stebet. £¦££$> A T 7 o'clock TO-NIGHT, "THE XJLACKolothjaokets, 5b 9d; black cloth Fino Ripe PEARS, 3d per lb VV Tweed Suite at £2, or Trousors 12s. — x.assfaM- j^ jj jackets, 6a 9d ; black cleth jacket*, * ' * j Hnxloy Lambton-quay nertßarrauds MOR?oTlith3nt Will b9 hOM T °- BAIIQUE_FOR SALE. CITY OF WELLINGTON BLENDED TEA f-y ffjaokets.^ 6^ tag.; Cookinß ApEMBj 2dpetlb W ANTED, Parohase'r, for galvanic Tho Morning Sorvico will be conducted by mHE Canadian barque Claribel, 421 tons COMPANY" will give a box of Tablet ulsters, 10b. 6d ; ladies' ulsters, 12s 6d ; fur ivtinir apptt?<? m noriH ff , corrujrated iron, all lengths, ehcet Rev. J. T. Hinton. • A net register. Dimcneions-Length, 133 Sn ga, to the buyer of evorv and each four capos, 15a 6d, 17s 6d, 19a 6d. mating Arr^s, .jo per id zinc, lead, ppouting.ndgingleadheadod nails, Afternoon Service for children and their feet j beam, 28 feet 3 inch ; depth, 16 feet 6 bngar *° tM Dnyer ot evory and oacn tour CASEY & M DONALD, nnnnATJTTTS leadedgo ridging, portable ooppor boilow. friends, conducted by Mr. Aitken. inch ; class Al ; 9 yoars. Apply to pounds of their Blended Tea. Lambton Quay. WAAJAJNUIb folding moat safes, obrrumted iron water Service conducted by Roy. M, MESSRS. W. &G. TUSNBULL & CO. CHEAP CLOTHING. Bring your^wn Baskets. Sk^^r^y^^T'^^' .ate^^"*.*^ #S,: «« B LENDEDTEA S ."-Tho best value ~~ H ASELL 4CO.4 CO. W I^?SCSStt«S fTTTi CONSIGNEE WANTFDfor-R 17 caaks in town to bo had at » THE CITY OF SS.AlSidSifth . ItenS^ < ft*iS& C °N b'-TcJ — Dininfecting Powder, ex Lady Jocolyn, WELLTNGTO N BLENDED TEA COM- men's flannel > shirts 3s lid ; boys' tweed OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. cVeaCTndFrdte in season Orders fo R E RTGiTtheWo;id? m U e2ovS W-rSimed within 7 days from date, PANY'S » Handsome Shop in Willis-street, W J ""oISrV^bOTALD. X^|rA^TED one ZZ *to come and cet P^te parties promptly attended to. 7«sharp 17th May, IS^. T^AVY brown, prune dress cloth, 7id per Snith .. Manners-street. Roaener, at all quite new 'and in hand•ByorderoftheW.C.T. ( ¥or Nation o, s^ng atoertU^U BOX of the best Tablet Sugar ,iven to Be in oaU early. » °Z^ SS TrT^K WRLTTNftTOV nTV rnTTWOTT seegaoei.. the Purchassr o? 41bs o£ Tea, at that Hand- per yard ; check homespun cloth. Is per '. Auctioneers. : - Xr o na ii k M^. w .. n . nißßMiSmcomM; Wellington bonded tei com. mm "S'L. gj-a,^.*^^ SSLL^JSf^&JSTS l}i election of two Auditors for tho COPIES of Plans and Soooifications and ° EVENING. CHEAP HOUSEHOLD GOODS. TTITANTED- Everyone working on the City of London. Pettengell & O'DrucoU, Borough of Wellington, will tako place at C O^nuLa cln bo oCod from the TVTUSLLY curtains, 2a lid pair; lace VV. West Coast Railway to visit J. Bakers, Adelaide-rood. tho City Council Chambers on Monday, the H.S »^a can bo obtamoa from tno JML curtains. 3s lid; coloured counter- M'Dowell's when making their purchases of -\\TI^TED, by a gentleman with Bocond day of June next. unoersignea. ratrD C V mHE CITY OF WELLINGTON panes, 2s lid ; white counterpanes, 3s lid ; Clothing. Five thousand (J65000) pounds' W ihoroi^h Imowlodgo of general ironCandidates for the office must be nor- rro^atWnfc -*- honoycomb tewels, 3ja ; honeycomb toweln, worth of New Winter Clothing. mongery and business generally, an appointiwated in tho presoribod form before noon y BLENDED TEA COMPANY" will open s*d; white sheeting. Hid- grey twill sheet- --KTAKTii-mr 4 wt «m M r. men* »¦ Traveller, Clerk, or indoor Salopof Friday, tho 23rd instant, at the City TO •RTnTDVR'? ings, lOJd; grey silesias^td; grey linens, 7Jd. \\/ ANTED Known, that J. M Dowell m 10 years colonial oxperionoe and Council offices, Brandon-stroot. T0 HandgomQ sh in W UH B -Btroet, for X CASEY & MCDONALD. Vn now «P? nui ß ¦??» K**W, Moegiel, , c f or^ noo ". y Ad dr CB s F., Evening Post office. Nomination papers, and all fmther infor- „,„„„,. . TT , , , „ TambtonOnav and Geelong Suits and Tronsora and Vests ; re ' — ' x< " — ;; — r— - mation, can be obtained at my office. r|lH E Timo for receiving tenders for altera- ,^^ ,7., k THIS EVENING i^ampion vinay. the largost new stock in Wellington. Five \«7 ANTED Known-Gentlemen's light JAMES IAMES 'J*- ona . to the Bcbo ° l Bat rr ° rrace ana bnmneß3 ' at 7 ° olocls; lmi3 *VJ!iMIH». cheap FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, thousand. VV Clothes and dark Clothes that aro Returning Officer. ?? o £li 0^ rlBr 18 < « tendotl "*il noon of Tuesday, flannels, 7id ; white flannels, ¦_¦_..