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T\R. HEILBRON'S WOKM CAKKS. j These Cakes are principally prepared from herbs, and do not contain any dangerously active ingredients. They have a wonderful effect in curing children, as well as grown persons, by removing tho worms. They have been with great success introduced into the principal families in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. They are guaranteed to do away, in a very snort time, with many serious complaints, like bronchitis, piles, ulcers, ulcerated throats, &c, if taken in time, as these sicknesses are often caused by worms of all irindß, especially by the tape worm, and by the most dangerous thread worm, which, if not destroyed in time, will soon create the hardly curable worm fever. This smallest, the thread worm, will more than other worms penetrate through all the crevices of the body up to the brain. An example was recently witnessed where a child, falling continually into fits (the parents not knowing the cause) at last died with the brain affected by the too fatal thread worm. Still more recently there was a case, a grown man, whose seat was affected by the thread worm, and who, after trying many sorts of remedies without effect, was directly relieved by a dose of DR. HEILBRON'S WORM CAKES. There are cases where the worms come away that they almost can be counted ; then often they come away in whole clots, and sometimes in a thick and slimy stuff, and, although not so perceptible, still they are caused to leave by Dr. Heilbron's Worm Cakes. And there have been often oases where children affected with worms, when coughing or sneezing, do disoharge them through the mouth and nose. The symptoms of worms are generally as follows :— Lassitude, giddiness, depression of spirits, impaired appetite (which, it not acted against, will engender diseases of the bile), disorder of the stomaoh and digestive organs, sick headaches, vomiting, disturbed sleep, and many more serious oompliiiiits, indciduig fits, of which last many persons have been cured by these Worm Cakes. No time should be lost in removing these worms, else the conseqnence will be serious, as they will increase in size and quantity, and ultimately spread throughout the intestines. If worms are neglected for a time they will do so much damage as to make it beyond human skill to restore and reorganise the system of digestive organß. Directions fob Use.— The quantity of these Worm Cokes to be taken at a dose depends mostly on the age and constitution of the patient. In most coses a couple of doses will drive tho worms away for many years, if not entiroly. As a standard : A dose for a child up to 2 years will be half a cake ; from 2 to 4 years old, one whole cake ; from 4to 8 years, one cake and a half ; from Bto 14, two cakes ; and so to increase with the age, but never moro than four cakes at one dose. Grown females may generally take three cakes at a dose, and grown men four cakes, according to constitution. The most effeotive way of using these Worm Cakes is by taking the dose before going to bed, and on the following morning to take a cup of hot tea before breakfast. MRS. E. HOMBERG, Sole Agent. Orders for the country promptly exeouted. Sold in paokcts, price 3s and 4s, and in smaller quantities ii desired. Agent for Wellington Distriot, Mr. William C. FitzGerald TTITCHENS' BLOODRESTORER. FOR CLEANSING, PURIFYING AND INVIGORATING THE BLOOD. Seven Years' Test in Auokland. This Medicine differs from ordinary proprietary.preparations, inasmuch as it was the product of years of study and investigation by an eminent physician of tho Army Medical Staff, with whom Mr. Hitchens served during the New Zealand War, as Assistant Dispenser to the Imperial Forces. On its introduction to the public as a specific for the cure of Rheumatism, Rheumati Gout, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Blood Impurities, and General Debility, it quickly obtained its celebrity, and soon was sought after from every part of New Zealand. Its curative and depurative properties have been fully testified by the numerous testimonials received by the proprietor from patients who had long suffered from the above distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to physicians for relief, and in whose cases Turkish Baths, Hot Springs and other popular remedies had been resorted to, without effect. This celebrated medioino is compounded from products' of the vegetablo kingdom, is palatable and easily taken, mild, but effectual in its action upon the animal economy. It is, in sooth, a veritable Bloqd Restores, cleansing it? thereby restoring diminished vitality. It presents, unquestionably, a purer, safer, better, and moro reliable alterative medicine than any that has hitherto been available to the people. MORE