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BOEOUGH OF WELLINGTON. ELECTION OF MAYOR. T HEREBY give notice that the number of JL votes polled by each candidate at the above election, held on the 29th instant, was as follows : — GEORGE FISHER 812 ANDREW YOUNG J94_ I therefore declare Mr. George Fiatie? to be duly elected. J--JAMES AMES, -"^ Returning Officer. City Council Offices, Wellington, 30th November, 1882. Public Trust Office, Wellington, 29th November, 1882. npENDERS are hereby invited for leasing JL part of section No. C, Takapu Valley, containing about 100 acres. All tenders must be deposited iv this Office before 12 o'clock of the 9th December next. R. C. HAMERTON, Public Trustee. TO BUILDEBS. rpENDERS are invited for the Erection of -1 a Residence in Hargrave-street. Plans and specifications to be seen, and tenders deposited until noon of Thursday, 7th December, at the office of WM. C. CHATFIELD, Architect. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS OP THK GEAR MEAT PRESERVING AND FREEZING COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED.) Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1882. Capital, 4100,000. In 10,000 shares of 410 each. Payable as follows: — Five shillings per share on application ; ten shillings per share on allotment ; and the balance aa may be required, but no call shall oxeced ten shillings per share, or be made at lesser intervals than throe months. It will not be necessary to call up tho t^hole capital, as judicious financial arrangements can be mado by which a large amount can remain uncalled. Provisional Directobs i Hon. P. A. Buckley, M.L.C. Jno. Duthie, Esq., J.P. (J. Duthie A Co.) Robert M. Greenfield, Esq. (late Greenfield and Stewart) Geo. S. Graham, Esq. (General Manager Colonial Insurance Company) Joseph Kitchen, Esq. (J. Kitchen A SonB) W. H. Levin, Esq., M.H.R. (Levin A Co.) Hon. Jno. Martin, M.L.C. (station owner) J. M'Kolvie, Esq. (stock owner, Rangitikei) Nicholas Reid, Esq. (W. A G. Turnbull and Co.) J. S. M. Thompson, Esq. (Thompson, Shannon A Co.) Alfred Tyer, Esq. (Ngahauranga) Sir George S. Whitmore, K.0.M.G., M.L.C.) Managing Directors : James Gear, Esq. ; Joseph Beale, Esq. Bankers : The Bank of Now Zealand. Solicitors : Messrs. Buckley, Stafford A Fitzherbert. Secretary and Accountant : Jamoß Reston, jnn. Temporary Offices: On the Premises of J. Dransfield, Esq., J.P., Merchant, Panama-street, Wellington. Tho company is formed for the purpose of purchasing and continuing, as a going concern, the extensive meat-preserving, butchering, and export business now carried on by Messrs. James Gear and Joseph Beale (under the style or firm of "James Gear") in tho City of Wellington and Township of Petone, and adding to same the business of preparing, by the refrigerating or other process, meat for solo and export. Messrs. James Gear and Joseph Beale have entered into an agreement with Mr. J. Dransfield, merchant, of Wellington, dated the sth day of October, 1882, by which they agree to sell their said business to the company, on the terms contained in the said agreement, and which may be summarised as follows : — 2. The company will take a transfer of the whole business, on the basis of the stocktaking, made on the 30th day of June last, showing live stock, preserved meats, tallow, Ac, in stock and in conrse of manufacture, horses, carts, harness, stores, and stook-in-traie of every description, including guaranteed book dahta, amounting in all to about 422,000. When the transfer to tho company takes place, tho stock will be retaken by valuation on both sides, and any increase or decrease in the said amount will be paid or allowed for as the case may require. For the whole of the valuable freehold properties, situated in Lambton Quay, Cuba, Ghuznee, and Taranaki streets, in the City of Wellington, which include the meat preserving factories, wholosale and rotail butohors' shops, dwelling-houses, stables, Ac, the valuable block of land at Petone, containing about sixteen acres, on which is erected the slaughter houses, boiling-down establishments, cooperage, butchers' shops, dwellinghouses, Ac, and two acres at Featherston, near tho railway station, used aa stookyards ; also the leasehold section, containing 100 acres, at Petone, known as " Gear's Island," and other leasehold land, held at a low rental ; the branch railway line from the Hutt railway to Gear's works at Petono ; the extensive and valuable hydraulic and other machinery ; steam enginos, boilers, vats, and fixtures, together with tho patent rights owned by the firm, and the entire good wfll of tho business ; the vendors are to receivo the sum of 438,000, making the total purchase money for the business sixty thousand pounds (460,000). 3. The reason for disposing of so valuable an undertaking is that Mr. Gear has found that close application to business for so many years has seriously affected his health, and, having made a competence with which he is content, he is desirous, at an early date, of being relieved of the pressure of so largo a business and confining himself to the management of his conntry estate. He will, however, give to the company tho full benefit of his extensive experience, whenever invited so to do, and guarantees not to embark in any similar business in the colony of New Zealand during his lifetime. 4. The works at present are by for the most extensive of the kind in New Zealand, and the reputation of the preserved meats manufactured by "James Gear" has been so established in the London and other markets that, large as is the present output, it is still impossible to supply all orders that come forward. It will be the business of the company to enter upon such extensions of the premises and business generally that the supply will keep pace with the demand. 5. As an evidence of their bond fides, tho vendors take ten thousand pounds (410,000) of the purchase-money in paid-up shares, and allow the payment of the purchase-money to extend over a period of three years. The vendors also guarantee that the net profit of the working of the business for the first twelve months (exclusive of interest charges) shall not bo less than six thousand pounds (46000), equal to an ascertained dividend of twelve and a half per cent. (12fc per cent.) on the capital paid up. Messrs. Gear and Beale will remain as joint managing directors for tho first year, and Mr. Beale as managing director for the ensuing two years. 6. Five-sixths of the purchase -money being already subscribed, the company has been registered nnder The Companies Act. 1882, and it is expected that the transfer of the vendors' business to the Company will take place on tho 30th day of November instant. 7. The memorandum and articles of association, and other documents i elating to the company, oan be seen on application to the solicitors, Mossrs. Buckley, Stafford and Fitzherbert, at their offices, Lambton Quay. 8. All deposits on application for shares are payable to the credit of "The Trust Account, The Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing Company of New Zealand (Limited)," at the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington. 9. Forms of application for shores may be obtained, and shareß applied for, at the offices of Messrs. Williamson and Co., Lambton Quay, and Mr. David T. Stuart, Hunterstreet, brokers to the company. Wellington, 18th November, 1882. SPECIAL HOSIERY LIST. LADIES' STRIPED HOSE, from 6d; ladies' white hose, from 4d ; ladies' unbleached hose, from 4Jd; men's box, 4d; men's striped box, Cd; at C. SMITH'S, Devonshire House, Cuba-street. 100 dozen samples hosiery, half price. HAMS. HAMS. HAMS. XMAS. XMAS. XMAS. XMAS. NEARLY 1000 Hams to select from at Httme'b Produce Store, Willis-street. None but best quality kept in stock. Average weight, 101b. Note the Address — HUMES PROUDCE STORE on window. NOTICE. ANY Person found Trespassing on the Grange Estate, Wadestown, will be prosecuted. W. WARING TAYLOB.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIV, Issue 112, 30 November 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIV, Issue 112, 30 November 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIV, Issue 112, 30 November 1882, Page 3