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|r| 'O PARENTS.— Respectable Boy wanted, -i- to go messagea and loam countinghouso work. Apply, in own handwriting, I stating a^e, &c, Box 221, Poßt Oflica, Weir lmston. | CONSIGNEE WANTED. TSTANTED, Consignee for B in diamond t t l»0 Boxo3 Clothes Pegs, ex Beatrice Havener, from New York. J LEVIN & CO. TO THE BOOT TRADB. \\T ANTED, good Bencheraand Finishers. '. 7 » W. &T. Staplea, Boot and Shoe | Manufacturers. '. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS^ I Y\T ANTED ' an Asaatant— one capable I J » fcf taking charge of a business ;6 or . 12 months' engagement. Apply by letter, stating salary required, to John Tait, : Photographer, Hokitika. J TO DRESSMAKERS. j \7iTANTLD, Apprentices and Improvers. ' r » » Apply C. Smith, Devonshire House, , Cuba-street. ■ TO DRAPERS ASSISTANTS. VI J AN TED, immediately, a pushing and * energetic hand. Apply, sharp, Box 82, Masterton. TO TAILORS. WANTED, a Cutter ; married man, as there is a good dwelling-house attached to the premises. Apply to Huxley the Tailor. , W7" ANTED, one Sittingroom and two f T Bedrooms, for lady, with servant and threo children ; Thorndon preferred. Apply, stating terms, to H , Evening Post. WAN TED, for a country store, a young Man competent to keep a sot of books ; one with some knowledge of storekooping preferred. A pply, enclosing copy of | roforoncea,_to X, Evening Post. WANTED, a respeotalo youth, to drivo a baker's cart. Apply, after 6 p m., J to T. Smith, Baker. Courtenay Place. WAN TED, a strong, active Lad, of good character, about 14 years of ape, for Parcel Delivery, at James Smith'e, Te Aro Honse. i — WANTED, in a private family at Thornt don, two or threo Gentlomeu Boarderß ; or let Furniahed Rooniß. Mrs. Hill, lambton Qaay. WANTED, an Assistant Drossmaker, for Thorndon. Mra. Hill, Registry Offico, Lambton Quay. WANTED, for Thorndon, a good, willing Girl, about 15 or 16 ; must aleop at home. Mra. Hill, Lambton Quay. W~ ANTED, finst-clasa Handa. Apply D. Jacobowitoh, Adelaide-road. WANTED, a Young Lady for the bar. Apply Melbourne Hotal. WANTED, a strong aotivo Lad. Apply at once National Hotel. 5 VII7"ANTKD, a Grocers' Assistant. Apply T T to 11. Innisa, Courtenay-placo, after 6 p.m. WANTEP, Board and Reaidenoo~in~~a private family. Moderate terms and ■ no other lodgers preferred. Address, Bachelor, Evoning Poet. ANTED, by a widow, middle-aged^ with a boy of eieht, a Situation as Housekeeper to one or two gentlemen ; oxoellont referenoeß ; oountry preferred. By letter, J.E 1., Mr. Watts, Bookseller, Willisatreet, Wellington. , V/l/^ ANTED, by a young man, omployw » ment in an office or general store ; average book-keeper and aocountant. Ad- " dres3 Alpha, Post Office, Wellington. 1 \I7"ANTED, a good Trap Hor^o. Apply I Tf at Wooda, Crosbie & Co.'a, Lambton Quay. WANTED, a young person, as General Servant, to assist with children. Apply Bank Hotel WANTED, Painters and Paperhangetß. Apply J. W. Thompson. WANTED Known, that tho Mußioal Times for January haa arrived at Webley' a Music Shop in Cuba-street, and that it containa a beautiful Madrigal for fivo voices. ANTED Known, that Webley, of Cuba-street, haa just received a splendid assortment of Pianos of beat makers ; also, Violin Strings of first quality. W ~ANTED, largo Unfurnished Room, for dressmaking purposes ; ton minutes' walk from Government BuikVng3 ; btato . termß. Address E., General Poat Office. i "fIT^TANTED, a smart youth aa A ppren tioo, » t must write well and be quiok at figures. Apply C. Smith, Devonshire Hohso, ' Cuba-street. WANTED, a Married Couple, to work a dairy farm; man mnstundoratand management of shoep and live stook, and be able to kill. Addreaa, enclosing referenoe, to Box 95 Poet Office, Wellington, ■ • • WANTED Known. — Just reoeiveit Madame Bayard's Paper Patterns ; also, Journals of Dress, Fashion, Needle- ■> work, &.0., as also Praotioal Instructions For Cutting-out and Making-up Ladiea' and Children's