TESTIMONY ! Not a SURPRISING CURE To those who know, what HITCHEN'S BLOOD RESTQRER HAS DONE. In the Auckland Evening Star of the 27th April last, appeared the following local, which explains itself : — "The brig Bella Mary, from Melbourne, in baUast, bound for Kaipara, put into harbouryesterday morning to obtain medical aid for Captain Owen, master of tho vessel, who has been very unwell during the latter part of the voyage. Captain Owen, who has followed the seafaring profession for many years, and hod never l.ntil leaving Melbourne on April 10th last, suffered from , illness of any severe nature, wa3 suddenly ' seized on that date with violent pains in the back. S'nce then he has been swung up in a hammock in the cabin quite helpless. The vessel was off Kaipara at noon on Thursday last, but the weather b3ing' thick and foggy, it was deemed advisable to come on to Auckland for medical assistance. The barque arrived early yesterday morning, and Dr. Moore having been sent for, visited Captain Owen, and gave instructions to tho mate of the vessel regarding treatment. Tho invalid is suffering from a species of rheumatism of a severe nature, and the doctor considers it advisable to effect a partial reoovery tefore attempting the removal of his patient to more suitable quarters 'on shore. Captain Owen is well-known in Auokland, and many residents will be sorry to learn of hia affliction." Referring to above, Captain Owen has this day (Ist December, slated :— " After being tronted for about five weeks by two medical men successively, with very little alteration in my condition, except that the pain in my hands and back was made somewhat easier through the effect of the galvanic baitory, I felt a gradual sbtinng that,the dread end was not far off, arid ono of my visiting friends suggested that I should try what Hitchen's Blood Restorer would dp, as it was being so talked about far and wide. Without much fiith in it, I consented to try it. but did not notice any good effect* until I had taken about the third :or fourth bottle, when my appetite decidedly quickened, and I felt that my strength was ooming back to me. I then ceased to take the medicine, and allowed nature to take its course, but finding my appetite going, I stimulated it by small doses of the Restorer, using no other medicine, but applying the Ointment freely. By degrees my whole system seemed to be invigorated ; and now, after a treatment of six months, I am able to resume charge of my vessel, and am only waiting her arrival in port to do so. I can easily walk four miles a day without inconvenience. I consider my friend's suggestion saved my life, and that it is a duty that I should publicly testify to the extraordinary power of Hitchen's Blood Restorer over the severest cases of rheumatism." W. M. OWEN. The agents will be happy to show original manuscripts of the several published testimonials auent the Remedy, and scores of others not yet published. L. D. NATHAN A Co. Auckland., (Copy). Mr D. R. Chisholm, agent for Mr Hitchens. — Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt thanks that I am able to endorse the sterling qualities of Mr. Hitchen'B invaluable Blood Restorer. Being induced by 'Mr. DUher, who spoke in eulogistic terms of its merits, to place my wife (who was suffering very acutely with rheumatio fever) under its treatment, I am very happy to state the medicine has acted quite magical. After a few doses pain entirely ceased, and she is making rapid progress, and is now enabled to resume her household duties. Acting so beneficially, I would not be without such a valuable remedy, and should impress upon those who are similarly suffering not to overlook this specific, which is inestimable — Believe me, yonrs veiy sincerely, Thomas Brown, Britannia Heights, Nelson. BARRAUD A SONS, Sole Agents for the Province of Wellington. BROU'S INJECTION.^r-Hygienic, Infallible, and Preservative. Cnres promptly, without additional means, all recent or chronic discharges of the urinary organs. Price, 5s 6d per bottle. Sold by Paris by J. Ferre (successor to Brou), Pharmacian, 102, Rue Richelieu ; in London by Wilcox and Co., 336, Oxford-street, W. Agent in New Zealand, WILLIAM C FITZGERALD, The Pharmacy, Wellington, who will forward it to any town in the Colony on receipt of P. 0.0. WANTED everyone to Know, that Marshall and Copland's Dunedin XXX Ale is sold at Tattersall's Hotel Cambridge Terrace. It cannot be surpassed in New Zealand. A trial will prove it. ON SALE, Customhouse Forms, at the Evening Post office.

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Evening Post, Volume XXV, Issue 49, 28 February 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXV, Issue 49, 28 February 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume XXV, Issue 49, 28 February 1883, Page 4