- . „„„-. _„„ 7 ~ ZTT faded ""^ be W eqnal ?° n-Swn -S w at Bftrbo / , Wellington, 14th May, 1884. tto 2Jtli May mst Pmum TO TfRTPVI)-! AT HfIMP ** I<>W 5 colonial flannels, Is 3d ; oolo^ \I7 A S TEI>I M '^ n ! en *? °5 M ' *1 »?* Works, Cuba-stroet. Dyo warranted !^ — ' — _ THOS. TURNBULL, PBaSliNTb W XRlhxuh AT HOME. flanneig j 8 (j^ . colonial flannels Is 9d • ** Cameron, Wanng Taylor-street, and (aat, rXIHE COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE AS- Architect. whibi Wankfi'ta fis 11 d tmir- whit« wknVA+j.' get their cans made of tho new metalio . yrrun !;¦,„,„- lonn^t^Tif tftir^icuna 1 SURANCE SOCIETY, Limxted. - —- FROZEN ROASTING BEEF ! ffelld ft: Kaikpoi SZi, fi£2l*SS coated, iron; w, 11 last as. long again as W*^^^^^^^ _... .„-— , , „ mENDERS for Building Stairs; also^for FROZEN MUTTON ! Kaiapoi Bhirtin? ' fanned iron and better still, is quite as cheap. o f7 hip nß \,. an assortment of Chief Offices in W^, _ FROZEN LAMB! CASEY & M-PO^ALD^ W^Sffift^SCSSJS jgtiSZ^ I"**'-"-*-'1 "**'-"-*-' All Profits belong to the Members. B reo ¦ PP er °g° 3 ""» • N accoMt of Bnccoss att(jnding CHEAp RQ&JERY WOOL ODS> MJowbU". "»¦*«* VV ANTED-Sitaatlon wanted tobo a PoUoies Unconditional. UnchaUengeable, FUNEEAL NOTICE. private shipments per .... British King. X17"00L shoulder squares. Btf; wool worth of new colonel cbthtog. „ Jl,oMW^c^ficato ta Ch^Saf and Indefeasible. mn _„. . ~ „-«„«-,«.„ the Gear Meat Preserving and Freezing W ehawls, Is Gd, Is lid, 2s 6d ; honey- „ v 7 7~- T ?™ h sSf_ *^™SSd AddWJnMrfi . npHE Friends of Mr. GEOEGE BAR- „ „. .. .. , ¦,-¦,.,., i-omh Rhawl-s i<; iid. lamhslrin nhkwln 7a all those who want (rood tory, Derby, fcnijiana. Aaaross— Josepn The Colonial Mutual Tontino Investment J NAM) are , respcctfuUy invited l to Company (Limited) have decided to forward W Bread to try the" Welsh DigesMv. *^?'£^^2*'&» Polioy combines a favourable Investment attend the Fnneral of his late wife, EMMA Frozen Meat by tho Aorangi to London, and gjd • ladies' coloured hose BJd, 9Jd, lOjd, Farmhouso Bread/ made from the best address J. Harrison, if.b.B. WaUsend, for Capital, with Life Assurance at ordinary JANB.w hich willleave his residence, Nor- send from thence to any address purchasers and Hid ; wide black fur, Is 3d, Is 6d, flour, by PettengeU & O'DrisoolL Adelaide- Greymonth. rates. manby-street, on TUESDAY, the 20th inst., may re qnira by rail Is 9d j grey fur trimmings, Is 3d, Is 6d, la roai VtITANTED Known, Looks piofced aud AUotherformsof^iiranc^^ual. at2oclock Joints of BEEF and Carcases of MUTION * fc CASEY & M'DONALD, [**™; <* f^^ '' * C MuTrO Undertakers, Wellington. and^LAMß^n be selected at their shops on Lambton Qoay. Y^JA tm 10, mb. J. E. Hayes, Lamb- g^ G>< Cooking C. MUNRO, XTAC.iNCIES in a private family for two ""^ — A T the Briok Store, Manners-street, the \mrANTED, a etrong Youth, for a farm, JmnS^f^. h2J«! ibtoS^jMy . V or three Gantlemen Boarders; every OJ TaYS . STAYS, STAYS, at Is 9d, 3s A. best value for money in Wellington W one used to stock. Apply atonce to _»?""»"*• *• n»ym, ON SALE, Customhouse Forma at the home comfort, with moderate terms. For IO lid, 4a lid per pair, worth 4s 6d, 7s W. A. M'DOWELL'S Estate. Bargains in J. T. Sapsford, Glasgow House, Molesworth- (For continuation ofWanUd advertisements Evoning Post office. addrees apply Evening Post office. 6d, 10s 6d dot pair, at Graves and Fleming's. Drapery and Clothing. street. tee lit page,)

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Evening Post, Volume XXVII, Issue 117, 17 May 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXVII, Issue 117, 17 May 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXVII, Issue 117, 17 May 1884, Page 3