Dresses, Ac. Every pnrohaser . of a Paper Pattorn during Maroh presented j with a Specimen Journal gratip. J. Birrel, Solo Agent, Cuba-street, Wellington. All Country Orders muet enclose romittanoo. WANTED, good Cabinetmakers. Apply Evening Post office. WANTED, a situation aa Housckooper ' to tyo or three gentlemen. For address apply to Tllra. Price, Tory-stroet, near Metropolitan Club. WANTED, a General Servant. Apply to . Mrß. Casey, Mnlgrave-atreet, oppor site St. Paul's Cathedral. W~ ANTED, a General Soryant. Apply to Mrs. Coogan, Martin-street, off j Taranaki-Btreet. WANTKD, Apprentices for tho Dressmaking. Mrs. Wise, Drossmaker, Boulcott-streefc. WANTED, by a gontloman, to rent a neat furnished five-room Cottage, with gas and bath, within a mile of the Post Office. Address immediately to Mr. E. • Knapp. offico of Evening Poat. * \)|T ANTED, a Plumber; alao Gaafitters. L TT Apply J. E. Hayoa. WANTED, a respectable young we man aa General Servant. Apply to Mra. Janfon, Anderson & Janson, Cuba-street. ANTED, a good Baker for Maaterton at once. Apply Evening Post office. W~ ANTED, a Head Waiter for the Club Hotel, Maaterton. Apply either to Club Hotel, Masterton, or Mr. W. Light, • Quoen'a Hotel, Wellington, at onoe. WANTED, an Improver; also, an Apprentice to the Cabinetmaking Apply to D. Drake, Moles worth-street. ANTED, a Girl, about 14 or 15, to make heraelf useful. Apply Hulcoto " House, corner Abel Smith and Willie atreete. WANTED, a Situation in a private family by a young person who ia \ thoroughly domesticated. For address, apt ply Birrel'a Regiatry Office, Cuba-Btreet. E \TTANTED, a Girl, to assist in houseTT work. Apply R. Tuckwell, Gle»i borvie Terrace, off Tinakori-road, opposite the Premier's. \ -. TTSTANTED Known— J. Monteith, lOyeara T T Acting House Surgeon, Wellington Hospital, is solo agent for Eno'a preparations, Allen's Hair Restorer, Seigel's Syrup, &c, &o WANTED Known, Pebble and Crystal Spectacles, Folders, Eye Glasses, Gojrgles, Reading Glasses, to suit all Sight", i at John Marks', Willia-atreet. WANTED Known, new Photo Frames, Albums, Workboxea, Ladiea' Companions, Opera Glasses. New Goods, just opened at John Marks', Willis-street. ANTED, a General Servant Apply at Oiborn & Co.'s, lato Whithead, 1 Willia-atreet. 3 \VTANTED, firat-olaaa Navvies; highest * ? T wagea to eood men. Apply J. Saun- - dere, Makotokn, Seventy Miloßnah. , TntTANTED, a Girl about IS to assist in j T T houaework. Apply Mra. Price l corner of Walter and Ingeßtre streets. , \\T ANTED, a good General Blacksmith TT good horse -Bhoer, indiaponsable. 3 Apply by letter, stating salary required, to D. Jones, Blacksmith, Palmeraton North. ANTED Known, that Wriggleaworth and Bran a, Photogtapheirß by apf pointment to hia Excellency the Governor. The only exhibitoro who received Firat Prissea i for Portraita at the Sydney and Melbourne | Exhibitiona. Address, Willis street. ANTED, a first - class Coach Smith alao a Wheelwright or Body-maker. Apply to M. Bohan, Wellington Coach Factory, Manners-street. t \\T ANTED Known, Hair, Cloth, Tooth, I fl and Nail Brushes, Dressing Cotoba, i. Perfumery of every description, at. John Markß', Willia-atreet. __^____ t TITANTED, twenty good upstanding 3 IT Coach Horses, not leaa than five ; yeara old ; broken to saddle or harness. ' Apply to Andrew Yonng, Upper Willia-at. o XI7ANTED Known, new Leather Bags, .. V T Seal Muff Bags, Plush Bags, Novel- [. tiea, juat opened at John Marks', Willis-st. f "WTITANTED Known, that Jaa. Godber is a T T now making hia far-famed Muffins ? and Crumpets. A -\]LJ ANTED, an investment for .£4OO t TT freehold aecurity (town). Addreaa c by letter, stating interest, Confidential, Evening Poat offico

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Evening Post, Volume XXIII, Issue 61, 15 March 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIII, Issue 61, 15 March 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume XXIII, Issue 61, 15 March 1882, Page 3